How many hours IF are you doing? and is it everyday?
More or less. A typical day for me at the moment:
6.45am - large glass of water and two phenorex thermo tabs
7am - hour or so dog walk (uphill / downhill), about 5km - 8km
11.30am 10mg BCAA
12pm - 1pm P90X Workout
1.30pm first meal of the day - oats, protein shake, bananas, more carbs on a weights workout day, about 1000 calories (also running the PAGG stack)
4pm - snack - protein cookie, usually 400 calories or so
6pm - hour or so dog walk (uphill / downhill), about 5km - 8km
8pm - dinner, steak, salad, 800 calories or so
9.30pm - Syntha 'Desert' shake
I've been experiencing doing Plyo / Cardio P90X fasted (with BCAA) and I actually prefer it. Even waiting several hours after my last meal I still feel more sluggish doing it.
IF isn't for everyone, and there can be days where I accidentally run to 18, even 20 hours fasted just through having meetings or a busier day, but generally I like having a compressed eating cycle and I notice that when I eat earlier in the day, it just starts making me hungry for the next meal. With IF, that next meal is never far away!
I am usually pretty good with the diet throughout the week, but treat myself to a cheat day for an ice cream, chocolate binge most weekends, and have had two bad weekend in a row with friends weddings, parties etc.
Planning to cut cheat days shortly but I also have a business trip coming up for almost the entire final block. Plan to keep exercising on the road, but managing diet will be tricky...