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Battlefront - Patch forthcoming



Server Browser and Join Problems
Servers may not always appear in the browser window. In addition, some people can't join servers that appear to have spaces but are actually full. We are currently working on a solution for this.

In the meantime, we suggest trying to refresh the server list if you're playing on the PS2 or PC. If you're using a Xbox, we suggest joining games through Quickmatch or through your Friends List.

I've always had to joing games through my friends list. Joining in optimatch never worked for me.

Lag on servers? For people hosting games on their home systems, the important thing to keep in mind is that game performance is most affected by your upstream bandwidth. This is the amount of data that you can send to the Internet. Most standard DSL connections are capable of sending only 128 kilobits upstream. Star Wars Battlefront needs to send at least 40kbps per client over the upstream connection. Therefore, on a standard DSL connection, you will only be able to host a game for 3 other players.

I explained this in another thread, but basically it boils down to people setting up servers for 16 people when their connection is suited for only 4. Upload speed is the key.


40kps per client? WTF? Why the hell is it so high? Is it because of voice always being on or something? Doesn't Socom II have far lower bandwidth requirement for each client? I hosted games on Socom II before and I have a 256kps upload and had no trouble hosting a 16 player games. So 256k/16 = 16kps for each people in Socom II?


GAF Madden 2006 Season 1 NFC Champ
tenchir said:
40kps per client? WTF? Why the hell is it so high? Is it because of voice always being on or something? Doesn't Socom II have far lower bandwidth requirement for each client? I hosted games on Socom II before and I have a 256kps upload and had no trouble hosting a 16 player games. So 256k/16 = 16kps for each people in Socom II?

This is what I will never understand, where does my stupid $50 a year for Xbox Live go? Basically on FPS the games are hosted by one user and then anyone else join on that persons connection. That is BS, Socom 2 has its own servers and you can easily play 16 player game and it is all free. All I know is MS better give Halo 2 its own servers because this 8 player a game or less is not cutting it.


Gunstar77 said:
This is what I will never understand, where does my stupid $50 a year for Xbox Live go? Basically on FPS the games are hosted by one user and then anyone else join on that persons connection. That is BS, Socom 2 has its own servers and you can easily play 16 player game and it is all free. All I know is MS better give Halo 2 its own servers because this 8 player a game or less is not cutting it.

Are you sure Socom 2 have central servers that host games? I always assume that 1 person in the game are the host. Whenever Defensor(128kps upload DSL) host a game on Socom II, it always ended up laggy as more people join. I thought the "Universe" we join to just works as a matching services(like GameSpy and XBLive).

I have created a game in UT2003 that had 16 people in it and I was the host and there wasn't any laggy issues. I just assume that Battlefront just have really bad netcode.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
No, in SOCOM II games are hosted on dedicated servers. The "player" host just deals with voice comm.

Anyway, PS2 ver. of Battlefront supports voice activated voice chat (just like Xbox Live: no need to push a button to talk).
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