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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

So I just tried a Whey protein shake after a workout. It tasted delicious! I feel so energized!

And is light tingling in the hands a bad thing? Because that's what I've been feeling since I drank it, hahaha. Is it normal when you're first starting out on a Whey protein schedule?
Well, it happened. My band snapped on me at the halfway mark, popping me pretty hard on my pinky and on my protective goggles. Luckily I always wear goggles. My finger's bleeding a bit and feels numb. I don't have a backup band so I'll have to postpone my workout at least a day while I hunt down a replacement, which sucks.

Damn, that's scary man. Glad you're ok.

So I just tried a Whey protein shake after a workout. It tasted delicious! I feel so energized!

And is light tingling in the hands a bad thing? Because that's what I've been feeling since I drank it, hahaha. Is it normal when you're first starting out on a Whey protein schedule?

Probably related to the workout and not the shake.
Thanks for the reply guys. I'll definitely give it a shot. Man, doing the p90x warmup winded me enough for the real exercises to kick my ass.

Another thing . . . I shouldn't expect too much of an improvement at the start, correct? I've been reading that you really see a big change the second or third time through the routine.

Also, unrelated, but I lost 10 pounds over the last 1.5 months since I changed my diet. I totally cut soda out of it, except for maybe a can when I'm out every other week or so. I'm ready to move forward with this!

actually, you should notice improvements week after week. I noticed a dramatic difference in my balance the first week and more gradual improvement in endurance/strength down the line.

you'll probably feel a difference before seeing it.


So I just tried a Whey protein shake after a workout. It tasted delicious! I feel so energized!

And is light tingling in the hands a bad thing? Because that's what I've been feeling since I drank it, hahaha. Is it normal when you're first starting out on a Whey protein schedule?

What brand protein powder are you using?
Hi GAF been following this thread for a while and finally got on p90x yesterday. I have come to the conclusion that I have terrible legs. My god they burned after plyometrics today. Not really following the diet but making sure I just eat healthy with lots of protein.


Hi GAF been following this thread for a while and finally got on p90x yesterday. I have come to the conclusion that I have terrible legs. My god they burned after plyometrics today. Not really following the diet but making sure I just eat healthy with lots of protein.

My conclusion is that if you stick with the program, you'll have awesome legs in a few months. Good luck!


Hi GAF been following this thread for a while and finally got on p90x yesterday. I have come to the conclusion that I have terrible legs. My god they burned after plyometrics today. Not really following the diet but making sure I just eat healthy with lots of protein.
I concur with LaneDS.

Probably the biggest difference in my body after my first round was in my legs. Huge improvement.
What brand protein powder are you using?

Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard 100% Whey

I just had another shake after my workout an hour and a half ago and didn't get the tingly feeling, so I guess it was just some weird moment last night, haha.

Finished Day 6 of P90! The workout is easy, but I am glad I am doing this before P90x. It gives me a good sweat each day, which is what I am looking for at the moment. I'm not looking for anything intense yet.


I've decided to drop the P90x workouts for a while and actually go through the 60 days of Insanity instead of using it as part of a hybrid. P90X has gotten boring or maybe just stale, so I have to move away from it before I start to dread the routine. I'm going to use Saturdays as pull-up days so I don't lose as much progress with those.

After Insanity I'm going to move on to P90X2 and finish that before the new year.( Should be close anyway). I'll probably search around for a good hybrid after finishing X2.

Body Beast is a slight maybe for 2013, but I don't want to lose my cardiovascular strength and I really doubt they do much with that, so it's probably not for me.

Today is day three of Insanity.
Well, it happened. My band snapped on me at the halfway mark, popping me pretty hard on my pinky and on my protective goggles. Luckily I always wear goggles. My finger's bleeding a bit and feels numb. I don't have a backup band so I'll have to postpone my workout at least a day while I hunt down a replacement, which sucks.

This is my nightmare and why I ended up switching to dumbbells for P90. I just don't trust don't trust those bands. I'm glad you survived reasonably unscathed.


Iwata een bom zal droppen
So I was doing reverse grip bent over rows in the back & biceps video and a felt a twinge in my lower back. It was enough to make me stop the work out. I'm 29 and I've never had an injury before, what would be my recommended course of action? I'm not in agony but I'm definately feeling something still.


I went through P90X a month ago and got great results without really focusing on my diet (besides cutting obvious crap like soda, going out for lunch at work, sugary cereal, etc.)

I'm starting a second run through and I don't think I eat enough food during the day. Here's what I eat, what can I add?

7AM: Bowl of Kashi Go Lean Cereal with Skim Milk
11AM: Clif Builder Bar
12PM: Fage 2% Greek Yogurt
3PM: Cheese stick
6PM: Raw Almonds or TJ's Turkey Jerky
7PM: (workout)
8:30PM: Dinner, varies but lean protein and veggies.​

I don't think this is a great diet but it is really easy. Besides dinner, nothing takes any prep time at all. The problem is that I am so hungry in the afternoon and I'll occasionally eat something in the office, all of which is terrible (muffins, bagels, candy). Is this the right thread to ask for advice?
So I was doing reverse grip bent over rows in the back & biceps video and a felt a twinge in my lower back. It was enough to make me stop the work out. I'm 29 and I've never had an injury before, what would be my recommended course of action? I'm not in agony but I'm definately feeling something still.

I wouldn't risk it. I have had many back problems from work and last year during my first p90x round i tweaked my back and had to stop for 4-5 days. I say don't decide on anything until you wake up tomorrow and get a good idea what your back feel like.

Well, it happened. My band snapped on me at the halfway mark, popping me pretty hard on my pinky and on my protective goggles. Luckily I always wear goggles. My finger's bleeding a bit and feels numb. I don't have a backup band so I'll have to postpone my workout at least a day while I hunt down a replacement, which sucks.

wow, nice call on the goggles. I would rather run the risk of dropping a dumbbell on my toe rather than a band failure.


I went through P90X a month ago and got great results without really focusing on my diet (besides cutting obvious crap like soda, going out for lunch at work, sugary cereal, etc.)

I'm starting a second run through and I don't think I eat enough food during the day. Here's what I eat, what can I add?

7AM: Bowl of Kashi Go Lean Cereal with Skim Milk
11AM: Clif Builder Bar
12PM: Fage 2% Greek Yogurt
3PM: Cheese stick
6PM: Raw Almonds or TJ's Turkey Jerky
7PM: (workout)
8:30PM: Dinner, varies but lean protein and veggies.​

I don't think this is a great diet but it is really easy. Besides dinner, nothing takes any prep time at all. The problem is that I am so hungry in the afternoon and I'll occasionally eat something in the office, all of which is terrible (muffins, bagels, candy). Is this the right thread to ask for advice?
I don't feel like mathing out your calories but I think the problem is what you're putting into your mouth, not how much (though that may be a problem too). Most of that stuff is super quick to digest. I'd recommend trying to get more fats into your diet or slower digesting foods in earlier in the day (protein, fibrous vegetables, etc.). I'd also recommend reading this article: Why Does Breakfast Make Me Hungry?.
So I was doing reverse grip bent over rows in the back & biceps video and a felt a twinge in my lower back. It was enough to make me stop the work out. I'm 29 and I've never had an injury before, what would be my recommended course of action? I'm not in agony but I'm definately feeling something still.

Go see a doctor. Back is something I would not take slightly


Hang out with Steve.
I went through P90X a month ago and got great results without really focusing on my diet (besides cutting obvious crap like soda, going out for lunch at work, sugary cereal, etc.)

I'm starting a second run through and I don't think I eat enough food during the day. Here's what I eat, what can I add?

7AM: Bowl of Kashi Go Lean Cereal with Skim Milk
11AM: Clif Builder Bar
12PM: Fage 2% Greek Yogurt
3PM: Cheese stick
6PM: Raw Almonds or TJ's Turkey Jerky
7PM: (workout)
8:30PM: Dinner, varies but lean protein and veggies.​

I don't think this is a great diet but it is really easy. Besides dinner, nothing takes any prep time at all. The problem is that I am so hungry in the afternoon and I'll occasionally eat something in the office, all of which is terrible (muffins, bagels, candy). Is this the right thread to ask for advice?

Eggs, lots of eggs. Eat 3 eggs instead of that bowl of cereal. Also, skim milk is pretty much carbs & not much protein. If you're going to drink milk, get whole milk.

Cliff builder bars are tasty, but I ONLY eat them when I'm going on a long kayak trip. They are for quick energy (lots of carbs) and a little protein to sustain. You can do better for a mid morning snack.

But yeah, eggs are a superfood, eat 'em up. And they're extremely versatile & relatively inexpensive.


Oof. Had to bail halfway through plyocide tonight. Was super exhausted all day, work was very demanding, and even though I was doing great with tonight's workout (did 17 jack in the box knee tucks during the allotted time!) I hit a point where I was both light-headed/dizzy and also nauseous, so I opted to call it. Oh well.

Weighed in at my lowest this morning, 186.8 lbs, but really need to get my diet in check to lower my BF% 5-10% more (I'm at 20% according to a recent health screen).


Starting tomorrow on power 90, feeling to much like a weakling to do p90x (cant do proper push ups). So my idea was first to either complete power 90, or switch over at day 60 or so.

I allready lost weight from around 95kg to 80 kg by diet and 3 times a week running.
Hoping to lose a few additional kilo (im 1.88m tall), and build some muscle.

I was also wondering, could i replace the cardio workout with running (especically since its nice weather now, and in few minutes walk im at the beach and forest). Of course after running doing the abs excersise.
Starting tomorrow on power 90, feeling to much like a weakling to do p90x (cant do proper push ups). So my idea was first to either complete power 90, or switch over at day 60 or so.

I allready lost weight from around 95kg to 80 kg by diet and 3 times a week running.
Hoping to lose a few additional kilo (im 1.88m tall), and build some muscle.

I was also wondering, could i replace the cardio workout with running (especically since its nice weather now, and in few minutes walk im at the beach and forest). Of course after running doing the abs excersise.

You will most likely be done with p90 around day 60 or 70. Good choice

I'd try cardio first. It's not long, and since if it's too easy you can abandon it completely. See how it feels.


Oke thanks, yes i will definately try out the cardio routine first, and see how much it will make me sweat :D or replace it one time a week by running (or more or less if its nice weather), i really enjoy running outside, music on, nice environment.
Oke thanks, yes i will definately try out the cardio routine first, and see how much it will make me sweat :D or replace it one time a week by running (or more or less if its nice weather), i really enjoy running outside, music on, nice environment.

If you are pretty in shape already then just jump into 3-4 cardio. 1-2 can be too easy
Oof. Had to bail halfway through plyocide tonight. Was super exhausted all day, work was very demanding, and even though I was doing great with tonight's workout (did 17 jack in the box knee tucks during the allotted time!) I hit a point where I was both light-headed/dizzy and also nauseous, so I opted to call it. Oh well.

Weighed in at my lowest this morning, 186.8 lbs, but really need to get my diet in check to lower my BF% 5-10% more (I'm at 20% according to a recent health screen).

No more Mickey D's!
First P90X today. My goal was to push as hard as I could all the way through and I did. Light-headed and wanting to blow chunks afterwards, but that's cool. Feels like football practice used to feel. Little weirded out gassing so hard, but I think it might be because I'm a week into keto. Anyway, just finished my whey with almond milk.

Can't wait for tomorrow.
First P90X today. My goal was to push as hard as I could all the way through and I did. Light-headed and wanting to blow chunks afterwards, but that's cool. Feels like football practice used to feel. Little weirded out gassing so hard, but I think it might be because I'm a week into keto. Anyway, just finished my whey with almond milk.

Can't wait for tomorrow.

You must check in after tomorrow. Plyo is everyone's favorite rite of passage


I went through P90X a month ago and got great results without really focusing on my diet (besides cutting obvious crap like soda, going out for lunch at work, sugary cereal, etc.)

I'm starting a second run through and I don't think I eat enough food during the day. Here's what I eat, what can I add?

7AM: Bowl of Kashi Go Lean Cereal with Skim Milk
11AM: Clif Builder Bar
12PM: Fage 2% Greek Yogurt
3PM: Cheese stick
6PM: Raw Almonds or TJ's Turkey Jerky
7PM: (workout)
8:30PM: Dinner, varies but lean protein and veggies.​

I don't think this is a great diet but it is really easy. Besides dinner, nothing takes any prep time at all. The problem is that I am so hungry in the afternoon and I'll occasionally eat something in the office, all of which is terrible (muffins, bagels, candy). Is this the right thread to ask for advice?

I would recommend either a 2nd cup of greek yogurt or a protein shake...or both and drop the cheese stick.
Starting tomorrow on power 90, feeling to much like a weakling to do p90x (cant do proper push ups). So my idea was first to either complete power 90, or switch over at day 60 or so.

I allready lost weight from around 95kg to 80 kg by diet and 3 times a week running.
Hoping to lose a few additional kilo (im 1.88m tall), and build some muscle.

I was also wondering, could i replace the cardio workout with running (especically since its nice weather now, and in few minutes walk im at the beach and forest). Of course after running doing the abs excersise.

I wouldn't cut out cardio entirely. It's not going to be super exhausting if you already run regularly, but it will definitely improve your flexibility. I know mine has improved a lot. The yoga portion seemed especially tough at first but I know I've improved since I started a month ago. Yoga will help build upper body strength too - downward dog is no joke if you've never done yoga before. Maybe consider alternating cardio and running, or, if you are really ambitious, go for a quick jog after you warm up by doing cardio.
Almost finished week three. Been pushing harder, and really feeling it.

Yoga, Core, and Stretching galore next week. Looking forward to Phase 2.


Just did my first p90 sculpt 1-2, it really made me sweat so guess that is good. Im using the red resistance band, is that a good one to start? Also im have a little bit difficulty where to press my foot on it, because i want the good resistance (not to little, not to much), any tricks or guidelines for this?

For push ups, im doing them on my knees for now, hope i can improve in a few weeks and do proper push ups.

I wouldn't cut out cardio entirely. It's not going to be super exhausting if you already run regularly, but it will definitely improve your flexibility. I know mine has improved a lot. The yoga portion seemed especially tough at first but I know I've improved since I started a month ago. Yoga will help build upper body strength too - downward dog is no joke if you've never done yoga before. Maybe consider alternating cardio and running, or, if you are really ambitious, go for a quick jog after you warm up by doing cardio.
Thanks for the advies, im doing tomorrow my first cario 1-2 training so see how it goes, it uses other musscles than running as you said, maybe il just jog on my rest day or replace one. And if i feel good enough run after it (maybe a smaller lap).

Also, im going for my first proteine drink ever, hope i like it (going mix it with skim milk)
Just did my first p90 sculpt 1-2, it really made me sweat so guess that is good. Im using the red resistance band, is that a good one to start? Also im have a little bit difficulty where to press my foot on it, because i want the good resistance (not to little, not to much), any tricks or guidelines for this?

wear these!
wear these!

Yes, for the love of god, wear these. Or some form of glasses.

I used resistance bands one time without goggles, and the handle slipped off from the band. The band slapped me really hard in the side of the face and was about 1 inch of destroying my eye.

I've used weights since then.


wear these!

Yes! Take it from me (recently had my band snap on me), you want eye protection. Heavy duty plastic glasses or goggles that cover your eyes and the area immediately surrounding your eyes. If I hadn't been wearing eye protection who knows, I may not be able to see now (when my band snapped on me, the plastic handle slapped my glasses pretty hard). Be safe!

Edit: Maybe suggesting protective eyewear ought to be incorporated into the OP for those using bands?
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