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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

Okay guys I did yoga for the first time today. Please tell me you found it as hard as I just found it on your first go?!

Yoga REALLY sucks. Like REALLY badly. And I am already a fit person doing the beginner Yoga on P90.

Anyways, just started my second week of P90. Holy shit, I am so glad I didn't skip my rest day. I felt great during the workout, and I have so much more energy this week.
It was definitely the hardest one I've done so far. I'm glad Tony was just on the screen and not in the actual room because I told him to fuck off a lot :lol
So after watching my roommates attempt P90X last year (using a... modified, irregular routine with pirated DVDs...), I'm interested in tackling the program myself this fall. I've got a few questions, though, and I'd be grateful for any answers:

1) I'd like to just buy an "All-In-One" P90X kit that includes everything I would ever need, but it seems like even the P90X Ultimate kit is missing stuff like the Yoga Block and Yoga/Jump Mat. The protective glasses also seem important. How should I go about getting the proper equipment? Go with P90X Ultimate and buy a block, mat, and glasses (and anything else...?) separate? Or go with the Base and buy everything else separate? Would I be missing something important with the 5 P90X Plus Workouts?

2) How substantial are the nutrition guides and recipes? Are they pretty intuitive and easy to keep up with? My fear is that it's just going to simply say "You need X amount of proteins and carbs, which you can get by eating steak and some spaghetti" and leave it at that. I'm not familiar at all with nutrition and wouldn't be able to keep up with it unless I had some more explicit guides with detailed recipes and instructions.

Thanks for any help!

i can vouch for getting just the DVDs and going from there. dropped 40lbs last year during my first round with a simple calorie deficit. All I really have is my old weight set and i purchased a pull up bar.

try one round with your friends DVD's. then if you really want to get into it, go for the all out package.

Okay guys I did yoga for the first time today. Please tell me you found it as hard as I just found it on your first go?!

it's nuts. who knew standing still and breathing could make you sweat more than any other routine.
Just finished Week 3! (Well, tomorrow is Stretch X, but, yeah.)

Recovery week, here I come. My heart wants to explode just thinking about it.

Also, has anyone else noticed their sex drive going up? I've been hornier than a priest lately..

Okay guys I did yoga for the first time today. Please tell me you found it as hard as I just found it on your first go?!

It can be brutal but trust me, it gets somewhat easier, and it really helps tie everything together. Keep at it!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Nothing will provide you more total-body conditioning that actually makes you feel better in your day-to-day life than yoga. It's really something, though I admit I can't tolerate the original X's length. Go for Yoga X2 and feel the flow ;)
Can P90X GAF help in some way? Hope you can get back to it soon, and feel better both mentally and physically (for me they definitely go hand-in-hand).

You got GAF on your side, should you need to vent.

And I know the feeling, depression and mental distress are some of the reasons I force myself into working out, it helps a lot.

Thanks. No... I think I just need some time and for a few things to go right for me.

Just a combination of way too many things going wrong all at once and it's knocked me sideways in a pretty big way. :(
Thanks. No... I think I just need some time and for a few things to go right for me.

Just a combination of way too many things going wrong all at once and it's knocked me sideways in a pretty big way. :(

When it rains, it pours, my friend. Whatever is going on, it will pass.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I missed that. Keep your head up, Psychotext. The lot of us will go ahead and beat the shit out of life for you, if that would help.


Thanks. No... I think I just need some time and for a few things to go right for me.

Just a combination of way too many things going wrong all at once and it's knocked me sideways in a pretty big way. :(

While I don't know the specifics, I can say I've had a pretty shit year partly due to my own actions and partly due to shit luck. It probably isn't much, but I hope you can join us for the workouts again soon because I know for me at least they are one of if not the only things keeping me afloat. Either way I wish you the best of luck with what you've got going on.

Related, endured a shitty day and am about to try X2 Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps for the first time once the Pharm Assault kicks in. Don't have much in the way of energy, but got plenty of frustration, so we'll see how that goes.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So for the next month or so I plan to do 4 workouts per week (since I have some traveling) and am trying to decide what to do every week. I have P90X, P90X2, and Insanity.

What about:
Monday - Chest & Back
Tuesday - Insanity Sports Training
Thursday - Plyocide
Friday - Kenpo X

That a good schedule? Aiming more for calorie burn/weight loss. Should I swap chest & back with Core Synergistics?

In a month, after I am back from PAX, I'll start a new full program.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Core Syn is amazing! Just had my first taste of it this week.

Start Phase 2 tomorrow! Crazy how fast Phase 1 went. Chest, Shoulders and Triceps tomorrow. Should I be afraid?
Yes. For me, in terms of which workout was most difficult on the first try, it was definitely that one. It's probably my least favorite, but hey, it works.


Hang out with Steve.
core syn, how I've missed you

Speaking of which, just finished this on Day 54. Second core syn of my second recovery week. Phase 3 starts Monday. Milestone -- was able to do all of the reps in the Plank/Chaturanga Iso holds, including coming up strong & straight after the last Chaturanga hold.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I was able to pull all the Iso holds out too for the first time, but Plank to Chatauranga run still fucked my shit the fuck up. I don't get how anyone could possibly do that move at full speed with all the low runs without breaking.


I was able to pull all the Iso holds out too for the first time, but Plank to Chatauranga run still fucked my shit the fuck up. I don't get how anyone could possibly do that move at full speed with all the low runs without breaking.

I'm on week 7 and I haven't made any improvement on P to C run since about week 3. I can start ok, I can get down to chatarunga ok, but pushing myself back up to plank destroys my body and spirit. I dunno why, it's just a push up. But it takes everything I have, then I'm ok again in plank... if I try going down again after that it's a sloppy chatarunga and absolutely no coming back up.

I keep trying though!


Hang out with Steve.
I'm on week 7 and I haven't made any improvement on P to C run since about week 3. I can start ok, I can get down to chatarunga ok, but pushing myself back up to plank destroys my body and spirit. I dunno why, it's just a push up. But it takes everything I have, then I'm ok again in plank... if I try going down again after that it's a sloppy chatarunga and absolutely no coming back up.

I keep trying though!

Chaturanga Run is actually an Achievement in the P90X iPhone App, although you get it automatically when you do Core Syn the first time.
I was able to pull all the Iso holds out too for the first time, but Plank to Chatauranga run still fucked my shit the fuck up. I don't get how anyone could possibly do that move at full speed with all the low runs without breaking.

I notice Tony has his butt really high in the air when he does it and thats why he can go so fast. Adam is a lot lower to the ground and goes slower. Poor form Tony :)


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'm on week 7 and I haven't made any improvement on P to C run since about week 3. I can start ok, I can get down to chatarunga ok, but pushing myself back up to plank destroys my body and spirit. I dunno why, it's just a push up. But it takes everything I have, then I'm ok again in plank... if I try going down again after that it's a sloppy chatarunga and absolutely no coming back up.

I keep trying though!
It's not just a push up, because your leg muscles aren't targeted at all during a regular push-up. That's what makes it "synergistic" I suppose. Sure as hell makes it harder


This discussion reminds me how much I hated the ski abs, in and out push ups, squat jacks, side oblique push up thingers combo from Insanity MAX Interval Circuit the other day. Made the P90X equivalent seem easy by comparison.
This discussion reminds me how much I hated the ski abs, in and out push ups, squat jacks, side oblique push up thingers combo from Insanity MAX Interval Circuit the other day. Made the P90X equivalent seem easy by comparison.

Yes. They would make Burt Reynolds weep. I'm so exhausted by the third one.


Oh man, the fat on my gut really won't go away. I know it's not good for me to think like this, but the more I workout the more I feel like my belly stands out in the mirror :( I think I should try to lower my calories, but I'm still fasting for 2 more weeks and I get so hungry during the day that I end up force feeding myself at night. And then I feel sick in the morning. And I'm completely lacking of sleep (getting 4-5h of sleep only, I'd like to get at least 7h) too, so I'm really frustrated with my situation right now.
The good news is I'm enjoying p90x2 phase 2 so much, I wouldn't mind just keeping doing it for 5 more weeks haha. I think I'll just do one more week (and that will be week 6) and then I'll take a few days off (I'm gonna climb the Mount Fuji with a coworker!), and then I can finally start phase 3. Can't wait to see what's this PAP thing


This discussion reminds me how much I hated the ski abs, in and out push ups, squat jacks, side oblique push up thingers combo from Insanity MAX Interval Circuit the other day. Made the P90X equivalent seem easy by comparison.
At one point you can hear... Hannah I think breathing really hard during that particular exercise, either during the second or third set. That's about when I collapse.


Pretty sure I couldn't see, hear, or move at that point, but maybe one day I'll see/hear what you mean. When I try Insanity properly (in less than 45 days, since I apparently am on day 47 of X2 now), I am going to feel very challenged to make it through those 60 days.


Oh man, the fat on my gut really won't go away. I know it's not good for me to think like this, but the more I workout the more I feel like my belly stands out in the mirror :( I think I should try to lower my calories, but I'm still fasting for 2 more weeks and I get so hungry during the day that I end up force feeding myself at night. And then I feel sick in the morning. And I'm completely lacking of sleep (getting 4-5h of sleep only, I'd like to get at least 7h) too, so I'm really frustrated with my situation right now.
The good news is I'm enjoying p90x2 phase 2 so much, I wouldn't mind just keeping doing it for 5 more weeks haha. I think I'll just do one more week (and that will be week 6) and then I'll take a few days off (I'm gonna climb the Mount Fuji with a coworker!), and then I can finally start phase 3. Can't wait to see what's this PAP thing

Climbing Mount Fuji? Nice! X2 Phase 2 is awesome. Phase 3 reminded me of a hybrid of Insanity and Phase 1 of X2 with the variety of core routines it has you doing. I think you'll like it. Forearm planks on a med ball is where it's at! :p


The Cryptarch's Bane
Bwahahah I'm almost singlehandedly remaking the entire office here.

My fitness pal and I got a few people to do the Shakeology cleanse after we completed it, and now a few of them are talking about going two days a week to a cardio gym we can walk to during lunch. We got 7 people on board in pretty much no time! I'm really hoping it works out because a little extra cardio twice a week is probably a good idea since I'm still trying to reduce my body fat in addition to my other goals.


Chest, Shoulders and Triceps tomorrow. Should I be afraid?

I really liked this workout. Especially how you never have to do the same move twice. Was surprised I actually pulled off some plyo pushups but was so gassed after I couldn't even do normal claps haha.

Also finally witnessed the "why don't you get lost" moment I've seen in gif form so often. I busted out laughing and had to pause for a minute. In Tony's defense the guys face was pretty contorted.
Bwahahah I'm almost singlehandedly remaking the entire office here..

Wow that's great! What exactly is this Shakeology cleanse?


Got me a nice 12h night of sleep and I gotta say I haven't felt this good all week! I guess I've learned my lesson and I'm gonna try to get more sleep during weekdays from now on. Is it true btw that your muscles only grow when you sleep?
Climbing Mount Fuji? Nice! X2 Phase 2 is awesome. Phase 3 reminded me of a hybrid of Insanity and Phase 1 of X2 with the variety of core routines it has you doing. I think you'll like it. Forearm planks on a med ball is where it's at! :p
I like how this sounds like :) But not too much weight lifting right?


The first week of my run through Insanity ended yesterday. I've done most of the workouts multiple times with my old hybrid and I'm stronger because of it, but the workouts are still hard.

7 1/2 weeks left. 8 weeks until P90X2!
Got me a nice 12h night of sleep and I gotta say I haven't felt this good all week! I guess I've learned my lesson and I'm gonna try to get more sleep during weekdays from now on. Is it true btw that your muscles only grow when you sleep?

not exclusively. I think most growth does happen at rest but I wouldn't try to get more sleep than is needed. Get a good 8hrs and call it a night... or day.


Base & Back out of the way for today, and man that feels good to be done with the workout so early in the day.

Really brought it the last three days, and I feel good (or exhausted; your pick).

This weekend's goal? No goddamned McDonalds or equally shitty shit.
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