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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


30? Tony is such a beast.

yay I did two! *looked at FB post*

wtf man, wtf


I will try that tomorrow since Beachbody shipped me all those 55cm stability balls when I just wanted one 65cm one (ordered one, received four... my living room looks kind of silly).

...I will try four stability ball push-ups one day, despite one being bigger than the others.
That sounds disgustingly difficult.

It is. The original "Impossible/Possible" (feet on stability ball and hands on 1 medicine ball), there was really no set goal on how many you can do. As long as you improve sometime from not being able to balance yourself to balance yourself ,from 0 to 1 to 2, it was enough. Obviously the more the merrier. But he is doing 30 on two stability balls? He can have my babies


I think he means that both hands are on one ball and both feet are on another.... If so, then holy shit. 30?!

Was forced to do Plyo X in rediculous humidity/heat again. It wasn't as terrible as I thought it would be coming off my rest week. So destroyed, but goddamn is it satisfying to here Tony's "that-is-it-and-we-are-DONE!" on the last football hero high-knees.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Hey bros, Tony's doing another live chat on Monday (7PM EST / 4PM PST). Link: http://www.teambeachbody.com/connect/message-boards/-/message_boards/message/207407192

I've decided to completely throw the cardio portions of P90 out of my routine, and instead go on my 5 mile mountain trail runs every other day instead. Still gonna do the ab ripper stuff and some yoga, but that cardio workout is weak as all hell.

Gonna step up my sculpting as well, and maybe do a little cardio on those days too.
It sounds like you're in pretty decent shape already. You might be ready to upgrade to P90X if Sweat 3-4 is already too easy for you. Or, of course, just stick with your current plan for a while. The good thing about the Sculpt 3-4 workout is that it you can really grow with it — using heavier weights/bands and doing max reps on push-ups, dips and such will create all the intensity that you need. It's not as advanced as a P90X workout, but for the average person, it'll be a viable workout for longer than the Sweat routines.

To be honest, I occasionally go back to Sweat 3-4 when I want to mix things up on a rest day or maybe add to a yoga day, and it still gives me a pretty good workout (mostly because I'm doing it very sporadically). Not as good as Plyo X or even Kenpo X, of course, but it's not bad. As with Kenpo X, you just have to really, really go intense on those kicking/punching sections to feel it at all.


I will try that tomorrow since Beachbody shipped me all those 55cm stability balls when I just wanted one 65cm one (ordered one, received four... my living room looks kind of silly).

...I will try four stability ball push-ups one day, despite one being bigger than the others.
This made me laugh so much haha! Post a pic of your balls Lane!! Err, I meant your stability balls, naturally.
LanceVance- how you feeling one week in? Excited? Tired? Either way, nice going!

Thanks. I'm liking it a lot, my legs are quite tired, but my legs are the weakest part of my body so I reckon there where I will see most improvement. Not looking forward to plyo again tomorrow though haha


Played 2 hours tennis yesterday, all was fine. Went on a small run today, but after a few minutes my knee began to hurt and i walked the rest back home. Should i take some days rest (actually have a doubles tennis match tomorrow).


Hang out with Steve.
And yes, it was indeed brought. PRs in diamond pushups (18 and 16) and dive bombers (15 and 16). Got in 9-10 unassisted reps on all of the pull-up/chin-up variants with several more assisted (using the chin-up max band). Used push-up stands for about half of the push-up variants. Raised my weights on all resistance exercises. I'm doing 45lbs on heavy pants & lawn mowers. I have a feeling I'm going to max out my Bowflex Select-Techs before I finish P90X. But if it's only for a few exercises that's OK.

Crushed ARX. Got in all reps of everything, including fifer scissors and grabless leg-climbers. I still need to work on straightening out my legs, though.


This made me laugh so much haha! Post a pic of your balls Lane!! Err, I meant your stability balls, naturally.

Haha, was drinking my Lean1 shake for breakfast and almost did a spit take for this post.

I'll post a picture of all the gifts Beachbody sent me that I didn't need, and then try for some 4-ball stability push ups (which I have an odd feeling would be easier than two? Curious to try it!).

SteveMeister- have you used the Pharm Assault before? I can't recall. Curious what you think of the stuff though. Way to bring it today!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Glad to be back to a regular week. Recovery week felt sort of odd, looking forward to bringing it daily once again :D


Hang out with Steve.
SteveMeister- have you used the Pharm Assault before? I can't recall. Curious what you think of the stuff though. Way to bring it today!

Yeah, I use it before every workout except X-Stretch. It certainly helps wake me up! I'm almost finished with my first jar.


In respect to being more active during the work day, I have built a makeshift standing desk for my office. I'll try to get pictures up, but was curious if anyone else looked into alternate sitting options while working. I know it's been mentioned about stationary pedals under the desk and stability balls for seats - is anyone actively doing this, if so, how is it going for you?


Yeah, I use it before every workout except X-Stretch. It certainly helps wake me up! I'm almost finished with my first jar.

Hah, yes. I took it for my Saturday morning workout first thing after waking up and it certainly does help (makes me mildly crazy though, but I guess that probably helps too!).

Are you using a full scoop or a half? Glad to see that you're using it for every workout (and not just the resistance ones) because I do the same (including the Insanity deals).

Related to Insanity, but my quads are dying today... might have overdone it with X2 Base & Back, X1 Core Syn, and Insanity Max Cardio & Conditioning within the span of a weekend... haven't felt this sore in a while, but it feels pretty good.


The Cryptarch's Bane
In respect to being more active during the work day, I have built a makeshift standing desk for my office. I'll try to get pictures up, but was curious if anyone else looked into alternate sitting options while working. I know it's been mentioned about stationary pedals under the desk and stability balls for seats - is anyone actively doing this, if so, how is it going for you?
Not stability ball, but yes pedaler under the desk. I'm not doing it as much any more (was getting like 100 mins in a day when I was trying to lose a lot of weight) but it's great for small bursts to stay slightly active at a desk job.
In respect to being more active during the work day, I have built a makeshift standing desk for my office. I'll try to get pictures up, but was curious if anyone else looked into alternate sitting options while working. I know it's been mentioned about stationary pedals under the desk and stability balls for seats - is anyone actively doing this, if so, how is it going for you?

I sit on a stability ball at my desk. I really love it. Does wonders for my posture. Great for the abs too.

I haven't been pedaling. Something came loose and it makes a lot of noise now.


Hi P90X GAF -

I've been working on the standard P90 program for several months. I schedule 5-6 sessions per week, and I have seen great results. Went from 5'11", 180lbs, to 154lbs. I'm down to approx 13.6% BF. Prior to P90, all of my extra weight was around the middle. I have a smallish-medium frame. When I started this, I changed my diet too - I'm not on the P90 diet per se, but I decided on a well-balanced diet: Fruit, veggies (lots of greens), good proteins, fiber and healthy carbs. - Skipping on foods that have added sugar. Energy level is always quite high, plus, I've had to buy new clothes. :)

Recently, I've started feeling like the workouts aren't pushing me to my limit, which I believe is important for continued growth. I'm not looking to bulk up, but I do want to press on and get maximum benefit from all my workouts.

I'm happy with my shape, size, etc., but want to refine what I've earned, and improve on what I've started.

So, I'm confident I could work my way into the X series now.

I'm a parent, and I work full-time. My concern is the scheduling: I've researched the X workouts, and compared to the standard P90, they appear to be much longer in duration.
The standard P90 workouts are ideal for my schedule, but as I said, I need to step it up a bit.

Have any of you with time constraints modified the X series so that you can reap the benefits, but also integrate it well within your schedules?

Seeking to learn -

Thanks in advance!


You could try X2 if time is a concern, because it only has 5 workouts a week instead of 6. I think I also like X2's progression more than X1. The way each phase has a different objective, going from working the core in phase 1 to lifting weights in phase 2 and doing athletic movements in phase 3. It also adds a lot of balance moves which was great for me because it taught me to always have a good form when working out. That's something that I didn't get from X1, so I ended up hurting my lower back a couple of times in X1 while lifting weights because I was cheating and wasn't really using my core so there was a lot of kipping involved. When you're doing balance curls instead of regular curls, you can't cheat because the moment your form goes south you will actually fall out of balance.
TBH, I haven't finished my first cycle of X2 yet, but I can't wait to go back to X1 with what I learned in X2, I'm sure I can do way better this time.
TL;DR: I personally think that doing X2 before X1 is better when you've never done any of them before.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So for the next month or so I plan to do 4 workouts per week (since I have some traveling) and am trying to decide what to do every week. I have P90X, P90X2, and Insanity.

What about:
Monday - Chest & Back
Tuesday - Insanity Sports Training
Thursday - Plyocide
Friday - Kenpo X

That a good schedule? Aiming more for calorie burn/weight loss. Should I swap chest & back with Core Synergistics?

In a month, after I am back from PAX, I'll start a new full program.

So, today's the start of my "off" month. Should I do this schedule for the next 3 weeks?
Hmm, Yoga instead of Kenpo? Or maybe I should switch Kenpo with core syn. That has yoga as part of it right?

If it's only for 3 weeks I would just take out Chest and Back and swap in X2 Yoga. Since you are looking for more a calorie burn swapping in Core Syn instead of Chest and Back isn't a bad idea either.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
If it's only for 3 weeks I would just take out Chest and Back and swap in X2 Yoga. Since you are looking for a calorie burn swapping in Core Syn instead of Chest and Back isn't a bad idea either.

Might swap core syn for chest and back. See how that goes and add in some yoga if needed. I plan to start a P90X/2 hybrid program after I get back from PAX, so doing this for 3 weeks should be good.
Might swap core syn for chest and back. See how that goes and add in some yoga if needed. I plan to start a P90X/2 hybrid program after I get back from PAX, so doing this for 3 weeks should be good.

Right on. Just starting the second month of my X/X2 hybrid this week. This whole month is Phase 2 workouts from X2. Looking forward to doing them again.

And seeing Collette again


Hi P90X GAF -

I've been working on the standard P90 program for several months. I schedule 5-6 sessions per week, and I have seen great results. Went from 5'11", 180lbs, to 154lbs. I'm down to approx 13.6% BF. Prior to P90, all of my extra weight was around the middle. I have a smallish-medium frame. When I started this, I changed my diet too - I'm not on the P90 diet per se, but I decided on a well-balanced diet: Fruit, veggies (lots of greens), good proteins, fiber and healthy carbs. - Skipping on foods that have added sugar. Energy level is always quite high, plus, I've had to buy new clothes. :)

Recently, I've started feeling like the workouts aren't pushing me to my limit, which I believe is important for continued growth. I'm not looking to bulk up, but I do want to press on and get maximum benefit from all my workouts.

I'm happy with my shape, size, etc., but want to refine what I've earned, and improve on what I've started.

So, I'm confident I could work my way into the X series now.

I'm a parent, and I work full-time. My concern is the scheduling: I've researched the X workouts, and compared to the standard P90, they appear to be much longer in duration.
The standard P90 workouts are ideal for my schedule, but as I said, I need to step it up a bit.

Have any of you with time constraints modified the X series so that you can reap the benefits, but also integrate it well within your schedules?

Seeking to learn -

Thanks in advance!

How long do the P90 workouts take? I've never done them. You absolutely sound ready for P90X in any case. I think mehdi_san's advice is good about X2 although at the same time I think familiarity with the P90X moves helped the transition to X2 quite a bit.

Are you more constrained by time during the day than days in the week where you can workout? Also, with the P90X workouts you can probably fast forward through a fair amount of the workouts between moves or when a move is being explained, so maybe knock off five minutes of the duration (or more? I don't know if anyone here has experience with fast forwarding the workouts or not that could share).


Wrapped up P90X over the weekend. In addition, I decided to go a bit crazy and binge eat all sorts of unhealthy stuff to get the desires out of my system; I think I'll puke if I look at anything chocolatey now. :)

Weight bench is sitting around, unassembled still. Have I mentioned I hate putting things together? The manual also recommends putting it together with another person and my roommate was busy the entire weekend, so hoping to get to it tonight and start my resistance training in earnest tomorrow.
Hi P90X GAF -

I've been working on the standard P90 program for several months. I schedule 5-6 sessions per week, and I have seen great results. Went from 5'11", 180lbs, to 154lbs. I'm down to approx 13.6% BF. Prior to P90, all of my extra weight was around the middle. I have a smallish-medium frame. When I started this, I changed my diet too - I'm not on the P90 diet per se, but I decided on a well-balanced diet: Fruit, veggies (lots of greens), good proteins, fiber and healthy carbs. - Skipping on foods that have added sugar. Energy level is always quite high, plus, I've had to buy new clothes. :)

Recently, I've started feeling like the workouts aren't pushing me to my limit, which I believe is important for continued growth. I'm not looking to bulk up, but I do want to press on and get maximum benefit from all my workouts.

I'm happy with my shape, size, etc., but want to refine what I've earned, and improve on what I've started.

So, I'm confident I could work my way into the X series now.

I'm a parent, and I work full-time. My concern is the scheduling: I've researched the X workouts, and compared to the standard P90, they appear to be much longer in duration.
The standard P90 workouts are ideal for my schedule, but as I said, I need to step it up a bit.

Have any of you with time constraints modified the X series so that you can reap the benefits, but also integrate it well within your schedules?

Seeking to learn -

Thanks in advance!

You can do p90x2 without doing p90x - but it will still be a challenge getting used to one hour format, not to mention the program's own difficulty as Lane mentioned, especially depending on how fit you are

What I gather from this and previous thread is that for the time constraints you simply just have to make it work, even it it means getting rid of TV, online, or video game time. You could just do as much as possible for each workout (say 45 mins rather than an hour) if you are comfortable with that

And Lane at most a P90 workout is 45 mins (Ab ripper included)

Nekura: need pics, now!


@Lane My workout time is typically at night. Sometimes on the weekends, I can work out early in the morning, which works best for me physically. I may just start going to bed earlier and waking up to exercise if I find that the X is difficult to manage time wise. I've just started looking into the X, so there's much to learn.

@BeautifulMemory 45 minutes is about what I spend now. If I get early starts, one hour is definitely manageable.

Thanks to both of you for your feedback.
Too not bombard you with details, the Ab workout is actually an extra 15 mins. So for most resistance workouts you are looking at at least 75 mins, if you are not taking breaks.

Food for thought. But I had similar concerns too before I started and it all worked out


@Lane My workout time is typically at night. Sometimes on the weekends, I can work out early in the morning, which works best for me physically. I may just start going to bed earlier and waking up to exercise if I find that the X is difficult to manage time wise. I've just started looking into the X, so there's much to learn.

@BeautifulMemory 45 minutes is about what I spend now. If I get early starts, one hour is definitely manageable.

Thanks to both of you for your feedback.

Always glad to help (or try to) in here, so you're welcome. I think if you can find the extra time for the workouts you'll enjoy P90X and the challenges/benefits it provides. I agree with BM who said something along the lines of if you can only do 80% of the workout time wise and then bail then it's still better than nothing (and you'll find the greater challenge in X from P90 I suspect).

nekura- congrats on finishing the program! If you never build your bench, then you can keep P90X'ing with us! Win/win!

Oh, and you should do a results post soon too if you have dem deets.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Hi P90X GAF -

I've been working on the standard P90 program for several months. I schedule 5-6 sessions per week, and I have seen great results. Went from 5'11", 180lbs, to 154lbs. I'm down to approx 13.6% BF. Prior to P90, all of my extra weight was around the middle. I have a smallish-medium frame. When I started this, I changed my diet too - I'm not on the P90 diet per se, but I decided on a well-balanced diet: Fruit, veggies (lots of greens), good proteins, fiber and healthy carbs. - Skipping on foods that have added sugar. Energy level is always quite high, plus, I've had to buy new clothes. :)

Recently, I've started feeling like the workouts aren't pushing me to my limit, which I believe is important for continued growth. I'm not looking to bulk up, but I do want to press on and get maximum benefit from all my workouts.

I'm happy with my shape, size, etc., but want to refine what I've earned, and improve on what I've started.

So, I'm confident I could work my way into the X series now.

I'm a parent, and I work full-time. My concern is the scheduling: I've researched the X workouts, and compared to the standard P90, they appear to be much longer in duration.
The standard P90 workouts are ideal for my schedule, but as I said, I need to step it up a bit.

Have any of you with time constraints modified the X series so that you can reap the benefits, but also integrate it well within your schedules?

Seeking to learn -

Thanks in advance!

maybe insanity? First month is about 40 minutes. It will KILL you though. (it's a recommendation)


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I ate awful, awful, awful food last night and felt really guilty about it today (as usual), so after doing Core Synergistics I decided to go for a "run" — first time ever for me, actually, but I figured I'd give it a try. I had no idea what I was doing, so I just alternated between two minutes of running and one minute of brisk walking for three miles. I know about the Couch to 5K program, but the initial stage of that seemed too easy, so I wanted to gauge where I was on my own. Obviously doing P90/P90MS/P90X has helped me cardio-wise, as I wasn't too beat up afterwards (even after doing CS and having nothing but sugar in my stomach from last night).

I will probably up the intensity next time, whenever that is. I'm not sure how I'd work running into my routine, considering I'll probably only do it periodically when I feel like I need to supplement my other workouts for whatever reason. Given that, my progression will probably be really slow, but maybe that's a good thing...

Anyway, I can see why people love doing it. Like yoga, it clears your mind — I realized after the fact that I thought of nothing else while doing those three miles, which is fucking monumental for a headcase like myself. Plus, my "track" was the reservoir that's just a few blocks down the street from where I live. It's a beautiful setting, with an amazing breeze coming off the water even on a hot day like today. I'm lucky to live so close by. For these reasons, I feel sort of motivated to maybe keep doing this once a week.

Does anyone else run/jog alongside P90X and have any thoughts on it?

ALSO, congrats on finishing, nekura.


I'm in a pretty similar situation vatstep. I'd like to run more but have trouble finding the time in my schedule/workout


Hang out with Steve.
I'm not a fan of running. If my wife ever decides to do a 5k I might run it with her. If I'm going to spend time doing some exercise outside I'd rather be on the water.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Interesting tip from Tony on the live chat. If you're on vacation, don't have access to equipment, whatever, he recommends doing something he referred to as UCML (Upper/Cardio/Middle/Lower). All body weight work, no bands/dumbbells needed, and it works everything.

30 or max reps of push-ups (whatever style)
30-60 seconds of a cardio move (punches, kicks, etc.)
30 reps of an ab exercise
30 reps of a squat/plyo move

Repeat 3/4/5 times. Mixing up the moves each round would certainly make it more interesting. Might try this out when I'm away for a couple days next month.


I ate awful, awful, awful food last night and felt really guilty about it today (as usual), so after doing Core Synergistics I decided to go for a "run" — first time ever for me, actually, but I figured I'd give it a try. I had no idea what I was doing, so I just alternated between two minutes of running and one minute of brisk walking for three miles. I know about the Couch to 5K program, but the initial stage of that seemed too easy, so I wanted to gauge where I was on my own. Obviously doing P90/P90MS/P90X has helped me cardio-wise, as I wasn't too beat up afterwards (even after doing CS and having nothing but sugar in my stomach from last night).

I will probably up the intensity next time, whenever that is. I'm not sure how I'd work running into my routine, considering I'll probably only do it periodically when I feel like I need to supplement my other workouts for whatever reason. Given that, my progression will probably be really slow, but maybe that's a good thing...

Anyway, I can see why people love doing it. Like yoga, it clears your mind — I realized after the fact that I thought of nothing else while doing those three miles, which is fucking monumental for a headcase like myself. Plus, my "track" was the reservoir that's just a few blocks down the street from where I live. It's a beautiful setting, with an amazing breeze coming off the water even on a hot day like today. I'm lucky to live so close by. For these reasons, I feel sort of motivated to maybe keep doing this once a week.

Does anyone else run/jog alongside P90X and have any thoughts on it?

ALSO, congrats on finishing, nekura.

Nice! Hope your calves don't turn on you tomorrow or anything. Do you have a smartphone? If so, I totally recommend trying the Runkeeper app so you can both log your runs and get some cool metrics and maps to go along with it. If you like tracking numbers, it makes running even a little more compelling. I try to sneak in a run every couple weeks but with P90X/X2 and the occasional Insanity workout thrown in my body really doesn't have much left for running (plus running almost always fucks me up for a day or two... my legs/knees just don't seem to agree with it much).

My current goal is to do a Tough Mudder event next year, but not just to complete it... I want to complete it strongly. So running is important since those are like 12-13 miles or so plus a shit load of difficult obstacles. Yeah, you don't need to run the whole thing, but like I said if I'm going to do it I want to uh, bring it.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So what's the P90X workout that has a bit of yoga, keno, ploy, core, etc? Meant to do that one today but did core synergistics because I thought that was it...
Do you guys have any tips for good form on push-ups? I'm about to start Phase 2 of P90 and I feel like push-ups are the one area I haven't had much improvement in.
Do you guys have any tips for good form on push-ups? I'm about to start Phase 2 of P90 and I feel like push-ups are the one area I haven't had much improvement in.

Try to knock out as many as you can on your own and then go down on your knees and keep going. You'll see improvements in no time. Also don't go too slow when you do them. You'll get tired real fast.


Try to knock out as many as you can on your own and then go down on your knees and keep going. You'll see improvements in no time. Also don't go too slow when you do them. You'll get tired real fast.

Adding to this, my improvement for push-ups has been pretty slow going (actually improvements to most non-plyo stuff has been pretty slow and steady).

So my advice is just keep at it and be patient... you'll see the improvements. Also make sure you're getting enough protein to build muscle (on that note, shake time for me).

Edit: God bless you scoop of peanut butter that goes into my shakes, you delicious bastard you.


Man. Just did Back and Biceps for the first time. It wrecked me. My muscles aren't screaming in pain but my joints and bones hurt are aching like hell. Is this normal?

Also lol at corn cob pullups. Yeah right.

Interesting tip from Tony on the live chat. If you're on vacation, don't have access to equipment, whatever, he recommends doing something he referred to as UCML (Upper/Cardio/Middle/Lower). All body weight work, no bands/dumbbells needed, and it works everything.

30 or max reps of push-ups (whatever style)
30-60 seconds of a cardio move (punches, kicks, etc.)
30 reps of an ab exercise
30 reps of a squat/plyo move

Repeat 3/4/5 times. Mixing up the moves each round would certainly make it more interesting. Might try this out when I'm away for a couple days next month.

Cool, I'll have to try this, thanks.
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