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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Good stuff man. Congrats!

What he said!

Seriously great job man. I like how everyone in here brings something new to the thread and the shared experience propels everyone forward to varying degrees. For example, I just woke up and read that and am now propelling my ass out of bed, wahoo.
Beachbody has a new program coming out: Les Mills Combat

I might actually be interested in something like this, depending on what the majority of the workouts/moves are like. I'd try Insanity, but there is just no way I could get away with it in my current apartment. If this is any less "jumpy" I might give it a look when it comes out.
This is basically what George St Pierre's Rushfit programme is, and that is out now.


Beachbody has a new program coming out: Les Mills Combat

I might actually be interested in something like this, depending on what the majority of the workouts/moves are like. I'd try Insanity, but there is just no way I could get away with it in my current apartment. If this is any less "jumpy" I might give it a look when it comes out.
If it's anything like the classes, you can expect jump kicks and very sore legs.


Somehow PAP upper feels harder each time I do it... those plyo push ups after the renegade rows (using 20lbs) take every ounce of strength I have.
One... Two... Three... Four... One two three and we are DONE!

P90X COMPLETE. I'll do my fit test either later today or tomorrow. Measurements haven't changed all that much since day 60, except for my chest which increased by nearly an inch. I haven't been measuring my shoulders but I can see that they and my triceps have both increased in size. While I have more definition and strength in my biceps, my arm measurements also haven't changed. My weight increased by a couple pounds, BF% went from 11.2 to 11.5.

I know that I am far stronger and more flexible than when I started. In 90 days I have mastered ARX, can do all of the moves and positions in Yoga X at least to some extent. I've already posted about my chin-up/pull-up improvements.

On Monday I'm starting Insanity: The Asylum. I'll do the fit test for that on Sunday.

I'm not going to post any pictures until the end of my year-long project.

My diet hasn't been fantastic the past few weeks. I've let some carbs creep back in, mostly because I was hoping to get some muscle bulk. But I'm going to cut back a bit now on that and cheat a bit less often. 11.5% body fat is pretty good, but I still have a couple problem areas I need to take care of, and the only way to do that is to go back to a lower carb diet.

Anyway, P90X is fantastic. So far it's by far my favorite of the routines I've done (P90, Insanity, P90X), but I'm looking forward to working with Shaun T again for a month, and I'm REALLY looking forward to starting P90X2 after that.

Thanks for everyone's support!

Congratulations on completing P90x! Good work, always good to hear success stories.


Get yourself a good mat for the Ab routine, it will make a huge difference.

Echoing the comment about a mat.

Note that your hip flexors are meant to be exercised as part of this routine, particularly in the first few exercises. If you're not getting enough of an ab workout in In & Outs, Bicycles or Crunchy Frog, you're probably rounding your back. You want your chest up and your back straight, watch "The Kids" for the proper angle.

If that's too much for you, you can do bicycles lying on your back. That's what's done in P90's Ab Ripper 100 and 200.

Otherwise, "do your best & forget the rest". Try to do what you can with good form, and you'll see improvements over time. ARX is a hard one to start out with. This year I've done Power90, Insanity and P90X finishes tomorrow, and even after completing the previous two programs it still took me a while to be able to do all of the moves in ARX.

You might also see if you can find Power90's Ab Ripper 100/200 videos & sub that in to begin with.

you can modify everything. I don't do the ab workouts but I have added a 4k run on even days and more weight training on odd days.
Thanks for the advice guys. I bought a yoga mat and I will see how that works out. I also checked out the Ab Ripper 100/200 videos online and I think those might be a little too remedial for me. I think I'm just going to stick with Ab Ripper X and see how much I can improve.

I did Plyometrics today for the first time. I have a hardwood floor and, as soon as I started to get sweaty, I started sliding all over the place. I tried to use the new yoga mat but that didn't stay in place for very long. I think I am going to buy a large (or at least larger than a yoga mat) interlocking floor pad. Does anyone have any advice for this problem.


Hey guys, long time no post. A few things have been going on these past couple of weeks that have kept me from this thread (and GAF in general, though I hopped on from time to time).

However, I've still not missed a single day of p90x! (Miraculously, I might add, all things considered)

Today marks day 60, and as such I had to come and report my progress so far to the place that inspired me to start in the first place! It's getting late and I have to work early, so I just whipped this comparison pic real quick.

Thanks for the support to help get this going, guys!


The before pic on the left was July 13th, the middle shot was August 20th, and the far right was just a few moments ago.
Wow at your tone on your arms, amazing!!

What do you normally pull for dumbbells? Amazing work!!!
Thanks for the advice guys. I bought a yoga mat and I will see how that works out. I also checked out the Ab Ripper 100/200 videos online and I think those might be a little too remedial for me. I think I'm just going to stick with Ab Ripper X and see how much I can improve.

I did Plyometrics today for the first time. I have a hardwood floor and, as soon as I started to get sweaty, I started sliding all over the place. I tried to use the new yoga mat but that didn't stay in place for very long. I think I am going to buy a large (or at least larger than a yoga mat) interlocking floor pad. Does anyone have any advice for this problem.

Try a plyo/jump mat. I think there are cheaper alternatives, not sure though. I have the one from Beachbody - like a lot of things they sell - overpriced but good quality.


Great work Culebra 64, really impressive results especially the arms.

Just got back from a short 3-day trip to Jeju island, or as Korean call it the Hawaii of SE Asia. Since I knew I wasn't gonna be able to workout during that time, I tried to do all my PAP workouts of the week before I left, which meant doing PAP for 6 days in a row, with no rest day (so I'm only missing one X2 yoga that I will try to do tonight). At the end my whole body was so sore, hadn't feld that tired in while. But I really enjoy these 2 workouts, especially PAP upper which is one my favorite TH workouts now. I think I'm gonna do one more week of phase 3, and then I'll try to do a recovery week (which is gonna be hard because of TGS), then I'm going back to good old P90X :)


Anyone have any experience making your own vegetable shakes? I wanted to up my veggie intake daily, and I can't buy Shakology so I am experimenting:

Just now I added some pieces of broccoli, few carrots, some strawberries and a few pieces of Zucchini to my Whey+Creatine+Milk shake. Was not too bad actually, I can see myself making something like this everyday.

Anyone else got some tips/recipes?


Anyone have any experience making your own vegetable shakes? I wanted to up my veggie intake daily, and I can't buy Shakology so I am experimenting:

Just now I added some pieces of broccoli, few carrots, some strawberries and a few pieces of Zucchini to my Whey+Creatine+Milk shake. Was not too bad actually, I can see myself making something like this everyday.

Anyone else got some tips/recipes?

Heh, I've been recently doing this. So far I've tried:

Carrots + Spinach + Strawberries
Carrots + Celery + Green Peppers

Not bad at all. I'm gonna add some coconut juice next time to give the shakes a more sweet flavor.


hey guys I posted earlier in the thread about weight loss on P90x..

When I started week #1 I was about 209 and 5"8.. now I'm on week 4 (tomm)
I just weighed myself and I'm 207 still haha.. but you know I what I feel stronger and
I am pretty certain the size of stomach is smaller now to. However I have still this mentality that the numbers are the only thing that count.

Now I'm wondering should I be a little more extreme to increase my weight loss? I really wanted to be sub 200 at least at this point since. Any suggestions on how maybe I can do this maybe more cardio?

Watching shows like biggest loser etc.. seems like weight loss occurs really fast early on for most people and become harder later. So maybe I'm doing something wrong.



Can you post your diet? Unless your genetics predispose you to have a harder time to lose weight, I think the diet is always a good place to start

It differs from day to day the exact meal (for lunch).. but I'm certain I'm under 1800 calories for the day. The only constant thing I have usually is protein shake with milk and 1 scoop of weigh (8z of 1% partially skimmed). I also drink grape juice round 4-6 oz with 2g of creatine in the mornings.

Breakfast usually omelet with 1 slice of toast.

For lunch I pick the healthy side from the cafeteria, and its usually a meal under 700 cal (by my estimates).

I'll have an apple usually before dinner.

For dinner I usually have these healthy choice microwave meals and on the back it usually between 390-550 calories.

I drink lots of water during the day. End of the day I drink another protein shake with 1 scoop of weigh and 8oz of 1% partially skimmed milk.

Just some thoughts...could be totally wrong

1. For weight loss purposes creatine might be counterproductive, although I don't know about the amount you are taking and if it impacts

2. If possible, and this does mean more work, cook your own meal and don't touch the healthy options at work for now. You don't need to micromanage your calories but you want to exercise as much control as possible

3. Do away with the dinner as well. You gotta cook for yourself. Unless you are confident about it a lot of those dinners are high in fat

4. Don't think the juice is making a difference, but generally juic has too much sugar in it and you are better off eating another apple

In essence, I would familiarize yourself with the nutritional guide of everything you are eating. Again, you don't need to count calories but it is in my experience that losing weight is difficult so you might have to take your diet to the next level and then scale back down

It is my experience that even without doing a hardcore diet, just by doing P90x you should experience weight loss. It could be the timing of what you eat and your body just takes longer time. Either way I say to avoid any gaps exert as much control as possible.


First week of my second P90X2 round done. It's funny how different it was from the first time I did the program. The balance moves made me rage at first, but now I'm much more comfortable with them.


Hang out with Steve.
Asylum Volume 1: Speed & Agility complete. Wow, this was tough. The pace is pretty relentless -- it's been over 90 days since my last Insanity workout so I don't remember how the pace matches up. Not really any breaks per se. I need a lot of work on jumping rope. The videos come with separate drills for jump rope, agility ladder and pull-ups, so I'm going to do the jump rope drills as often as I can to get some practice in. Today I just tried, failed, and then did the work without a rope (they do have one person in the group doing that).

The workout was very short, around 45 minutes, and that includes warmup, stretch & cooldown. And not a lot of time is spent explaining the moves (that's probably where the Agility Ladder Drills video comes in) so it's probably best to either watch the whole video first before trying it, or watch a few reps then rewind back to the start.

I did push pause twice, in the last 1/4 of the workout, for about 20-30 seconds each time, and a few of the moves I had to occasionally take a break to catch my breath & then continue.

Some of the agility ladder moves were easier than others. It seems to be a good tool. And it's cheating if you use tape to make one. Part of the point is that there's a penalty for messing up the ladder, and if you can't mess it up then it allows you to be sloppy.

Anyway I was drenched & exhausted by the end!


Sounds fun Steve. Is it 60 days like regular Insanity?

I'm not sure what to try after X2 finishes this week (probably doing an additional week since I totally cheated on diet for about a week straight and was my heaviest in a while today). Either X, X2, or Insanity (which I've only done bits of) are options. I'd like to get serious about my diet either way which has always, always been my biggest problem. Strict about exercise? Easy. Strict about diet? Haven't yet been able to do it for a prolonged period of time.


Hang out with Steve.
Sounds fun Steve. Is it 60 days like regular Insanity?

I'm not sure what to try after X2 finishes this week (probably doing an additional week since I totally cheated on diet for about a week straight and was my heaviest in a while today). Either X, X2, or Insanity (which I've only done bits of) are options. I'd like to get serious about my diet either way which has always, always been my biggest problem. Strict about exercise? Easy. Strict about diet? Haven't yet been able to do it for a prolonged period of time.

Nope, it's only 30 days. Asylum also comes with two hybrid 30 day workout program calendars, one with Insanity and another with P90X. These are both available to auto-schedule on the SuperGym at teambeachbody.com, which is convenient.


Sounds fun Steve. Is it 60 days like regular Insanity?

I'm not sure what to try after X2 finishes this week (probably doing an additional week since I totally cheated on diet for about a week straight and was my heaviest in a while today). Either X, X2, or Insanity (which I've only done bits of) are options. I'd like to get serious about my diet either way which has always, always been my biggest problem. Strict about exercise? Easy. Strict about diet? Haven't yet been able to do it for a prolonged period of time.
I have that problem too, and I try to fix it by not buying any food that's not really clean. So no peanut butter, no bread, nothing that could tempt me. I even stopped buying protein bars. But I still fail everytime I'm out. Every meal I have outside end up being a cheat meal :(


The diets are definitely the hardest to manage for me. I think the initial shock of going from eating whatever to the fat shredder is a lot to ask. I almost always went at least a couple dozen grams over my carbs during that first phase. But after a while, your mentality starts to shift and you adjust more naturally to it. I remained on the Phase 2 diet even going into Phase 3 and it's still not at all uncommon for me to end the day way under on carbs. That's part of the reason why when I finish P90X Lean this week, I'm going to take a couple weeks off and then do Classic and really push hard to stay under for the entire fat shredder period.

My problem the first time around is instead of trying to change my diet lifestyle to an entirely new and healthy one, I would look for loopholes to keep eating what I loved while still technically staying within the new rules I had to follow. So I'd pull shit like only having black coffee for breakfast and a diet coke + yogurt for lunch so I could gorge on a pasta dinner later. My numbers would be technically passable, but I wasn't doing it right at all. But after 90 days of dieting, it's a lot easier to get my head around what needs to be done and I've already been doing it correctly for a couple months now.

I don't want to say this round of P90X was a wash; I got great results and I'm in the best shape of my life. But going in again knowing what I know now, and upping up to Classic, I feel like I can really maximize my input, on diet as well as exercise, and really get the most that I can out of it.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Going to do a test week of the P90X/X2 hybrid I found this week as I will have to miss Thursday-Sunday for workouts. Will start up in full next week.

After a 3 week break, and PAX, I am worried I might die. I barely got through Insanity Thursday night.


p90x/x2 gaf I need your help.

Thursday I dislocated my shoulder, yay Jiu Jitsu. Saturday I did plyometrics from p90x, should I do X2 core or Plyocide tonight. My shoulder is a little tender, so I don't want to over work it.


p90x/x2 gaf I need your help.

Thursday I dislocated my shoulder, yay Jiu Jitsu. Saturday I did plyometrics from p90x, should I do X2 core or Plyocide tonight. My shoulder is a little tender, so I don't want to over work it.

Did you see a doctor? What did they say? I'm thinking with something that serious you should really rest and do nothing strenous for a few days at least, but checking with a doctor seems like the best bet.


If there's a lot of pain, I'd hold up a few days. Your arms can get even more hurt, specially in Plyocide which has more arm movements than Plyometrics.


Did you see a doctor? What did they say? I'm thinking with something that serious you should really rest and do nothing strenous for a few days at least, but checking with a doctor seems like the best bet.

It just slipped out of joint, and my muscles tightened and the should corrected itself immediately. I have been taking it easy, doing lots of stretching, non-resistant movements and deep muscle massages on the shoulder for the past 3 days. The shoulder feels like it is about 90% right now so I am thinking I can do something as that isn't too much for my shoulder.


p90x/x2 gaf I need your help.

Thursday I dislocated my shoulder, yay Jiu Jitsu. Saturday I did plyometrics from p90x, should I do X2 core or Plyocide tonight. My shoulder is a little tender, so I don't want to over work it.
Sounds like you should relax. If you dodged a serious injury, you might not be as lucky next time.
hey guys I posted earlier in the thread about weight loss on P90x..

When I started week #1 I was about 209 and 5"8.. now I'm on week 4 (tomm)
I just weighed myself and I'm 207 still haha.. but you know I what I feel stronger and
I am pretty certain the size of stomach is smaller now to. However I have still this mentality that the numbers are the only thing that count.

Now I'm wondering should I be a little more extreme to increase my weight loss? I really wanted to be sub 200 at least at this point since. Any suggestions on how maybe I can do this maybe more cardio?

Watching shows like biggest loser etc.. seems like weight loss occurs really fast early on for most people and become harder later. So maybe I'm doing something wrong.




"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Managed to do 5 L and 5 Lever pullups. Last time I couldn't do them at all really.

Though my pushup performance was terrible because I overtrained shoulders and arms 2 days ago.

Time to bring it...with a rest day and eating lots of protein.


Managed to do 5 L and 5 Lever pullups. Last time I couldn't do them at all really.

Though my pushup performance was terrible because I overtrained shoulders and arms 2 days ago.

Time to bring it...with a rest day and eating lots of protein.

That's a pretty incredible improvement I'd say! I'm not sure I can do one proper lever still, but will try later. Goddamn PAP lower crushed me again and I don't see that changing anytime soon (the one legged squat crossover thing just ends me, and I've since dropped to 10 lb or even no weight at all).


So I did Plyocide for the first time tonight and my shoulder felt great during and after the workout. I did cheat and not use a medicine and kept my arms tucked in so I would use more tris than shoulders.

I will check in tomorrow.


Arriving back after a trip tonight, haven't worked out in about a week due to 1) a bad stomach bug and 2) the vacation.

I was on my recovery week, so I'm gonna repeat that and then dive in to phase 3 of my Doubles routine.

By far my longest time not working out since I started P90X in March, but I'm gonna bring it tomorrow.


Day 1 of week 7. Chest, Shoulders. and Tris still kills me in the last 15 minutes. It hasn't gotten any easier to keep up with ol' Tony and crew.


Week 3 day 2! Yay, time goes by so fast!

Last night was Chest & Back, last time for a while!

I was too excited right from the beginning, so with first pull up I wrenched my self up with all the power I have. Ended up spraining my trapezius muscle from left side of upper neck. I have really hard time looking around now :|

This is now second time i get the same sprain from the pull ups, and on the same side too. Have this happened to any others?

Wondering if i should still try to do Plyo today, because it hurts pretty bad. I guess i will give it a try.

Also as the workouts progress is your results supposed to drop toward end?

For example: In the beginning of workout, i can do 6 to 8 pull-ups. But when the next round of pull-ups comes, i can do maybe 3 to 4 and after that I need chair assist for every pull-up I make.

I have just seen some result sheets where people seem to maintain their maximum through the whole workout, that seems not quite possible with my recovery speed? Does this actually mean i should use pause more? Same thing with other workouts too, no matter if it's push-ups, curls etc.


Hang out with Steve.
Asylum Day 2: Strength. GodDAMN that is a tough workout. Relentless pace, no real breaks. I collapsed in a heap twice, and paused the video twice for about 20-30 seconds each, but I did get through it. Thank goodness it's only about 45 minutes. If you ever do this, the tip of the day is "PACE YOURSELF." Pick a weight that's lighter than you think you can manage or you WILL NOT get through it, at least not at first.

Oh, and while it's not required, a weight bench or stability ball would help in the final 3 rounds of exercises. Floor chest presses with leg in & outs & extensions in various combinations. You'd get greater range of motion on a bench than lying on the floor.


Hmm... Finished Core Synergistics last night (W8D2) and tweaked my left knee during Dreya Rolls. Nothing painful, but enough that it doesn't feel right. No swelling either, just feels like it needs a good 'pop'. Have to do Kenpo X, so we'll find out for sure tonight.

Down to 165 and my pants look absolutely ridiculous on me (like a cinched burlap bag) already bought one 'new pair' but even those are loose now. I know these are good problems, but damned if they are pricey ones.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
My arms, they hurt. First night back into P90X. Doing a pre-week for the X/X2 hybrid program.

Did X2 last night, whatever the video with pullups and pushups is.

I find that workout harder to do for pull-ups than the X1 counterpart. A lot of the pull-ups are almost impossible to do with a chair as you have to do wide legs, or L legs.
Hmm... Finished Core Synergistics last night (W8D2) and tweaked my left knee during Dreya Rolls. Nothing painful, but enough that it doesn't feel right. No swelling either, just feels like it needs a good 'pop'. Have to do Kenpo X, so we'll find out for sure tonight.

Down to 165 and my pants look absolutely ridiculous on me (like a cinched burlap bag) already bought one 'new pair' but even those are loose now. I know these are good problems, but damned if they are pricey ones.

Get clothes at Goodwill until your weight stops dramatically changing
I wanted to do this whole round with bands, but I don't have any I trust.

Putting a band in the door then sitting on the floor and stretching it all the way scares the crap out of me. :p

I need to get some of those braided bands.

Haha hey don't we have the same bands? Pro
Source heavy duty? If you do I would still encourage you to test it out. I haven't had any problems although im fairly lean now

But yea get the braided ones if you must. It really helps (regular or X2)

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Haha hey don't we have the same bands? Pro
Source heavy duty? If you do I would still encourage you to test it out. I haven't had any problems although im fairly lean now

But yea get the braided ones if you must. It really helps (regular or X2)

No, I actually just have a set of 4 bands from Target or somewhere. I used dumbbells when I did P90X2 this year.

The dumbbells are nice for X/X2 as well, but mine are old and you have to change the weights by unscrewing the ends and putting new plates on. Takes way too long during a workout.

I need to get some good bands.


I wanted to do this whole round with bands, but I don't have any I trust.

Putting a band in the door then sitting on the floor and stretching it all the way scares the crap out of me. :p

I need to get some of those braided bands.

I don't blame you one bit after some of the horror stories of bands snapping. I don't even like doing the NIS stretches at this point and really should buy some safety goggles just in case.

PAP upper time urf.
Random side note, yesterday was the first time I got through both right angle pose sections of yoga x without having to straighten my legs or take a full on break. Feels good man. I wonder how much of that is the creatine I'm now taking versus actual growth.
Another side note, finally broke 100 unassisted pull up/chin ups on Legs & Back today! I'm trying not to ruin the achievement by getting pizza. lol

Also, I guess I was really tired because I totally regressed on fifer scissors. It was just one of those days. Did well on all the other ab ripper movements though!


The Cryptarch's Bane
Another side note, finally broke 100 unassisted pull up/chin ups on Legs & Back today! I'm trying not to ruin the achievement by getting pizza. lol

Also, I guess I was really tired because I totally regressed on fifer scissors. It was just one of those days. Did well on all the other ab ripper movements though!
Niiiice, that's a great goal! How do you do on fifer scissors if you do ARX first?

I'm sick as hell, getting into coughing fits here. :(
Niiiice, that's a great goal! How do you do on fifer scissors if you do ARX first?

I'm sick as hell, getting into coughing fits here. :(

I don't do ARX first because I assumed the preceding resistance work out is supposed to "warm up" your core for ARX. I end up doing all the moves, even if I have to rewind so it's not a big deal IMO. And I usually take a 5 minute break between the resistance work out and ARX
i can't use milk with protein powder. and water is gross. is any other substitute i can mix with it? i have a strawberry banana flavor. and it does taste good with milk but i break out so i can't use that anymore.
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