Did Balance and power today. 84 days to go.
P90X might not be right for you until you address your issues. Power 90 might be a better fit to start with. Really though, you should see a doctor before starting a program if you are really this worried about injuring yourself. See what they suggest.Hey guys. I was following this thread for some time, but didn't really commit to any of the programs. I am 6' 1" and 154 lbs. My arms are not that strong, but my biggest problem is that I am really tight. So I was wondering would it be a good idea to starts P90X, taking into account that sometimes doing a push can be a problem for me due to lack of flexibility in wrists. Also my hip flexibility is atrocious and when I generally start to do some more intense exercises I usually end up with some light injury (for example, last year I recovered from a tendonitis in my left arm just by intensively riding a bike uphill). This has prevented me from truly committing to a program. So considering the situation, would you guys have any advices on what program should I start / what modifications should I make/ or pre-program exercises that I should do. My biggest goal from these exercises would be to gain strength overall (I don’t care about looks), to become more flexible and to have a less injury prone body. My only concern is not to get injured on that process once again.