Battlefield V |OT| EA (doesn't) want YOU!


I usually play conquest but I have also tried GO and frontlines.
Most of the times I die without knowing who killed me, out of nowhere.

Play breakthrough. Its a simple straight forward objective mode.

Also take cover and look for where the bullets are coming from. If you run around outside of cover someone will pick you off. Generally there are 32 other players, and most players are behind cover checking their surroundings and looking for players running in the open with their heads cut off. Equip a 3x scope, it allows you to survey the area a lot better.

Finally BF is really about die-spawn-die-spawn. Some games you will get hot and be a total badass one man rambo, and then the next game you go 1-10. Thats BF.


The last step for unlocking the new weapon, the one with the 10 canister, is driving me nuts. In the last games only one squad leader has called a few in. I would do it myself but you have to be the squad leader.


The last step for unlocking the new weapon, the one with the 10 canister, is driving me nuts. In the last games only one squad leader has called a few in. I would do it myself but you have to be the squad leader.
Spam the "request order" and you'll be the squad leader


Spam the "request order" and you'll be the squad leader
Funny thing is, that worked the last weeks but suddenly when I request it they start doing it. I even had one guy calling in canisters yesterday but it takes way too long to complete. Not a fan. In general, I hate everything that forces me to play a certain way.

There is absolutely no class balance in this game. I also have this (crazy) theory that they masked the TTD problem behind head shots marker. I get and receive way more head shots now. While shooting people I noticed that I get head shot marker for no apparent reason... when I was no where near the enemies head. I bet they jnow ust show the head shot icon in case someone gets killed instantly, meaning he received all the bullets in one tick.
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Hipster Princess
Couple more little snippets



So anyone getting worried with APEX that Firestorm will be delayed/not make it?

I don't trust EA to be competent enough to have 2 BR's going at the same time. I think they might use this as an excuse to delay the BR mode even further.


does anyone play SP? (i guess not)

is the auto spotting/tagging still there? couldn't get it away apart to turn HUD off but then you don't know what to do and where to go...!


I must admit. I’m digging the Battle Royal gameplay. Will definitely give it a go. For those without BFV, I suspect they’ll do a free weekend or something.

Assuming it’s as good as it looks


hardcore mode? Now you die in 1 shots instead of 3!
firestorm: I am ready for it... just give it to us!
They really need to add more servers. Half the time all of the servers are full and it seems like there are way more players.
Also they need to add custom rotations. There are some really trash maps(twisted steel in TDM is AWFUL) and I would really rather not play on them. Having to server hop when a map comes on is just blah. This is a feature that was in every game prior... so why not this one??
Outpost? I guess we will see more
Combined arms? Why bother(It is literally content for the sake of adding content, which isn't a bad thing but they could focus on improvements overall instead)
Mercury map- finally a NEW MAP
They should also lower the timer of matches. Bombastic Fantastic(for example) and other play modes can be over 1 hour long if a team is terrible in one play mode vs others.
CQC content: I guess that is cool but this is probably part of their new model where game modes disappear and become this whole "mcdonalds mcrib" kinda experience.
2 more maps in update 4: I am ok with this but I would have rather have another map instead of combined arms content. Looks like they also listened to the fans and are giving us a classic. Shame it won't be wake island cause there is no aquatic content in the game at the moment.


Gold Member
Are people really surprised about the lack of new maps without a season pass?

Exactly. I posted pretty much the same thing a few weeks ago in a discussion here.

Activision is slow dripping content because they want people pissed over the "lack/slowness" of it. This way, they can argue about bringing back the season pass because "we heard the cries of our battlefield players who want more content quicker! With the season pass, you'll get more content, exclusive skins and a big bottle of ky jelly because we just
played you using psychology"!

Whatever. I'm not really into the "battle royal" genre but I do like the looks of Firestorm. That could be really fun. How long do you think Activision will take to announce battle passes for the Firestorm mode? They can argue "it's not splitting the player base, it's just cosmetic!" I for one, look forward to decking out my World War 2 soldier in neon outfits and heart emotes! /kidding.........kind of


You mean EA, Activision has season pass for BO4 + paid Events and still don't release anything worthy. But why change when the stupid masses still get a boner when they announce MW4?


ChatGPT 0.001
What I see warrants hype and the potential is there of course there’s gonna be DLC as opposed to expansion packs or passes and I just got to see more.


Are people really surprised about the lack of new maps without a season pass?
I am not though. I would say it is something to be expected. Not sure if anyone here is surprised about the lack of maps. The lack of selection from the get go was pretty bad though. RIP the days of free maps in a short period of time(many moons ago)


This is what happens when people bitch about Premium. EA probably would of been more than happy to sell 60$ Premium again but the community kept on complaining.

Premium was well worth the Price, you got so much extra content. Even on BF1 it was slow to roll out and everyone bitched and moaned but at the end of the day the MP of the game pretty much doubled. And DICE FINALLY seemed to have a premium play list at least for Operations mode.

At least it seems like there are going to be probably 4-6 new maps and Firestorm does look really really good. Even for someone who isn't a huge BR fan it looks damn good to me, very Bad Company vibes and feels like what they wanted to do in BF V with the attrition system, but Criterion seems to have nailed it.

Personally I would be happy if they just turned Havoy into 10-12 maps by dropping down some flags and giving us Breakthrough and conquest. They could even have Grand Operations return on the map. Their seems to be a lot of potential with the map beyond the BR mode. It would be super simple for them to just break up the map into smaller "maps" for us while we wait for each new chapter.


This is what happens when people bitch about Premium. EA probably would of been more than happy to sell 60$ Premium again but the community kept on complaining.

Premium was well worth the Price, you got so much extra content. Even on BF1 it was slow to roll out and everyone bitched and moaned but at the end of the day the MP of the game pretty much doubled. And DICE FINALLY seemed to have a premium play list at least for Operations mode.

At least it seems like there are going to be probably 4-6 new maps and Firestorm does look really really good. Even for someone who isn't a huge BR fan it looks damn good to me, very Bad Company vibes and feels like what they wanted to do in BF V with the attrition system, but Criterion seems to have nailed it.

Personally I would be happy if they just turned Havoy into 10-12 maps by dropping down some flags and giving us Breakthrough and conquest. They could even have Grand Operations return on the map. Their seems to be a lot of potential with the map beyond the BR mode. It would be super simple for them to just break up the map into smaller "maps" for us while we wait for each new chapter.

The community is no longer split, which means the biggest user base possible. It’s a trade off.


The community is no longer split, which means the biggest user base possible. It’s a trade off.

Bad trade off. Way less maps. BF 5 sold less with a smaller community.

DICE did good enough in BF 1 to avoid splitting the community and TBH 1 year after release if you are still playing the game odds are you are hardcore enough that you would pay the extra $$$ for Premium.

Splitting community with 16+ maps, mulitple new modes, 20-30 new weapons, new vehicles
Keeping community with 4 or 5 new maps and "modes" like Rush and Squad Conquest which aren't "new".

I take splitting the community.


Bad trade off. Way less maps. BF 5 sold less with a smaller community.

DICE did good enough in BF 1 to avoid splitting the community and TBH 1 year after release if you are still playing the game odds are you are hardcore enough that you would pay the extra $$$ for Premium.

Splitting community with 16+ maps, mulitple new modes, 20-30 new weapons, new vehicles
Keeping community with 4 or 5 new maps and "modes" like Rush and Squad Conquest which aren't "new".

I take splitting the community.

You have every right to your viewpoint. Perhaps they should introduce a hybrid approach. Buy the pass get earlier access to content, but everyone gets it eventually.


You have every right to your viewpoint. Perhaps they should introduce a hybrid approach. Buy the pass get earlier access to content, but everyone gets it eventually.

Thing is DICE did a pretty good job with that. They had lots of free weekends, and if your friend had Premium you could play on Premium maps without having to buy it. Eventually the match making matched you up with other Premium players. I had Premium always got into map rotations with mixed maps and never had trouble finding full games 2 years later (BF1).

And if you wait eventually Premium goes on sale or the entire game goes on sale or has a GOTY edition with Premium included.

If people prefer free content everyone has their right to their viewpoint. Its just you get what you pay for. the Free content is never going to live up to what Premium gave players. Especially when you have games like Fortnite/Apex which make 10's of millions of cosmetics and battle passes. BF players just aren't like that. Cosmetics is never really a thing in BF and BF V had a huge backlash at the reveal with the more out there cosmetics. Anyone complaining about the lack of maps in the DLC should remember that it was all the backlash against Premium that lead us here.

Winter John

I've had some fun moments on Battlefield and I'm interested in trying out Firestorm but Dice have screwed BF. Whoever is responsible for the mess it's in should be fired. This guy's 50 minute rant pretty much covers it -



Stopped playing for a month or two now. Tomorrow is the BR launch which I’m not excited about. Going to give it a try definitely


A Sheep
If you paid for a season pass you would have the same amount of maps but be more pissed off. There coming there not ready yet pretty simple.


Writes a lot, says very little
You have every right to your viewpoint. Perhaps they should introduce a hybrid approach. Buy the pass get earlier access to content, but everyone gets it eventually.

What if its really not ready? Also maybe they don't want people out here paying to beta test and then put the footage out online making it seem as if its a representation of the final map. So I like way more as it keeps it fair and keeps the community together. I don't get how so many on here seem to have very short memories. BF4 first year out was pretty much like this and it wasn't getting some major mode a few months in or anything completely for free.
I just watched JackFrags play his very first game of Firestorm (BR) , he was streaming it on youtube. He came in second place.

I have been boycotting the game, but I have to admit, it looked really really fun.
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The queue times for Firestorm are really atrocious. It takes 2 or more minutes to get into a lobby.... on release day.
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