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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Slayed Kenpo X this morning and got it out of the way early. Followed it up with a nice, long walk, and now I'm about to head in to see The Dark Knight Rises. Good day so far!


The Cryptarch's Bane
I had to leave The Dark Knight Rises at the drive-in 20 minutes before the end, it was brutal, I want to know what happens so damn bad.
So as some of you know, with P90X coming up in the 2nd phase, I've been supplementing my workouts with extra weightlifting such as barbell presses, deadlifts, etc.

I'm proud to say I can finally do 10 pull-ups unassisted, and finally benched 150 lbs for the first time ever (1 big plate per side).

Let's see what 2nd phase brings...


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I had to leave The Dark Knight Rises at the drive-in 20 minutes before the end, it was brutal, I want to know what happens so damn bad.
WAT?! That's awful, why? Seeing it at a drive-in sounds awesome, though.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
A week and 2 days of Insanity left. Might finally post some before and after pics from P90X2/Insanity. I didn't get the crazy results some of you did (I have an odd body type) but I've done very well.

I'll be taking about 2 weeks "off" (I'll do some kenpo/plyo a few times a week) before looking into a P90X1/2 hybrid plan.


Hang out with Steve.
Bought some FatGripz to put on my chinup bar. They are supposed to improve grip strength. Definitely feeling it in my forearms! My reps were slightly lower on chinups & pullups today, especially the later sets, but they'll go back up.

Unfortunately the handles on my Bowflex SelectTechs are too thick for them to fit, but not as thick as the FatGripz are on a normal bar, so I'll just be using them for chinups & pullups.

Legs & Back + ARX today. Up to 35lbs/hand on the calf raises. It was harder to hold on to the dumbbells towards the end, because my forearms were sore from using the FatGripz :)


The Cryptarch's Bane
So as some of you know, with P90X coming up in the 2nd phase, I've been supplementing my workouts with extra weightlifting such as barbell presses, deadlifts, etc.

I'm proud to say I can finally do 10 pull-ups unassisted, and finally benched 150 lbs for the first time ever (1 big plate per side).

Let's see what 2nd phase brings...
Awesome progress, man! *brofist*
WAT?! That's awful, why? Seeing it at a drive-in sounds awesome, though.
Awesome atmosphere but they started the screening way late... after the trailers it was like 12:45 when the movie actually started.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You couldn't wait it out another 15 minutes? Did you have somewhere to be?
At work an increasingly slim number of hours later

But no, it wasn't my choice... I was with other people and we stuck it out as long as possible but had to bail due to illness.
that line will make you happy

Best downward dog happens right here.

Did Yoga X balanced postures pretty late yesterday, so today I wasn't able to wake up early as I did for the rest of the week. Yoga X as a whole is still very difficult to get through, and I still haven't attempted or managed to actually perform some of the moves (Standing Leg Splits, Half Moon/Twisted Half Moon, Crane, Open Scissors, etc.). I'm hoping that this improves over time, since right now my legs turn into goo like five seconds into these.


Oh, I'm there. It's made it into my weekly training phase of my modified schedule (did you happen to see it Steelo?)

Can't wait to try and beat my records from last week on saturday, beat up the bonus round, and correct the moves I performed wrong the first time around.

Mine's gonna be quite like that on most regular days, except 12:30-8:30 feeding phase so that I can still have lunch with people at work.

Today, I did my workout early in the day and had a big lunch following it, so my dinner will be not as crazy. Sticking to the same schedule though, just switching where the biggest meal comes.

You are doing Endurance X weekly? That shit cray. I was thinking about doing it once per month, lol.

Legs and Back was yesterday. After these last three weeks, I gotta say this is right now my best workout. I'm seeing notable improvements week after week on my numbers and range of motion in the pullups and chinups, and the legs moves are probably my strongest area.

And, on another note, I'm gonna do a natural colon cleanse this Saturday and Sunday. Has anyone ever done one? I get the feeling that my body might be able to absorb nutrients better, therefore I'll get even better results if I clean my stomach.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You are doing Endurance X weekly? That shit cray. I was thinking about doing it once per month, lol.
Yup, day 6 (Saturday for me). It's part of what I've dubbed the P90X Psycho schedule

Legs and Back was yesterday. After these last three weeks, I gotta say this is right now my best workout. I'm seeing notable improvements week after week on my numbers and range of motion in the pullups and chinups, and the legs moves are probably my strongest area.
Possibly my favorite too, it's so satisfying and really feels more like a total body workout than the name implies.

And, on another note, I'm gonna do a natural colon cleanse this Saturday and Sunday. Has anyone ever done one? I get the feeling that my body might be able to absorb nutrients better, therefore I'll get even better results if I clean my stomach.
I just did the Shakeology Cleanse and it felt really good. I don't think it's a bad idea to do something of the sort every once in a while, clean out the insides and whatnot.


Ugh, you guys just reminded me that Legs and Back is tomorrow. First one in weeks since phase 3 of Lean doesn't include it.

Great workout, but it's the one I dread the most.


Wall Squats?

"I'd stay, but I have to go check on the kids..."

Haha, exactly.

I think Legs and Back is Tony at his most dickish.

"How many pull-ups did you do? Well I'm gonna do 2 more to beat you. Suck it! I work out for a living!"


The Cryptarch's Bane
Leangains day 2: This is nuts. I really think the Shakeology Cleanse shrunk my stomach or something... I admit I definitely felt like snacking during the movie last night (it's long. the showing started at 12:45am. arg :p), but I didn't have any trouble skipping breakfast and making it to 12:30 today, even though I hadn't slept as much as I should have. Got a Chipotle salad for lunch which I can usually straight-up devour and be licking my plate in a matter of minutes, and filled up on maybe half of it. Mmm, leftovers. And since this is a regular schedule day, dinner gets to be my big post-workout meal... I hope I have an adequate appetite by then!

It's taking some getting used to, but I'm surprised at how relatively easy the transition has been so far. The craziest thing to me is that it looks like it's going to be more difficult for me to eat as much as I need to during the feeding phase to make gains. Like, I'm actually feeling full with calories to "spare." I have never encountered this "problem" before and if you had told me I'd be in this position (not concerned with losing more weight, having to figure out how to eat more for my fitness I'd have asked you to share the drugs


Hawkian, do you have an abridged version of what you're doing for Leangains? I feel like the system would be confusing and I'd have a tough time sticking to it, but a lot of people seem to swear by it. Also, I feel like I've been right around the 190 lb mark for a few weeks now (though again, probably/hopefully still losing fat and replacing it with muscle, so I'm not too concerned).

Interested to hear more though.

nekura called me out in the weight loss thread to do Endurance X, so tomorrow, I'm doing it. Sorry Base & Back, maybe next time.


Hang out with Steve.
F Yeah, so we have You, Hawkian, HP, Nekura and I doing Endurance X tomorrow.

Anyone else who wants to join?


I don't want to change anything up my first time through P90X. In January, after I'm done with P90X2 and my 12-month program, I'll start a hybrid/custom workout.


Hawkian, do you have an abridged version of what you're doing for Leangains? I feel like the system would be confusing and I'd have a tough time sticking to it, but a lot of people seem to swear by it. Also, I feel like I've been right around the 190 lb mark for a few weeks now (though again, probably/hopefully still losing fat and replacing it with muscle, so I'm not too concerned).

Interested to hear more though.

nekura called me out in the weight loss thread to do Endurance X, so tomorrow, I'm doing it. Sorry Base & Back, maybe next time.
Leangains is really weird with P90X. The idea behind the full Leangains model is that you do heavy resistance training for 45 minutes three days a week and no other working out on the other days, which obviously doesn't fit with P90X. On resistance days, you take in more calories than your BMR, a ton of carbs, and as few fats as possible, whereas on rest days you take less calories than your BMR, as few carbs as possible, and lots of fats. Protein is kept high on both days. Actual macros vary depending on your goals (cutting, body recomposition, bulking).

As far as eating is concerned, you fast for 16 hours and eat for 8, and try to get in the bulk of your carbs/protein post-workout. So for me, I break fast at 2 PM with something small, have some snacks here and there between then and workout time, workout at 7 PM, and eat a huge meal at around 9:30 PM. Even on my non-resistance days I eat my big meals around the same time to help keep satiety up through the next day.

If you want to see what my meals/macros look like, I can send you a link to my MyFitnessPal diary. I'm currently in the process of setting up a consultation with RippedBody.jp to figure out what I'm going to be doing when I'm done P90X, and hopefully will be able to share more about that soon. :) Speaking of RippedBody.jp it's a great resource for Leangains stuff since it takes a lot of the information that's spread out across leangains.com and centralizes it a bit. Links I'd recommend reading:


I don't really think the system is that complex, though you do have to play around with it to make it work for you. If you have any questions I'll try to answer them to the best of my knowledge!

F Yeah, so we have You, Hawkian, HP, Nekura and I doing Endurance X tomorrow.
Whoa whoa, I didn't sign up for this! XD Lane said he would punch his genetics in the face in response to one of my comments, and I told him doing Endurance X instead would be a suitable replacement for me. I'm pretty picky about how much I work out in a day and I think Legs and Back + Ab Ripper X2 is plenty for me tomorrow. :b


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hawkian, do you have an abridged version of what you're doing for Leangains? I feel like the system would be confusing and I'd have a tough time sticking to it, but a lot of people seem to swear by it. Also, I feel like I've been right around the 190 lb mark for a few weeks now (though again, probably/hopefully still losing fat and replacing it with muscle, so I'm not too concerned).

Interested to hear more though.

nekura called me out in the weight loss thread to do Endurance X, so tomorrow, I'm doing it. Sorry Base & Back, maybe next time.

Sure. I'm not getting terribly in-depth with macro calculation quite yet (still just using MFP to keep track of everything and keep myself accountable), nor am I being as efficient as possible I'm sure, but the basics are:

It's an 8 hour feeding phase, 16 hour fast (this means, for most people, skipping breakfast and no late night snacks). Strictly little to no calories (like 20 or fewer, perhaps a splash of milk in coffee or what have you) should be consumed during the fast.

My setup is more less as follows:
1. Feeding phase: 12:30-8:30pm
2: Schedule:
First meal/Lunch: 12:30 PM
Snack of some sort: 3 or 4pm
Work out: 6-7ish, post-workout shake right after
Large dinner: 8/8:30pm
3. On days when I work out prior to 12:30, the size of the two meals is flipped
4. Higher-carb on all weight-training days and more intensive other exercise days
5. Low-carb, lean all-around on rest days/lighter cardio days
6. Always lots o' protein
7. Lotsa water :)

Gonna see how I do following these general principles for a while, then maybe get down to the nitty gritty. I'm liking it so far though!

edit: Very interesting stuff nekura. It definitely is an odd mash-up with P90X. But I'm very curious to see the results!

If you're trying to breach a weight-loss plateau, I gotta say I recommend the Shakeology Cleanse ;)


Lost two days while in Chicago for work, I was working 12-14 hour days and had no time to do anything. I did do Chest/Shoulders/Tris the first day but once the shooting began, I couldn't :(

Oh well, got home last night and did Plyo...I'm going to skip the rest day so I'm only 1 day behind. Not bad.

Since I started I think I'm only 2-3 behind total (after this week). Not terrible.


Lost two days while in Chicago for work, I was working 12-14 hour days and had no time to do anything. I did do Chest/Shoulders/Tris the first day but once the shooting began, I couldn't :(

Oh well, got home last night and did Plyo...I'm going to skip the rest day so I'm only 1 day behind. Not bad.

Since I started I think I'm only 2-3 behind total (after this week). Not terrible.
That's good. As long as you're not falling behind out of pure laziness I wouldn't stress over it. Things come up.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Bit tired today and worn out from my second to last week of Insanity. Is there any harm in switching to Kenpo for tonight's workout? Or maybe I'll do the sports training one tonight, and kenpo tomorrow.


Bit tired today and worn out from my second to last week of Insanity. Is there any harm in switching to Kenpo for tonight's workout? Or maybe I'll do the sports training one tonight, and kenpo tomorrow.

Exercise is exercise, progress is progress. Do what your body will allow, and don't worry about it too much beyond that.
Bit tired today and worn out from my second to last week of Insanity. Is there any harm in switching to Kenpo for tonight's workout? Or maybe I'll do the sports training one tonight, and kenpo tomorrow.

Stick with the regular workout. Don't think about it too much before. Go home, hit play. You'll make it through the whole thing.


Just have Kenpo X tomorrow and then I'm gonna enjoy my first recovery week! Although I have heard some horrific things about core synergetics so maybe I shouldn't be so excited. Legs & Back today felt good but I don't think I managed to tire myself out like I did last week when I could barely get up the stairs afterwards.

Also after all the pullups my arms would feel incredibly thick and I would have a much harder time stretching afterwards and this time I feel pretty ok after it. Not sure if I feel good or bad about that but I'm really excited to see what happens when I give my muscles some rest and time to grow and hopefully I can put in some good results after the recovery week.


Core Synergistics is a hard workout, but it's up there with one of the very best; an amazing whole body routine.

Dat Plank to Chaturanga ISO.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Dat Plank to Chaturanga ISO.
This I have no problem with -- it's that chaturanga run that is just impossible for me. Adam's anguished groans during that sequence make me not feel so bad though, ha.


Adam, the dude with one of the most badass bodies I've ever seen, struggles a couple times during that workout. It's quite motivating :p


Does anyone have any good recipes for some healthy pizza? I just improvised one using whole wheat bread, chicken, pesto sauce, spinach and some goat cheese.


Like you said, some whole wheat bread, roasted chicken, spinach, zucchini, artichoke hearts, skim mozzarella cheese, black olives, cut tomatoes, and the best of all, basil.


Best downward dog happens right here.

Did Yoga X balanced postures pretty late yesterday, so today I wasn't able to wake up early as I did for the rest of the week. Yoga X as a whole is still very difficult to get through, and I still haven't attempted or managed to actually perform some of the moves (Standing Leg Splits, Half Moon/Twisted Half Moon, Crane, Open Scissors, etc.). I'm hoping that this improves over time, since right now my legs turn into goo like five seconds into these.
You're already doing better than me if your arms weren't giving out on you constantly too. lol

I critically failed a lot of those moves... it's humbling.

Wall Squats?

"I'd stay, but I have to go check on the kids..."

"Next up, SINGLE LEG wall squats"

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