I'm hoping that as far as just starting out I can get by with just the resistance bands and bar/support, because while I don't think it's ideal I don't have that much extra cash to drop on this despite feeling like it's a worthwhile investment in myself. Still, I'm sure it will be an ongoing process.
One question I would ask is how hard to push yourself at first. I read through the OP and "do your best, forget the rest" is a very handy philosophy to keep in mind, but as far as just starting out I was wondering how much outside your comfort zone you want to keep pushing before "forgetting the rest." I imagine you start building stamina up after every week, of course.
The band is very good. Can't go wrong with it. I only started using weights because I used bands exclusively while doing p90 and wanted something different
As to your question, this is my take. Take it slow, learn the moves, and take it easy. It's really true to do your best and forget the rest, because there's no point of beating yourself up (because you will hehe) and the important thing is its a 90 day journey, you will grow and change
It really depends on how fit you are. When I first started my thighs and ass got burned the most. A lot of workouts in p90x use your lower strength, even if the title doesnt say so. So Expect a lot of squats. Like a lot.
be careful and take it easy. It's important to just do it, learn your body, rather than be a hero and hurt yourself. It becomes real important for you to know yourself and gauge when you can push it and when you can't. Like I can't do pull ups, so that's one of the areas im more lenient on for now. Or when I legs and thighs hurt, I take my time to do the stretching and warming up.
Again, remember you gotta come back the next day, the day after that, and after. And everything is at least an hour, and the weights workouts all have Ab ripper x with it.
If you have the money and iOS, it's heavily recommended to buy the app. It is very helpful to track your sets, your diet, and which day you are doing what
And if you can find a cheaper alternative, get a plyo mat. It can be used as a yoga mat as well. Real comfortable.
Last thing. Yes you will build stamina. Make sure you eat and sleep well. I try not to stay up now because of the diet and workout