mjemirzian said:I hear DMC4 for PC was better and they improved some things.
nothing can improve the huge amount of backtracking and repeat bosses tho.
mjemirzian said:I hear DMC4 for PC was better and they improved some things.
AgentOtaku said:Man, hearing all these glowing opinions really makes me believe the 360 version of Bayonetta is a completely different game!
I went to Gamersyde and watched a couple of 60fps vids ....and yeah, it is pretty much =(
Aske said:Don't feel too bad - if you're really not having fun with the PS3 version, a better framerate and reduced load times probably aren't going to draw you in. Most PS3 players in this thread love Bayonetta despite the faults of the port, and plenty of players who aren't into the game are playing on the 360 while having similar reactions to you. But if your biggest problem is underwhelming combat, you owe it to yourself to finish up Normal and check out Hard before giving it up for good.
This game could have used a Path of Acolyte/Path of Warrior pair of Normal modes for inexperienced/experienced players respectively. Too many new action gamers seem to be suffering on Normal while a lot of seasoned genre fans are getting away with a mashy playstyle and missing the subtleties of combat. I think it's pitched very well for a catch-all default difficulty, but in an ideal world there would be a pair of Normal modes along with Hard and Infinite Climax. And possibly something beyond IC judging by some people's reactions. With the game's forgiving checkpoints, it might have benefitted from an even more brutal Master Ninja/Dante Must Die level.
Aske said:Don't feel too bad - if you're really not having fun with the PS3 version, a better framerate and reduced load times probably aren't going to draw you in. Most PS3 players in this thread love Bayonetta despite the faults of the port, and plenty of players who aren't into the game are playing on the 360 while having similar reactions to you. But if your biggest problem is underwhelming combat, you owe it to yourself to finish up Normal and check out Hard before giving it up for good.
This game could have used a Path of Acolyte/Path of Warrior pair of Normal modes for inexperienced/experienced players respectively. Too many new action gamers seem to be suffering on Normal while a lot of seasoned genre fans are getting away with a mashy playstyle and missing the subtleties of combat. I think it's pitched very well for a catch-all default difficulty, but in an ideal world there would be a pair of Normal modes along with Hard and Infinite Climax. And possibly something beyond IC judging by some people's reactions. With the game's forgiving checkpoints, it might have benefitted from an even more brutal Master Ninja/Dante Must Die level.
AgentOtaku said:Word
I'll give it another try today before deciding to send it back
_tetsuo_ said:Ya just keep playing it. I didn't really start liking the game until maybe the 10th chapter or so. Was kinda forcing myself through it to that point. Ended up liking it though, just not near as much as most here. I like the 2 PS2 DMC games and both Ninja Gaidens a LOT more. At the end though it's a good game.
_tetsuo_ said:Ya just keep playing it. I didn't really start liking the game until maybe the 10th chapter or so. Was kinda forcing myself through it to that point. Ended up liking it though, just not near as much as most here. I like the 2 PS2 DMC games and both Ninja Gaidens a LOT more. At the end though it's a good game. I also had the PS3 version, for what it's worth.
it was the hardest bit of that difficulty as well, for me. so awesome.Nemesis556 said:Jeanne IV is one of the most epic boss battles in a game ever. Especially so on Infinite Climax Mode. >_>
Zeliard said:I would personally say that people shouldn't fully judge the combat in this game till they've played on Hard (and the Infinite Climax mode above, which removes Witch Time altogether).
I thought the combat in Bayonetta was great, and then I started playing on Hard, and it went up a few more notches in my book. That's when the intricacies of the combat system really come into play. If you find that you have been able to get through some of normal difficulty while button-mashing, you'd be hard-pressed to have that same sort of success on one of the higher difficulties. The enemies are far more aggressive and more prone to using their more damaging moves, so you have to have much better timing when it comes to dodging and attacking in general. Enemies also do and take more damage.
They also switch up enemy mobs with stronger ones on Hard and above, Ninja Gaiden-style - you start fighting Grace & Glory starting with the Prologue, and very often throughout the game.
On Hard difficulty and above is also where learning how to dodge offset and parry properly begins to show its effects. Those are fun to do but don't matter much at all on Normal. What particular weapon combinations you've got going on also begin to matter much more in fights - on normal you can get by with anything, but above you should be sporting the weapons you're best with, or that are the best in a given situation.
Speaking of weapon combinations, holy shit, PPP>K with the Durgas on both hands and feet is the coolest wicked weave combo I've seen by a good margin. Straight up Berserker Rage.
Rez said:if you want the unlockable, I'm fairly sure you'll need to get Platinum on literally all of the chapters.
Tokubetsu said:I'm on Chapter 4 or 5 on hard, can't remember and I'm trying to save for durga alt and the moon of mahaakdhka;dakd;. It's hard because I am constantly tempted to buy costumes :lol
Corky said:oki, so aprox. how many platiunum chapters do you have to have in order to get platinum in the " ALL " category? ( I'm aware that it depends on the rest of the medals as well )
Right now I have 5-6 platinum chapters, 2-3 bronze, 4-5 gold , 4-5 silver and a gold statue/medal in the " All " category.
Getting platinum on certain chapters is a huuuuuuuuuuge pain in the ass even on normalI just get soo angry as soon as I get hit a couple of times and end up with a gold, even worse is when I get stone/bronze/silver in the combo categories
Corky said:aw man, how on earth am I gonna do that?, clearing climax was 10000 times easier than getting platinum on certain chapters.
Corky said:aw man, how on earth am I gonna do that?, clearing climax was 10000 times easier than getting platinum on certain chapters.
While your personal feelings can't be wrong, many of the assertions you made to justify them are flawed. It was you who set out to supply ten reasons why Bayonetta isn't as good as the most recent two DMC gamesa rather ambitious project, I have to say. It's not my fault you weren't able to see it through. You listed ten reasons, true, but apparently they're not substantial enough to persuade many people apart from yourself.akachan ningen said:Those aren't "inaccuracies," they're just my personal feelings on the game.
1. Thanks for proving my point. Having to experience a QTE before you can have it down pat is bullshit.
2. I didn't like them. What is the use of arguing that?
3. Perfect my ass. I did increase the camera speed and that only reduces the amount of time I need to keep my thumb on the stick. I doesn't fix the camera.
4. Yeah, I only mentioned the re-use of areas as a commentary on the lack of variety in the levels, not a lack of variety in the gameplay. They still re-use areas and that's a fact. How you can call this inaccurate is beyond me.
IcebergSlim3000 said:I had no idea "Fly me to the Moon" was such a famous track. Even Frank Sinatra did a cover.
I guarantee I am not the only one that has never heard this or his cover. I watched Evangelion but don't remember the song.
Monocle said:While your personal feelings can't be wrong, many of the assertions you made to justify them are flawed. It was you who set out to supply ten reasons why Bayonetta isn't as good as the most recent two DMC gamesa rather ambitious project, I have to say. It's not my fault you weren't able to see it through. You listed ten reasons, true, but apparently they're not substantial enough to persuade many people apart from yourself.
1. Oh noes, trial and error in a video game of all things? I don't like instant deaths either, but in Bayonetta they're really not very hard to avoid. I'm betting you, like me, were killed by enemies far more frequently than by QTEs.
2. I specifically addressed your comment about wanting more small bosses. The fact is, there's an awful lot of that type of encounter in Bayonetta.
3. Note the qualifier "most of the time." You're making it sound like Bayonetta's camera is Ninja Gaiden 2 bad, and that's simply not the case. In fact, the only time I consistently have issues with the camera is during the motorcycle sequence of Chapter 8, and that's only because Bayonetta tends to block so much of the screen.
4. It's an utterly baseless complaint. Bayonetta has great level variety, and as I already mentioned, every time an area is reused, it's in a drastically different context. I'm surprised my comparison to DMC3 and 4's backtracking didn't drive home the point.
Pure Platinum? What are you, crazy?Tokubetsu said:Most of my friends are in the same boat as you. They will/have cleared Infinite Climax but have pretty much said Fuck No to getting PP on all chapters.
sonicmj1 said:Pure Platinum? What are you, crazy?
Getting Platinum is an order of magnitude easier than getting Pure Platinum in most cases. On the whole, as long as you clear every verse without dying, and are able to get Gold or above most of the time, you'll get a Platinum on any long-form chapter.
I got a Pure Platinum on the Prologue, but there's no way I'm going to aim for that on anything else.
ElyrionX said:How hard is Hard? Do they throw multiple Grace and Glory at you at the same time (ie. two pairs of them at once)? Are there more Gracious and Glorious encounters (only once do you encounter them in Normal, I think)?
Nemesis556 said:
Nemesis556 said:
Anso said:Also did stuff for Dragon Age :O
I'm suspecting she'll get many disturbing letters though, poor woman :lol
Anso said:Also did stuff for Dragon Age :O
I'm suspecting she'll get many disturbing letters though, poor woman :lol
Are you playing with the game installed on your HDD, by any chance?Mejilan said:Is it just me, are is there significant screen tearing with this game? 360 version.
Nemesis556 said:Yeah, she wasn't credited in the game itself though. I wonder why?
Nemesis556 said:Yeah, she wasn't credited in the game itself though. I wonder why?
LiK said:yea, it's weird considering it's in her online resume. either she was embarrassed or it was an oversight. i'm thinking the former when these things happen.
Nemesis, i think you just made her life hell :lol
Nemesis556 said:Perhaps I should send her an pre-emptive apology. :lol
Just unlocked Pillow Talk too, btw. What's the benefits, exactly? >_>
Nemesis556 said:There are ways to unlock it faster.![]()
Fugu said:Could someone confirm/deny for me that you have to get a platinum on every verse as opposed to a platinum on every chapter for the unlock? Because those are two drastically different things.
sonicmj1 said:It's platinum in every chapter. I did it recently, and got plenty of golds (and even a silver or two) for some of the verses. As long as you see a trophy in every single column on Normal difficulty or higher, you'll get your character.
For the record, I'm pretty sure you'll see a platinum in the "all" column before you get platinum on every chapter.
Corky said:what the?...why is this man wiking at me? Is there a way to get all platinum / unlock X faster?
Tell me, pls!
3)QTE that you have no hope of winning, i.e. Jeanne button mashing on hard
GPS System
(Contractually not able to name the brand yet, voice of GPS system for a 2009 luxury car. )
LiK said:Gamefaqs -->Bayonetta -->Cheats![]()