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Battlefield 4 |OT2| Is it fixed yet?


Premium was just for the first five expansion packs. No one even knew there was going to be a sixth, not even EA at the time. This sixth pack, night maps, CTE, and new weapons seem to be more of an apology for the first 6-7 months of BF4 than anything.


Premium was just for the first five expansion packs. No one even knew there was going to be a sixth, not even EA at the time. This sixth pack, night maps, CTE, and new weapons seem to be more of an apology for the first 6-7 months of BF4 than anything.

So we can expect a seventh pack for the 6-7 months after that as well? :D


Honestly, bringing back a 2-shot headshot sounds way worse. WAY WORSE.

Headshots should always be a one hit kill, always.

Also I hate that it seems like there aren't that many quality hardcore servers on PC running all the DLC. Honestly, the stock maps are absolute garbage and I love all the DLC maps.

Headshots are still 1 hit kill for sniper rifles and some revolvers. This change is only meant to make ARs/Carbines/PDWs 2 headshot kill weapons. Currently it takes 3 headshots to kill someone with those guns. In a way DICE is moving closer that what you want.

I don't think one hit kill headshot would be a good decision for all weapons.

I think it would be overkill for ARs/Carbines/PDWs. It's not hard to get headshots with those weapons. Even with DMRs I wouldn't like a 1 hit kill headshot except at really close ranges.

I feel that of all problems BF4 has and have had, weapon balancing is not one of then. BF4 has the best weapon balance of all the BF games I've played.

Hopefully they don't fuck everything up with the new patch.
Is supression going to be improved or? Cause during some plays lately I feel like people aim straight back at me and just kills me even though I am laying down some really heavy fire onto them with a LMG.

Yes. In close range it might as well not exist. it's more suited to happen in medium to long ranges now.

Being suppressed will now mean your weapon handling will be heavily penalized (spread increase, more recoil, etc) on top of the vaseline screen effect, and LMGs are better at suppressing targets compared to the other weapon classes.

Headshots are still 1 hit kill for sniper rifles and some revolvers. This change is only meant to make ARs/Carbines/PDWs 2 headshot kill weapons. Currently it takes 3 headshots to kill someone with those guns. In a way DICE is moving closer that what you want.

I don't think one hit kill headshot would be a good decision for all weapons.

I think it would be overkill for ARs/Carbines/PDWs. It's not hard to get headshots with those weapons. Even with DMRs I wouldn't like a 1 hit kill headshot except at really close ranges.

I feel that of all problems BF4 has and have had, weapon balancing is not one of then. BF4 has the best weapon balance of all the BF games I've played.

Hopefully they don't fuck everything up with the new patch.

With the next update, weapons with generally lower rates of fire now have more benefits and are generally more viable than they currently are in vanilla. There are a lot of other changes as well in the upcoming patch, and overall I think it has been noticeably improved.

Unfortunately, Sniper Rifles are still trash and pointless in most situations.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.

Oh really, when?


(I know I keep using that Meme. I should stop.)


Maybe now I can finally reach the P40 cap... still three levels to go. Let's fucking go Metro grind.


With the next update, weapons with generally lower rates of fire now have more benefits and are generally more viable than they currently are in vanilla. There are a lot of other changes as well in the upcoming patch, and overall I think it has been noticeably improved.

Unfortunately, Sniper Rifles are still trash and pointless in most situations.

That's good to know, but I still think high ROF weapons should have an advantage considering their increased recoil and difficulty to master.

I'm really curious about the patch, if they can improve the lower ROF weapons without nerfing the high ROF ones I will be cool. But I still think that high ROF ruling close range and low ROF ruling long range with a nice middle ground in medium range is the way to go. I think what they need to look into is the middle range game were high ROF is still considerably superior.

How do you think they should balance sniper rifles? I think they are good for what they are. As you said they are pointless in most game modes, but not because they suck but because they are extremely limited in their use. They are basically in the game for people to live up their lone wolf sniper fantasies.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
How do you think they should balance sniper rifles? I think they are good for what they are. As you said they are pointless in most game modes, but not because they suck but because they are extremely limited in their use. They are basically in the game for people to live up their lone wolf sniper fantasies.

If I remember right:

-Lower player speed (I'd agree with this, personally)
-Lower suppression on snipers (or remove it all together)

Those are the two major factors for him.


If I remember right:

-Lower player speed (I'd agree with this, personally)
-Lower suppression on snipers (or remove it all together)

Those are the two major factors for him.

You mean running speed? Eh...I don't know. I play infantry mostly and with the distance between flags in some maps I would not like slower player speed. Maybe make sniper muzzle velocity faster would resolve this. It would make hitting moving targets easier at distance.

I don't know about removing suppression too. I think it's unfair with the other classes. If you're running with a bolt action you should know you're handicapping yourself against other players at closer ranges. Hardline deals with this giving sniper good close range weapons like the TEC9.

But then again, I'm not a sniper player, maybe they need a little hand. As an infantry player I still get killed by people sniping from a safe distance all the time so I never thought snipers needed extra help.
The problem isn't necessarily running speed as it is the complete lack of inertia the soldiers in the game have. The overabundance of ADADADAD dancing on top of the crappy muzzle velocities that Sniper Rifles have result in enemy soldiers literally dodging your bullets unintentionally very frequently even as close as 50 meters. What's the point of having to line up your shot perfectly against a target and shoot only to have him decide to move some other direction and dodge the bullet that was in the air and heading straight to his head.

The combination of players regularly running carelessly in the open and the stigma of the "useless Battlefield Sniper" gives me little hope that the devs will actually make them good. And this is really the biggest issue with them, several mechanics in the game as well as their own stats make them borderline useless at the role they're supposed to be the best at. There's really no point in using Sniper Rifles in the vast majority of situations that players find themselves in, and in the rare case that they do, a DMR would still do a better job at it.

I have no problems with how suppression works with Sniper Rifles, though I do wish they would do something about the stupid hold breath mechanic by either removing it or making it more useful.

sell more premium.

and i wouldn't be surprised if it's free but 2 weeks late on non-premium peasant accounts.

Pretty sure they won't be. The extra content at this point is simply added to the base game alongside the patches for the game. The new guns for example are apparently probably unlocked for all on release.


Tried SKS yesterday...ohh my, shooting fast zoomed in (4x ACOG) is pretty great. That thing is a beast.
In a map like Goldmud Railway or Caspian i maybe still prefer MK11 since it's better over loooong distance but i'm surviving way better in close combat with SKS.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
So, you can apparently put the commander resupply point inside the Metro on Operation Metro now.

It's motherfucking on now, chaps. Time to break 40k maybe in Commander Score. Get put on Hardline's Hacker Leadboard despite not having Hardline.
So, you can apparently put the commander resupply point inside the Metro on Operation Metro now.

It's motherfucking on now, chaps. Time to break 40k maybe in Commander Score. Get put on Hardline's Hacker Leadboard despite not having Hardline.
What about quad bikes? Gotta get those vehicle usages up...
Appearantly the commander app is being decomissioned... Old news but didn't know if this was posted yet.
Mobile Commanders, You Served the Battle Well

You’ve commanded the Battlefield from your sofa, the bus and sometimes in the most awkward of places with the Commander app for Battlefield 4. It’s been a fun ride watching and playing with you all from a bird’s eye view, adding team support wherever possible. But, the time has come and we have to inform you that on August 11th 2015, we will no longer continue our support of the Battlefield 4 Commander app on the iOS and Android platforms.

This is not an easy choice, but we believe the time is right to retire the mobile app as we’re seeing more of our Commanders playing on PC and console. This change means that you’ll no longer be able to download the app from Apple Store or Google Play starting today, April 28th. However, if you have the app downloaded already, you can continue to play it on mobile devices until August 11th. Additionally, this change does not affect in any way the in-game Commander mode experience. You will still be able to take the command and lead your team to victory on your PC and consoles!

We are committed to continuing the support of Battlefield 4 and as always, we wanted to say thanks to you, the community, for playing.

Come on DICE, really?
Chris of Battle(non)sense was funded, y'all!

Have we learned nothing, Gimlet?

I have! I was just fucking around. As much as I want to believe Battlefront will be amazing day 1 (I believe the gameplay will be), I know the servers will be fucked for at least a few months like all previous games before it. I will at least be able to play day 1 through EA Access on the xbone, but will wait to purchase the game for at least a few patches. Gone are my days of pre-ordering and day 1 buys, I have finally learned my lesson, especially with DICE.

Appearantly the commander app is being decomissioned... Old news but didn't know if this was posted yet.


Come on DICE, really?

Yeah that is super weak. Not that I ever used that app or even like playing as commander, but c'mon.


Unconfirmed Member
trying to take a flag only to be smashed by a cruise missile has to be the worst feeling in BF4. Worse than getting killed around a corner or by any other silly glitch. It feels like sanctioned cheating.


Not played one round of Rush in BF4 (or any other modes besides team deathmatch and Conquest large) so far.

How is it in BF4? Had quite fun with Rush in BF3 till i got sick of attacking all the time while most ppl hung back.
Not played one round of Rush in BF4 (or any other modes besides team deathmatch and Conquest large) so far.

How is it in BF4? Had quite fun with Rush in BF3 till i got sick of attacking all the time while most ppl hung back.

worse than bf3. i'm sure seks is already in the process of writing an essay for this


So much went wrong with the implementation of the commander, most of it I blame because they wanted so much to integrate tablets into it, which meant you had to make a unified interface for both PC and tablet, making it so shallow and worthless it became boring to play.

No markers anywhere except on objectives.
Boring abilities that, with two commanders, just constantly cancelled each other out.
UI designed for tablets that was just a chore to navigate on PC.

Not then to mention the insane design choices like having the cooldown timer for gunships start the moment you deploy them, not when you destroy them.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
worse than bf3. i'm sure seks is already in the process of writing an essay for this

Nope. You're right. None of the maps outside of BF3 supplants are worth a damn on BF4. If Naval Strikes were tweaked to not be Javelin lock city, they'd be semi-playable.


So much went wrong with the implementation of the commander, most of it I blame because they wanted so much to integrate tablets into it, which meant you had to make a unified interface for both PC and tablet, making it so shallow and worthless it became boring to play.

No markers anywhere except on objectives.
Boring abilities that, with two commanders, just constantly cancelled each other out.
UI designed for tablets that was just a chore to navigate on PC.

Not then to mention the insane design choices like having the cooldown timer for gunships start the moment you deploy them, not when you destroy them.

All of that on top of having to leave the server when you don't want to play commander any more rather than just making it a physical object in the game world that players can enter at any time. It leads to massively lopsided matches when one team has a commander and the other doesn't an no one playing has the option to counter it ingame. Players on the front lines should have been able to interact in some manner with the commander. Guys painting targets for air strikes, securing extra resources for the commander to use that aren't directly the main objectives themselves...etc.


All of that on top of having to leave the server when you don't want to play commander any more rather than just making it a physical object in the game world that players can enter at any time. It leads to massively lopsided matches when one team has a commander and the other doesn't an no one playing has the option to counter it ingame. Players on the front lines should have been able to interact in some manner with the commander. Guys painting targets for air strikes, securing extra resources for the commander to use that aren't directly the main objectives themselves...etc.

Yeah it would be pretty great if it was like the air strike bunkers in BF1943 as part of an objective. It'd also be okay to have one standing in each team's deployment.
Is this game and it's community any good on PS4? That PS+ sale is pretty tempting.
It's so crowded that i'm in a waiting list almost every day. Granted, I could join any other, but I have my favorite servers. It's fantastic but you have to get Premium along with it.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Finally Broke 30K as Commander. I don't think you can go higher with the current EMP timer change. If it was as fast as the UAV: I could probably break 45K with no sweat. Otherwies you have to get lucky on dropping resupplies (since they don't last long in Metro) for +50 from 5 people bunched up otherwise you're spamming Reinforcement and Perk Up orders on squads for +25 a pop for 1 or 3 bars of the squad perk bar.

Then it's a matter of getting EVERYONE to accept your orders and then stay near the flag/Metro for the Squad Order bonus to kick in.


Junior Member
I'm kinda shocked that DICE just doesn't leave 2XP or even 10XP on for a while so people can level up quickly and enjoy the game. This hit and miss "grind sessions" are getting annoying.


it's out now on PC (934.66 MB)

Is DICE the only company that doesn't release patch notes the same time as their patches?...

The Spring Update will be deployed on Tuesday, May 26 across all platforms with the following downtimes:

PC: Multiplayer will be offline for 1h starting 08.00 UTC / 1.00 AM PDT.
Xbox One: Multiplayer will be offline for 1h starting 09.00 UTC / 2.00 AM PDT.
Xbox 360: Multiplayer will be offline for 1h starting 10.00 UTC / 3.00 AM PDT.
PS4: Multiplayer will be offline for 1h starting 11.00 UTC / 4.00 AM PDT.
PS3: Multiplayer will be offline for 1h starting 12.00 UTC / 5.00 AM PDT.
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