Sqorin Hammerfarf
Is "back surgery" code for heroin?I’m sorry but unless she got some cg weight shit shit going on it’s gonna be a train wreck...she apparently weighed in at 58 kg after back surgery so it’s not going to be convincing imo
Is "back surgery" code for heroin?I’m sorry but unless she got some cg weight shit shit going on it’s gonna be a train wreck...she apparently weighed in at 58 kg after back surgery so it’s not going to be convincing imo
Because it looked like trash. Wait acting like comics or anything that is accurately adapted from comics is immune to criticism. This did looks like trash. Batman is a stupid looking super hero and this is even more dumb.Why are people complaining about this? The character is Katherine Kane. The costume colors are spot on with the comics:
I’m sorry. I hate every time a show feels the need to turn to gender war comments to sell It simply because the lead is female. How about, write a competent story with solid action and let me enjoy it. Very cringe when they do they woman vs. man crap.
Not to mention how they chastise the male characters for the SAME behavior the women get away with and even encouraged for. Like cheating with a married person (Sara did King Arthur's wife Guinevere)
The legends screw around all over the place without consequences in general. The other shows are usually better in that regard.
I often think that empowering women is a really good thing. I just don’t think it should be done at the expense of another gender. There is a ton of sniping done at the male gender that men are supposed to just ignore as play. I’m good with that as long as it is in moderation and is acceptable both ways. I’m my experience.. neither apply.
But if this show goes the Supergirl route... I'm tuning out! It's incredibly cringe with them minimizing Superman as if they BOTH can't exist in the same world at the same time... Which is why I ONLY watch Flash, Black Lightning and Arrow. I got tired of seeing my crush with Citizen Steel and hating that my REAL crush (The modern Vixen) isn't in the live action shows ...
The studio and network are firmly committed to Batwoman’s second season and long-term future, and we — along with the show’s talented creative team — look forward to sharing its new direction, including the casting of a new lead actress and member of the LGBTQ community, in the coming months.
Ruby Rose has left the show. Batwoman will be recast for S2
Why does she have to be lgbt?Don’t worry folks:
All of the people on Twitter who have never watched this show would riot if they backed away from the LGBT angle they pushed on this show from the beginning. If they got a non-LGBT actor to play a character they have set up as LGBT all of the people on Twitter who have never watched this show would riot. You have to chase a small audience because of the whims of people that will never watch your show for some reason.Why does she have to be lgbt?
Imagine if Brokeback Mountain came out today. "People" (aka a handful of fuckfaces on Twitter) would lose their shit because it's two straight dudes playing gay dudes.All of the people on Twitter who have never watched this show would riot if they backed away from the LGBT angle they pushed on this show from the beginning. If they got a non-LGBT actor to play a character they have set up as LGBT all of the people on Twitter who have never watched this show would riot. You have to chase a small audience because of the whims of people that will never watch your show for some reason.
Why does she have to be lgbt?
Good for her. This was mediocrity for miles. Ruby Rose isn’t exactly Hollywood’s brightest shining star, but she deserves better than being yet another actor who could do better things, trapped in another terrible Arrowverse show.
I’m surprised she wasn’t contracted in for at least a few seasons, though.
Ruby Rose has left the show. Batwoman will be recast for S2
People watch this show??? Bwahahahahahaha
I’m sorry, but since when has Hollywood given a shit about keeping a characters original race or sex? Funny how two-faced people are when it comes to comic accuracy.I dunno. Maybe because you cast a black person to play a black person? Also, Batwoman is a lesbian in the comics.
I don't watch the show tho... The trailer turned me all the way off from watching it.
She probably got out at the right time. Sounds like Bruce Wayne/Batman is gonna be a factor in Season 2 and based on how Supergirl (the show) uses Superman (the character), basically as a joke, there’s probably a lot of fan backlash incoming.
Purely speculation based on articles I read today, but this maybe isn’t the best project to be working on anymore.
I’m sorry, but since when has Hollywood given a shit about keeping a characters original race or sex? Funny how two-faced people are when it comes to comic accuracy.
According to multiple sources, Rose was unhappy with the long hours required of her as the series lead, which led to friction on the set. It was thus decided by her and the network and studio, Warner Bros. Television, that they would part ways.
People watch this show??? Bwahahahahahaha
So people hate watch it?13%
On Rotten Tahmatoes.
So people hate watch it?
Why does she have to be lgbt?
This show is terrible
1. Fuck off with the condescensionWhen it comes to comic book super heroes, a huge majority of the characters were created between the 40's and the 60's, it was literally a white mans world and 98% of characters were white. As for gay characters, you can bet that gay characters weren't going to be created during those times as it was unacceptable to be gay back then, hence the large majority of super heroes are straight.
Comic book accuracy doesn't always have to be 100% accurate. It only needs to be accurate when it makes sense. Like I said, there are barely any gay super hero characters so if you are going to bring a gay character to the big screen or TV they should be kept gay. If the gay super hero in the comic isn't gay in the show/movie, what's the point of using that character since some of that characters identity was axed. The opposite is also true though, a straight super hero sure as fuck better stay straight on TV or at the cinema.
Where accuracy doesn't matter as much is with minor characters or super heroes that barely anyone knows or cares about. One example can be the Eternals movie coming out, majority of the characters have been changed from their comic form. They had less than 50 issues in a 35 year time span and it didn't have any mass cultural impact like Watchmen or V for Vendetta for example.
Another example is Jasper Sitwell.
MCU movies
No one gives a shit about him.
1. Fuck off with the condescension
2. Excuse me, but is the point of this production to make a television show people watch, or a political statement?
There is zero fucking reason why the actress playing a fictional superhero has to be gay. I don't care what happened in the 1940s, or 50's or 60's. I care about what is happening today, and what's happening today is you cast your main character , solely on the basis of who they fuck, and no one cares, hence why no one is watching. Batwoman has gone out of its way to give itself a terrible polarizing image, pandering to an audience that clearly is more interested in arguing gender politics on twitter than actually watching the show.
When the producers come out and announce they are sticking to this stupid rule, they are just signalling to me, a potential viewer that nothing will change. The focus won't be improving the writing, or the poor character development, or the weak action scenes. The priority is...showing lesbians on television?
I'm sorry, but I don't need another bullshit lecture about gay characters in comics. I've seen a thousand and one excuses for Hollywood changing characters whenever the fuck they want, so this idea that Batwoman is so sacred...Yeah fuck off, I don't really care. DC could announce Kate Kane is hetero tomorrow and nothing would change.Are you talking about the actor or the character? I thought you meant the character because the post that I quoted of yours did mention keeping the characters original race or sex.
If I'm being "condescending", maybe it's just that your a bit touchy and emotional because I sure wasn't being condescending. You do always come across as angry though.
If you are talking about actors, I assume you don't care if they hire a gay actor to play a straight character?