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BBC reporting DOOM 3 leaked online


And the doom3 alpha?

You need to understand that, aka. They are both wrong, but they are different in severity. Do you understand?

I think you are the one that doesn't understand. What makes them different? A couple of cents worth of cardboard and optical media? What a worthless distinction.


akascream said:
The code was not rebuilt to resemble doom3, it IS doom3. There is no question that this is stealing. It is no better than walking into a store and ganking a physical copy of the game.

Tenguman said:
....except that you didn't build Doom 3 from the ground up like that Ferrari

Im not building the Ferrari from scratch.
Im not reinventing the wheel and combustion engine for the purpose, or rethinking the looks. Im copying them. Exactly like a copy of Doom.

The point is that copying a game is MANUFACTURE, not TEFTH, because AN ADDITIONAL ITEM IS PRODUCED, rather than AN EXISTING ONE BEING DISPLACED.
No amount of love for the omnious tone of the word "stealing", or desire to use it, will change this.

Is different from ganking a physical copy, for the reasons already exposed.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
akascream said:
And the doom3 alpha?

No, I did not download the Doom 3 alpha. I did, however, have the chance to test this out...but I did NOT download it from the internet. While I did play an illegal piece of software, my personal actions have caused no damage. I did not download anything illegal and I am buying the final product. Explain how my personal actions could have caused damage?

I think you are the one that doesn't understand. What makes them different? A couple of cents worth of cardboard and optical media? What a worthless distinction.

It was JUST EXPLAINED?!?!?! Can you NOT READ?!?!

Physical theft from a store hurts the manufacturer, the distributor, and the store

You are still hurting the publisher and developer of the game, but there are more companies in the equation of game distribution...surely you realize that. Does that make no sense to you?

Answer my other questions.


I have to wait till the 13th and I can resist.....

must admit it I was nearly tempted last night looking at the torrents... :(


they call me "Man Gravy".
fuck it, I don't want to argue this point because 99% of the people who feel this way don't even care to change their opinion. Some people just can't deal with cognitive dissonance.


Almost 50000 people downloading, that sounds like a lot. But you also have to put it in perspective. The number of people downloading is big because a lot of people obviously want to play it, have been waiting for it, have been hyping it. Don't you think sales will, in the same way, be very high too? I mean, why else would so many people at the same time decide to pirate Doom 3? Just a big coincidence? No, this is one of the biggest releases this year, probably even in the past couple of years.
I might agree that people download it because it's available before release, but it's not exactly the first time we've seen that happen.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
akascream said:
So because you are stealing from less companies, it isn't stealing. Got it.

Did you download the alpha dark10x?

I already answered above. I did not download the alpha.

You obviously can not read, though. Let me aid you...

Stealing a game from the internet is still theft, but it is entirely different from stealing a product from a retail store.

Oh, and just in case you didn't realize, in the English language...theft is in reference to stealing. I'm not sure if English is your native language or not (if it is not, forgive me...as that would explain why you were unable to understand many of my points).


Is different from ganking a physical copy, for the reasons already exposed.

And what happens when companies start offering downloadable versions of thier retail product (aka HL2 via steam). What level of semantics will your desperate need for justification take you then?

but it is entirely different

Entirely meaning some retail chain. How many companies does it take to be 'the same'. What does it matter.. honestly.


akascream said:
Did you download Doom3 dark10x?

Proof positive that Mr Scream simply isn't reading anything that dark is saying...

dark10x said:
It's tempting, but I'm waiting until I have the boxed copy in my hands.

Nevermind dark's repeated assertations that he's disappointed that Doom 3 has been leaked, and doesn't condone piracy. And yet you ask him this brainless question anyway? You're lucky I'm not dark.

I've got my own thoughts on piracy, but I'm gonna save them...for now. I'll just say that dark has been pretty much on point throughout the thread.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Entirely meaning some retail chain. How many companies does it take to be 'the same'. What does it matter.. honestly.

You would make a terrible law official, as you are unable to make distinctions between obvious differences.

You still haven't answered my other questions posed above. What's the problem?


You still haven't answered my other questions posed above. What's the problem?

Which is my only question the entire thread. What is the problem with BBC reporting this? Why is this not news?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
akascream said:
Which is my only question the entire thread. What is the problem with BBC reporting this? Why is this not news?

You still haven't answered my other questions posed above. What's the problem?


Bad Art ™
Ar_ said:
The point is that copying a game is MANUFACTURE, not TEFTH, because AN ADDITIONAL ITEM IS PRODUCED, rather than AN EXISTING ONE BEING DISPLACED.
No amount of love for the omnious tone of the word "stealing", or desire to use it, will change this.

I like the way you think. It's gonna be the number one excuse "I wasn't stealing i was just helping Id Software to increase their producing output by manufacturing my own copy."


Fafracer forever
Milhouse31 said:
I like the way you think : it's gonna be the number one excuse "I wasn't stealing i was helping Id Software to increase their producing output by manufacturing my own copy."
Actually I like his idea on Ferrari thing too.
After all, to build one, you need to get plans to build it first, and get this, you don't have to steal them either - you just need to manufacture your own copy of them :p

Last year, HL2 code wasn't stolen either, the pirates just manufactured their own version.


You still haven't answered my other questions posed above. What's the problem?

I addressed them when I told you I wouldn't decend into a debate in irrelevant details. The discussion then becomes whether or not:

Is the computer game industry bigger than the music and movie industry?

What good would informing people of computer game piracy do?

How do you propose we stop global piracy?

As if that has any bearing on whether or not this story is newsworthy. If you want to discuss those matters, perhaps another thread would be in order?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
As if that has any bearing on whether or not this story is newsworthy

Oh, that's too funny...

That first question is DIRECTLY related. This "attempt" at an argument is over.

You have failed to answer any of my questions, you have accused me of things that I CLEARLY AND REPEATEDLY expressed my disapproval of, and you simply ignore points that clearly fly in the face of your "arguments". Not only have you proven that you lack knowledge on this specific subject, you have proven that you do not even know how to properly argue. I tried to have patience and simply go with your "flow"...but I've had enough. Nothing I have stated is untrue, though the degrees of it can be argued, and you are the only one who seems to disagree (and you can't even explain WHY).

I enjoy these arguments, but you are clearly acting on pure emotion here...

I'm sorry, but I am insulted at some of the things you have insinuated. You make claims that hold no water and immediately back down upon being proven wrong. I have not downloaded Doom 3 in ANY FORM and will not download it. I do not support piracy and I actually AGREED with many of your initial claims. I presented my argument in a level headed manner that is easy to understand. What more could I do? You are doing nothing more than tossing around insults and accusations with no basis while FLAT OUT posting false information.


That first question is DIRECTLY related. This "attempt" at an argument is over.

You admit this is theft and is wrong. What is being stolen is worth millions of dollars regardless of whether the thieves would have purchased the murchandise if they hadn't stolen it. Piracy, as admitted by you, is a larger problem than Doom 3, but the sheer numbers of people downloading this game is shocking. What about this isn't worthy of a news story?

And I'm sorry if this is an emotionally negative experience for you. I guess I was just suprised at how difficult it was to grasp such a simple concept. I tend to take common sense for granted. :)


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
I really got no beef with people who pirate any form of media, but those that can't come to grips with what they do, and try endlessly to euphamise it annoy me.

But it really doesn't matter, outside the RIAA most efforts seem to go against the distribtors of pirated material rather then the individuals.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
akascream said:
You admit this is theft and is wrong. What is being stolen is worth millions of dollars regardless of whether the thieves would have purchased the murchandise if they hadn't stolen it. Piracy, as admitted by you, is a larger problem than Doom 3, but the sheer numbers of people downloading this game is shocking. What about this isn't worthy of a news story?

And I'm sorry if this is an emotionally negative experience for you. I guess I was just suprised at how difficult it was to grasp such a simple concept. I tend to take common sense for granted. :)

This is the last time...


You are doing nothing more than tossing around insults and accusations

Can I call it or what?

Why isn't computer game piracy news worthy?

As mentioned above, I believe that COMPUTER games are nowhere near as large of an industry as movies or music. In the case of music and movie piracy, they already recieve MINIMAL news coverage...and most coverage is related to MAJOR cases against piracy, not "how many people are downloaing a movie?" stories. Piracy is very common, yet you seem to believe that the news should have room to cover piracy stories for many games.

If you are so convinced that it is news worthy, call a news station and inform them of this crime...see if they deem it news worthy.


What more could I do? You are doing nothing more than tossing around insults and accusations

Right, like calling people's posts ignorant. Pot, kettle, ect, ect.

If you are so convinced that it is news worthy, call a news station and inform them of this crime...see if they deem it news worthy.

The BBC did. In fact, it is the point of this entire thread. :shock :)


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Right, like calling people's posts ignorant. Pot, kettle, ect, ect.

Ignorant is not necessarily an insult, though. I am not insulting your intelligence, rather, I was pointing out that you are uninformed on the situation being discussed. I was correct as well. Oh, and etcetera is typically abbreviated as "etc", not "ect".

You posted accusations which were clearly addressed earlier in the thread.


ChrisReid said:
Additionally, people are so crazy about Doom 3 right now, a lot of the downloaders just want it a day or two early and will be buying it very soon. Lost revenue is a slim fraction of that $2.7m.

You're kidding right?


akascream said:
And what happens when companies start offering downloadable versions of thier retail product (aka HL2 via steam).

Same thing, Id call copying them an unhautorized use / reproduction, before than tefth.

From a certain point of view, they are similiar: in both you disrespect someones will and receive a gain from his work.
The degree of material damage varies.
When someone pirates a game that couldnt afford, or isnt interested in buying, the material damage is nil.
When done to determine if the game is worthy the price, may be considered fair. And when someone buys as many games as he can afford, and copyes the rest, hard to get mad at him as well.

If you like it more, you can think about the example of sharing the game you bought with your family.


You posted accusations which were clearly addressed earlier in the thread.

You assume I believe you.

When someone pirates a game that couldnt afford, or isnt interested in buying, the material damage is nil.

Does that really matter though? I imagine many people steal because they cannot afford to buy something, or because they want to make 100% profit off of stolen goods. In those cases, there is physical value in something.. but I'm saying that line is very thin here (cheap cardboard and cd's). And while it isn't tangable, there is still value in enjoying the game.. which is the whole point anyway, right?

A distinction made earlier is the retail chains, so I guess I could alter my argument. Would you consider stealing a physical copy of the game at an Activision warehouse to be worse than downloading a copy? The product isn't the cardboard or the cheap packaging or cd's. It's what is on them that is the actual product. Once you install a game, it is on your PC, and you only need the physical copy for piracy protection. Do the packaging and CD's really make that much difference?


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
akascream said:
You assume I believe you.

So, you believe I've downloaded Doom 3?

If you need proof that I am buying this game, I bring that proof with me.

I have a copy reserved at...

Electronics Boutique #179

When I pick it up tomorrow, I will tell them to expect a call asking whether or not Dark10x from Gaming-Age has purchased the game. Please, feel free to call them. In fact, I encourage and dare you to call them. Call that location on Wednesday, August 4th and they will be able to inform that I purchased the game the previous evening.

I have not downloaded Doom 3 and will not download Doom 3. Quite frankly, I'm starting to wonder if you have actually downloaded the game are just trying to overcome the guilt. I suprised that you downloaded the game, to be honest...but I shouldn't be suprised.


Junior Member
Any unathorized use of intelectual property can be considered damage, it is not up to any of you to dicern.


akascream said:
What is being stolen is worth millions of dollars regardless of whether the thieves would have purchased the murchandise if they hadn't stolen it.
Look, I think this "debate" is fairly dumb on both sides, but I can't let this statement go unchallenged.

1) Copyright infringement is NOT theft. Repeat that to yourself until you understand the difference between the two.

2) Calculating the monetary impact of software piracy (or ANY kind of piracy, for that matter) is NOT as simple as multiplying the number of alleged downloads by the MSRP. There are at least THREE categories of people who would download brand-new pirated games that come to mind:

-- People who want something for free. ("Freeloaders")
-- People who already plan to buy the game when its available, but want to play before that time (waiting for a release date, waiting to have available funds, etc.). ("Previewers")
-- People who are not planning to buy the game, but would consider buying it if they enjoy playing the pirated version and consider it worth their money. ("Trial Runners")

"Freeloaders" are assholes, in my personal opinion, but you can't argue that everyone in that category represents a lost sale. Quite frankly, many of them wouldn't have bought the game under ANY circumstances -- either they don't have any disposable income for games, or they choose to game only because they can get away with ripping off the latest and greatest entertainment.

"Previewers" don't represent ANY lost sales, since they are going to buy the game ANYWAY. They are downloading the game because they are real enthusiasts, and if the game is excellent, can actually DRIVE word-of-mouth sales. Again, it's hard to make these people into bad guys, in my opinion.

"Trial Runners" are the most interesting category. If they try it and like it, then they actually represent an EXTRA sale for the developers. On the other hand, if they consider it to be "not worth my money," they won't buy it -- but they weren't planning on it anyway.

Since a certain percentage of "trial runners" (and "freeloaders") would have probably bought the game just to "take a chance on it being good," you could assess SOME financial impact from the availability of the pirated version. The X factor is how many people HONESTLY would be willing to spend the money to buy something they already have for free to "do the right thing." In other words, I think there is a strong, selfish instinct which tempts people into downloading something by thinking, "I'll try it, and if I like it, I'll buy it"...but once they have it, revert to thinking, "It's not REALLY worth my money," and continue to play it anyway.

In any event -- I hope it's QUITE clear that any quoted dollar figure for piracy is HIGHLY suspect without a shitload of supporting data. Also, a proper analysis would have to include sale price over time, because people may feel that Doom 3 (for instance) isn't worth $55 at release, but would be a worthwhile purchase at $40. Not all unit sales are equal from a revenue perspective.


There are many people that shoplift because they cannot afford something. That they would not have purchased what they stole otherwise does not make them innocent. If you want to get into which laws apply and argue the finer points, I am not your man. But it's clear to anyone that takes an unbiased look at piracy that it is indeed stealing. If there aren't laws to cover less tangable forms of property, like software, there should be. If they exist, but don't apply, they are insufficient IMO.


dark10x said:
So, you believe I've downloaded Doom 3?

If you need proof that I am buying this game, I bring that proof with me.

I have a copy reserved at...

Electronics Boutique #179

When I pick it up tomorrow, I will tell them to expect a call asking whether or not Dark10x from Gaming-Age has purchased the game. Please, feel free to call them. In fact, I encourage and dare you to call them. Call that location on Wednesday, August 4th and they will be able to inform that I purchased the game the previous evening.

That's the way. You man enough to accept the challenge Scream? I'll even foot you the quarter.
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