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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Yup, thats it.

I do this program:

11.30-12 AM or 5-15 minutes pre-workout: 10 g BCAA
12-1 PM: Training
1 PM: Post-workout meal (largest meal of the day).
4 PM: Second meal.
9 PM: Last meal before the fast.

Im a newbie at it myself. I got the recommendation from the Fitness thread. Theres all the info you generally need on the 3 sites i listed.

Huh, it's funny because the recommended fasting time basically looks like my weekends. I stop eating after dinner, then eat lunch the next day. So basically if I eat dinner around 7pm then fast until lunch at noon the next day, and do this every day it will work decently?

I'd have to add a few more calories during the day as I'd be missing breakfast but I could do it.
Huh, it's funny because the recommended fasting time basically looks like my weekends. I stop eating after dinner, then eat lunch the next day. So basically if I eat dinner around 7pm then fast until lunch at noon the next day, and do this every day it will work decently?

I'd have to add a few more calories during the day as I'd be missing breakfast but I could do it.

You can adjust the schedule. Its just a 16 hour fast (No food) followed by an 8 hour feeding window.

High Carb less fat on training days
Lower carb more fat on rest days.

Id focus on doing just weight based training, no cardio as training after the fast can be pretty brutal. This guy recommends only training 3 times a week though.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
You can adjust the schedule. Its just a 16 hour fast (No food) followed by an 8 hour feeding window.

High Carb less fat on training days
Lower carb more fat on rest days.

Id focus on doing just weight based training, no cardio as training after the fast can be pretty brutal. This guy recommends only training 3 times a week though.

Hmm. I'm more of a low carb guy and I do Insanity which means a lot of cardio. I may try it for a few weeks, bump up my calories, and see how it goes. I could eat my almonds a bit before working out to get myself up for cardio.


Hang out with Steve.
Hmm. I'm more of a low carb guy and I do Insanity which means a lot of cardio. I may try it for a few weeks, bump up my calories, and see how it goes. I could eat my almonds a bit before working out to get myself up for cardio.

I've been doing a sort of modified 16/8 IF schedule. I do my regular morning routine -- Muscle Pharm Assault, workout, then I take my regular supplements. Then I don't eat breakfast -- instead, I drink buttered coffee.

About 18oz fresh brewed coffee, 2-3tbs of Kerrygold unsalted butter (from grass-fed cows), sometimes about a 1/2 tbs of coconut oil. I drink this over the course of about 90 minutes, including during my commute.

At about 11:30 I eat lunch. I have a mid-afternoon snack, and then dinner sometime between 7 and 8.

My body fat percentage had jumped up a bit during P90X2 (I blame the holidays), but it's been dropping over the past couple few weeks since I started this (and Les Mills Combat).

Here's an article about buttered coffee. The recipe there calls for adding MCT oil -- I haven't tried that.

It's really, REALLY good. Sometimes I'll put a square of dark chocolate in there as well.


Buttered coffee? Huh.

Learn something new every day. Might have to try it sometime. I've been putting Horizon organic chocolate milk in my coffee instead of cream for a couple of years now.


Ditto. X2 Yoga is fantastic. You can live without doing Royal Dancer & Single Leg Raise.

Just finished X2 Yoga.

And DAMN, its fast in comparison. Almost felt hurried through the sun salutations thinking I had more time.

Didn't sweat as hard but just might be my conditioning is better since the last time I did Yoga X (a few weeks)


Yes, I've mentioned it before in this thread. I've tried Just Arms and Upper Body Massacre 30-15. Just Arms is biceps, triceps and forearms, UBM is chest and back (push-ups and pull-ups only).
I think both are great for adding some variation to your P90X/2 schedule, I like them a lot, right now I actually prefer them over the regular arms/chest/back routines in P90X/2.

One on ones have a more laid-back tone as well, since Tony has to do everything by himself in the video, the breaks between sets are longer. I like it though, gives me more time to rest up before going at it again. Feels less like a super-directed workout and more like hanging out with Tony. :p
Thanks for your input. The travel pack that is on sale at the moment only has workouts that can be done with no equipment, so I think I could really use it for when I'm out of town.


The main thing about intermittent fasting is if it results in a change in your eating schedule, you will have to deal with hunger issues at first, but not because you "need" to eat at those times. I recommend plain black coffee to help you get through your fast.

Since my weight lifting is on hold until I'm comfortable with my arm, I think I might give DDP Yoga a spin. P90X gave me a little taste of yoga and I think I can do it without risking further injury to my arm, plus being more flexible wouldn't hurt, either!
Periodic check-in...was hoping for more muscle definitions this time, but overall I am satisfied because I am doing better in performance, especially with ab ripper X2 and pull ups. On the other hand, did Base and Back after a self-imposed recovery, had to take 10 minute break before I dived into Ab Ripper X2 to make sure I didn't die, lol


Anyone start P90x with a prior back injury? A friend let me borrow the Core Synergistics DVD and the shit was intense. My chiropractor is telling me go try whatever and see how it goes. I had a bit of stiffness/pain during the exercise and I was really rigid the next day but I managed to get through aside from the goddamn Banana Rolls. I'm pretty out of shape at the moment (not necessarily heavy, core is incredibly weak, weak hips/back) so is there something I can do as prep before jumping into the actual routine? Like spacing it out and whatnot/pick and choosing.

I'd appreciate any help.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
You could do P90 instead of P90X? (Layman's advice.)
Anyone start P90x with a prior back injury? A friend let me borrow the Core Synergistics DVD and the shit was intense. My chiropractor is telling me go try whatever and see how it goes. I had a bit of stiffness/pain during the exercise and I was really rigid the next day but I managed to get through aside from the goddamn Banana Rolls. I'm pretty out of shape at the moment (not necessarily heavy, core is incredibly weak, weak hips/back) so is there something I can do as prep before jumping into the actual routine? Like spacing it out and whatnot/pick and choosing.

I'd appreciate any help.

I will throw my 2cents here, don't know if they are helpful at all

Try two things

1) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56l9AAy0dXo

2) A foam roller/rumble roller, it is meant to open up your body through myofascial release. It's essentially a self-serviced deep message.


Hang out with Steve.
Nice results, BeautifulMemory. Base & Back is probably the toughest X2 workout that has Ab Ripper scheduled after it. I could generally dive right in to X2 Ab Ripper after all other routines, but not after Base & Back!


Hang out with Steve.
Speaking of tough, Les Mills Combat Upper Body Blowout plus Core Attack is a beast. Core on fire! Slow motion mountain climbers are harder than fast ones!
Periodic check-in...was hoping for more muscle definitions this time, but overall I am satisfied because I am doing better in performance, especially with ab ripper X2 and pull ups. On the other hand, did Base and Back after a self-imposed recovery, had to take 10 minute break before I dived into Ab Ripper X2 to make sure I didn't die, lol



Traps increased in size, and ab definitions coming along. Good job
Hey guys, it's been awhile since I did an update, so now's as good a time as any.

I'm on my second round of p90x, and prior to it I completed Insanity, of which it lived up to it's name.

Whelp, on phase 3 of p90x for the second time, got three weeks left. Thinking I may actually do a third round after I'm done, I haven't decided yet.

Anyway, onward.

This was the pic showing my before shots compared against my round 1 completion:


And this is me now, pic taken last night:



You could do P90 instead of P90X? (Layman's advice.)

P90 is a program intended for beginners to working out, it's much less demanding than P90X. If you're capable of doing P90X, do that; if you are at the point where a single pullup is out of your range, you may be better served by P90 to get in the shape for P90X to then be much more effective.


I've been doing a sort of modified 16/8 IF schedule. I do my regular morning routine -- Muscle Pharm Assault, workout, then I take my regular supplements. Then I don't eat breakfast -- instead, I drink buttered coffee.

About 18oz fresh brewed coffee, 2-3tbs of Kerrygold unsalted butter (from grass-fed cows), sometimes about a 1/2 tbs of coconut oil. I drink this over the course of about 90 minutes, including during my commute.

At about 11:30 I eat lunch. I have a mid-afternoon snack, and then dinner sometime between 7 and 8.

My body fat percentage had jumped up a bit during P90X2 (I blame the holidays), but it's been dropping over the past couple few weeks since I started this (and Les Mills Combat).

Here's an article about buttered coffee. The recipe there calls for adding MCT oil -- I haven't tried that.

It's really, REALLY good. Sometimes I'll put a square of dark chocolate in there as well.

I just read up on bulletproof coffee myself and came to gaf to see if anyone else has done it.

I'm set in trying it but what kind of coffee do you use? The bulletproof coffee? Regular coffee? Some other high end coffee? The dude who came up with bulletproof coffee makes the case regular coffee robs coffee of its nutrients and introduces toxins.


Hang out with Steve.
I just read up on bulletproof coffee myself and came to gaf to see if anyone else has done it.

I'm set in trying it but what kind of coffee do you use? The bulletproof coffee? Regular coffee? Some other high end coffee? The dude who came up with bulletproof coffee makes the case regular coffee robs coffee of its nutrients and introduces toxins.

I was just using my regular coffee. Usually Starbucks Verona beans, ground just before brewing.

I stopped drinking it for right now. I started on Shakeology last week and during the week I'm having it for breakfast, and otherwise trying to roughly follow the Les Mills Combat nutrition plan, in terms of calories & macronutrients anyway.

I may go back to it during Body Beast. But for now my coffee is black or with a dash of half & half. Shakeo is filling.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Started all over last night after a good month and a half of seriously dogging it. I've been so close so many times but just end up quitting after a month and a half somehow. Boredom, life, what have you.

This time though, I'm not doing it solo. We did day one last night and holy crap it's so much easier to push yourself through every single second (+eating regimen) when you have someone doing it with you.

And now I know what's coming. Plyo . . I hate you. But I love you. Poor roomie has no idea what he's in for.

Can't wait for that 90 day check in with pics. It's crazy to see the difference after each month and a half or so since august. Final push, getting fit, changing the life style!
sigh same story..twice it happened that i made it half way through, only to sit on my ass again for two weeks..Gonna get this shit done now

btw, i have always wondered, does the supplements really make a difference or its mostly bs? i am doing p90 but i think them supplements be too costly plus i wanna do this all natural


Working out with a friend is probably the best thing to do.. It keeps you accountable. I also find that just talking about working out with like minded people will help motivate you. I've befriended a couple of p90x coaches on Facebook and they talk about how they're going to "bring it" and I think that helps keep the momentum going.

Also just finished my last day of Body Beast !!! I can't believe how fast 90 days goes. I said the same thing with p90x and in retrospect, it all happened in a blink of an eye. I really like this program. After p90x I leaned up but I was getting some comments that I became "too skinny." Body Beast helped fill me out a bit more.

Deadly Cyclone, could you add me to the Grad List for p90x? Also I'm not sure if we're doing a BodyBeast grad list but that would be cool too!
Hey guys, it's been awhile since I did an update, so now's as good a time as any.

I'm on my second round of p90x, and prior to it I completed Insanity, of which it lived up to it's name.

Whelp, on phase 3 of p90x for the second time, got three weeks left. Thinking I may actually do a third round after I'm done, I haven't decided yet.

Anyway, onward.

This was the pic showing my before shots compared against my round 1 completion:


And this is me now, pic taken last night:


holy cow what results! you win good sir! so uh.... might want to.. and this is friendly advice! trim the stomach a bit so we can see the abs more... just saying.


Culebra has evolved to Python.

I started my second Body Beast round this week, while also doing the intermittent fasting thing. Very excited to see what results I can get from this combo.


Okay, just ordered the P90X DVD set after contemplating for ages. I had a shoulder surgery in November and my physiotherapy is ending in two weeks time so I am a bit weary. But if it's seriously too much I can always postpone.

EXCITE. What kind of equipment is a must have? What do you recommend?


Okay, just ordered the P90X DVD set after contemplating for ages. I had a shoulder surgery in November and my physiotherapy is ending in two weeks time so I am a bit weary. But if it's seriously too much I can always postpone.

EXCITE. What kind of equipment is a must have? What do you recommend?

You'll need a yoga mat, yoga block, dumbbells and a pull up bar (and maybe resistance bands). I'd recommend getting push up stands too.

I got most of my stuff from amazon.de:

Yoga Block: http://www.amazon.de/dp/B001E7JH4I/
Mat: http://www.amazon.de/dp/B005S1TGNS/
Dumbbells: http://www.amazon.de/dp/B0077JW690/
Push-Up Stands: http://www.amazon.de/dp/B003ZYDTVA/

You cant go wrong with the block and the mat is passable, it could be a little bit thicker but it's okay.

The dumbbells are another matter. The dumbbells are great but they are a little bit long for some of the P90X moves. I think a shorter fixed weight set would be ideal, but a dumbbell set with interchangeable weights, like I purchased, will do the job (you may want to get a good quick fastener, though).

If you are really weary about your shoulder resistance bands might be a good option. They are a little bit easier on your muscles and will ease you into the routines. Tbh the P90X excercises are pretty tough on the shoulders but as you are already doing pushups, it shouldnt be a big issue.

Buying a pull up bar can be a little bit tricky, if you opt for one that goes into a door be aware that most of them are made for American houses and wont fit in old German houses with relatively thick walls.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Working out with a friend is probably the best thing to do.. It keeps you accountable. I also find that just talking about working out with like minded people will help motivate you. I've befriended a couple of p90x coaches on Facebook and they talk about how they're going to "bring it" and I think that helps keep the momentum going.

Yep, it really is. It's amazing how much easier it is to get into the mindspace of pushing your body and getting the most out of it.

On another note; holy hell, I'm absolutely dying today. Plyo last night was absolutely killer. My body is so very sore, but my mind feels so very energized. Ready for that day 3 when I get off work!


damn, ya'll seein crazy results. mine won't be as dramatic, my diet/sleep have been all over the place sometimes, and im stuck with 20lbs or so max weights...i still havent fucked with the bands but i think i might for the final weeks just to change shit up.

speaking of, entering the final 3 weeks (well, 2 in my mind, last week looks like taking it easy), and i gotta interrupt it with 10 day backpacking trip but ima try to do planks & such where i can there too. honestly though, it's just endurance...im really tired of these routines, and i have to vary the order sometimes so i dont go from say plyo to legs/back and bang up my knee too much.

i'm also realizing that just like insanity, i get into these things when im bored of gym routines, and it's a perfect case of grass being greener: i quit gym months back to do 1 month parkour, 1 month crossift, then P90, and i'm starting to feel genuinely excited about just spending an hour in the gym 3x a week, with 2 days of either boxing, running, swimming, weighted stairs or whatever cardio i feel like that day, plus jacuzzi or sauna (i swear i stay at this apt complex for its amenities, haha). a season or two of that and ill prolly wanna try P90x part 2 or some combo with insanity for a bit...gotta admit though, it's bumped me up in GAF's fitocracy group!
Yep, it really is. It's amazing how much easier it is to get into the mindspace of pushing your body and getting the most out of it.

On another note; holy hell, I'm absolutely dying today. Plyo last night was absolutely killer. My body is so very sore, but my mind feels so very energized. Ready for that day 3 when I get off work!

I remember the day after my first plyo. I was walking like i'd shit myself and had to go buy some food. Got into my car and the moment i sunk into the seat my body spasm'd from head to toe. My girlfriend was crying with laughter but it was stupidly painful.

Dreaded the next week but i've never known soreness like it since :D


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Bit the bullet and ordered a pull-up bar last night. I'm really skeptical that it will work in my apartment, but it's worth a shot. Using bands is just not comparable to the real thing, and I'm trying to get ready for my next go round. Still doing a crazy P90 hybrid right now, but will probably start P90X round three next month.
If you are really weary about your shoulder resistance bands might be a good option. They are a little bit easier on your muscles and will ease you into the routines. Tbh the P90X excercises are pretty tough on the shoulders but as you are already doing pushups, it shouldnt be a big issue.

Agreed, I got into the routine due to a shoulder injury that was still healing..the bands did a much better job of easing me in.

Also, remember to listen to your body..pushing too hard and injuring yourself will only hinder you.
I've been doing the Power 90 series about two months now, and I have seen basically zero improvement in my cardio. My heart rate still goes over the zone even after modifying moves to make them easier, and I'm still pressing pause so that I can catch my breath again. It's like I'm perpetually stuck in the first week.

I've got pectus excavatum, and at this point I think I've hit a wall that exercise and diet alone can't resolve. I'm planning to see a doctor regarding any options that I have, but for right now I'm pretty much discouraged and worn out.


still waiting for that answer about supplements..are they necessary ?

I'd personally recommend eating healthy and using protein powder but nothing else. I've tried basically all of the other beachbody supplements and I didn't see much difference...especially not for how overpriced they were.
still waiting for that answer about supplements..are they necessary ?

This past year I've started to go very natural. Only taking whey protein at the moment. I took creatine for most of last year but after reading about it's effect on fertility and baldness I had to quit. There's so much out there that we don't really know what it will do in the long run.
still waiting for that answer about supplements..are they necessary ?

Depends on your goals, really. If you're looking to slim down a bit, get some definition but not really go crazy with it, eating right and being consistent will get you there.

If you want to take it further, then you might want to look into supplements. Currently I take PharmAssault as pre-workout, and Afterglow post. The effects are tangible, and those are safe to take.
baldness and infertility ? oh fuck this than, i prefer all natural anyways. I have been doing it for 4 months now(with gaps in between) and i do feel the difference...was just worried because he makes it sound like the best thing since sliced bread

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
Just finished Yoga X week seven. I can't believe how much more flexible I am versus seven weeks ago. I mean, if nothing else, I'm surprised at how easy I'm finding it to motivate myself week to week. The improvements are tangible which makes all the workouts exciting.

I still can't make it through the half-moon series without putting my foot down... one day I'll make it. I managed to finish up to the extended triangle pose / wrap around thing for the first time today, which was nice.

I'm still using a chair for pull-ups, but I'm off my knees and into plank form for all my push-ups, which is a real personal victory for me, given that I could barely manage a knee push-up initially. For my first two weeks, my push-ups were against the wall.
Just finished Yoga X week seven. I can't believe how much more flexible I am versus seven weeks ago. I mean, if nothing else, I'm surprised at how easy I'm finding it to motivate myself week to week. The improvements are tangible which makes all the workouts exciting.

I still can't make it through the half-moon series without putting my foot down... one day I'll make it. I managed to finish up to the extended triangle pose / wrap around thing for the first time today, which was nice.

I'm still using a chair for pull-ups, but I'm off my knees and into plank form for all my push-ups, which is a real personal victory for me, given that I could barely manage a knee push-up initially. For my first two weeks, my push-ups were against the wall.

That's great to hear, grats on the progress!
I'm about to bite on the official pull up bar but I'm really concerned about the damage it might do to my door frame/wall considering I'm not the lightest person in the world (100kg, 220lbs).

I get how it works to alleviate stressing a specific area but, I'm still wary since I'm in a rental with rice paper dry wall.
still waiting for that answer about supplements..are they necessary ?

Protein powder is essentially liquid food. Getting good proteins from meats can be expensive and gram for gram protein powder will end up cheaper than buying a lot of lean meats. They're not essential but I personally prefer a protein shake straight after exercise to instantly get some calories and protein into me.

If you can afford a varied diet in plenty then you can skip them.


I was just using my regular coffee. Usually Starbucks Verona beans, ground just before brewing.

I stopped drinking it for right now. I started on Shakeology last week and during the week I'm having it for breakfast, and otherwise trying to roughly follow the Les Mills Combat nutrition plan, in terms of calories & macronutrients anyway.

I may go back to it during Body Beast. But for now my coffee is black or with a dash of half & half. Shakeo is filling.

Is the bulletproof coffee supposed to be a meal replacement? Like complete breakfast replacement?

I am doing leangains intermittent fasting at the same time so my first meal of the day is usually after a 16 hour fast. Just having a cup of bulletproof coffee, even with the butter doesn't feel enough and definitely not for the amount of protein I am trying to maintain per meal.
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