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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Hawkian- what are you playing in GW2, dragon avatar guy? I'll be on all day tomorrow post workout (though not on GAF server), so holler if yer on.
It's not a dragon, it's the Wereraven form:
My main will be an Asura Thief, but I'm also gonna have a Sylvari Mesmer, Human Necro (who regrets not having joined the circus), Asura Elementalist, and Norn Ranger (thus the Wereraven).

How come you're not joining the GAF Guild? :p


So does anyone else think that P90X2 is just plain easier than the first program?

I've tried all the workouts at least once so far and they've all been pretty easy, especially ABX2 which is a cakewalk compared to ABX.

I'm probably going to skip it and do the first program again, or maybe Insanity Asylum.
So does anyone else think that P90X2 is just plain easier than the first program?

I've tried all the workouts at least once so far and they've all been pretty easy, especially ABX2 which is a cakewalk compared to ABX.

I'm probably going to skip it and do the first program again, or maybe Insanity Asylum.

I wouldn't say it's easier, it's different for sure. Are you using med balls and a stability ball? I could see how you would find it easier without those.


NoRéN;41369107 said:
ok, thanks.

Your avatar is amazing, by the way.

Thanks! It's from this print- http://collider.com/wp-content/uploads/iron-giant-poster-mondo-laurent-durieux.jpg (which I paid entirely too much for and am actually leaving my apartment to go get it framed after I post this, oddly enough)

Hawkian, that shit is awesome. Got a bunch of friends that settled on Henge of Denvari for some reason, so I'm just playing from there... since you can join multiple guilds, I wonder if that's also across worlds? Either way, I'll certainly holler atcha soon.

Trounce- definitely don't think X2 is easier than X1 overall, but I still think Core Syn from X1 is the hardest any of the workouts get.


Gentlemen with desk jobs, allow me to serve as a warning to you: If you ever feel a weird lump directly above your buttocks area, go get that shit checked out immediately no matter how small it is, or suffer as I have. :b I will leave it at that.

Harry Potter: I laughed when I saw your pics with your avatar pasted over your face. Please never show your real face, it would break so many illusions for me.
Gentlemen with desk jobs, allow me to serve as a warning to you: If you ever feel a weird lump directly above your buttocks area, go get that shit checked out immediately no matter how small it is, or suffer as I have. :b I will leave it at that.

Harry Potter: I laughed when I saw your pics with your avatar pasted over your face. Please never show your real face, it would break so many illusions for me.

I'm intrigued. Spill it.


I wouldn't say it's easier, it's different for sure. Are you using med balls and a stability ball? I could see how you would find it easier without those.

I have a stability ball, but not med balls, although I've been using these 2 basketballs I have for some of the pushup exercises. Still not really feeling it.

Also I should note that the PAP exercises are definitely on another level, it's just the rest of the program I find comparatively "easy"


Spoilers for TMI:

For a while now (at least a year or so, I don't remember when it appeared exactly) I've had a tiny bump directly above my buttocks area that never really bothered me unless I sat in certain positions. Things like that don't normally make me think: "I should go see a doctor about this" since I don't expect my body to be absolutely perfect and I don't want to waste a doctor's a time on such a trivial thing. However, last Saturday the bump started swelling up. I was able to do my deadlifts/squats/bench presses as normal, sleep fine, etc. Then on Sunday it got even bigger. Any time the area was touched it felt like someone punched me in the lower back, followed by a dull, constant pain. As such, I was no longer able to sleep on my back, and had to be careful about how I sat on chairs to avoid hitting the bump if I tried to reposition myself. All the while it was growing even bigger.

When I was poking around on Google on Sunday night trying to figure out what was happening, I found a lot of references to something called a pilonidal cyst, which sometimes occurs to people who sit too much. I'm not sure if that's what I had exactly (my doctor diagnosed it as a "glutteal abscess" and said it's a result of "hairs gone crazy" -- lol), but I did not enjoy it and it seems like the type of thing that can be prevented easily if you recognize it. I will spare you all the gory details, but I am recovering fine since my appointment on Tuesday and am hoping to be working out again by next Tuesday, though that will depend on what I find out at my second follow-up appointment on Monday.
nekura: thanks for sharing and hope it all works out

I have a desk job too and my superiors won't let me have a standing-height desk unless I cite an injury -_-


nekura: thanks for sharing and hope it all works out

I have a desk job too and my superiors won't let me have a standing-height desk unless I cite an injury -_-

Print out nekura's post and say it's yours! I don't think they'll ask to see it, ahem.

nekura, hope your doctors appointment goes well! Get better soon so you can bring it (on the bench you bought).

Just finished X2 Core. Did Pure Cardio this morning. Feeling pretty good about today's effort.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
nekura, I also have a pilonidal cyst — high five! It's hereditary, although I never knew I had one until it got infected about a decade ago. My tailbone has never been the same since (not trying to scare you... everyone's different, of course). I could never do ARX without my mat, for example.

Hopefully you have a quick recovery. The worst is over, at least!


I haven't feel this sore in a while. Arms, shoulders, buttocks and legs are on fiyah.

Gotta do X2 Yoga tonight to see if the soreness goes away, even though it feels goooood.

I'm dreading tomorrow:
Back and Biceps


I haven't feel this sore in a while. Arms, shoulders, buttocks and legs are on fiyah.

Gotta do X2 Yoga tonight to see if the soreness goes away, even though it feels goooood.

I'm dreading tomorrow:
Back and Biceps

Bring it! I'll be yoga-ing in the morning. Also decided tonight I'm going to finally see my general practitioner about my knee pain... they never feel quite right after or during workouts and sadly I want to see if something else is going on. Hoping they can suggest something that isn't expensive surgery, because who wants to do that?
Bring it! I'll be yoga-ing in the morning. Also decided tonight I'm going to finally see my general practitioner about my knee pain... they never feel quite right after or during workouts and sadly I want to see if something else is going on. Hoping they can suggest something that isn't expensive surgery, because who wants to do that?

Yoga for me tomorrow too. Good luck with the knees. I'm sure you are worried about the doc putting you out of commission but it's good you are getting it looked at now.


Yoga for me tomorrow too. Good luck with the knees. I'm sure you are worried about the doc putting you out of commission but it's good you are getting it looked at now.

Thanks man. I just hate dealing with doctors as it usually costly and often I am left feeling like they didn't resolve anything despite the cost... but we'll see.

Forced myself up early, sore throat and all, for some yoga time. This is in no way happening because I plan to play Guild Wars all day afterwards, nope.



Started week three of phase one this morning. Seems like the first two weeks flew by. Med ball burpies are my nemesis. I have, however, doubled my number to six since the first time I did them which is really nice.

I'm still not sure if I'm going to extend this phase another week. I know I would greatly benefit from it though, so I think I am leaning towards a fourth week for this phase. That would mean changing my plans for the rest of the program though. So I am conflicted. :/

Good luck with your knees, Lane. I now first hand how much bad knees can hurt in a lot of different aspects of life. Get 'em checked, get 'em fixed.


Hang out with Steve.
Tried Kenpo X with 2.5lb wrist weights. OK that's pretty hard. I made it most of the way through the first round & took them off when I got to jab-cross-hook-uppercut. They make a BIG difference. The wrist weights were a bit cumbersome though, and I couldn't get them tight enough to not flop around a bit, which is part of the reason I took them off. I think I'll shop around for weighted gloves instead.


Tried Kenpo X with 2.5lb wrist weights. OK that's pretty hard. I made it most of the way through the first round & took them off when I got to jab-cross-hook-uppercut. They make a BIG difference. The wrist weights were a bit cumbersome though, and I couldn't get them tight enough to not flop around a bit, which is part of the reason I took them off. I think I'll shop around for weighted gloves instead.

16 oz boxing gloves would be better than wrist weights, because they strap on very nicely and they work your forearms like crazy from constantly making a fist.


Started week three of phase one this morning. Seems like the first two weeks flew by. Med ball burpies are my nemesis. I have, however, doubled my number to six since the first time I did them which is really nice.

I'm still not sure if I'm going to extend this phase another week. I know I would greatly benefit from it though, so I think I am leaning towards a fourth week for this phase. That would mean changing my plans for the rest of the program though. So I am conflicted. :/

Good luck with your knees, Lane. I now first hand how much bad knees can hurt in a lot of different aspects of life. Get 'em checked, get 'em fixed.

Thank you as well man. I'll see what the doctors have to say soon and hope for the best... for now it's a minor pain I can live with but I don't want to keep working and find I've done serious damage I guess.

Steve- yeah, kenpo with the weights adds a nice kick to it. I've used 2lbs (only once) but am a little surprised you had to take them off, since yer usually a rockstar.

Yoga in the bank, so commencing the GW2 for the day.


Tried Kenpo X with 2.5lb wrist weights. OK that's pretty hard. I made it most of the way through the first round & took them off when I got to jab-cross-hook-uppercut. They make a BIG difference. The wrist weights were a bit cumbersome though, and I couldn't get them tight enough to not flop around a bit, which is part of the reason I took them off. I think I'll shop around for weighted gloves instead.

I use 2lb wrist weights and 2.5 lb ankle weights... it makes a huge difference. I'm sweating like crazy when the workout is over and very tired. The only real problem is I have to spray them off with the water hose because if the sweat dries on them they get kinda stiff which is pretty gross.


Hang out with Steve.
Steve- yeah, kenpo with the weights adds a nice kick to it. I've used 2lbs (only once) but am a little surprised you had to take them off, since yer usually a rockstar.

Well, part of it was because I couldn't get them tight enough without them flopping around a bit. I think these weights are designed more for swinging motions, such as when running, than for sharp punches.


Got the P90 X what should I do the Lean or Classic plan?

I'm currently running 2 miles and circuit lifting Monday - Thursday and doing BJJ on Thursday night. (this will not change)

My goal is to lose weight first, but I'm not sure which plan to go with.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
If you're already doing some cardio, definitely do Classic (Lean features more cardio and actually leaves out Plyometrics, one of the best workouts). Lean is pretty weak, especially for someone who seems to already be in pretty good shape.


Sorry guys, I ate all the pizza. Yep, all of it. There will probably be more available tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure I took care of all the pizza presently in existence today. In response, I'll be working out to make up for that.


Holy shit LaneDS, I had an epic cheat day as well. Considering it's been over 5 weeks, I don't feel too bad. Still, I'm glad I got that shit out of my system, and I'm super ready to make it up and bring it tomorrow.


Holy shit LaneDS, I had an epic cheat day as well. Considering it's been over 5 weeks, I don't feel too bad. Still, I'm glad I got that shit out of my system, and I'm super ready to make it up and bring it tomorrow.

That's the spirit! I had breakfast burritos this morning (after a very successful yoga workout, at least) then pizza for lunch, and more pizza for dinner. I just did X2 shoulders and arms, albeit with a number of breaks because I felt massively inflated. The upside? Totally did "the ego set" for Crazy 8's... 25 lbs, 32 reps, all three times (had to take a short break on the third round and my form kind of fell to shit, but I did it and then spoke to myself out loud... totally normal).

Not sure I should have the protein shake considering the calories I took in, but I'm thinking yes.


I managed to squeeze my Back and Biceps workout and finished almost at 12am. This leads to the question, what's the latest you guys have worked out?


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Sorry guys, I ate all the pizza. Yep, all of it. There will probably be more available tomorrow, but I'm pretty sure I took care of all the pizza presently in existence today. In response, I'll be working out to make up for that.
I don't know how this happened, but actually, I also ate all of the pizza today.
And all of the cupcakes...

SteeloDMZ said:
I managed to squeeze my Back and Biceps workout and finished almost at 12am. This leads to the question, what's the latest you guys have worked out?
I'm definitely a night owl, but I don't think I've ever worked out that late. My routine is pretty much set in stone — if I have a feeling I won't be able to get my workout in in the evening, I'll do it in the morning. I've actually been doing Kenpo on Friday mornings and enjoying it quite a bit. Feels like a good "start the day" type of workout.

In other news, I don't know how/why I keep hurting myself in the dumbest ways possible. My hip flexor finally feels better after jacking it up a few days ago (thanks to running three miles immediately after Plyo and definitely not stretching enough... smart), but after doing around ten miles of walking today nearly non-stop, I have this enormous gash on my right ankle that hurts a surprising amount. I'm not sure why, as I wore the same socks and sneakers I always do when I go for walks. Annoying. Will probably skip running tomorrow and ride my stationary bike instead.

Ill Saint

Been off the P90X wagon for around a month now... Never got through the last few weeks of my 6th cycle. Trying to find it in myself to get back in there, but since getting into cycling I've been unmotivated. Sucks to think about how much strength I've probably lost.

Must find motivation!


Week one of Insanity done and my leg feels perfect! Well, it's sore as hell, but no signs of shin splints so far :)

First couple of days were insanely difficult, but I think that was more due to the fact that's it's the first time I've done any exercise since my injury. Body had to adjust. The rest of the week felt good. Pure Cardio was tough, but I managed to keep rests to a minimum.

How important are heart monitors? Currently I measure my heart rate by placing my hand on heart and counting the beats. Not exactly the best method.


I went rock climbing today. It was SO fun!! And pretty tiring. There was a moment where to reach the next stone, you had to literally jump and grab it, then pull yourself up with your arms. I am pretty sure I could have never done this 6 months ago, thank you Tony. I've lost so much skin on my hands though, it hurts just holding my phone.
I managed to squeeze my Back and Biceps workout and finished almost at 12am. This leads to the question, what's the latest you guys have worked out?
I think the latest I've done it was a Saturday "night" from 3 to 4am haha.


I started rock climbing last year. It's challenging and super fulfilling. I haven't been over the whole summer (while I've been home and started p90x.) Actually going tomorrow can't wait to see what I can do with my p90x progress! Yeah, my skin will probably tear a lot tomorrow haha. It takes a little while to build callouses. And yeah, I've definitely finished a few workouts after 2 a.m.


74 days to go. Great plyocide workout this morning. I mean GREAT. Definitely the best I've felt during a P90X2 workout so far.

I managed to squeeze my Back and Biceps workout and finished almost at 12am. This leads to the question, what's the latest you guys have worked out?

I did insanity once at 10pm... never again. Couldn't sleep because my adrenaline was pumping for a while afterwards. Luckily for me I didn't have work the next day. Which, I believe, is why I tried it in the first place.


Totally want to try an indoor rock climbing place around here soon, that's been on my to-do list for a while... looks way fun.

Weighed in this morning at 191, my highest in months. Oh well. I'm hoping the extra creatine from the 2x workouts (Pharm Assault twice in a day for two days) means my body is just retaining more water weight than normal, but let's be honest, it's probably the pizza. Resting today.


Hang out with Steve.
Getting geared up for Asylum in a couple weeks. Just ordered my new shoes -- went with the new Reebok Crossfit Nano 2.0's. The shoes I used for Insanity are Nike Free running shoes and just don't have the lateral support needed. I've read good things about the Reeboks.

I have some co-workers who climb just about every week at a local climbing gym. I want to try it out sometime as well.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Weighed in this morning at 191, my highest in months. Oh well. I'm hoping the extra creatine from the 2x workouts (Pharm Assault twice in a day for two days) means my body is just retaining more water weight than normal, but let's be honest, it's probably the pizza. Resting today.
It's probably your body retaining water from the pizza as well. Carbs and sodium will do that. After I cheat on the weekends, the scale sometimes goes up five or six pounds and gradually recedes over the next few days as I eat normally again. You would have to do a LOT of damage (harder than it sounds) to actually gain several pounds in one day. Don't feel too bad about it. ;)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
So does anyone else think that P90X2 is just plain easier than the first program?

I've tried all the workouts at least once so far and they've all been pretty easy, especially ABX2 which is a cakewalk compared to ABX.

I'm probably going to skip it and do the first program again, or maybe Insanity Asylum.

It's better paced.

Day 1 in the P90X was an hour of pushups/pullups.

All of phase 1 in P90X2 is to build up the core and prime the back/arms/shoulders. I'd say the pullups in phase 2 of P90X2 are harder than in P90X1.


It's probably your body retaining water from the pizza as well. Carbs and sodium will do that. After I cheat on the weekends, the scale sometimes goes up five or six pounds and gradually recedes over the next few days as I eat normally again. You would have to do a LOT of damage (harder than it sounds) to actually gain several pounds in one day. Don't feel too bad about it. ;)

Hah, that is good to know, thanks!
Was looking for an explanation to why we work abs in yoga, and came across this. Maybe there is really a point for Tony to keep stressing functional performance over looks time after time

yogajournal.com said:

Forget Six-Pack Abs

Have you ever stood at the mirror, sucked in your stomach and thought, "I wish I could look like this all the time?" If you grew up in the United States, your answer is probably yes. Madison Avenue has sold us the notion that taut abdominals are the quintessence of health and beauty. Rock-hard bellies are used to promote everything from underwear to cereal.

But if you yearn for the rippled look of "six-pack" abs, consider what you may sacrifice to obtain it: That look might cost you flexibility and freedom of movement. Overdoing abs exercises can lead to a flattening of the lumbar curve, creating a weakened spinal structure. "We're even beginning to see hunchback conditions because of excessive abdominal crunches," claims biomechanics and kinesiology specialist Michael Yessis, Ph.D., author of Kinesiology of Exercise (Masters Press, 1992).

Abdominal skin differs from much of the skin covering the rest of the body. It has a subcutaneous tissue that loves to hoard fat. It can store up to several inches. Those fat-free torsos you see in advertisements are possible for less than 10 percent of the population. You have to have really thin skin to show muscle, explains Richard Cotton, spokesperson for the American Council on Exercise, and this takes more than diligent exercise; it takes the right genetics.

You have to be young too. Once fat cells accumulate around your torso, they don't disappear. You can starve them; they'll shrink. But they will always be there, endeavoring to fill up
. Too much belly fat—we all know—is unhealthy. But working too hard to eliminate fat can also cause serious problems. Women can suffer estrogen depletion, bone weakness, and fractures. "A few millimeters of fat over those muscles don't matter," Cotton says. Most adults, including distance runners and people of optimal health, carry a slight spare tire around their middles.


I have made a decision to start over P90X today! and to really bring it this time too!

I have been doing it maybe couple rounds in total this year, but not really seeing that kind of results that many here on gaf have posted (not to mention the adversarial testimonials or the ones on beachbody forums).

I think my main problem has been with my diet. It isn't that i have been eating too much, but eating too little. I just calculated my average daily calorie intake, and came out with a result of 1600kcals, even with good macro diversion (lots of proteins, low carb) that's got to be too low.

Now this time, i have made myself a well balanced diet which consists ~2600kcals daily with lots of proteins and good carbs.

Currently measuring 5.8" (177cm) 158lbs (72kg), but my body looks totally like a skinny fat one. I don't care about the weight, I just want to look more athletic, so badly.

I also went down to local nutrient store, and bought some good vitamin products, creatine, protein powder, protein bars, CLA. Don't know how much these will do difference, but shouldn't at least hurt if used properly.

This time, I wont take any cheat days, I will do every workout (even the stretch), I will give every last bit of me for every workout. I need results. If this time doesn't make a difference, i will quit working out, then it's too much trouble for too little benefits.


I have made a decision to start over P90X today! and to really bring it this time too!

I have been doing it maybe couple rounds in total this year, but not really seeing that kind of results that many here on gaf have posted (not to mention the adversarial testimonials or the ones on beachbody forums).

I think my main problem has been with my diet. It isn't that i have been eating too much, but eating too little. I just calculated my average daily calorie intake, and came out with a result of 1600kcals, even with good macro diversion (lots of proteins, low carb) that's got to be too low.

Now this time, i have made myself a well balanced diet which consists ~2600kcals daily with lots of proteins and good carbs.

Currently measuring 5.8" (177cm) 158lbs (72kg), but my body looks totally like a skinny fat one. I don't care about the weight, I just want to look more athletic, so badly.

I also went down to local nutrient store, and bought some good vitamin products, creatine, protein powder, protein bars, CLA. Don't know how much these will do difference, but shouldn't at least hurt if used properly.

This time, I wont take any cheat days, I will do every workout (even the stretch), I will give every last bit of me for every workout. I need results. If this time doesn't make a difference, i will quit working out, then it's too much trouble for too little benefits.

Good luck! Your goals are good, but I think possibly too strict. At the very least, be prepared to forgive yourself if events cause you to miss a day, or your diet slips; just work hard to avoid those and get back on track if slip ups happen. I agree that you'll want to focus on diet if you want to get the results you want. Hopefully being active in this thread will help keep you motivated and successful too.

You have to be young too. Once fat cells accumulate around your torso, they don't disappear. You can starve them; they'll shrink. But they will always be there, endeavoring to fill up. Too much belly fat—we all know—is unhealthy. But working too hard to eliminate fat can also cause serious problems. Women can suffer estrogen depletion, bone weakness, and fractures. "A few millimeters of fat over those muscles don't matter," Cotton says. Most adults, including distance runners and people of optimal health, carry a slight spare tire around their middles.

Can someone comment on this bit from BM's yoga post? I've never heard that before, about fat cells never going away. That sounds disappointing if true, as a former fat guy who still has a fair bit of fat to shed around the stomach and chest. I always thought (and still do, until I hear more otherwise) that I can work that fat out of existence with hard work and a strict diet.
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