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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Man. Just did Back and Biceps for the first time. It wrecked me. My muscles aren't screaming in pain but my joints and bones hurt are aching like hell. Is this normal?

Also lol at corn cob pullups. Yeah right.

That does not sound normal to me, so please be careful for a little while to see if that's a temporary feeling and if it persists please see a doctor.

And yes, corn cobs, don't do more than ten or twelve! Right Tony, right. How about I do one, and you eff off? That's a better deal.
Man. Just did Back and Biceps for the first time. It wrecked me. My muscles aren't screaming in pain but my joints and bones hurt are aching like hell. Is this normal?

Also lol at corn cob pullups. Yeah right.

Cool, I'll have to try this, thanks.

The first time you do a few unassisted, you'll feel like a bad ass.


Why is one PAP called upper and one called lower? Upper body versus lower body, I'm guessing? Still another two weeks (nearly) until phase three so those are still a mystery for me.
If I just do lower it won't be an off balanced workout would it?

Which of these are the best calorie burners?
PAP Upper
PAP Lower
Cardio X
Insanity Sports Training

I need to pick 4. :p

haha then do Upper for balance. Kenpo and Cardio X are low on my list unless you want an relatively easy day to balance the week. You have done them before, and either PAP is amazing especially if you do it non-stop (I don't). And PAP has a little bit of everything too - resistance, isometric, core, etc.
Why is one PAP called upper and one called lower? Upper body versus lower body, I'm guessing? Still another two weeks (nearly) until phase three so those are still a mystery for me.

yeeeah imagine resistance + core + isometrics workout, one targeting the whole lower body, the other whole upper body. It's a mixture of everything
Interesting tip from Tony on the live chat. If you're on vacation, don't have access to equipment, whatever, he recommends doing something he referred to as UCML (Upper/Cardio/Middle/Lower). All body weight work, no bands/dumbbells needed, and it works everything.

30 or max reps of push-ups (whatever style)
30-60 seconds of a cardio move (punches, kicks, etc.)
30 reps of an ab exercise
30 reps of a squat/plyo move

Repeat 3/4/5 times. Mixing up the moves each round would certainly make it more interesting. Might try this out when I'm away for a couple days next month.

Yea thanks for this I have school coming up I'm really worry about having energy to maintain the workouts and eventually injure myself


The Cryptarch's Bane
First Chest/Shoulders/Tris in 4 weeks- damn it kills me! I did beat a good few of my numbers and up my weight on most moves, but it's still such a humbling work out for me. I feel like such a badass doing one-arm pushups during Endurance X, but i still cannot bust one out during C/S/T without falling to my knees, since it comes so late and my arms are already screaming. Oh well. Feels good to be back in the swing of things.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Nice! Hope your calves don't turn on you tomorrow or anything. Do you have a smartphone? If so, I totally recommend trying the Runkeeper app so you can both log your runs and get some cool metrics and maps to go along with it. If you like tracking numbers, it makes running even a little more compelling. I try to sneak in a run every couple weeks but with P90X/X2 and the occasional Insanity workout thrown in my body really doesn't have much left for running (plus running almost always fucks me up for a day or two... my legs/knees just don't seem to agree with it much).

My current goal is to do a Tough Mudder event next year, but not just to complete it... I want to complete it strongly. So running is important since those are like 12-13 miles or so plus a shit load of difficult obstacles. Yeah, you don't need to run the whole thing, but like I said if I'm going to do it I want to uh, bring it.
Ha, yeah, I'll just have to wait and see. I'm doing Cardio Intervals (Master Series workout, doing it in place of Kenpo X on recovery weeks) tomorrow for the first time in about four months, so that might make things even more interesting.

I've used Endomondo for tracking long walks, just for fun mostly, so I might try using that for runs or look into Runkeeper as well. Thanks for the tip.


That does not sound normal to me, so please be careful for a little while to see if that's a temporary feeling and if it persists please see a doctor.

And yes, corn cobs, don't do more than ten or twelve! Right Tony, right. How about I do one, and you eff off? That's a better deal.

Hahaha yeah.

It's probably/hopefully just residual soreness from my first chest shoulders tri on Saturday and rock climbing Sunday. I'm not too worried but I'll take it easy and see how it goes. I may have been aiming a little high as well with my weights. Thanks for the advice.


Hahaha yeah.

It's probably/hopefully just residual soreness from my first chest shoulders tri on Saturday and rock climbing Sunday. I'm not too worried but I'll take it easy and see how it goes. I may have been aiming a little high as well with my weights. Thanks for the advice.

No problem, and like you said it's probably nothing more than your body asking for a temporary break, so once you get a little rest in you'll be good to go in no time (and then you can do fifteen corn cob pull ups automatically).


Recovering from a head cold here, and let me say that it is hard as hell to get back into the routine. No fun having to stop every 10 minutes to blow your nose.


Recovering from a head cold here, and let me say that it is hard as hell to get back into the routine. No fun having to stop every 10 minutes to blow your nose.

The awesome part is that you're out there trying to get through it all the same (but try to counter balance that by not overdoing it and letting your body get well too).


The awesome part is that you're out there trying to get through it all the same (but try to counter balance that by not overdoing it and letting your body get well too).

Very sage advice, Lane. I had to skip two days this past week (out of the 5-6 days that I work-out) for rest time. No sweat though, because I've maintained my healthy diet (no "sick" food as I like to call it), and remain focused on getting back into it full throttle.


Did a half-hour class at the gym (bootcamp, was mostly core) over lunch... Plyo tonight. Wooooooo

Plyocide tonight here as well... and I am well in need of it. Frustrating, busy day at work and I am hoping a nice exercise discharge will counteract some of that.

Infinity- good going! You'll be healed up and out performing your previous numbers in no time I'm sure.

There's nothing better than ending a stressful day with a session of PLYOCIDE. Can't wait to do it tonight.

*fist bump*


Chest + Back + Balance for me tonight. Looking forward to seeing some improvements since doing another round of X after X2.

Did this last night, and while I know you're way more in shape than I am I'm challenging you to do more than my 14 4 med ball push-ups or 10 impossible/possibles.
Did this last night, and while I know you're way more in shape than I am I'm challenging you to do more than my 14 4 med ball push-ups or 10 impossible/possibles.

Challenge accepted. I'll report back later tonight with my numbers. I had my first Coke Zero in months with lunch today and while I know there aren't any calories in it I still feel like a jerk for having one. I don't want to get back into that habit. I'll be bringing it today.


Challenge accepted. I'll report back later tonight with my numbers. I had my first Coke Zero in months with lunch today and while I know there aren't any calories in it I still feel like a jerk for having one. I don't want to get back into that habit. I'll be bringing it today.

Good man on all counts (I am sure you can destroy my numbers, but I think this thread could use some more friendly rep challenges... Crossfit-lite). I've been slowly phasing out my diet soda consumption, but still drink a fair amount of coffee while at work. Some progress better than no progress!

Also, HP, you eventually gotta share before/after photos remember? You mentioned you would before your bachelor party, so you and nekura are on deck I think for progress posts.


Hey P90x gaf, I'm on my second day of week 4 and I feel like starting from scratch again. I feel like I wasn't serious enough the first two weeks (neglecting to write down my weight/reps, skipping yoga once and half-assing it the following week, not following a stricter diet...) and it seems like I haven't made enough progress compared to all these day 30 pics out there (I have lost some weight since the beginning of the program though). I'm thinking about finishing my week 4 and going back to week 1, but is there any reason why I shouldn't do this?


Hey P90x gaf, I'm on my second day of week 4 and I feel like starting from scratch again. I feel like I wasn't serious enough the first two weeks (neglecting to write down my weight/reps, skipping yoga once and half-assing it the following week, not following a stricter diet...) and it seems like I haven't made enough progress compared to all these day 30 pics out there (I have lost some weight since the beginning of the program though). I'm thinking about finishing my week 4 and going back to week 1, but is there any reason why I shouldn't do this?

I think so long as you decide you're going to work harder on both the exercises and the diet it doesn't much matter if you start over or continue from where you are. Ideally you'll work harder at both, complete 90 days (whether you start over or not) and then keep going with the program... so if you commit to sticking with your better diet and more active lifestyle it won't matter what you did in the past, just what you're doing from today forward.
Did plyo without pausing today. Felt good but sweated a lot!

Some bad news though went to the docs today and might have to have some minor surgery. Hopefully not though!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Did this last night, and while I know you're way more in shape than I am I'm challenging you to do more than my 14 4 med ball push-ups or 10 impossible/possibles.
Holy crap. Wish I had the equipment to try this.

Push ups are really my weak point though.


Holy crap. Wish I had the equipment to try this.

Push ups are really my weak point though.

Haha, I only own two medicine balls personally, but my roommate also now owns two (which means if we're both working out at once we take turns when this move hits).

This reminds me, I tried the impossible/impossible (two stability balls) last night when impossible/possible came up and busted out an impressive zero... while the extra stability ball I grabbed wasn't inflated enough, I couldn't even get myself to balance on both. Tony's 30 is, uh, kind of impressive. Kind of.

Plyocide time.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Decided to do P90X Plyo for today's workout and Insanity must have helped more than it visibly looked like because I demolished Plyo. Did every single move and only slowed down once or twice.

I didn't really lose any weight, or change visibly with Insanity but it helped my cardio for sure. I've never completed P90X Plyo 100%. :p

Now if I could get my visible looks to finish changing. This small belly won't go away.


Best Plyocide performance so far. Felt strong throughout with one minor hiccup on the part where you circle the med ball and keep tapping the top like it's a soccer ball or something. Did clappers during set sprint plank plyo jump at the end too. Skipped the NIS stretch and just laid there dying.
Did 21 4 med ball push ups. Only did 6 Impossible/Possibles which bummed me out. I was having the hardest time trying to stabilize my legs. Guess not doing it for 3 months had an impact. I will definitely be pushing myself to be back in double digits by next month.


Did 21 4 med ball push ups. Only did 6 Impossible/Possibles which bummed me out. I was having the hardest time trying to stabilize my legs. Guess not doing it for 3 months had an impact. I will definitely be pushing myself to be back in double digits by next month.

Still pretty awesome! In fairness, I think I used part of my legs (instead of just my shoes) to stabilize the ball yesterday which is cheating (I think) so my number would be bunk anyway.

Did 3 hours of cardio today. Thank God tomorrow is my rest day.

Damn! Yer gonna be tired methinks. Good job though!
I did a prep week of Body Beast to see if my body could cope. Besides my pecs hurting everywhere is good. P90X/2 doesn't really build the chest much where BB chest exercise focuses on giving you the moobs you wants.

The ab exercise is better than P90X/2/Insanity. There is no back pain or any mis directed pain. Its all on the abs. I found it easy to keep up with all the reps but i'd attribute that to the other beach body programs.

A side note. I can't stop saying Beast! What annoyed me at first now annoys my family as i keep repeating it lol.

Also LaneDS. Awesome results man. Your arms are pretty pumped... diamonds of gold!


Hang out with Steve.
Day 60 tomorrow, will post results.

My group on the teambeachbody.com forums has pretty much fallen apart. We lost a bunch of people during Insanity, and more during P90X. One member who was keeping up with workouts & accountability posts as much as I have discovered that his daughter has leukemia this past weekend, so he's understandably not going to be keeping up. There are maybe 3 others who post every once in a while. Even the "coach" who started our year-long challenge is unable to post very often due to demands from work.

A year of workouts 6-7 days per week, spending money on 5 workout programs, related equipment and supplements is a pretty huge commitment and I'm not surprised to see a lot of the group fall by the wayside, but it has virtually disintegrated about half-way through, and that is pretty disappointing.
I did a prep week of Body Beast to see if my body could cope. Besides my pecs hurting everywhere is good. P90X/2 doesn't really build the chest much where BB chest exercise focuses on giving you the moobs you wants.

The ab exercise is better than P90X/2/Insanity. There is no back pain or any mis directed pain. Its all on the abs. I found it easy to keep up with all the reps but i'd attribute that to the other beach body programs.

A side note. I can't stop saying Beast! What annoyed me at first now annoys my family as i keep repeating it lol.

Also LaneDS. Awesome results man. Your arms are pretty pumped... diamonds of gold!

So what's the average workout time and what equipment do you actually need?


Third time Back and Biceps today. Absolute worst exercise in two months.

All my numbers were way down since last week, ugh.

Maybe I'll add another week of phase 2 next week, I don't feel like I've mastered phase 2 like I did Phase 1.


Is there anyone who is good at pullups but not so good for chin ups?

I was wondering if that was even possible.

I'm freaking pumped about the increase in numbers and form in my no kipping chin ups. I'm now at 22 without stopping.

Now my pull-ups are another story, lol.


Good man on all counts (I am sure you can destroy my numbers, but I think this thread could use some more friendly rep challenges... Crossfit-lite). I've been slowly phasing out my diet soda consumption, but still drink a fair amount of coffee while at work. Some progress better than no progress!

Caffeine is my evil vice too. I've kicked sweet drinks and only drink diet sodas occasionally. But, I drink four cups of coffee every morning with Splenda and fat free half-and-half. That's probably not good given my fitness goals, but we all need something, right? Grin.
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