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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Did any of you guys have to deal with minor injuries during your run through the program?

I've developed some minor wrist and knee strains during the first week of Phase 2 (P90x, not x2). The Plyo pushups and return to Plyo X after recovery week kind of did me in.

I've been on a really good run though with keeping my schedule and don't wanna take time off.

I have Plyo X again today after pushing through CST yesterday. I'm trying to figure out if I want to go through will all the squatting (I strained my LCL so Heismans are out) or if I should do a different cardio workout (Cardio X?).

I've been modifying some moves to relieve stress on my joints while I heal so that isn't too much of a worry but I don't want to "waste" a day or modify the exercise to a point where I'm no longer benefiting from the move.


Restarting p90x tomorrow. Hopefully I'll stick with it to the end this time. Any tips for someone that usually loses interest after a month or so? Wish me luck.

i'm close to the end for the first time in 3 tries, and i got this far because my wife did it with me as well as having a real good friend who is crazy about it and a coach. When both fail me i come here. Honestly the thing right now with under 4 weeks left that keeps me motivated is the mirror.


Anyone download the official P90X iphone app? Sorry if it's been discussed but thread is getting long. I'm just wondering how complete a companion it is.


Anyone download the official P90X iphone app? Sorry if it's been discussed but thread is getting long. I'm just wondering how complete a companion it is.

I use it everyday to log in my meals and workouts.

It's very well designed. Lol, it even has achievements.
Anyone download the official P90X iphone app? Sorry if it's been discussed but thread is getting long. I'm just wondering how complete a companion it is.

Like Steelo said its very well designed. Allows you to track your intake based on the nutrition guide, track your reps (rather than writing things down), track your overall progress with before/after photos, and yes achievements!
I use MyFitnessPal, seems to have the most food data. Love it so far.

I'm still going through Power 90. It's been like 3.5 weeks since I started. I'm more or less able to keep up with the Sculpting 1-2 video, the Sweat 1-2 video still gives me a bit of trouble especially with the yoga. My hip flexors really feel it when I get to the kickng part.

I'll probably switch over to the Sweat/Sculpt 3-4 videos after 45 days then do those for another 45 days then I'll step up to P90X - that'll put me at around mid-April.

I found doing 3/4 first really helped the transition to p90x, especially plyo.


P90X Gaf Graduates:
Deadly Cyclone
Nelo Ice
Ryutaro's mama
III Saint
Harry Potter

P90X2 Gaf Graduates:

I'm a P90X Graduate, I'm doing P90X2 now

Anyone download the official P90X iphone app? Sorry if it's been discussed but thread is getting long. I'm just wondering how complete a companion it is.

I have, it's not bad but if you've already bought P90X, you have to buy the videos again. Also, no P90X2 support = boo


Damn, I just finished my Plyometrics day and it kicked my ass harder than ever before. Good thing I also performed better than ever, but I guess this is my cue to finally move on from Fat Shredder to Energy Booster.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Do show

This is a bit TMI but hey I just had my first "Tony Fuck You!" moment. Had work + school, not feeling too well. Stayed with the exercises and did what I think was my best. Everytime I was done pushing myself I gave the TV a little nice finger. Felt nice

Also, more TMI, tonight's workout was nasty as hell. Why? Because I sweated AND farted like crazy. I smelled both sweaty and like shit at the same time. Rawr

I'll post them up when I get home tonight. The most recent are iPhone pictures, so sorry about the quality, but some of them were taken with my DSLR.

I still need to lose belly fat, but my muscles are getting bigger, so that's helping in various areas. Weight has basically sat around 157 for the last two or three weeks, but my waist is shrinking, which is good. When I started, I was at like 35-36. I'm down to 31.5 now. It feels really, really good.

And I fart all day long when working out. It happens.

Anyone download the official P90X iphone app? Sorry if it's been discussed but thread is getting long. I'm just wondering how complete a companion it is.

It's what I use and I love it. I usually have something on TV while I'm working out. What's funny is that my Plyometrics night falls on Glee night, so I'm usually singing and jumping at the same time. It's a damn good work out.
I'll post them up when I get home tonight. The most recent are iPhone pictures, so sorry about the quality, but some of them were taken with my DSLR.

I still need to lose belly fat, but my muscles are getting bigger, so that's helping in various areas. Weight has basically sat around 157 for the last two or three weeks, but my waist is shrinking, which is good. When I started, I was at like 35-36. I'm down to 31.5 now. It feels really, really good.

And I fart all day long when working out. It happens.

I'm proud of you! Photos for me provide inspiration. I'm at the end of week 2

And I have heard from the old thread about what you described in having relative similar weight but having drastic changes in physique. Fuck yea!


WIfe was watching Say Yes To The Dress...and I look over and I'm like.

Oh, I didn't realize Tony Horton was on this show too!

^ Not gonna lie, I laughed out loud. My GF watches that show too.

edit: HRMs are awesome. Did plyo tonight and burned 655 cals, start to finish.


Count me in the list of P90X graduates.
Did it one year ago, but ended up with a small knee dislocation (injury started halfway through phase 3 but I still finished the program).
I was pretty satisfied with the results on the arms, legs and on the cardio level, but very disappointed on the stomach level...

I feel now ready to start P90X2, I have the dumbbells, chin up bar, the bands and yoga mat, so I should add the stability ball and 2 medicine balls and I'm set?

Also, do you have any advice on how to have more results on the abs part? I'm 6'2 and 160 lbs but I still have fat and no sign of abs on the stomach.


Hmmm, 160 for a 6'2 guy seems really, really skinny. And you say you still have a gut?

Do you "bring it" during Ab Ripper X? How close are you following the nutrition guide?
Count me in the list of P90X graduates.
Did it one year ago, but ended up with a small knee dislocation (injury started halfway through phase 3 but I still finished the program).
I was pretty satisfied with the results on the arms, legs and on the cardio level, but very disappointed on the stomach level...

I feel now ready to start P90X2, I have the dumbbells, chin up bar, the bands and yoga mat, so I should add the stability ball and 2 medicine balls and I'm set?

Also, do you have any advice on how to have more results on the abs part? I'm 6'2 and 160 lbs but I still have fat and no sign of abs on the stomach.

4 medicine balls. And get the foam roller.


4 medicine balls. And get the foam roller.

Yeah, the foam roller is essential. I really didn't think it would be, but after the first foam rolling session, I became a believer.

Debating whether or not I should do one more week of Phase 1 or move onto Phase 2. Today is the last day of Week 3 (Recovery & Mobility/Rest) and I really want to move on, but I'd much rather have some additional equipment, such as 25-30 lb dumbbells and additional medicine balls, in order to get the maximum intensity that I can. The catch is my birthday is coming up, so I'd like to wait until that passes until I purchase these, but by that point, I'd be on Week 4.

I believe it was mentioned before, but I'm assuming more people are onto Phase 2 by now, any thoughts regarding whether or not the additional balls and weights are more beneficial to wait for?

Either way, once I move onto Phase 2, I'll post my metrics from the beginning to now and do a write-up of my daily routine. Significant progress thus far. I have also taken pictures, but those may wait until the end.


I did about 70 days of P90X a couple of years ago.

I actually extended out the first one an extra 2 weeks because I was traveling and didn't want to start a new one one the road.

Anyway, around day 70, I went on my honeymoon in Disneyworld and I think the humidity fucked with my knee, so I stopped. I was working out in the gym with my brother (he and his wife were there at the same time) so I was keeping up. But when I got home, we closed on our house and my knee wasn't feeling better so I stopped.

I really would love to do it again, I have never been in such good shape. I didn't have the ripped look like some of you guys, but I was as lean and muscular as I've ever been.

Now I'm a fat shit with a baby.
Did any of you guys have to deal with minor injuries during your run through the program?

Yeah, it sucks, too. I'm almost 45, and minor-type stuff is starting to nag at me more and more. I'm particularly prone to some tennis elbow (guitar playing doesn't help this either) and pulls of the muscles along my ribs/torso. Both of thse last quite a long time, too.

*Most* injuries can be avoided via good form, but I'll tell ya: those bananna curls where you role from your front onto your sides in Core Synergistics? Yeah, that's a shitty, shitty excersize, and I simply do not do them anymore. A pull/pop from that put me out of action for about 2 weeks once.


I'm going to start P90X again tonight. I did this in 2010 and I was AMAZED at how much can change in the first 30 days. My biggest problem is that my right knee swells after doing lunges/yoga stuff. Any good recommendations for knee support other than a simple brace?


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
I'm proud of you! Photos for me provide inspiration. I'm at the end of week 2

And I have heard from the old thread about what you described in having relative similar weight but having drastic changes in physique. Fuck yea!

Thanks man! Here are some photos for comparison between Day 1 and Day 50. Sorry about the iPhone quality photos... I do have an infinitely better camera, but I didn't use it for Day 1 and Day 50.

Day 1




Stomach and back at relaxed state. There's a bit of curvature to my back that I ended up fixing through better posture, but my stomach was still that big, even if I tried to stand up straight. If I sucked my gut in, I couldn't get it as flat as the Day 50 pictures. As you can see, my biceps are puny and have no definition at all. I was flexing in these pictures. My back has no definition and there's a good amount of spillage around the shorts in the back. Just all around gross.

Day 50



Stomach is much flatter and is getting definition. Arms finally have definition and you can see my biceps now. Chest and shoulders have way more definition now. And it looks like I have actual back muscles now.

Here's what makes me laugh about the Day 50 pictures... I took them after eating lunch, so my stomach is out more than it would be when I wake up and it still looks infinitely better than it did Day 1.

For comparison, here is a picture I just took about 20 minutes ago after working out (Core Synergistics... started to make myself sick, so I had to quit in the middle of it) and one from last year, about three or four months before I started working out. I used to buy large shirts because my stomach protruded so much.


Last Year

There's no way in hell I would be caught wearing a wife beater and posting it on the internet before I started this workout. My shirts used to hang off of me like a tent.

I still have a long way to go to get the body I want. My arms are almost where I want them, but I need to lose the rest of this fat around my stomach and start getting my abs right.


Hmmm, 160 for a 6'2 guy seems really, really skinny. And you say you still have a gut?

Do you "bring it" during Ab Ripper X? How close are you following the nutrition guide?

I think I brought it! I tried to follow the nutrition guide as much as possible but I was probably very short in terms of calories per day.
I think that the fact that I was much bigger (I had lost more than 60 lbs some years ago) makes it harder for my stomach to get ripped... I will see if P90X2 has more effects but any advice would be welcomed!
Thanks man! Here are some photos for comparison between Day 1 and Day 50. Sorry about the iPhone quality photos... I do have an infinitely better camera, but I didn't use it for Day 1 and Day 50.

Day 1




Stomach and back at relaxed state. There's a bit of curvature to my back that I ended up fixing through better posture, but my stomach was still that big, even if I tried to stand up straight. If I sucked my gut in, I couldn't get it as flat as the Day 50 pictures. As you can see, my biceps are puny and have no definition at all. I was flexing in these pictures. My back has no definition and there's a good amount of spillage around the shorts in the back. Just all around gross.

Day 50



Stomach is much flatter and is getting definition. Arms finally have definition and you can see my biceps now. Chest and shoulders have way more definition now. And it looks like I have actual back muscles now.

Here's what makes me laugh about the Day 50 pictures... I took them after eating lunch, so my stomach is out more than it would be when I wake up and it still looks infinitely better than it did Day 1.

For comparison, here is a picture I just took about 20 minutes ago after working out (Core Synergistics... started to make myself sick, so I had to quit in the middle of it) and one from last year, about three or four months before I started working out. I used to buy large shirts because my stomach protruded so much.


Last Year

There's no way in hell I would be caught wearing a wife beater and posting it on the internet before I started this workout. My shirts used to hang off of me like a tent.

I still have a long way to go to get the body I want. My arms are almost where I want them, but I need to lose the rest of this fat around my stomach and start getting my abs right.

Thank you for sharing. Love how fit you look now and love that smile. I do see the differences in definition, especially on your back. Your chest and mid are looking nice too! I'm sure we will see more changes. As for me, I still have that belly. Ugh
Good stuff Alfarif!
Keep it up :D

Unfortunately my workouts have really slowed down thanks to working crunch -_-. I can only concentrate on my diet which is going well enough, but man it's hard to fit in the full workout 6 days a week. Certainly won't see much of a result in 90s days unfortunately :(

Either way, I'm hoping to get my gynecomastia sorted because that's the most depressing shit. I have been seeing some decent results, everywhere except the chest area. What shit..
Yeah, the foam roller is essential. I really didn't think it would be, but after the first foam rolling session, I became a believer.

Debating whether or not I should do one more week of Phase 1 or move onto Phase 2. Today is the last day of Week 3 (Recovery & Mobility/Rest) and I really want to move on, but I'd much rather have some additional equipment, such as 25-30 lb dumbbells and additional medicine balls, in order to get the maximum intensity that I can. The catch is my birthday is coming up, so I'd like to wait until that passes until I purchase these, but by that point, I'd be on Week 4.

I believe it was mentioned before, but I'm assuming more people are onto Phase 2 by now, any thoughts regarding whether or not the additional balls and weights are more beneficial to wait for?

Either way, once I move onto Phase 2, I'll post my metrics from the beginning to now and do a write-up of my daily routine. Significant progress thus far. I have also taken pictures, but those may wait until the end.

No foam roll, no good knee!

I decided to go with 4 weeks for each phase since I came down with a cold and didn't want to start phase 2 below 100%. With phase 2 I'm going to switch in those two alternative workouts into two of the weeks, V sculpt and can't remember the other one. Hoping that gives me a little better results.

Also, great work Alfarif!!!


can someone pick me up a US 10$ iTunes gift code / card!?

i really want the p90x app but its only availble via iTunes us :(


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Thank you for sharing. Love how fit you look now and love that smile. I do see the differences in definition, especially on your back. Your chest and mid are looking nice too! I'm sure we will see more changes. As for me, I still have that belly. Ugh

Thanks! I hear that the last 45 days of P90X is when you see the most changes. My experience was rapid loss for the first three weeks, and then what seemed like a plateau until about day 45 and now I'm seeing changes again. I think what happens is that your body freaks out at first and starts burning all of its reserves because you're doing things it isn't used to. Then, around about 20-25 days later, it "understands" what you're doing so it starts stockpiling just in case. Then 20-25 days later, it realizes it doesn't need that stockpile, so it starts burning stuff again to keep up with what you're doing and then at some point you'll hit what it's comfortable at. Or, I could be talking out my ass.

I'm going to record my Day 60 results and then I'll wait until Day 90 to do the program completion results. I'll probably take pics every 30 days thereafter because I'm either going to restart the program or move on to P90X2. I really hope they develop an app for it by the time I'm done, because the app is a HUGE motivator.

Oh, here are some stats I posted in the weight loss thread:

Started at 170 lbs and I weighed in at 155.8 today, after sitting at 157 for the last couple weeks.

Started at 36 inch waist and I measured in at 31.5 inches on Day 50.

Biceps measured in at 11 inches at the start and they're now 12.9 inches.

Chest measured in at 37 inches and is at 38.8 inches now.

My goals for these are:

Weight = 150
Waist = 30 inches
Biceps = 14 inches
Chest = 40 inches

Oh and thanks everyone! I started typing before the responses were on here, so sorry if I didn't quote you.
Thanks! I hear that the last 45 days of P90X is when you see the most changes. My experience was rapid loss for the first three weeks, and then what seemed like a plateau until about day 45 and now I'm seeing changes again. I think what happens is that your body freaks out at first and starts burning all of its reserves because you're doing things it isn't used to. Then, around about 20-25 days later, it "understands" what you're doing so it starts stockpiling just in case. Then 20-25 days later, it realizes it doesn't need that stockpile, so it starts burning stuff again to keep up with what you're doing and then at some point you'll hit what it's comfortable at. Or, I could be talking out my ass.

I'm going to record my Day 60 results and then I'll wait until Day 90 to do the program completion results. I'll probably take pics every 30 days thereafter because I'm either going to restart the program or move on to P90X2. I really hope they develop an app for it by the time I'm done, because the app is a HUGE motivator.

Oh, here are some stats I posted in the weight loss thread:

Started at 170 lbs and I weighed in at 155.8 today, after sitting at 157 for the last couple weeks.

Started at 36 inch waist and I measured in at 31.5 inches on Day 50.

Biceps measured in at 11 inches at the start and they're now 12.9 inches.

Chest measured in at 37 inches and is at 38.8 inches now.

My goals for these are:

Weight = 150
Waist = 30 inches
Biceps = 14 inches
Chest = 40 inches

Oh and thanks everyone! I started typing before the responses were on here, so sorry if I didn't quote you.

Awesome, awesome numbers. That waist must feel real nice :0

Thanks for describing your experience too, it gives me some perspective. I'm finishing week 2, and this is where I have just started hitting the bumps where I'm adjusting to the workout physically,mentally, and schedule wise. I did p90 before this but even this past week I had push myself to overcome the mental blocks of doing the workouts

Like my butt is sore, or I find myself disliking some moves like the pull ups or some squats. And I think to myself "oh man this is gonna go on until the end?" then :(

Again, really good job


Just finished Back & Biceps and I had a really hard time keeping up with the numbers I did the past week.

OK, I'm switching my diet tomorrow. I hope that adding 2 extra portion of carbs (energy booster) won't make me gain fat.

I also bought a lean mass gainer, hoping that I'll add a few muscle pounds in order to increase the weight of my dumbbells.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
Awesome, awesome numbers. That waist must feel real nice :0

Thanks for describing your experience too, it gives me some perspective. I'm finishing week 2, and this is where I have just started hitting the bumps where I'm adjusting to the workout physically,mentally, and schedule wise. I did p90 before this but even this past week I had push myself to overcome the mental blocks of doing the workouts

Like my butt is sore, or I find myself disliking some moves like the pull ups or some squats. And I think to myself "oh man this is gonna go on until the end?" then :(

Again, really good job

It felt so good when I put a belt on and instead of being near the front, like I used to be, I had to tighten it to the second to last hole. When I was younger, I was skinny enough that I had to make my own hole behind the last hole on belts so they didn't look ridiculous on me. I am aiming for close to that again. LOL

Also, when I started, my god, I hated pull ups because I could only do 1 total. I hated squats because it made my legs hurt so much. There were a bunch of leg exercises I swore I would never do. Now I can do 10 pull ups without stopping and leg exercises, while still intense, are pretty fun now. I've tried to add 1 or 2 additional reps every week to each exercise to push myself.


My exercise trainer just recently told me that he niece got 6 herniated disks from using this so I think it's important that there should be some kind of warning in the op.


My exercise trainer just recently told me that he niece got 6 herniated disks from using this so I think it's important that there should be some kind of warning in the op.

You can get injured from practically any workout, specially one as intense as p90x.
It felt so good when I put a belt on and instead of being near the front, like I used to be, I had to tighten it to the second to last hole. When I was younger, I was skinny enough that I had to make my own hole behind the last hole on belts so they didn't look ridiculous on me. I am aiming for close to that again. LOL

Also, when I started, my god, I hated pull ups because I could only do 1 total. I hated squats because it made my legs hurt so much. There were a bunch of leg exercises I swore I would never do. Now I can do 10 pull ups without stopping and leg exercises, while still intense, are pretty fun now. I've tried to add 1 or 2 additional reps every week to each exercise to push myself.

Hey I am similar. Before I put on weight, I could wear waist size 29 jeans. Before I started doing p90, 34 was comfortable for me

And pull-ups...really good to hear about your progress. Yea the most I can do now is quick 3 with the reverse grip. Did you modify that in the beginning? I have been squatting on the chair and just tried pulling myself up using as much upper muscles as possible. I figured it's better than 1 and done.
The details were a little sparce but she said that her niece was out of shape and was just looking for a way to loose weight. From what she told me it sounds like she was overweight going into it.

Tony warns people plenty that you can't just jump off the couch and do this if you are very overweight. They are plenty of other programs people can start with like Power 90.
The details were a little sparce but she said that her niece was out of shape and was just looking for a way to loose weight. From what she told me it sounds like she was overweight going into it.

Yikes. I do agree tho with the warning idea, very simply because it can happen and that's one of the first things Beachbody urges caution on


Day 1 is in the books. I can't tell if I did worse or better than the first time I did P90X a couple of years ago, but I still don't get the spinx pushups. I don't see how putting your hands out further makes it easier because my hands just slip forward. I need to get a better mat. Any recommendations for someone that is 6'4???

Also, other than protein powder, what are some recommended supplements?


Pics & Improvements

Nice work man! Very impressive. I don't know if you mentioned it before, but what kind of diet are you following?

My biggest problem is that my right knee swells after doing lunges/yoga stuff. Any good recommendations for knee support other than a simple brace?

A knee brace that fits could work. As would a foam roller to be honest. Working the knee has really helped my knee issue. Was this something that has been ongoing whenever you've done knee intensive exercises? Does it still get swollen even after stopping the exercises?

..but I still don't get the spinx pushups. I don't see how putting your hands out further makes it easier because my hands just slip forward. I need to get a better mat. Any recommendations for someone that is 6'4???

Also, other than protein powder, what are some recommended supplements?

I'm 6'2" and have two yoga mats, a thick, cushy one and a thin, rubber one. I've found that the thinner mat works better as it allows me to stick to my form better than the cushier one. I started doing sphinx pushups wrong because I had my form wrong. I didn't push my heels towards the mat and raise my pelvis/stomach high enough. They also get easier as you continue to do them, just keep at it.

Regarding the supplements, I take a one-a-day vitamin and lean protein powder twice a day. I've heard and read a lot regarding fish oil and its benefits (and cons) regarding heart health and weight loss and am considering getting some. I know that EPA and DHA, two types of omega-3 acids, are supposed to be taken in a specific ratio, but I need to look more into it. I believe there are good suggestions earlier in this thread and in the Fitness OT3 thread.
My exercise trainer just recently told me that he niece got 6 herniated disks from using this so I think it's important that there should be some kind of warning in the op.

About taking personal trainers word as gospel? Absolute agree.

In all seriousness, any exercise program has dangers, especially if you're overweight to begin with.


A knee brace that fits could work. As would a foam roller to be honest. Working the knee has really helped my knee issue. Was this something that has been ongoing whenever you've done knee intensive exercises? Does it still get swollen even after stopping the exercises?
It's just getting into position that hurts. Going into the lunge and coming out of it gets to be painful after awhile, but once I am in the position I am fine. I'm going to try to do some of the foam roller exercises to see if that helps.


Day 1 is in the books. I can't tell if I did worse or better than the first time I did P90X a couple of years ago, but I still don't get the spinx pushups. I don't see how putting your hands out further makes it easier because my hands just slip forward. I need to get a better mat. Any recommendations for someone that is 6'4???

Also, other than protein powder, what are some recommended supplements?
Syntha 6 is deliiiiiiiiiicious.


so i got sick this week and had to skip 3 days. What do you guys do? Re-start the week? just start back from where i stopped?
so i got sick this week and had to skip 3 days. What do you guys do? Re-start the week? just start back from where i stopped?

I would do some of the stretching exercises and restart the week, then continue on. If you still feel out of it before the next phase continue your current phase for another week.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So for those doing P90X2 phase 2, is it possible to do it and get a good workout without medicine balls? I really don't want to drop like $200 on 4 med balls...


So for those doing P90X2 phase 2, is it possible to do it and get a good workout without medicine balls? I really don't want to drop like $200 on 4 med balls...
I dropped $100 for 5 med balls on Ebay. Maybe you should look there? There are always alternate moves you can do if you don't have the necessary equipments, but I don't know how effective they are.
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