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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


For some reason it feels like I can do less push-ups on Insanity than I could on P90X. Maybe it's because you only have a few small sets of them in Insanity, where P90X has a whole day of them

I still expierence this with Level 2 drills in Pure Cardio every week. It must have do with being completely exhausted by the time you get to them. On P90X days I'm fine.

$15 a meal. I like you Tony, but not that much.
Yup, yup aaaand... yup.


I did this too (did because I stopped eating peanut butter -- way too easy to get addicted and get too many calories) and it worked great.
The thing about organic, natural peanut butter (from what little I've read and understand) is that while it is high in calories and fats it's actually the good fats (monounsaturated, I believe). As long as you have decent portion control, it's actually a very healthy snack. I believe it's the same "good" fats found in olive oil and almonds, etc. It's also loaded with protein. The problem with peanut butter is it's usually Jif or whatever and loaded with sugar and other additives that override the healthy aspects of just natural peanuts. I will usually have a couple of tablespoons of crunchy peanut butter either by itself or on a piece of whole grain bread for breakfast or as a snack a couple of hours prior to a workout. I decided I should switch to organic PB after reading about it, though.

Am I right about this at all?


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say that peanut butter is bad for you or anything, I was just saying that peanut butter is incredibly delicious and it can be difficult for me to moderate how much of it I eat, so I try to avoid keeping it around because of how easy it is to suddenly consume so many calories with it. I'm still playing around with my diet quite a bit trying to optimize strength gains and fat loss though, so peanut butter might find its way back in. :)


Oh yeah, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to say that peanut butter is bad for you or anything, I was just saying that peanut butter is incredibly delicious and it can be difficult for me to moderate how much of it I eat, so I try to avoid keeping it around because of how easy it is to suddenly consume so many calories with it.
Oh man, I know what you mean.

Sorry about the post if it made it seem like I was contradicting yours, I actually was just kind of asking a question and used your post as a jumping off point. :)


The main thing that gets me about peanut butter is that with my diet, I'm going for heavy carbs/minimal fats/high calories on resistance days, and the reverse on non-resistance days. It's really hard for me to find a place for peanut butter in that scheme because it has a good chunk of all three. I'm probably going to drop the wrap I use for my usual dinner to get back 90-200 calories to spend on other things, in which case I could have peanut butter on my non-resistance days.

Time to get my X-Stretch on and then go do some grocery shopping!
This is only tangentially related (to yoga), but I figured I'd ask here since posters are helpful and nice: Have you guys done any meditation? I'd like to start working it into my daily routine but am having trouble starting. Any good resources to help me out? I'm looking for a way to improve my focus in other aspects of life, and generally be well balanced.


This is only tangentially related (to yoga), but I figured I'd ask here since posters are helpful and nice: Have you guys done any meditation? I'd like to start working it into my daily routine but am having trouble starting. Any good resources to help me out? I'm looking for a way to improve my focus in other aspects of life, and generally be well balanced.
I meditate daily. Not so much as a part of my exercise routine but to keep my mental health up as best I can.

I can't recommend a specific resource for you, but if you google around you should find some good info about it. I like to do it first thing in the morning, or before bed, or just any time I feel stressed out.
What's the best exercise to scare a P90X newbie with? While Plyometrics remains the undisputed king, Core Synergistics does a very good job of that too (probably a little bit behind Yoga X, imo). It's an exercise routine that challenges a wide variety of muscle groups with the assumption that you've worked on them for a good while already, so whoever came up with the idea that this routine should be the first thing that anyone does in the program is bloody fucking brilliant. And by that, I mean that I wish that person a long and healthy life incarcerated, where that person will be forced to perform that push-up routine meant for prison cells for the entirety of the sentence.

Okay, I've got that out of my system now.

I was going to start this program last week, but that came off as a false start as I found out that I was sick while trying to suppress nausea shortly into the routine. I've spent the next four days after that stuck in bed, which sucked. Oh well, better late than never.

My goal of this first day, aside from getting the form correct and focusing on the active muscles, was to concentrate on my breathing and improve my stamina. Since this is the first day, my attempts at all three of these goals were failures, since I still kept running out of breath between each exercise. Sustained exercises like the Superman Banana I had to get out of early because of that, and I took long breaks doing dynamic stretching during transitions. I expected this to happen, so I'm actually somewhat surprised that I managed to finish the routine only thirty minutes late.

Core Synergistics was pretty good way to start off all things considered, though. All of the exercises were focused on endurance rather than the muscle building that the Standard program starts off on, which worked for my overall goal of being more durable and improving stamina. I probably should've started off with no weights rather than the 10lbs that I used for the ones that needed weights though, so that I could focus on my form. I also didn't manage to get to the bonus round, although I'm aiming to be ready by week 3.

As for my diet, today I started off with 3 eggs and a cup of oatmeal. Pre-lunch I had a Cliff's Builders bar, followed by a lunch of a small bowl of brown rice, chicken, and vegetables. For dinner prior to starting I had another small bowl of brown rice and curry. As I mentioned earlier, my priority is not weight loss but rather exercise completion, so the brown rice doesn't really bother me.

Day 1 (Pre-P90X) - 211.6 lbs
I've got pre-P90X photos, but they're not uploaded yet. I plan to do that during the weekend at that weight loss photo thread. I probably won't be as wordy for the following days as I am for this first day, but I find that I do better in keeping the schedule if I keep notes like these.


I've been using a heart rate monitor since I started P90X2, and the first few times I did Plyocide, my heart rate would go really high, over 185, multiple times. Recently, I noticed it never really go over 175 anymore. Does it mean I'm dogging it? Or is it because I'm becoming stronger?


I've been using a heart rate monitor since I started P90X2, and the first few times I did Plyocide, my heart rate would go really high, over 185, multiple times. Recently, I noticed it never really go over 175 anymore. Does it mean I'm dogging it? Or is it because I'm becoming stronger?

You're probably getting in better shape. I remember in college I had a room mate who ran cross country. In one of his Physical Education classes they did a cycling test and the instructor said everyone had to reach a certain heart rate before everyone could quit. He rode his ass off and never reached the required rate. It was pretty funny to hear him tell it.

Edit: As long as you're feeling it and you feel like you're still bringing it you should be good to go man.


I've been using a heart rate monitor since I started P90X2, and the first few times I did Plyocide, my heart rate would go really high, over 185, multiple times. Recently, I noticed it never really go over 175 anymore. Does it mean I'm dogging it? Or is it because I'm becoming stronger?

How many cals do you burn in Plyocide?


You're probably getting in better shape. I remember in college I had a room mate who ran cross country. In one of his Physical Education classes they did a cycling test and the instructor said everyone had to reach a certain heart rate before everyone could quit. He rode his ass off and never reached the required rate. It was pretty funny to hear him tell it.

Edit: As long as you're feeling it and you feel like you're still bringing it you should be good to go man.
Thanks, that's reassuring.

How many cals do you burn in Plyocide?
I don't know, I got the very simple Omrom HRM from Amazon and it doesn't tell you how much calories you burn :(


Hang out with Steve.
Well here are my measurement changes up to today, day 30 of P90X:

		P90			Insanity	P90X	
Measurements	1/8	2/6	3/7	4/6	5/8	6/10	7/10
Chest		40.5	39.5	38.75	37.5	37	37	37
Right Arm	15	15	14.5	13	13	12.5	13
Left Arm	14.5	14.75	14	13	13	12.5	13
Waist		39	37	36	34.25	32.5	32	32
Hips		40	40	40	36.5	35	35.5	35
Right Thigh	25	24	24.25	22.5	22.5	22	21
Left Thigh	25	24	24.25	22.5	22.5	22	21
Weight		185	177.4	170.8	166.2	162	160.8	160
Body Fat %						12.5	11.5

I didn't start measuring BF% until I started P90X. For reference I'm male, 5'11", 47 years old. Glad to see some growth occurring on my arms! They were getting more & more defined as I lost body fat, but P90X is starting to bring some noticeable (and measurable) growth. I'm also seeing it in my shoulders, lats & triceps, all over really.

Killed Plyometrics today. Felt good getting back to it after recovery week.


Did Chest & Back yesterday despite my soreness and noticed the problem was mostly supporting my weight during the push ups etc that was hurting so I did pretty much everything with chairs and on my knees. Although it felt like a copout I have to admit that it does help me have better form and I actually felt like I was using the muscles I was supposed to so that felt good. My muscles felt all puffy and stiff afterwards even though I stretched enough so I suppose that means I still got a good workout out of it too. Hearing you guys doing so many unassisted pull and pushups is encouraging and at the same time scary because it makes me feel like I'm not progressing fast enough. Especially now that I had to do everything assisted.

I could do about 2 unassisted pull ups before starting, do you guys think it's better to crank out the reps assisted which obviously makes it easier to do way more or should I do the two unassisted ones and try assisted from there on out?


I could do about 2 unassisted pull ups before starting, do you guys think it's better to crank out the reps assisted which obviously makes it easier to do way more or should I do the two unassisted ones and try assisted from there on out?

I'd say do as many as you can unassisted, even if its just 2 or 3, but then keep doing them assisted afterwards as well. That is what I do anyway. Also realize that you are going to be better and worse at certain exercises. I'm decent at pull ups, terrible at yoga and pretty damn good at push ups.
With pull ups I always did as many as I could on my own and then went to assisted. There are different opinions on it but that method worked well for me.
Did Chest & Back yesterday despite my soreness and noticed the problem was mostly supporting my weight during the push ups etc that was hurting so I did pretty much everything with chairs and on my knees. Although it felt like a copout I have to admit that it does help me have better form and I actually felt like I was using the muscles I was supposed to so that felt good. My muscles felt all puffy and stiff afterwards even though I stretched enough so I suppose that means I still got a good workout out of it too. Hearing you guys doing so many unassisted pull and pushups is encouraging and at the same time scary because it makes me feel like I'm not progressing fast enough. Especially now that I had to do everything assisted.

I could do about 2 unassisted pull ups before starting, do you guys think it's better to crank out the reps assisted which obviously makes it easier to do way more or should I do the two unassisted ones and try assisted from there on out?

Engaging your core muscles I hope? You'll get better in time, I couldn't do 10 when I first started, but it takes time. Keep it up!


Did Chest & Back yesterday despite my soreness and noticed the problem was mostly supporting my weight during the push ups etc that was hurting so I did pretty much everything with chairs and on my knees. Although it felt like a copout I have to admit that it does help me have better form and I actually felt like I was using the muscles I was supposed to so that felt good. My muscles felt all puffy and stiff afterwards even though I stretched enough so I suppose that means I still got a good workout out of it too. Hearing you guys doing so many unassisted pull and pushups is encouraging and at the same time scary because it makes me feel like I'm not progressing fast enough. Especially now that I had to do everything assisted.

I could do about 2 unassisted pull ups before starting, do you guys think it's better to crank out the reps assisted which obviously makes it easier to do way more or should I do the two unassisted ones and try assisted from there on out?

When I start having trouble I drop off the bar for a few seconds and take a little break then try to knock out one or two more unassisted if I can. I don't feel like you need to hang there during your set break. By coming off the bar I get more reps in and my back/lats are nice and sore for the next couple of days. Also, don't be afraid of the assist. Make sure you are assisting correctly though. Start to pull yourself up but don't put your foot on the chair until you know you can't complete the rep then assist yourself only as much as you need. If you feel like your legs are doing all of the work during the assisted pull-ups then you're done.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Did Chest & Back yesterday despite my soreness and noticed the problem was mostly supporting my weight during the push ups etc that was hurting so I did pretty much everything with chairs and on my knees. Although it felt like a copout I have to admit that it does help me have better form and I actually felt like I was using the muscles I was supposed to so that felt good. My muscles felt all puffy and stiff afterwards even though I stretched enough so I suppose that means I still got a good workout out of it too. Hearing you guys doing so many unassisted pull and pushups is encouraging and at the same time scary because it makes me feel like I'm not progressing fast enough. Especially now that I had to do everything assisted.

I could do about 2 unassisted pull ups before starting, do you guys think it's better to crank out the reps assisted which obviously makes it easier to do way more or should I do the two unassisted ones and try assisted from there on out?

Trying the unassisted then moving to as many assisted as possible is always a good strategy.

And dude don't be intimidated. You're doing exactly what you should be, and you will learn to love the soreness. Every extra rep you manage to squeeze in week after week is going to represent real progress in your muscle groups. Keep bringing it, dude!


Hot damn you guys are good. Big hugs to all you guys, totally pumped again for tonight. Second time plyo tonight which completely killed me last time but this time I'm ready to bring it and make it X-like. Tony always cracks me up when he does that :).


Hang out with Steve.
With pull ups I always did as many as I could on my own and then went to assisted. There are different opinions on it but that method worked well for me.

That's pretty much what I do so far, although I've started doing negatives in between my unassisted and assisted reps.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
How is P90X lean? I lost 20 lbs on regular P90X, should I try lean after Insanity for the rest of my 15 lbs?
Lean would definitely be too easy for you after Classic and Insanity. You might want to try a P90X/Insanity hybrid?

I'm personally stressing myself out way too much over what to do next (starting Sunday). I'm doing P90X again but was initially considering modifying it to get more cardio to hopefully shed another five pounds or so. I was going to get rid of yoga (aside from recovery weeks) and swap in Cardio Intervals from the Master Series. Now I'm not so sure; I'm lost!
Man, one bad thing about Insanity is that there is very, very little lower back work, for a regime that focuses so much on core. I'm not disparaging it, since I got great ab and weight loss results from it; it just takes a less "holistic" approach than P90X.

I'm on my second week of P90X2, and it all seems easy to me after finishing 60 days of Insanity; abs, legs, breath: no problem. But boy is my lower back sore after the first week. I'm doing a lot of child's pose in my spare time just to keep it from screaming. I'm glad I'm working it, though. Can't wait for the killer Phase II.


Lean would definitely be too easy for you after Classic and Insanity. You might want to try a P90X/Insanity hybrid?

I'm personally stressing myself out way too much over what to do next (starting Sunday). I'm doing P90X again but was initially considering modifying it to get more cardio to hopefully shed another five pounds or so. I was going to get rid of yoga (aside from recovery weeks) and swap in Cardio Intervals from the Master Series. Now I'm not so sure; I'm lost!
Other options to consider:
- Can you cut say, 100 calories out of your diet per day?
- Can you do some more walking over the course of the day (or something similar) to get the additional calorie burn?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Man, one bad thing about Insanity is that there is very, very little lower back work, for a regime that focuses so much on core. I'm not disparaging it, since I got great ab and weight loss results from it; it just takes a less "holistic" approach than P90X.

I'm on my second week of P90X2, and it all seems easy to me after finishing 60 days of Insanity; abs, legs, breath: no problem. But boy is my lower back sore after the first week. I'm doing a lot of child's pose in my spare time just to keep it from screaming. I'm glad I'm working it, though. Can't wait for the killer Phase II.

Insanity isn't losing me any weight, which I was not anticipating. I may do a P90X/X2 hybrid next. Hopefully that will get me going again. Thinking of all bands too (+ pull-up bar).


Insanity isn't losing me any weight, which I was not anticipating. I may do a P90X/X2 hybrid next. Hopefully that will get me going again. Thinking of all bands too (+ pull-up bar).
I saw in the weight loss thread you were eating 1300-1400 calories on some days? I think you might be under eating a bit, even if you're feeling satiated.


I'll bet it's burning fat though DC. Just keep a steady course, eat well, and keep working out hard and you'll get there. Nothing wrong with losing weight slowly.

SteveMeister- impressive numbers you posted, that's some really good progress in a short amount of time. Did you take before/after pictures? Are you finding P90X much more enjoyable than P90?

Hawkian- sorry about that "ugh" man. Keep bringing it, and move on to greener pastures.
DC you are a P90X vet so anything I say you might have tried already. Have you thought about following the diet plan (X or X2) strictly, as much as possible? I'm talking about really controlling your calories, weighing how much you eat, eating only what's on the lists, and no cheat days. Pure consistency and just follow the guide in terms of food and calories count, day in and day out.

It might be worth giving it a shot again

Hawkian - did you ask to be her P90X buddy?


edit: description of said pastures available below my main man.

Whooooaa alright. So last night was fucking awful. Basically the worst possible outcome on all fronts. Terrible terrible feelings all around, and I'm pretty sure I lost my Motoactv watch somehow. Didn't get to bed until after 4:00AM, woke up feeling just about equally bad. Dragged myself out the house and got to work.

Started absentmindedly working slash wallowing in despair. Not a half hour passed, and this new cutie at work I mentioned in passing yesterday (who asked me if I work out regularly), messaged me asking for advice on which muscle groups it was best to work out on the same days. Cue hours of chatting about fitness up to and including right now. Turns out she did P90X once years ago but hasn't worked out at all recently and was hoping to get back in a serious routine (which shocked me because from looking at her I'd have guessed she was in way better shape than I am).

We spent lunch discussing which protein shakes to go for, why not to do ab workouts on consecutive days, and the value of Shakeology, and hopped over to publix to get some desk snacks that would fit in with what seems like a quite good diet plan indeed. She even had me draw up a custom 5-day workout routine for her which she can do using only free weights, which was a lot of fun to put together. I think I came up with a really good plan focusing on the areas she wants to improve! Even made a spiffy little month calendar for her to follow complete with recovery week

She seems really committed and has already been sort of egging me on to try and keep up with her while she starts the routine. I think she's gonna be really helpful in being stricter with my diet and stuff. And while I typically get hungry in the late afternoon and do nothing about it only to get unknowingly irritated at the end of the day, she just called me over to the break room for some apples and peanut butter. Mmm, apples and peanut butter.

So yeah. Feeling, bizarrely, much much better. Kinda invigorated. The unmitigated disaster of last night has largely faded away.

I really hope I can find my fucking watch, though.

I bet your new p90x friend at work would want you to stay on topic in a thread about p90x....


I bet your new p90x friend at work would want you to stay on topic in a thread about p90x....

Sounds pretty on topic to me! I met someone this past weekend who has completed Insanity and did about half of P90X and it's fun to compare notes in real life to people who have similar fitness aims. Just like this thread encourages me, talking about fitness in real life (and P90X specifically) is pretty great and I love finding people who are also excited about it.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
DC you are a P90X vet so anything I say you might have tried already. Have you thought about following the diet plan (X or X2) strictly, as much as possible? I'm talking about really controlling your calories, weighing how much you eat, eating only what's on the lists, and no cheat days. Pure consistency and just follow the guide in terms of food and calories count, day in and day out.

It might be worth giving it a shot again

That may be the final thing to do, but it's against my mantra, if you will. My whole agreement with myself when starting to get back in shape and healthier was to eat better, but not punish myself to eat better (e.g. following a strict diet). I do low carb, watch calories during the week, and allow myself to cheat a bit on weekends and it's worked great. I feel good from eating better, but I can still be the foodie that I've been (in more moderation).

It might come down to me cutting cheat meals down to 1 a weekend, but I never wanted to be one of those people who strictly control each and every ounce of food. I love my food too much! Maybe that's the reason I was able to lose 30 lbs over the last year, but not the last annoying 10-15.

I'll continue to work at it, and keep watching what I eat though. :p


Officially in Phase 3 now!! Doing Chest and Back felt absolutely amazing today. Had to skip yesterday though cause I was too busy, oh well. Also broke my first band today(Black). Called up Black Mountain Products and they were happy to replace free of charge and it should show up tomorrow. It's pretty awesome taking pictures and seeing how far you've come.

edit: does anyone know of any stronger bands that I could get? Like one above the red ones in the pack of five from BMP. Would be great.


Officially in Phase 3 now!! Doing Chest and Back felt absolutely amazing today. Had to skip yesterday though cause I was too busy, oh well. Also broke my first band today(Black). Called up Black Mountain Products and they were happy to replace free of charge and it should show up tomorrow. It's pretty awesome taking pictures and seeing how far you've come.

Post said pictures if and when you're comfortable sharing! Good work sticking with it.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
What is a typical cheat meal for you DC?

Generally nothing horrible. I like to grab a sub from Subway occasionally. Sometimes if I go out with friends it will be the local mexican place. Pizza and burgers are rare. I do have beer as well, but have switched to vodka/tonic on weekends to minimize damage there.

What's everyone's most difficult push-up move?

Other than the one arm, the 2 speed push ups from Ch Sh Tri are killer.

Insanity Phase 2 - the low plank knee-in pushups. Whatever they are called, they are damn impossible.


Every time I restart P90X (life always seems to go crazy and/or I get lazy anywhere between one and three weeks in) I have a day where I generally just feel too exhausted to even bother trying to start that day's routine.

This time, it's happening after just one day back. Like, I had one of my better runs through Chest/Back yesterday after being a non-exercising fatass for two weeks prior, and today, I'm just clobbered. My arms aren't even terribly sore (the good kind of sore and worked that you feel the next day), but I just feel super pooped!

I'm definitely not going to go into Plyo today, and just pick it up again tomorrow.

I'm getting enough rest and eating well. Maybe I'm actually just starting into a cold/flu? =/

After almost a two-year hiatus (from being in the best shape of my life), I'm reado to do this program again!

It is a dangerous feeling, knowing that I can lose weight quickly with these programs (both Insanity and P90X). I did the 90 days about 2 years ago, and since then, I've done hybrids here and there, 30 days of Insanity here and there, but never really stuck to the entire programs. Now I'm in the worst shape of my life (5'9", 220 pounds) and even though I don't appear fat, I hate my body without a t-shirt and LRG clothes are barely holding up.

I have P90X, P90X2 and Insanity. My question to you guys is, have you seen any advantages to P90X/Insanity hybrids? what about P90X/P90X2 hybrids? Any combos you guys recommend?

I'm leaning towards P90X weight workouts, Insanity Cardio, but there is a chance for burnout from doing stuff like chest and back, followed by pushups in INsanity the next day. Any experiences?


Every time I restart P90X (life always seems to go crazy and/or I get lazy anywhere between one and three weeks in) I have a day where I generally just feel too exhausted to even bother trying to start that day's routine.

This time, it's happening after just one day back. Like, I had one of my better runs through Chest/Back yesterday after being a non-exercising fatass for two weeks prior, and today, I'm just clobbered. My arms aren't even terribly sore (the good kind of sore and worked that you feel the next day), but I just feel super pooped!

I'm definitely not going to go into Plyo today, and just pick it up again tomorrow.

I'm getting enough rest and eating well. Maybe I'm actually just starting into a cold/flu? =/

Dude, the best way to succeed is to absolutely workout on those days you absolutely don't want to. Come on, push play, do what you can, and you'll be glad you did.



After almost a two-year hiatus (from being in the best shape of my life), I'm reado to do this program again!

It is a dangerous feeling, knowing that I can lose weight quickly with these programs (both Insanity and P90X). I did the 90 days about 2 years ago, and since then, I've done hybrids here and there, 30 days of Insanity here and there, but never really stuck to the entire programs. Now I'm in the worst shape of my life (5'9", 220 pounds) and even though I don't appear fat, I hate my body without a t-shirt and LRG clothes are barely holding up.

I have P90X, P90X2 and Insanity. My question to you guys is, have you seen any advantages to P90X/Insanity hybrids? what about P90X/P90X2 hybrids? Any combos you guys recommend?

I'm leaning towards P90X weight workouts, Insanity Cardio, but there is a chance for burnout from doing stuff like chest and back, followed by pushups in INsanity the next day. Any experiences?

If you wanna lose the extra weight and gain flexibility, power and performance, P90X2 is THE REAL DEAL. I absolutely recommend to do this program on its entirety before doing a hybrid.

Dat X2 Phase 1 will do wonders for you.


What's everyone's most difficult push-up move?

Other than the one arm, the 2 speed push ups from Ch Sh Tri are killer.
Yeah, two speed pushups are a bitch and I have to do them tonight! I think any kind of slow pushup is really hard for me, though.


The worst part about 2 speed pushups is that the move after that are Y presses. I thought my spine was going to come through my mouth when I tried to use some heavy weights.
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