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Battlefield Developers Are Being Harassed


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

In an official Twitter statement, the developers for Battlefield have clearly reached a boiling point with the harassment they have been experiencing from disgruntled players. According to the statement, Battlefield Studios is always open to receiving constructive criticism in order to make its games even better, but the harassment of individuals who work on these games will not be tolerated.

In a strategy to help combat the toxic behavior of the players who are guilty of harassment, the official statement hints at the possibility of players being punished as a result of their actions, which could potentially mean bans. The Twitter statement voiced the wishes for the Battlefield community to come together instead of making such targeted remarks. Despite the statement asking for better treatment of Battlefield developers, people replying to the tweet didn't seem to take the message to heart, as many of them were still voicing their anger in the comments.


People need to seriously grow the fuck up and get a life. If you don't like a game then don't buy it and just ignore it. Don't pre order games if you're going to get bitchy about the state of the game. Wait for reviews/gameplay. There are many games I don't like but I don't waste my time shitting on it or harrassing the developers. It's pathetic.
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Gold Member
They started by promising everything to sell pre-orders. Made a open beta full of bugs and lied about it's version date. Sold a broken game, and defrauded most promises made to consumers. Release barebones DLCs, with minimum effort.
Then when consumers complain about being scammed, they pretend to be the victims. Profit.
Seriously, fuck EA and fuck DICE.
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Gold Member
I play bf 2042 on the pc from time to time. And people are still bitching about the game to this day. But a lot of criticism of the game is also more than justified.
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Western developers: we listen our players, we do whatever you want, we change things you find problematic, please be polite.

Nintendo: nah-nah-nah we don't care, here's our 30yo games, region locked games and friends code. And don't forget you can't make videos with our intellectual properties.
We love you Nintendo!!
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Personal attacks to developers for the state of the game isn't cool, but what are they gonna do about it? Take the Twitter username, match it with a Battlefield account, ban them and hope that it's the same individual?


I wonder why this is going on? I can see it happening near launch, but it’s been almost 2 years, why would you still be around the community at that point if you hated the game.


It's all wrong from all angles.

For the company: Don't release broken games if you don't want to suffer the wrath of your customers.

For the developers: Stay away from social medial and stop trying to represent your company when they didn't ask you to. You're just looking for trouble, there are official company accounts for that.

For the gamers: There's no point going after individuals with death threads. Focus your anger towards the company and their official accounts/forums.
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Do we need to throw a sympathy party for everyone who made a shitty game and doesn’t understand what kind of lawless dick bucket Twitter is? Make better games and get off Social Media if you don’t want that to happen
The entitled gamer acting like cunts? What a surprise.

The games is way better shape than it was a year or two ago. Dare I say I’ve had a bunch of fun with it over the last few months.


I don’t say that it’s good to harass developers etc. but!!!
Instead of posting shit like this on social media, better try to fix your game so it plays properly. It’s not like gamers did that without a reason. When people are giving you their hard earned money they expect quality of some level. What did they think?
When you release shit, you’ll get shit in return. Business is harsh, game development is hard.
They should get their shit together.


The “we’re being harassed!” victim card is played out at this point. I roll my eyes every time I see it. It’s just a way for companies to deflect blame.

Just log off. It’s literally that simple.
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I don’t say that it’s good to harass developers etc. but!!!
Instead of posting shit like this on social media, better try to fix your game so it plays properly. It’s not like gamers did that without a reason. When people are giving you their hard earned money they expect quality of some level. What did they think?
When you release shit, you’ll get shit in return. Business is harsh, game development is hard.
They should get their shit together.
People really need to learn to develop thicker skins and get over things. While being exposed to such a wide and largely anonymous audience who's angry because you sold them a shitty product, it's literally impossible not to get some shit for it. Playing victim on Twitter and trying to shift the blame back on your audience will only help pour gasoline into the fire.
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People really need to learn to develop thicker skins and get over things. While being exposed to such a wide and largely anonymous audience who's angry because you sold them a shitty product, it's literally impossible not to get some shit for it. Playing victim on Twitter and trying to shift the blame back on your audience will only help pour gasoline into the fire.
Could not agree more. Life is not always as you imagine it.
Tale as old as time. As long as people have public online personas, this will continue. Truly, the age of the corporate lolcow is upon us


Seems to be a lot of victim mentality crap going on at the moment. Funny how it seems to commonly come from developers/publishers who have failed to deliver on their promises.


Why don’t we start ignoring these types of tweets? And hopefully these pathetic people who love to use their victim cards whenever they shit the bed can’t get the traction they crave anymore.



Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
BF2042 has been great since it came to GamePass, strange time to harass the devs.

If the official games account is posting, instead of a random dev, it probably means something notable happened.

Like how that one guy was sending death threats directly to Bungie's offices.
Shitty people harassing devs and shitty people defending it. Hell you even have shitty devs being shitty to other devs. Anonymity was the worst thing to ever happen to being online.
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