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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Antti-la, I was with you up until that last paragraph. While its great you're committing to be healthier, you can't abandon that just because you don't see short term results. Stick with it and even if you don't see results right away, know that you are bettering yourself through your hard work. Physical results are just a bonus. But good on you for giving it another shot.


I was gonna say the same. Get away from that "if I don't see results I quit" attitude; that's a really bad mindset. Work out because you'll be a better person, have better health and because you enjoy it. If doing a workout feels like a chore, then you'll never see any kind of results.

I kinda was the same when I started the X workouts, but I got to a point where I just work out because I have an awesome time doing it, and also because the many other benefits.


@antti-la - have you thought about having someone do the program with you? My wife and I are doing some P90X/Insanity workouts together and it really makes the workouts more fun and easier to keep doing even when you want to quit.

I do have to say that P90x is more my speed than insanity.


Okay, that might be too harsh thing to say. True, true! My apologies. Thanks for replies.

Exercising is always good for you. However I would say there clearly is a comfort zone for everything and although I kind of am enjoying beating myself while doing p90x, it really isn't something I'm willing to do long term. Might work for somebody, but for me it's just a tad too much.

It's a ninety day program, on which I squeeze everything I got in me, with a hope of doing a major change to my physique. After that, I'll get back to my regular "own" fitness routines, not to improve, but to upkeep my body which doesn't take nearly as much time and staying committed as p90x.

So what i meant to say was, that if i don't get results this time. I don't know what else to do. Eventually it starts to get hard on your mind as you feel you bring everything you got, and see no results, even though many around you seems to be getting 'em.

But that was just a thing to say, because I honestly believe new better nutrition and supplements will do the trick, if I just keep pushing it and eating correctly with no cheat!

My GF have tried to do it with me, but she thinks it's way too hard, and quitted after first three days :D

Anyways: Day01 Chest & Back+ABX. Done! Here is how it begins! Feels good man.

Also, damn! writing English (i'm Finnish) after a good workout is so much harder when you're toasted, so sorry for that.


I started P90X (Lean) right after I got back from my honeymoon in late May and I'm down to my last 3 weeks! It's been an incredible ride, a lot harder than I expected, and I feel like I've been doing this forever already and I still have the better part of a month to go.

Even though I'm only doing lean, I'm seeing great results. Not like a massive body-builder shift or anything, and you can't really tell there's been a big improvement with a loose shirt on, but I'm definitely a lot more toned than I've ever been with some very nice muscular definition on the arms, chest, and torso. My new wife is loving it. Still have a small bike tire below the belly button, so the 6-pack continues to elude me but it's definitely budding.

So once I'm done I'll take a week or so off and then start on classic. I think having plyo in my life and getting back on the fat shredder diet will be great for the shape I'm aiming for. Honestly I'm pretty much right where I want to be except for the bike tire. The damn thing just won't go away!
Can someone comment on this bit from BM's yoga post? I've never heard that before, about fat cells never going away. That sounds disappointing if true, as a former fat guy who still has a fair bit of fat to shed around the stomach and chest. I always thought (and still do, until I hear more otherwise) that I can work that fat out of existence with hard work and a strict diet.

Yes some feedback would be nice. The article just confirms my suspicion that genetics do play in part and why abs are so hard to lose

That being said, I don't think the author is saying its impossible to get a 6 pack. He or she just wants to identify the possible prices and whether or not that might be worth it


I started P90X (Lean) right after I got back from my honeymoon in late May and I'm down to my last 3 weeks! It's been an incredible ride, a lot harder than I expected, and I feel like I've been doing this forever already and I still have the better part of a month to go.

Even though I'm only doing lean, I'm seeing great results. Not like a massive body-builder shift or anything, and you can't really tell there's been a big improvement with a loose shirt on, but I'm definitely a lot more toned than I've ever been with some very nice muscular definition on the arms, chest, and torso. My new wife is loving it. Still have a small bike tire below the belly button, so the 6-pack continues to elude me but it's definitely budding.

So once I'm done I'll take a week or so off and then start on classic. I think having plyo in my life and getting back on the fat shredder diet will be great for the shape I'm aiming for. Honestly I'm pretty much right where I want to be except for the bike tire. The damn thing just won't go away!
Congrats on being close to finishing!

I did Lean as well, and I didn't take any time off at all before diving into a modified Doubles routine. It was amazing how much my mindset changed from the beginning of the program--I was dreading it at first, and by the end I was hungry for more!

Plyo will definitely help, but there's honestly no substitute for running. A 3-mile run outside is such a good, extended burn that I find it hard to replace. I'm almost over the 200 lb. hump that I've been struggling with for years.


Congrats on being close to finishing!

I did Lean as well, and I didn't take any time off at all before diving into a modified Doubles routine. It was amazing how much my mindset changed from the beginning of the program--I was dreading it at first, and by the end I was hungry for more!

Plyo will definitely help, but there's honestly no substitute for running. A 3-mile run outside is such a good, extended burn that I find it hard to replace. I'm almost over the 200 lb. hump that I've been struggling with for years.

Thanks! And thanks for the advice. When I first started seriously exercising 3 years ago, 3-mile runs were my poison of choice actually. I only broke away to try P90X a few months back because I was down to my goal weight and wanted to start on some muscle. So putting those together in some way sounds right up my alley. How do you fit it in? Do your runs replace your cardio/plyo/kenpo days?
Can any members of HeavyGAF recommend a good yoga mat? When I first did P90X a few years ago I used a cheapo Everlast one from Amazon, and the problem with it is that when holding long yoga poses the weight on my hands and feet would eventually squish the mat thin to almost nothing. I want to get back into yoga and X2, but would like to have a higher quality mat/pad this time.


Thanks! And thanks for the advice. When I first started seriously exercising 3 years ago, 3-mile runs were my poison of choice actually. I only broke away to try P90X a few months back because I was down to my goal weight and wanted to start on some muscle. So putting those together in some way sounds right up my alley. How do you fit it in? Do your runs replace your cardio/plyo/kenpo days?
I'm doing a modified Doubles schedule, replacing Cardio X with running (and adding an extra optional day of rest). This only starts in the second phase, though.

Day 1 AM: Run
Day 1 PM: Chest, Shoulders, Tris + ARX
Day 2: Plyo
Day 3 AM: Run
Day 3 PM: Back & Biceps, ARX
Day 4: Yoga or rest (I rested this past week, it just depends on how you feel)
Day 5 AM: Run
Day 5 PM: Legs & Back
Day 6: Yoga (X or X2, depending on your preference)

You'll feel the burn, trust me. I added the second optional rest day because the first week felt like too much, and I realized that X2 has a second rest day as well.


I'm doing a modified Doubles schedule, replacing Cardio X with running (and adding an extra optional day of rest). This only starts in the second phase, though.

Day 1 AM: Run
Day 1 PM: Chest, Shoulders, Tris + ARX
Day 2: Plyo
Day 3 AM: Run
Day 3 PM: Back & Biceps, ARX
Day 4: Yoga or rest (I rested this past week, it just depends on how you feel)
Day 5 AM: Run
Day 5 PM: Legs & Back
Day 6: Yoga (X or X2, depending on your preference)

You'll feel the burn, trust me. I added the second optional rest day because the first week felt like too much, and I realized that X2 has a second rest day as well.

Damn! Nice work, that does look intense. I bet you sleep like a log after some of those days. Thanks for the tips (and inspiration!)


Phase 3 of X2 starts today, PAP lower in a few hours... any thing I should know going into it?

Decided I am going to get a weighted vest, not sure which yet (any recommendations?) and train with that in the future. April 20th of next year I'll be doing the mid-Atlantic Tough Mudder and want to be healthy and strong enough to really do well with it.


Learn the proper form of the PAP moves during the first round of the 2 complexes and the next 3 rounds push yourself to the max. Have good range of motion during the resistance move, be fast and jump as high as you can during the explosive moves and maintain good form during the stretch.


Damn! Nice work, that does look intense. I bet you sleep like a log after some of those days. Thanks for the tips (and inspiration!)
No problem!

The closest thing I can compare it to is how I felt after starting P90X the first time. I'm continually somewhat sore (although my new creatine and whey protein regimen has helped with that), and I do indeed sleep like the dead most nights.
Started phase 2 today. Quite liked chest, shoulders and triceps, was bloody hard though and I had to do one arm pushups on my knees. Definitely seen a lot of improvement since I started though


Hang out with Steve.
Started phase 2 today. Quite liked chest, shoulders and triceps, was bloody hard though and I had to do one arm pushups on my knees. Definitely seen a lot of improvement since I started though

Don't worry, I just did my last CST for my first round on P90X this morning, and I still do them on my knees. I am able to lower myself a lot further, though, and I got in 20. Do your best and forget the rest.


Oof, PAP lower was no joke! Going to take a while before I can do the squat on one leg and cross over with the weight move (two medicine balls as targets). Also the hip raise leg lift move? Forget it. That was very difficult. Also not sure I'm doing "Tony's Triangle" properly either.


Man, fast and slow pushups in C,S&T wears me out. I find myself taking a break every time. Were you guys able to keep up with the cast by the time phase 3 rolled around?


Man, fast and slow pushups in C,S&T wears me out. I find myself taking a break every time. Were you guys able to keep up with the cast by the time phase 3 rolled around?

I have done many ch/sh/tri workouts and I still can't keep up with them during the slow-mo pushups.


Man, fast and slow pushups in C,S&T wears me out. I find myself taking a break every time. Were you guys able to keep up with the cast by the time phase 3 rolled around?

nope. they slay me. I'm getting better though.

I matched whats-his-name in double-time jump knee-tucks today in Plyo though! Felt good, although it definitely drained my energy.
Good luck! Your goals are good, but I think possibly too strict. At the very least, be prepared to forgive yourself if events cause you to miss a day, or your diet slips; just work hard to avoid those and get back on track if slip ups happen. I agree that you'll want to focus on diet if you want to get the results you want. Hopefully being active in this thread will help keep you motivated and successful too.

Can someone comment on this bit from BM's yoga post? I've never heard that before, about fat cells never going away. That sounds disappointing if true, as a former fat guy who still has a fair bit of fat to shed around the stomach and chest. I always thought (and still do, until I hear more otherwise) that I can work that fat out of existence with hard work and a strict diet.

I've always been curious about the 'fat cells never go away' and how true that really is. In any case, I believe that having a bigger chest and wide shoulders/traps are better looking and more manageable.


Week one of Insanity done and my leg feels perfect! Well, it's sore as hell, but no signs of shin splints so far :)

First couple of days were insanely difficult, but I think that was more due to the fact that's it's the first time I've done any exercise since my injury. Body had to adjust. The rest of the week felt good. Pure Cardio was tough, but I managed to keep rests to a minimum.

How important are heart monitors? Currently I measure my heart rate by placing my hand on heart and counting the beats. Not exactly the best method.

Congrats man- only 7 weeks to go! First two weeks are all about getting to know your limits in each of the routines, and that's true for the second month as well, it takes a couple days to figure out how far you can push yourself. Don't be afraid to take a pause button break or two!

I take my heart rate the same way as you, manually. I count pulse for 10 seconds and multiply by 6, which has been accurate enough for my needs. I do it pretty regularly, though, and I've noticed its amazingly consistent; I'm nearly always around 145-160 bpm at the beginning of the 30 second breaks, 125 or so after stretching, and I've been as high as 185 bpm after some of the max interval training.

And only 2 days of Insanity left for me now, btw, although I'm going to extend it out for 2 more weeks to get ready for an obstacle run in Sept. But I'm gonna rock the fit test this time, baby!


Oof, PAP lower was no joke! Going to take a while before I can do the squat on one leg and cross over with the weight move (two medicine balls as targets). Also the hip raise leg lift move? Forget it. That was very difficult. Also not sure I'm doing "Tony's Triangle" properly either.
But Colette!!! Let us know what you think of PAP upper too :)


Anyone have any tips on strengthening your ankles to prevent rolling?

If you have access to a machine, calf raises are actually a good exercise to strengthen all the muscles below the knee (and the achilles).

In high school, the b-ball coach would often make the players pass the ball to each other while standing on one leg. He felt it helped stability and strengthened those small ankle/foot muscles. Maybe you could take a ball and bounce-pass it up against the wall while standing on one leg.
Climbing the rope has been fun and challenging. So far I've climbed to the top, did a pull up and then climbed back down. Tried to climb up again but only made it halfway. Looking forward to seeing improvement.


I know how Plyo X gets easier weeks in, but the first week sucks. I would say I'm a pretty fit guy, but it still kicks my ass. I applaud all of you who stick through it.


Hey gaf, I'm very close to pulling the trigger on P90X. I did Insanity last year, and I'm looking for something a bit different.

The one thing that is holding me back is the need for a pull-up bar. I really do not have the appropriate area for one, and I fear that my doorframes would be too weak to support one anyway. Someone told me that I can use resistance bands as a substitute. Is this viable enough? I wouldn't want to cheat myself or anything.


Hey gaf, I'm very close to pulling the trigger on P90X. I did Insanity last year, and I'm looking for something a bit different.

The one thing that is holding me back is the need for a pull-up bar. I really do not have the appropriate area for one, and I fear that my doorframes would be too weak to support one anyway. Someone told me that I can use resistance bands as a substitute. Is this viable enough? I wouldn't want to cheat myself or anything.

Honestly, not really. The bands will tire you out early on but there is no substitute for pull-ups, unassisted or assisted. If a pull-up bar that attaches to a door frame is out of the question, what about a stand alone type of pull up bar (such as the "Power Tower")? Is that a possible option for you?

BM- I am very curious to see how PAP upper compares tonight, and mehdi I'll be sure to post impressions afterwards. Hoping it wrecks me in a good way.

HP- Bet that rope climb thing is awesome! Very cool you have the option to make that happen. Do some one handed around the world pull ups at the top!

P.S. Don't do that.


Honestly, not really. The bands will tire you out early on but there is no substitute for pull-ups, unassisted or assisted. If a pull-up bar that attaches to a door frame is out of the question, what about a stand alone type of pull up bar (such as the "Power Tower")? Is that a possible option for you?

Damn, was afraid of that. The Power Tower looks good, but is a bit much for my living area.

I did just see a pdf of the P90X bar; I am thinking that it MIGHT be okay, now that I see how it is set up. I will have to take some measurements to make sure; I just hope the closet door is sturdy enough. Ugh..I have to drill, not a fan of carpentry :)

Anyway, thanks for the quick response!


Damn, was afraid of that. The Power Tower looks good, but is a bit much for my living area.

I did just see a pdf of the P90X bar; I am thinking that it MIGHT be okay, now that I see how it is set up. I will have to take some measurements to make sure; I just hope the closet door is sturdy enough. Ugh..I have to drill, not a fan of carpentry :)

Anyway, thanks for the quick response!

No problem! I hope you can still try the program, as it's really great (and even with the not as great band option I think there's a lot there to like) but didn't want to give you a BS answer about bands vs. pull-ups either.


Hey gaf, I'm very close to pulling the trigger on P90X. I did Insanity last year, and I'm looking for something a bit different.

The one thing that is holding me back is the need for a pull-up bar. I really do not have the appropriate area for one, and I fear that my doorframes would be too weak to support one anyway. Someone told me that I can use resistance bands as a substitute. Is this viable enough? I wouldn't want to cheat myself or anything.

Personal experience: Bands won't give you the same gains you'd see with a pull up bar. They're still a good option, and you can do almost all the exercises exactly the same with them, but don't expect the same exact results.


Tonight starts my week of no workouts as I'll be in Seattle for PAX. Hopefully all the walking will help offset the food... :p
I won't be at PAX this year (might swing by to see some friends since I live in the area though), but at previous PAX Primes I used to live off of Quest bars throughout the day when I didn't feel like leaving the convention hall. If you haven't been to Seattle yet there are a lot of good places to eat on the waterfront, be sure to check them out. :D

I think I'm going to be able to work out again starting today, though I'm not fully recovered yet insofar as something in my body still needs to be removed, but that won't happen until next Tuesday because I healed too well for the doctor to remove it at my appointment yesterday. Bench presses will be kind of weird due to being stuffed with gauze still, but I think I'll get over it!

I've gone from 169 to 163 over the course of the week which is sort of a perfect storm of different events: a) My mom had sent me a goodie box the week before the swelling occurred, so my carb/calorie intake was much higher for a week, so some of that additional stuff got normalized over the past week. b) A lot of liquid had to be drained from the abscess. Blech. This one kind of makes me happy though because when I weighed in at 169 I was wondering how I had gained so much, even though I wasn't eating that well. c) Ate rest day macros for the entire last week since I couldn't comfortably work out.

So, no more interruptions I hope; I really want to get more than one week of working out in without something failing.


Guys, shit, bad news. I just found out I got a skeleton inside me because I saw some ribs under my skin and stuff. Gonna have to see a doctor stat for skeleton removal.

PAP upper time, gonna bring it.
Guys, shit, bad news. I just found out I got a skeleton inside me because I saw some ribs under my skin and stuff. Gonna have to see a doctor stat for skeleton removal.

PAP upper time, gonna bring it.

God damn it. After the first few words I was actually worried. I spend too much time around you guys.



PAP upper, holy shit, possibly my new pick for toughest workout. PAP lower was like a tease, PAP upper... I dropped so many f-bombs during it. "I hate it... but I love it"

Great stuff. Did 20lbs for everything except for the third set for the hammer curl + press, where I dropped to 15s. Did about six towel pull ups, messy, each time unassisted (plus cursing). The first half of the workout was definitely the killer though. I think I decided I'm going to do four weeks of phase three because PAP upper at least seems to be magic (not sold on lower yet).

Also, sorry for the false alarm! I am full of stupid humor today, moreso than usual apparently.




PAP upper, holy shit, possibly my new pick for toughest workout. PAP lower was like a tease, PAP upper... I dropped so many f-bombs during it. "I hate it... but I love it"

Great stuff. Did 20lbs for everything except for the third set for the hammer curl + press, where I dropped to 15s. Did about six towel pull ups, messy, each time unassisted (plus cursing). The first half of the workout was definitely the killer though. I think I decided I'm going to do four weeks of phase three because PAP upper at least seems to be magic (not sold on lower yet).

Also, sorry for the false alarm! I am full of stupid humor today, moreso than usual apparently.

Yeah PAP upper is quite the workout: pushups, pullups, curls, etc... And while it's only 51min (with warm up and stretching at the end included), it exhausts me and makes me sweat like no other workout! (or maybe core syn)


Personal experience: Bands won't give you the same gains you'd see with a pull up bar. They're still a good option, and you can do almost all the exercises exactly the same with them, but don't expect the same exact results.

Cool, thank you. Yeah, I looked at the closet in the living room tonight; I think I might just be able to get it to work, so I look forward to giving it a shot!


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
On Tony's chat tonight he said he would really, really like to see Beachbody do a yoga series. That would be pretty great. He also re-confirmed that P90X3 is in the early stages, they're coming up with new moves, etc. Expected to release sometime next year.
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