What did you say?
hoo boy.
Well, I said yes, being something of a nice fellow and legitimately wanting to hang out with her (she is actually a very close friend after all... ah man :-/), and so she said we should watch a movie and play some PS3 for a while, so I said that sounded good. Was hoping that would be the extent of my turmoil for the night.
Then there was:
"Hey, do you think we could get some wine when we're hanging out tonight?"
"Would you want to go in the jacuzzi at your place for a bit when I'm over there?"
"Actually I don't have anything to wear, maybe I could borrow a t-shirt if you don't mind me getting it wet?"
...and now I'm toast.
Go ahead GAF, make sure I realize how she's manipulating me and I'm putting the pussy on a pedestal and so on and so forth and also be aware that I know all this and you have
no idea the extent of the ridiculousness that this situation entails, and trust me to the extent that is possible that the easiest option for me is just to endure the torture as best I can and use it as an exercise in self-control.
I will be lifting VERY HEAVY WEIGHTS late tonight.
As impossible as it is to do sometimes, clean breaks are the best breaks. Given how your last on this particular topic went, I think cutting her off is best. However, if I were in your shoes, I'd probably let her come over. Good luck!
Sometimes I wish I could cut her out in terms of self-preservation but holy god do you have no idea the logistics of this. To just scratch the surface, she's one of my absolute longest friends, and we work 40 feet from each other 3 days a week.
Oh, P90X. I stayed on topic.
:lol did you see how I mentioned the VERY HEAVY WEIGHTS?
aaaanyway sorry for the livejournaling. Attempting to keep my wits about me