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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Thanks - Ya, that should hold me over for a long time. How was Endurance X?

I believe Hawkian is the only one who attempted it this weekend, but he posted pretty detailed impressions. Sounds exhausting! Base & Back was enough for me on Saturday, for sure... maybe this next weekend, or Wednesday (rest day) I'll try it.


Oh god, child's pose after completing any day + Ab Ripper X back to back is THIS close to being as good as sex. Although I have to admit that I'm still not feeling Ab Ripper X enough, I'm improving form and it's definitely not like I'm keeping up with them, the first couple of minutes until Fifer Scissors just don't really feel like I'm working abs. I know that's supposed to be core work but still...I want my abs to feel as sore as the rest of the bodypart I'm working out that day.


Hang out with Steve.
Oh god, child's pose after completing any day + Ab Ripper X back to back is THIS close to being as good as sex. Although I have to admit that I'm still not feeling Ab Ripper X enough, I'm improving form and it's definitely not like I'm keeping up with them, the first couple of minutes until Fifer Scissors just don't really feel like I'm working abs. I know that's supposed to be core work but still...I want my abs to feel as sore as the rest of the bodypart I'm working out that day.

Make sure you're not rounding your back. Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and your back straight. And do the arms-up variants if you're not already. You're basically in Boat pose from Yoga.


Make sure you're not rounding your back. Keep your chest up, shoulders back, and your back straight. And do the arms-up variants if you're not already. You're basically in Boat pose from Yoga.

Speaking of this, I'm noticing that my arms/shoulders have a forward leaning inclination... I'm wondering if I need to work on my back moreso and give my chest a rest. In general, my posture isn't great and I think I might go see a chiro and see what they have to say about my spine/posture in general. Still, I hope that continuing to lose the gut and other fatty parts + gaining muscle will help correct a lot of the above.


Also I noticed two other things, it might seem like I'm getting ahead of myself here but when did you guys start noticing improvement in results? I did Chest & Back for week 3 today and I'm hoping that after the recovery week I can put in some better results but for now I was pretty damn dissapointed with today.

My pushups still suck absolute ass with most of the variants on my knees from the very start at the second round. It might be because of the push up bars that seem to make even the normal pushup seem really tough.

Also right now I feel like I worked out my left arm a little more than my right which was a little worrying. I really want the muscles to grow symmetrically and it seems I might be doing more with my left arm when pushing up/pulling up.

I just really hope I can put in some better results soon because I know getting ripped isn't exactly guaranteed but I always felt like I'd atleast get some better results.


Also I noticed two other things, it might seem like I'm getting ahead of myself here but when did you guys start noticing improvement in results? I did Chest & Back for week 3 today and I'm hoping that after the recovery week I can put in some better results but for now I was pretty damn dissapointed with today.

My pushups still suck absolute ass with most of the variants on my knees from the very start at the second round. It might be because of the push up bars that seem to make even the normal pushup seem really tough.

Also right now I feel like I worked out my left arm a little more than my right which was a little worrying. I really want the muscles to grow symmetrically and it seems I might be doing more with my left arm when pushing up/pulling up.

I just really hope I can put in some better results soon because I know getting ripped isn't exactly guaranteed but I always felt like I'd atleast get some better results.

Keep at it, I promise you those results are coming if you're working to the point of exhaustion, sleeping enough, and eating right. I don't think I started to really notice until month two, and somedays I get discouraged that I'm not ripped yet and then realize I haven't even been doing the program without fail for even four months. My before/after photos aren't Tenacious V caliber or anything, but I still think there is a night and day difference in that time, and four months is... nothing? Close to nothing, at least.

Rome wasn't built in a day and all that. Stick with it and you'll see.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Another Tony video chat today at 4PM. He'll make an announcement there (whatever that means).
Free lifetime subscription to TH Kitchen for all P90X grads, I bet.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Don't think I got to congratulate vatstep. Way to go!
Thanks - Ya, that should hold me over for a long time. How was Endurance X?
It was quite intense, and I didn't even have time to do the bonus round. I am gonna do it every Saturday though, it's a legitimately good workout in addition to an endurance trial. Full body with plenty of core work. I'm gonna be moving Yoga to another day to still have it in there...

Actually, spurred by Tenacious-V's totally ludicrously amazing results, I'm gonna be modifying my schedule to be more intensive all-around and burn more fat, and stick with around the same calorie intake I've been doing or slightly up it to be able to keep gaining mass. I just don't feel right not doing plyometrics anymore, and I'd really like to at least get some visible abs in addition to my other goals during this course of P90X. I have a feeling the schedule I wind up with is gonna be a monster, having Plyo at the beginning of the week and Endurance X at the end, without sacrificing any resistance or ARX. I'll be sure to post it when I have it fully worked out. Maybe I'll call it P90X Psycho.

In somewhat related fitness news I'm doing a Shakeology Cleanse starting today with my new fitness buddy from work. Very interesting stuff, sort of just trying it out of curiosity.

Man is Shakeology gross though. Lean1 is sooo much tastier. :p
Add milk, banana, and:eek:r peanut butter or almond butter if Shakeology still tastes nasty. Don't be surprised if it doesnt agree with your stomach at first. Very common at first where people complain of not pooping and stuff


Ok so I had MAX Interval Circuit... not MAX Plyo. Let's call tonight's workout a mutual crushing. I have never done that workout before tonight and holyshitamitired,
Ok so I had MAX Interval Circuit... not MAX Plyo. Let's call tonight's workout a mutual crushing. I have never done that workout before tonight and holyshitamitired,

I remember when I transitioned from the 40-minute workouts to the 60-minute workouts, thinking the extra 20 minutes wouldn't be that big of a deal.

Boy, was I wrong.


Ok so I had MAX Interval Circuit... not MAX Plyo. Let's call tonight's workout a mutual crushing. I have never done that workout before tonight and holyshitamitired,
I just finished my MAX Interval Circuit for the first time as well.

I'm not going to lie, I dogged it. After about 30 of those in/out ab workouts I got heart burn and that combined with the soul crushing full body routines just obliterated my moral. I suffered through it to the end, but I did not give it everything.
I love how everything works out more than one muscle group though, can't wait to come back to it.

Also, fuck that guy at the end of the workout that thinks it's alright to break dance. Almost kicking the hot chick is not cool. I love how they zoomed in on her face though.


I just finished my MAX Interval Circuit for the first time as well.

I'm not going to lie, I dogged it. After about 30 of those in/out ab workouts I got heart burn and that combined with the soul crushing full body routines just obliterated my moral. I suffered through it to the end, but I did not give it everything.
I love how everything works out more than one muscle group though, can't wait to come back to it.

Also, fuck that guy at the end of the workout that thinks it's alright to break dance. Almost kicking the hot chick is not cool. I love how they zoomed in on her face though.

Awesome. I didn't see the bolded though. I guess that's when I was laying on the floor with my head in my hands breathing harder than I have in years.


Night of the first day
(2136 hours remain)

I couldn't do a single rep of some of the push ups, like the diamond ones or that weird floor exercise that's like going under a fence. Once my elbows bend past a certain point I just end up collapsing. Next time I'll try them on an incline or something. Even with regular push ups I really have trouble keeping my back straight. My triceps must be a weak point.

My pull up exercises fared better as I was able to do a few reps each time until the very end and my arms had nothing left to give.

Ab Ripper went better than expected. But thank God it's only 17 minutes, I would die if it was 30 or something.

I had chocolate milk afterward (damn that stuff is delicious), showered (what a week to forget to bring my shampoo), and went to bed feeling like a million bucks. And that last part surprised me... I really felt great when I went to bed and while I was making breakfast this afternoon. Even though work kept me from getting enough sleep.

I'm awful with cardio so plyometrics tonight should be interesting...
The thing that drives me nuts about Insanity is how Sean T. counts down the end of a move.


(five seconds pass)




Night of the first day
(2136 hours remain)

I couldn't do a single rep of some of the push ups, like the diamond ones or that weird floor exercise that's like going under a fence. Once my elbows bend past a certain point I just end up collapsing. Next time I'll try them on an incline or something. Even with regular push ups I really have trouble keeping my back straight. My triceps must be a weak point.

My pull up exercises fared better as I was able to do a few reps each time until the very end and my arms had nothing left to give.

Ab Ripper went better than expected. But thank God it's only 17 minutes, I would die if it was 30 or something.

I had chocolate milk afterward (damn that stuff is delicious), showered (what a week to forget to bring my shampoo), and went to bed feeling like a million bucks. And that last part surprised me... I really felt great when I went to bed and while I was making breakfast this afternoon. Even though work kept me from getting enough sleep.

I'm awful with cardio so plyometrics tonight should be interesting...

Great work. Keep at it and you'll improve for sure. Oh.. and uh.. please post your feelings about PlyoX when you're finished.


Went nuts tonight, and completed the following back to back:

Insanity Pure Cardio
X2 Chest, Back & Balance
X2 Ab Ripper
Three mile run, no breaks, 28:03

Pretty positive that is the longest and hardest I've ever worked out in my life. Did better all around in Pure Cardio and Chest, Back, & Balance, did acceptable in ARX2, and my run time and consistency is pretty decent considering what proceeded it.

Will I not be able to move tomorrow? Quite possibly. Time for food.


Night of the first day
(2136 hours remain)

I couldn't do a single rep of some of the push ups, like the diamond ones or that weird floor exercise that's like going under a fence. Once my elbows bend past a certain point I just end up collapsing. Next time I'll try them on an incline or something. Even with regular push ups I really have trouble keeping my back straight. My triceps must be a weak point.

My pull up exercises fared better as I was able to do a few reps each time until the very end and my arms had nothing left to give.

Ab Ripper went better than expected. But thank God it's only 17 minutes, I would die if it was 30 or something.

I had chocolate milk afterward (damn that stuff is delicious), showered (what a week to forget to bring my shampoo), and went to bed feeling like a million bucks. And that last part surprised me... I really felt great when I went to bed and while I was making breakfast this afternoon. Even though work kept me from getting enough sleep.

I'm awful with cardio so plyometrics tonight should be interesting...

Oh you'll love plyo :)


The Cryptarch's Bane
Night of the first day
(2136 hours remain)

I couldn't do a single rep of some of the push ups, like the diamond ones or that weird floor exercise that's like going under a fence. Once my elbows bend past a certain point I just end up collapsing. Next time I'll try them on an incline or something. Even with regular push ups I really have trouble keeping my back straight. My triceps must be a weak point.

My pull up exercises fared better as I was able to do a few reps each time until the very end and my arms had nothing left to give.

Ab Ripper went better than expected. But thank God it's only 17 minutes, I would die if it was 30 or something.

I had chocolate milk afterward (damn that stuff is delicious), showered (what a week to forget to bring my shampoo), and went to bed feeling like a million bucks. And that last part surprised me... I really felt great when I went to bed and while I was making breakfast this afternoon. Even though work kept me from getting enough sleep.

I'm awful with cardio so plyometrics tonight should be interesting...

We had very similar first experiences with Diamond Push-ups, you and I. Today I did 13 :D


My wife and I want to start this program this week, but we are unable to do pull ups in the house. Non of the frames will support and the doors are basically in corners of rooms.

Anyone have a suggestion on a replacement for them?


My wife and I want to start this program this week, but we are unable to do pull ups in the house. Non of the frames will support and the doors are basically in corners of rooms.

Anyone have a suggestion on a replacement for them?

Resistance bands. I used them for a long time and they gave me good results. Pull ups are definitely more effective, but the bands will work for now.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I love Tony, but I REALLY wish he would stop YELLING during his video chats. The audio on his regular speaking voice is low, so I need to turn the volume up, but then he'll just randomly start yelling shit and practically blow out my speakers, haha. I was falling asleep while watching the archived video last night and he kept waking me up. The guy's charisma could power a small country.


I wish Tony would stop focusing his comments only on America:

- Welcome America;
- We are going to change this country of ours;
- This great nation;
- etc etc

p90x is worldwide tony :(


Long time lurker...

Having a few false starts with P90X this passed month, I want to run this by the gurus. I bike to and from work pretty much every weekday. It's about 11km one way, 40 minute bike ride. I was trying a full P90X while still biking, and switching to a Primal Diet. I got the carb flu and that knocked me out. Tried again but just felt biking + P90X ate up too much time.

I've been losing weight off and on for just around a year and a half. I started at 330 and am down to 220. It's been slow but permanent. Changing to the primal diet got me over my 240lb plateau which lasted me all winter. I did whatever I could do of Insanity (both months) when I was 280 and lost 25 pounds from that last summer. Tried it again this summer on top of biking but, so much cardio! I'm looking to get under 200 by the end of the year, even 190.

The Point: What do you guys think of a modified P90X where I only do the weight days on top of Biking? Skipping Polymetrics, Yoga X, and KenpoX. Thanks.


I wish Tony would stop focusing his comments only on America:

- Welcome America;
- We are going to change this country of ours;
- This great nation;
- etc etc

p90x is worldwide tony :(

I agree, but I do think it's cool to see him passionate about his country (like he is for most things).

Down to 201 today, that damn 200 mark is elusive. Down about 36 pounds since last year, and 26 since January! :p


Long time lurker...

Having a few false starts with P90X this passed month, I want to run this by the gurus. I bike to and from work pretty much every weekday. It's about 11km one way, 40 minute bike ride. I was trying a full P90X while still biking, and switching to a Primal Diet. I got the carb flu and that knocked me out. Tried again but just felt biking + P90X ate up too much time.

I've been losing weight off and on for just around a year and a half. I started at 330 and am down to 220. It's been slow but permanent. Changing to the primal diet got me over my 240lb plateau which lasted me all winter. I did whatever I could do of Insanity (both months) when I was 280 and lost 25 pounds from that last summer. Tried it again this summer on top of biking but, so much cardio! I'm looking to get under 200 by the end of the year, even 190.

The Point: What do you guys think of a modified P90X where I only do the weight days on top of Biking? Skipping Polymetrics, Yoga X, and KenpoX. Thanks.

Firm believer that upping your activity level and mixing it up with both resistance training and cardio is generally an improvement, especially if you've got a lot of weight to shed. How's your diet looking? How tall are you?

I'd guess your biking, while good for you, isn't nearly as taxing as something like plyometrics, so you might occasionally want to give your body that jolt that something like that (or Insanity) can provide instead. Good luck!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Long time lurker...

Having a few false starts with P90X this passed month, I want to run this by the gurus. I bike to and from work pretty much every weekday. It's about 11km one way, 40 minute bike ride. I was trying a full P90X while still biking, and switching to a Primal Diet. I got the carb flu and that knocked me out. Tried again but just felt biking + P90X ate up too much time.

I've been losing weight off and on for just around a year and a half. I started at 330 and am down to 220. It's been slow but permanent. Changing to the primal diet got me over my 240lb plateau which lasted me all winter. I did whatever I could do of Insanity (both months) when I was 280 and lost 25 pounds from that last summer. Tried it again this summer on top of biking but, so much cardio! I'm looking to get under 200 by the end of the year, even 190.

The Point: What do you guys think of a modified P90X where I only do the weight days on top of Biking? Skipping Polymetrics, Yoga X, and KenpoX. Thanks.
Well, if weight loss is a primary goal, Plyometrics is seriously the best thing the program has to offer you. You want lots of cardio to burn off those calories.

That said, the modified schedule you suggested is quite viable with a restricted calorie diet you will still lose plenty.

I would suggest keeping Yoga around (preferably Yoga X2 ;)) as it's straight up awesome for you.

edit: Damnit LaneDS, why do you have to be so accurate and helpful and faster at typing than me?

Went nuts tonight, and completed the following back to back:

Insanity Pure Cardio
X2 Chest, Back & Balance
X2 Ab Ripper
Three mile run, no breaks, 28:03

Pretty positive that is the longest and hardest I've ever worked out in my life. Did better all around in Pure Cardio and Chest, Back, & Balance, did acceptable in ARX2, and my run time and consistency is pretty decent considering what proceeded it.

Will I not be able to move tomorrow? Quite possibly. Time for food.
Holy crap, missed this. You probably burned in the 1300-1500 calorie range man O.O


Guys i'm without a mat for today, didn't have time to buy a new one yesterday e.e

It's my second week and it's Yoga time...what can i do instead? Cardio/Kenpo/Pylo?
Guys i'm without a mat for today, didn't have time to buy a new one yesterday e.e

It's my second week and it's Yoga time...what can i do instead? Cardio/Kenpo/Pylo?

What kind of surface are you working out on? Maybe try doubling up a few towels or something. I wouldn't replace yoga with any of those.
Second day of 4AM workout. In retrospect, the small dose of adderall I had yesterday after the exercise really helped out with my energy levels for the rest of the day. Today I skipped out on it and I'm not as energetic as I was yesterday, but I'm still very much awake and good for the day. Just only modestly chipper, not full blown RARING TO GO that I was previously.

Also, I noticed that I did much better keeping up with Tony and the kids in Cardio X today. It's only during and after the Plyo section that I had to take breaks.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm feeling better and more energetic on the Shakeology cleanse than I expected. I didn't have any trouble finishing my workout last night (though I could tell I couldn't bring it quite as hard as usual), and I definitely slept well, didn't feel hungry after dinner. If I'm happy with the results of this I might consider doing it every few months. While it's not worthwhile to try and maintain Shakeology as a once-a-day-forever kind of supplement, for these purposes it's not all that unreasonable.


Guys i'm without a mat for today, didn't have time to buy a new one yesterday e.e

It's my second week and it's Yoga time...what can i do instead? Cardio/Kenpo/Pylo?
Yeah, don't replace Yoga X.

Right up there with Core Syn, Plyo, and Legs & Back as an essential P90X workout.

It's time-consuming, but it's worth sticking with for the first two months before you shorten/modify it.


Do you guys drink protein shakes outside of your weight lifting days? I have plyo today but I'm considering drinking one because since I don't really follow the diet my protein intake might be pretty low and could probably use a bump.
Do you guys drink protein shakes outside of your weight lifting days? I have plyo today but I'm considering drinking one because since I don't really follow the diet my protein intake might be pretty low and could probably use a bump.

I have two protein shakes everyday except on my off day.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Do you guys drink protein shakes outside of your weight lifting days? I have plyo today but I'm considering drinking one because since I don't really follow the diet my protein intake might be pretty low and could probably use a bump.
Drink your shake (or take in some protein otherwise, it's not like the shake is magic) after every intensive workout, weight training or otherwise. Eeees good for youuuu


My wife and I want to start this program this week, but we are unable to do pull ups in the house. Non of the frames will support and the doors are basically in corners of rooms.

Anyone have a suggestion on a replacement for them?

You could try one of these if you know where your wall studs are. If you have a garage you could hang it in there as well. If not then use the bands they work pretty well.


Edit: I also found some vids on youtube on how to make your own pullup bar if you're feeling ambitious.


I have two protein shakes everyday except on my off day.

You do 8 or 16 oz (one scoop or two?) generally? I usually just follow my P90X with a 16 oz, double scoop shake, and will occasionally do Lean1 in the mornings or an actual shake for breakfast (usually 16 oz then too).
You do 8 or 16 oz (one scoop or two?) generally? I usually just follow my P90X with a 16 oz, double scoop shake, and will occasionally do Lean1 in the mornings or an actual shake for breakfast (usually 16 oz then too).

One scoop with 8 oz of fat free milk. One for breakfast and one after my workout.


I'm trying to stick with the diet plan but I've replaced my snacks with protein drinks, and I have one after my workout.


The Cryptarch's Bane
So, comrades...

After much deliberation I've decided to modify my already modified P90X schedule to remain focused on gaining mass, while burning some more fat and maintain agility/cardiovascular endurance.

As it's essentially sacrificing nothing but Cardio X, keeping all the Ab Ripper X, and adding back in Plyo and the NeoGAF-exclusive Endurance X, while keeping the solitary recovery week I have dubbed this somewhat ludicrous schedule P90X Psycho. I shall be the guinea pig and sacrifice my body to Based Horton to see what kind of results this thing is getting. Bear in mind this won't be a full test of this schedule as I'm only starting it out after doing 5 weeks of the regular P90X Mass schedule, but I'll have basically a full Block 2 of it. Indicated where in the schedule I am at the moment below.
P90X Psycho Schedule
Block 1, phase 1
Weeks 1 through 3

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 2: Plyometrics
Day 3: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 4: Yoga X2
Day 5: Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 6: Endurance X
Day 7: Off
Targeted number of reps: 8 to 12 (focus on 10 to 12)

Block 1, phase 2
Weeks 4 through 6

Day 1: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 2: Plyometrics <--- I'm here in Week 5
Day 3: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 4: Yoga X2
Day 5: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 6: Endurance X
Day 7: Off
Targeted number of reps: 8 to 12 (focus on 8 to 10)

Recovery Block
Week 7

Day 1: X Stretch
Day 2: Yoga X2
Day 3: Core Synergistics
Day 4: Kenpo X
Day 5: Yoga X2
Day 6: X Stretch
Day 7: Off

Block 2, phase 1
Weeks 8 and 9

Day 1: Chest, Shoulders, & Triceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 2: Plyometrics
Day 3: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 4: Yoga X2
Day 5: Back & Biceps, Ab Ripper X
Day 6: Endurance X
Day 7: Off
Day 8: Chest & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 9: Plyometrics
Day 10: Shoulders & Arms, Ab Ripper X
Day 11 Yoga X2
Day 12: Legs & Back, Ab Ripper X
Day 13: Endurance X
Day 14: Off
Targeted number of reps: 6 to 10

Block 2, phase 2
Weeks 10 and 11

Same schedule as weeks 8 and 9
Targeted number of reps: 4 to 8

Block 2, phase 3
Week 12

Same schedule as weeks 8 and 9
Targeted number of reps: 4 to 6

Either it'll kill me or it'll make me stronger.

Plyo tonight for the first time in a month.


Wow did plyo for the 4th time just now. First time after the first recovery week.

That shit does not get any easier, absolutely exhausting.

Although I did feel I could jump higher and do more reps, so that's something :)


Speaking of modified schedules, I have Cardio X today but I'm thinking about doing Plyocide or PAP Lower instead. I wanna train dem legs for a 10K race I'm doing in 12 days.
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