Thanks Lane. Looks like I'll need about a week off. I was losing motivation anyway, so maybe the downtime will do me some good.
Chest Shoulders and Triceps tomorrow. I haven't done this workout in like 4 months.
Looking forward to those painful 2 speed pushups!
I swapped Yoga X with X2...
That first half hour is like getting your face punched repeatedly. I have never sweat that much in my entire life.
I really wanna get back into P90X as I bought it but haven't really given it a real shot yet. However I'm about 140 lbs and although I'm starting to see a little bit of a belly my situation seems to be different from a lot of the examples. Should I start eating more and drinking lots of milk and shakes like they suggest? I feel like I should be eating more so that I get more energy and don't burn through the muscles I'm trying to acquire. Anyone in a similar situation have any tips?
How many weeks of each phase did you do? Thanks.*P90X2 experience*
Started phase 2 of p90x2 today. I only have one thing to say.... Chattarocker. What was that about !! I'm pretty my neighbors could hear me groan haha.
BTW, P90X2 phase 1 with the fat shredder diet is some kind of crazy magic. I've dropped from 16.8% body fat to 13.3% in 4 weeks. I never had so much muscle definition, and I can "almost" see my abs. Really feels good man!
Oh and I've been invited to a party at the beach in 2 weeks. Which means I've got 2 weeks to bring it like crazy to get as much fat out of my body as I can.
How many weeks of each phase did you do? Thanks.
That's awesome! I'm just starting week 3 of phase 1 today, and wish I had been taking body fat % measurements, but even after two weeks I feel slimmer and stronger. Did you do four weeks of phase 1, or three weeks plus recovery? I'm having a hard time convincing myself to do a recovery week after phase 1 and not just jumping into phase 2. While getting bigger sounds good on some levels, I'm still mostly interested in fat loss more than anything so I'm wondering if I shouldn't do the 3/6/3 schedule after all.
Any opinions on that last bit?
Whoa, I never knew Tony and I shared a birthday!3 / 6 / 3 and one Recovery week.
Today is Tony's Birthday!
Whoa, I never knew Tony and I shared a birthday!
Happy Birthday, and to Tony as well!Whoa, I never knew Tony and I shared a birthday!
Starting my P90X/X2 hybrid today. I'm really looking forward to this round. Like Tony says, variety is the spice of life.
I actually ended up doing 4 weeks of phase 1. Then I took 2 full days off (don't tell Tony haha) before starting phase 2.
My reasoning for doing 4 weeks is that at the end of week 3, I was finally getting a hold of all these new moves. I could almost do full sets without having to check the TV screen or move the balls or my feet etc. So stoping there and starting new workouts for phase 2 felt like all that hard work went to waste. I went for one last week where I was able to do the moves with good form and also to up my reps by quite a lot. It worked pretty well because I was dead tired at the end of the week and my whole body was sore (especially my legs actually).
Internet hi 5.
Me too. What are you doing exactly?
If you're talking about P90X then yeah, trust in the recovery week. If you're doing the classic program then it's your first exposure to Core Synergistics, which is a fantastic workout.Starting recovery week today. I feel like I should be doing another week of what I've already been doing, but I'll have trust in the program and go along with it.
If you're talking about P90X then yeah, trust in the recovery week. If you're doing the classic program then it's your first exposure to Core Synergistics, which is a fantastic workout.
You'll hate it... But you'll love it.Tomorrow is my first Core Syn. Looking forward to it!
Nike just launched their new Nike+ Training shoe, the Lunar TR+. Has multiple sensors for tracking impacts, balance, effort, etc. New technology for lateral support & cushioning. Seems tailor-made for workouts like Insanity & Asylum. The iOS app looks great, has social features if you're into that sort of thing, and even has a number of workout programs you can follow. I might pick up a pair of these for Asylum in September. I used a pair of Free Runner+s for Insanity and the lateral support wasn't that great, so I'm looking for a better shoe anyway.
3 weeks of Phase 1 from X, recovery week
3 weeks of Phase 2 from X, recovery week
4 weeks of Phase 2 from X2
Still using Pure Cardio as a replacement for Kenpo and the extra day off in X2. Also I'm doing Plyocide instead of Plyo X for the the whole round. What are you doing?
I'm doing P90X Mass schedule. It's similar to the regular schedule, but there's no Kenpo and no Plyo.
This week for example is:
Day 1: Chest Shoulders Triceps
Day 2: Cardio X and Ab Ripper X2
Day 3: Legs and Back
Day 4: Ab Ripper X 2
Day 5: Back and Biceps
Day 6: X2 Yoga
Day 7: Recovery and Mobility
Then the week after that I'll switch Legs and Back with Base and Back. I'll do the same when it's time to do other similar workouts like Chest and Back with Chest Back and Balance.
The only thing I'll miss is Plyocide, which is my favorite X workout. Apparently this monster burns too many calories, and that's something I don't need on this schedule that much.
No motivation to do Yoga X right now.
Do you do any sort of warmup before Ab Ripper X2 on day 4, since you're doing it on its own?
I can post pictures of some big fat bellies again.
And also post ones where people buy a little machine to get fake abs!
Starting this week. Wish me luck.
How does that work? Sucky sucky?
Happy Birthday to you and Tony.
Thank you! ^ Happy BDay to you too.Happy Birthday, and to Tony as well!
Mine's wednesday![]()