Dreamgazer said:
no one wanted me on their squad for the arica conquest so I went to play vietnam hardcore.
I'm really sorry man. I didn't see your messages until you were already playing with us. I'm going to be more careful next time. If you had joined earlier maybe we could have turned some of the games we lost.
Today games were some of the more laggy matches I've played in a long time. I wanted to quit from the beginning but I couldn't leave Blue and Olimpia behind. On one of those Arica Harbor rounds I jumped a guy who was throwing a grenade an unloaded a full clip of my Uzi on him, he casually turned towards me, switched to his pistol and shot me down, just to drop dead the moment he got me. I couldn't hit no one from a distance, and passing through doors was a challenge in itself. I lost count how many guys rushed towards me as I shot then and knifed me in the face. I also had an encounter with a "teleporter" dude.
It didn't help that I'm rusty, but playing like that is torture. On the plus side, even on those matches that we lost we almost always ended with the best squad pin. If our team managed to at least hold the flag closest to our base maybe we could have fared better on some games. But no, two of then were content in shooting at the sky on our base, or camping on the hills and do absolutely nothing! Not even try to shot some enemies.
The funny thing is, as shitty as I was playing today I still managed to get some hate mail.
I didn't answer him, so he sent another one:
I wonder what he would say if he saw Rockscar or Olimpia playtime.
I told the guy that I was going to report him if he continued, and he responded with this.
I really don't understand guys like that. They were winning, why send this kind of hate mail? I guess I should have told him how laggy I was today.