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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


I eat a salad five hours before P90X, and a Quest protein bar about three hours before. I recently discovered how amazing strawberries are so I'll sometimes snack on three or so immediately before my workout, but in general most of my calorie intake comes after my workout.

So, if all goes according to plan my first run through P90X might also be my last (for the time being anyway). Doing P90X has got me interested in more serious weight lifting, and since I've been loosely following the LeanGains diet methodology for a while, I thought I'd give the actual training routine a go too, which means deadlifts, squats, and benchpressing three days a week. Since I live right across the street from Microsoft's main campus, my gym options are limited due to either being overcrowded, too expensive without an MS employee discount (seriously, one of the gyms is like a few hundred dollars to signup and then $150+/month without the discount), or just poor conditions, but with some rearranging in the living room I was able to make room for the equipment I'll eventually need. I'm also in the process of setting up a consultation with the RippedBody.jp owner to help me figure out a game plan for the next few months. Very excited to see where this goes. :)

Also did some clothes shopping today; I've dropped two waist sizes since the last time I did a clothes update (which was really just wearing pants from when I had lost weight a few years ago). Don't think I'll be dropping more waist sizes in the near feature, but I hope my butt shrinks soon, haha.
I'll be honest that this is probably one of my greatest accomplishments, even though I didn't become Tony (physique-wise). My attitude toward exercise just a few years ago was terrible — I just didn't do anything (aside from walking since I live in the city) and didn't care. Luckily, something in my mind suddenly "snapped" and that changed for me overnight (literally). Even when I started getting into better shape, though, I still didn't think I could do P90X — I thought it might be too much for me. I'm glad that I proved myself wrong! Regardless of what other forms of exercise I take on in the future, I think I'm committed for life to working out 6-7 days a week. I've been locked into that mindset for a year now and can't see myself quitting. A few years ago, I never would've imagined that'd become my attitude one day.

Congrats! I'm just starting out with P90 and pretty intimidated by P90X, so it feels good to hear to from someone who had similar misgivings and completed the program. Finishing is a huge accomplishment, especially if it leads to a sustainable workout routine for you.
P90X done!

Yesterday was Day 90 for me, and today is my rest day before starting all over again tomorrow (with some modifications). My results compared to Day 1 are not very impressive, but I'm not too surprised. I did this mostly as a maintenance program and wasn't really looking to get ripped or anything like that; the biggest changes to my body came late last year when I did Power 90 and the Master Series (lost 50 pounds), so I'm really just trying to stay on track and make moderate improvements. I definitely have more muscle, and look a bit different in the mirror right now than I did 90 days ago, but I really just feel better, which is the most important thing to me.

I'll be honest that this is probably one of my greatest accomplishments, even though I didn't become Tony (physique-wise). My attitude toward exercise just a few years ago was terrible — I just didn't do anything (aside from walking since I live in the city) and didn't care. Luckily, something in my mind suddenly "snapped" and that changed for me overnight (literally). Even when I started getting into better shape, though, I still didn't think I could do P90X — I thought it might be too much for me. I'm glad that I proved myself wrong! Regardless of what other forms of exercise I take on in the future, I think I'm committed for life to working out 6-7 days a week. I've been locked into that mindset for a year now and can't see myself quitting. A few years ago, I never would've imagined that'd become my attitude one day.

And now... I think I'm gonna take a nap, which I never do, because I'm beat. Did some cardio this morning and then walked for like three straight hours all over the city in the heat and humidity. I must've sweated a gallon or so. :|

Vas, I am happy for you. You did it. YOU DID IT!


Hang out with Steve.
What do you guys normally eat before a P90X workout? I sometimes feel tired and keep delaying my workout and sometimes I skip it. How long do you guys wait after eating said food to workout?

I eat nothing -- I exercise first thing in the morning. So I drink either Beachbody's Energy & Endurance or Muscle Pharm Assault pre-workout, and Beachbody Results & Recovery post.

Congrats, vatstep!

nekura, I've been thinking about leangains but it's logistically challenging for me, since I work out so early but want to eat dinner with my family. I'm going to try to work it out, though.


nekura, I've been thinking about leangains but it's logistically challenging for me, since I work out so early but want to eat dinner with my family. I'm going to try to work it out, though.
That sounds like it'd out pretty well with the early morning fasted training schedule, unless it's a matter of not being able to get access to the equipment in time. Personally I'm more of a "work out when I get home" kinda guy so I can't work out entirely fasted. :(


Actually managed to stay mostly on pace on ARX today. Felt pretty good. Except for v-up/roll-ups I take way longer to do those.

Does anyone else have problems with their joints during some of the exercises? Only on bicycles and the oblique set, something towards my tail bone clicks or pops pretty frequently. I've been warming up prior to ARX but maybe just not enough?


Actually managed to stay mostly on pace on ARX today. Felt pretty good. Except for v-up/roll-ups I take way longer to do those.

Does anyone else have problems with their joints during some of the exercises? Only on bicycles and the oblique set, something towards my tail bone clicks or pops pretty frequently. I've been warming up prior to ARX but maybe just not enough?

I have trouble doing the first few moves. The in and outs through crunchy frog. It destroys my thighs and hip flexors. If I put my hands in the air I can feel it in my abs but I can't keep my balance and my legs catch on fire. I do pretty well on everything else. No grab on leg climbs, cross legs on the straight leg sit ups, but V-up roll up takes a little longer for me too. I die on mason twist because I can't keep my legs in the air long enough (got to 40 today but it was sloppy and had to do the bonus with my feet on the ground). My abs are ok but my hip flexers die.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
"Rest" day, so naturally I am going to do X2 yoga and maybe an Insanity video later since I ate McDonalds last night.
I ate so much last night (in celebration of finishing P90X)... so, so much, ugh. Chest & Back + a cardio routine for me today.


I ate so much last night (in celebration of finishing P90X)... so, so much, ugh. Chest & Back + a cardio routine for me today.

Good man! I like to think that someone's metabolism who has been doing P90X for a long period of time is equipped to burn through the occasional cheat meal relatively easily, but that might be me convincing myself it's okay to eat like shit when I want to.


I have trouble doing the first few moves. The in and outs through crunchy frog. It destroys my thighs and hip flexors. If I put my hands in the air I can feel it in my abs but I can't keep my balance and my legs catch on fire. I do pretty well on everything else. No grab on leg climbs, cross legs on the straight leg sit ups, but V-up roll up takes a little longer for me too. I die on mason twist because I can't keep my legs in the air long enough (got to 40 today but it was sloppy and had to do the bonus with my feet on the ground). My abs are ok but my hip flexers die.

Damn that sucks. About what angle do you do the leg climbs at? I'm not really sure how high my leg should be. Yeah I pretty much collapse after the bonus.


"Rest" day, so naturally I am going to do X2 yoga and maybe an Insanity video later since I ate McDonalds last night.
Oh man, how did you end up at a McDonald's? Even when I was out of shape I tried to avoid that; I remember seven years ago (christ I'm getting old...) I had to stay in a Greyhound bus station in Canada over night and by the time I was trapped there the only thing open was McDonald's. I wanted to sob (but McFlurries are pretty good I guess!).


Oh man, how did you end up at a McDonald's? Even when I was out of shape I tried to avoid that; I remember seven years ago (christ I'm getting old...) I had to stay in a Greyhound bus station in Canada over night and by the time I was trapped there the only thing open was McDonald's. I wanted to sob (but McFlurries are pretty good I guess!).

Hah, was on the way back from a date (where I was all "no thanks I don't want this delicious pizza or these cupcakes you have!") and said "fuck yeah, McDonalds!". I know it's terrible for me, but on the weekends in particular I am weak, and Lane needs his Rolo McFlurries (and Spicy Chicken McBites, and fries, and a Diet Coke because y'know diet). Oi.

Time to start yoga on that horrible note.


Le sigh...on my last two weeks of the program. Was doing chest and back. I was pumping out push up at a great rate and speed. Felt great. Then as I was doing wide stance push up using push up bars, it happened...I heard a sploushing noise as I went down on my third push up, followed by immediate pain and a loud O shit reaction from me. This was four days ago. The first three days I was in so much pain. Not sure if I pulled a muscle or tore something. I am positive my rotary cuffs are fine. The pain is better, and I have good RoM. But man, just a fair warning. Dont work for 14 hours, go home and skip the warm up of any exercise. I was being lazy and decided to skip the warm up and this shit happens.

Lesson learned.


Le sigh...on my last two weeks of the program. Was doing chest and back. I was pumping out push up at a great rate and speed. Felt great. Then as I was doing wide stance push up using push up bars, it happened...I heard a sploushing noise as I went down on my third push up, followed by immediate pain and a loud O shit reaction from me.
Man, those can be rough. I definitely caused some lasting pain in one of my arms doing those during my first month, though it wasn't nearly as serious as what you're going through. Hope you get better soon.

Hah, was on the way back from a date (where I was all "no thanks I don't want this delicious pizza or these cupcakes you have!") and said "fuck yeah, McDonalds!". I know it's terrible for me, but on the weekends in particular I am weak, and Lane needs his Rolo McFlurries (and Spicy Chicken McBites, and fries, and a Diet Coke because y'know diet). Oi.
I think I would've just gone with the pizza and cupcakes, unless the pizza had some lame toppings.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Good man! I like to think that someone's metabolism who has been doing P90X for a long period of time is equipped to burn through the occasional cheat meal relatively easily, but that might be me convincing myself it's okay to eat like shit when I want to.
I fully believe this, so I don't usually feel too bad about about cheating (and you shouldn't either), but last night was especially extreme in honor of the occasion, haha. I usually cheat every Saturday night and feel fine about it. Plus, it gives me something to look forward to and keeps me from randomly grabbing a Snickers or something, as staying on a "schedule" for most everything really helps me.

If you're eating fairly well the other six days of the week, there's really only so much damage you can do — 80/20 rule and all that.


Damn that sucks. About what angle do you do the leg climbs at? I'm not really sure how high my leg should be. Yeah I pretty much collapse after the bonus.

I bend the knee that isn't in the air so my heel is next to my butt. Then I line the knee on my leg that is in the air up with the knee that I have bent on the floor. I try to keep them lined up through the whole move.


Oh god end of week 2 and have to do Stretch X for the first time today since I missed out on it the first week...I promise it was the only one I skipped on ;). Do you guys actually do this a complete hour? I just popped it in and I'm gonna do it in an hour just to see what it's like but a full hour seems so incredibly long.


Oh god end of week 2 and have to do Stretch X for the first time today since I missed out on it the first week...I promise it was the only one I skipped on ;). Do you guys actually do this a complete hour? I just popped it in and I'm gonna do it in an hour just to see what it's like but a full hour seems so incredibly long.

I do it. It's a nice down day to keep you in the routine as well as allow you to stretch out some of the stiffness. I recommend doing it but I'm pretty sure it's optional according to the program's guidelines.


Finished the Lean Program today!

I'll (probably) be posting progress pics sometime this week. My plan is to do a week or so of recovery/cardio-heavy stuff, followed by *gulp* a modified Classic Program (replacing Kenpo with Plyo and Yoga X with X2). 6 days a week is a lot, but the structure really helps me stay in line.

Could someone (Deadly Cyclone, right?) add me to the P90X graduates list?
One of the things I've been tracking is work out time and calories burned since I got my heart rate monitor. Even if my reps/weights stay the same for some work outs, I've noticed the time it's taken me to finish has dropped from week to week. Part of that is I'm doing P90X+ and the work outs change a lot and I sometimes forget how to do the next move. The other part is that I definitely need less breaks.

From last week to this week, I shaved 5 minutes off the time I took me to do Total Body Plus. Feels good man. Just hoping I can keep my BF% down below 12 at the next weigh in. Even better if it continues to drop :)


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Finished the Lean Program today!

I'll (probably) be posting progress pics sometime this week. My plan is to do a week or so of recovery/cardio-heavy stuff, followed by *gulp* a modified Classic Program (replacing Kenpo with Plyo and Yoga X with X2). 6 days a week is a lot, but the structure really helps me stay in line.

Could someone (Deadly Cyclone, right?) add me to the P90X graduates list?

DC, add me as well if you see this. :)


Congrats to those who have finished their recent rounds. Hopefully you'll take a short break and get right back into it!

I did the Insanity fit text this morning and have improved all of my numbers by a good margin. Also did back and biceps for the first time in a while and my hands are completely shot right now.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Chest & Back was today, the first day of my second round of P90X. Maybe it's the fact that it's one of the shorter routines, or that there are like six breaks, or that Tony seems to be in an even sillier mood than usual, but I think this is my favorite workout of the bunch.

I'm gonna try to do things a bit differently this time around with push-ups. I seem to have two levels of failure — the first kind (usually comes during the first round), where I need to give myself a few seconds before cranking out another handful, and the second kind, where I go down and just cannot get myself back up. Before, once I got to that point I would just end the set a few seconds early. From now on, I'm immediately gonna go to my knees and try to crank out some more. Even though I've tried to avoid doing push-ups from my knees as much as possible, I think it'll help in the long run, and prevent me from slacking off.
Just started P90X, today was my introduction to Plyometrics...shit.

I made it through, and I'm starting to feel confident I can power through the program despite not having done any programs previously and having recently recovered from a shoulder injury. (I'm good to go, honest.)

I'm sticking with a pretty lean high protein diet, and really hoping I see some results out of this. I'm not looking to get super ripped, but I do want more definition and slightly larger arms. I want the changes to be at least noticeable.

Some of the success stories I've seen here leave me hopeful!


Completed eat a shitload of McDonalds, day 2. Also completed procrastinate yoga X2 until 10 pm (I did actually do it though, with a belly full of nasty food). Was my rest day, so I figure eating shitty + actually trying something physical sort of balances out. Sort of.

Back to bringing it properly tomorrow.

Good luck on round 2 vat! And welcome Culebra! I think based on what you're looking for and your impressions you'll find the program just the thing for you.


Got less than four hours of sleep today thanks to cat waking me up and being unable to get back to sleep. x_x Beasted Pure Cardio though, managed to make it through level 2 drills without stopping at all. :D Hopefully I'll sleep a bit better tonight...


Today was the first time I could do all the ARX2 moves without stopping. I think I finally figured you out Abrinome and Phelon Twist!


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Speaking of ARX, man, the first one back after a recovery week is always rough. The sound that involuntarily came out of me after the last Mason Twist... my neighbors must've thought I was being tortured.


Thinks his PR is better than yours.
So, day 1 of round 2 complete...

I was able to start off stronger than my first outing, but damn if it doesn't feel just as hard the second time around as the first!


Speaking of ARX, man, the first one back after a recovery week is always rough. The sound that involuntarily came out of me after the last Mason Twist... my neighbors must've thought I was being tortured.

Hahaha, yep.
Yoga X Week 2 today. On some of the more balance-centric positions I'm holding the position and then out of nowhere: "this is a difficult position you may topple a bit" and I fall over. EVERY SINGLE TIME!

Felt much better than last week though. Just wish it wasn't so time consuming...


So, day 1 of round 2 complete...

I was able to start off stronger than my first outing, but damn if it doesn't feel just as hard the second time around as the first!

That's because you're bringing your own level of intensity. You're making it X like. Even olympic athletes have a hard time in their field if they are bringing it. Keep it up.
First week ended terribly, and now my knees are total crap (it's been sore since Saturday and is only marginally better today). But at least I managed to get through all the exercises, including X Stretch.

Today I decided to get up at 4AM to do my exercises in the morning (since doing them in the evening gave me an opportunity to procrastinate). Started with a protein drink and a little energy boost (Energy Stack) and did my Core Synergistics. I still have a long way to go with that routine, but I felt like a million bucks after that was done and over with. Now I'm at work, still feeling fantastic and wide awake, which hasn't happened in a long while.

It's a great feeling.


Good work InsaneZero; I might take a page from your book and try to get some morning workouts in (though it'd likely be running, since my neighbors/roommate would kill me jumping around at 5 a.m.).

I always feel invigorated and focused with my fitness/health goals when the week starts (whereas on the weekend I am content being more lazy).

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
First week ended terribly, and now my knees are total crap (it's been sore since Saturday and is only marginally better today). But at least I managed to get through all the exercises, including X Stretch.

Today I decided to get up at 4AM to do my exercises in the morning (since doing them in the evening gave me an opportunity to procrastinate). Started with a protein drink and a little energy boost (Energy Stack) and did my Core Synergistics. I still have a long way to go with that routine, but I felt like a million bucks after that was done and over with. Now I'm at work, still feeling fantastic and wide awake, which hasn't happened in a long while.

It's a great feeling.

I just can't get myself operating in the morning. I'd have to get up about 4:45 to do it and that means I'd have to be in bed my at least 10. I find I have way less energy in the AM when I do my workout on Saturday, and that's at 10am, can't imagine 5am. :p

I would love to do it then, and not have to work out after work, but it's too damn early.

On a side note, my shoulder has been aching a bit since starting month 2 of Insanity. Those shoulder specific moves are getting to me I think.


Hang out with Steve.
I just can't get myself operating in the morning. I'd have to get up about 4:45 to do it and that means I'd have to be in bed my at least 10. I find I have way less energy in the AM when I do my workout on Saturday, and that's at 10am, can't imagine 5am. :p

I would love to do it then, and not have to work out after work, but it's too damn early.

Yeah, I usually go to bed about 9PM & read for a while in order to get up at 4:30, but I agree with InsaneZero, I feel great after my early morning workouts.

For me though, the only other time I could possibly work out would be to start about 9:30PM. I'd finish around 11, then probably take a couple hours to wind down (I'm always full of energy after working out). And my son would probably still wake up between 6:00 and 6:30AM, so "sleeping in" wouldn't be possible as my wife is NOT a morning person.

There is a good gym at work with all the stuff I'd need for P90X or Insanity, but I can't allot 2 hours for a P90X style workout & shower.
I always feel invigorated and focused with my fitness/health goals when the week starts (whereas on the weekend I am content being more lazy).

Yeah, I'll expecting that to happen for me as well, but at the very least I'm more inclined to do these kinds of things in the morning when I first wake up. Whereas in the afternoon and evening I'm just out of work so I might be more tired and less motivated to get active.

I would do this at a saner hour, but my work hours start at 7AM so I don't really have much of a choice regardless.


Yeah, I'll expecting that to happen for me as well, but at the very least I'm more inclined to do these kinds of things in the morning when I first wake up. Whereas in the afternoon and evening I'm just out of work so I might be more tired and less motivated to get active.

I would do this at a saner hour, but my work hours start at 7AM so I don't really have much of a choice regardless.

As you know, the important thing is that you've got the motivation to do any of this at all, so good job once more.
As you know, the important thing is that you've got the motivation to do any of this at all, so good job once more.

Ah, thanks. This isn't too big of a milestone considering that this is my umpteenth attempt at completing P90X, but I'll take anything that keeps my motivation up.


First day of Phase 2 p90x. Chest, shoulders, triceps. Holy shitballs.

Slow pushups, pike press, 1 arm push ups, plyo pushups.

An hour later and my arms are still shaking :)


Ah, thanks. This isn't too big of a milestone considering that this is my umpteenth attempt at completing P90X, but I'll take anything that keeps my motivation up.

That's what we're here for dude, to help each other out.

burnfout- I miss that workout! What a beast it is. I remember laying on the floor by the time the 1 arm push-ups hit feeling like I had nothing left in the tank... it's a good feeling.


First day of Phase 2 p90x. Chest, shoulders, triceps. Holy shitballs.

Slow pushups, pike press, 1 arm push ups, plyo pushups.

An hour later and my arms are still shaking :)

I hear you. I just started week 7 yesterday so it was my third CS&T. Needless to say I was sore the first two times and I'm sore right now after doing it for the third time. That one is an upper body crusher. You throw in ARX and you're sore from the neck to the waist.
First week ended terribly, and now my knees are total crap (it's been sore since Saturday and is only marginally better today). But at least I managed to get through all the exercises, including X Stretch.

Today I decided to get up at 4AM to do my exercises in the morning (since doing them in the evening gave me an opportunity to procrastinate). Started with a protein drink and a little energy boost (Energy Stack) and did my Core Synergistics. I still have a long way to go with that routine, but I felt like a million bucks after that was done and over with. Now I'm at work, still feeling fantastic and wide awake, which hasn't happened in a long while.

It's a great feeling.

Yeah,I used to work out in the mornings, felt great and the glow lasted all day. But I work far from where I live now, I have to be on the road early.

I miss it, for sure.


The cold is almost gone, so tonight is the night.

Insanity Phase 2, Engage!

I'll post how bad it kicked my ass later tonight, I should be online programming afterwards.
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