I will add that so far, Les Mills Combat isn't as hard as Asylum or Insanity month 2. I haven't been exhausted by any of the workouts so far, laying in a pool of sweat gasping for breath. There are some sequences in some of the workouts where I struggle to keep up or complete all the reps, though, and I know from muscle soreness that I'm getting good work done all over, lower body & core in particular.
So while in terms of cardiovascular/aerobic endurance it's not as intense, it's still an effective workout and a lot of fun.
I feel exactly the same. I've replaced all Cardio 30/45 with the full 60 minute workout. Now that makes me feel exhausted.
One thing i really appreciate from the program is the improvement in leg and glute flexibility. I can now kick towards peoples heads with my right, slightly lower with my left leg.
The core exercise is great though. Im just struggling finding a specific category to put it in for someone wanting to do it. I wouldn't say its particularly a fat burner or a muscle builder.