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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Hang out with Steve.
Is the bulletproof coffee supposed to be a meal replacement? Like complete breakfast replacement?

I am doing leangains intermittent fasting at the same time so my first meal of the day is usually after a 16 hour fast. Just having a cup of bulletproof coffee, even with the butter doesn't feel enough and definitely not for the amount of protein I am trying to maintain per meal.

I was using it as a meal replacement, but you are correct in that it doesn't have any protein in it. It's very filling and loaded with healthy fats, though. It doesn't have to be a meal replacement.


Just finished 3 months of P90X/P90X2/One of Ones, two rest days per week. Thinking of going one rest day/week next round and push a little harder.
I like the hybrid schedules, I know more or less which muscle groups I'm supposed to focus on each day, so it's fun switch it up when I feel like it.
Also, it's scary how little I knew about eating right before I started with P90X etc (1,5 years ago)! Not saying I learned everything from P90X, but it was a really good starting point.
Before that, I had also done next to nothing in terms of exercise for 15 years or so.
Exercising regularly makes me feel a lot more confident about my future health (I'm already 32). It's awesome.


I was using it as a meal replacement, but you are correct in that it doesn't have any protein in it. It's very filling and loaded with healthy fats, though. It doesn't have to be a meal replacement.

Yeah reason I ask is that I want to use it as my starting point during the day but after such a long fast, as a meal it doesn't seem enough but then if I eat anything along with it I feel as if I overate.

Also how much butter were you putting in? On his website he says put 2 tablespoons worth of butter per two mugs (500ml) of coffee or even more up to 2/3's of a stick. 2/3's of the stick not only seems like a lot but considering the price of the butter to maintain this drink daily its going to hurt the pockets. So far I have only tried 1 tablespoon. Thinking of upping that to two tablespoons.


Hang out with Steve.
Yeah reason I ask is that I want to use it as my starting point during the day but after such a long fast, as a meal it doesn't seem enough but then if I eat anything along with it I feel as if I overate.

Also how much butter were you putting in? On his website he says put 2 tablespoons worth of butter per two mugs (500ml) of coffee or even more up to 2/3's of a stick. 2/3's of the stick not only seems like a lot but considering the price of the butter to maintain this drink daily its going to hurt the pockets. So far I have only tried 1 tablespoon. Thinking of upping that to two tablespoons.

I was putting in somewhere between 2 and 3 tablespoons, very roughly estimated.


Planning to start this some time this week, hopefully thursday. Just waiting for my pullup bar to arrive in the mail. After watching peoples transformations over 90 days I just had to try this out. I don't have a lot of free time being a single dad and can only go to the gym 2 times a week, which I haven't been doing since christmas because of work. This home fitness program is perfect as I can get it done when my daughter has been tucked in.

I'm not overweight but I'm nowhere near fit. regular size with a small gut. I'm ready to change that. I have a pretty varied diet but my guilty pleasure is chocolate and soda. I'm going cold turkey on that starting yesterday. I made my own nutrition plan, and from what I eat in a day I get between 1800-2000 calories and 135g protein. After dinner 6pm, I don't really get anything but coffee, so I think I will buy some protein bars.

Do you think I will need protein powder/kreatin for after the workout? Or will a protein bar do? Or do you think I can skip the protein bar altogether if I take a after workout drink? I plan to workout in the evening around 8pm.


Planning to start this some time this week, hopefully thursday. Just waiting for my pullup bar to arrive in the mail. After watching peoples transformations over 90 days I just had to try this out. I don't have a lot of free time being a single dad and can only go to the gym 2 times a week, which I haven't been doing since christmas because of work. This home fitness program is perfect as I can get it done when my daughter has been tucked in.

I'm not overweight but I'm nowhere near fit. regular size with a small gut. I'm ready to change that. I have a pretty varied diet but my guilty pleasure is chocolate and soda. I'm going cold turkey on that starting yesterday. I made my own nutrition plan, and from what I eat in a day I get between 1800-2000 calories and 135g protein. After dinner 6pm, I don't really get anything but coffee, so I think I will buy some protein bars.

Do you think I will need protein powder/kreatin for after the workout? Or will a protein bar do? Or do you think I can skip the protein bar altogether if I take a after workout drink? I plan to workout in the evening around 8pm.
I personally use Quest nutrition bars. You might want to try one of the chocolate varieties and use that to wean yourself off of your chocolate and soda habit.

After each workout I drink a scoop of Optimum Nutrition whey protein with a teaspoon of creatine.

Also, I wouldn't obsess too much about calories, and just make sure that you're getting 1) enough protein and 2) limiting your carbs to a reasonable level (75-100 grams/day max).


found a site that has a list of all the foods I eat and it looks like I can manage below 75 depending on how many carbs are in a proteinbar / whey protein.

Can''t wait to get started.
found a site that has a list of all the foods I eat and it looks like I can manage below 75 depending on how many carbs are in a proteinbar / whey protein.

Can''t wait to get started.

I'd be careful on limitin carbs too much when starting P90X. It's the current "in" thing for weight loss, but most people have large energy fluctuations when first limiting carbs and throwing in a difficult exercise routine with a ton of cardio won't be the best idea for everyone.
I'd be careful on limitin carbs too much when starting P90X. It's the current "in" thing for weight loss, but most people have large energy fluctuations when first limiting carbs and throwing in a difficult exercise routine with a ton of cardio won't be the best idea for everyone.

This is what I was kind of hinting at in my first post. Its ok to start with higher carbs than what was recommended to you (50-100 is really hard to do out of nowhere). Start higher than that, do the workouts, and see what your energy level is like. If you are doing ok, then start to lower them. You want to make sustainable changes to your lifestyle, and going super dramatic/cold turkey might not be the best way to do that.


With the things I eat now minus candy/soda it looks like im around 100g a day but I didn't calculate it specifically. Might have to do that to get an idea.

On day7 I plan on doing x stretch. Do you guys take protein/creatine on day 7 too?

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So I finished Insanity Asylum about a week ago. I need to post my number here when I'm home. The next 2 weeks are busy due to a friend's wedding so I'm going to just use it as some rebuilding time and do the Nike+ Kinect workout I got as well (it's actually very good, even compared to Insanity, not as hard of course). As soon as the wedding is done next weekend I'm going to go through Asylum one more time before ordering 2.

I will say though that I got more out of Asylum than base Insanity. I only lost a few pounds but the workouts were so different that my shoulders and arms got more toned, and my jumping got better.

EDIT: As for the carb discussion, during the week I'm usually below or at 30g each day. Weekends I spike up. I just started intermittent fasting last week, so I'm allowing a few more carbs to get myself energy.


With the things I eat now minus candy/soda it looks like im around 100g a day but I didn't calculate it specifically. Might have to do that to get an idea.

On day7 I plan on doing x stretch. Do you guys take protein/creatine on day 7 too?
Certainly wouldn't hurt.

I'd be a bit careful reducing your carbs hugely when you first start, just because the workouts will be so demanding and carbs are the fuel your body needs.

If you're having trouble getting through the workouts from an endurance standpoint, you should probably increase your carb intake some and see if that helps.

I didn't really reduce my carbs until the second time I did P90X, when I was really emphasizing weight-loss.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Got my pull-up bar in the mail today. I took a chance and ordered it knowing that there was only ONE doorway in my apartment (and in one direction only) that it could possibly fit in, and it does! I "tested" it out, and yeah, there is really NO comparison between real pull-ups and pull-downs with bands. I won't start using it right away as I still have a few weeks left before I restart P90X, but I can tell this will make a huge difference this time around.

And I know it's almost impossible for this to happen, but I feel like every time I use the thing I'll be imagining the doorway/walls caving in around me, haha. Luckily I'm only about 155 pounds.
I will say though that I got more out of Asylum than base Insanity. I only lost a few pounds but the workouts were so different that my shoulders and arms got more toned, and my jumping got better.

How much more room did you need for Asylum vs. base Insanity? I really want to give it a shot after I finish my Combat/Insanity hybrid. However, I have a small condo and I'm worried I won't have the space.
How much more room did you need for Asylum vs. base Insanity? I really want to give it a shot after I finish my Combat/Insanity hybrid. However, I have a small condo and I'm worried I won't have the space.

The agility ladder is 64 in long. There are times where you jump the length of the ladder so I would add a good few feet to the end of that and you would have enough space.


Haha, this is kinda weird, but for these past few weeks/months, I've been having recurring dreams where I'm doing a lot of pull-ups. I guess I am kinda obsessed with them, since they are probably the one move that I've seen no progress in quite some time.


Welp, startet week three yesterday.

Feeling great and I see great improvements, plyo is my favorite workout :)


Height: 172cm
Weight: 68.9


Weight: 67.8

At the beginning I was very weak and tried to endure the training like a boss (and I really pushed myself to the limit!)

I ate junk food everyday and was checking what I could eat to follow the plan. Got from about 150-200 carbs to 30g carbs a day and my body didn't mind and also quit smoking... so as you can see that I changed many things. On weekends I have one alcohol day where I don't train the next day (Friday or Saturday) but will begin the day after that again for six days straight. So that is my "rest day".

I got stronger with each set of practice and really enjoyed the burn after the training. I live in germany so something like recovery drink is not really available here...so I just drink chocolate milk which is the same lol.

I am eating about 1000-1500kcal everyday (I didn't eat more before so I would have to eat every hour... and I am not able to do that) but I am not skinny, but after my recovery week next week I will try to max out my food input for Phase 2 so that my arms get a little bit bigger :)

So far I love this workout! Katanagatari Soundtrack really helps in my vacation when I wake up and want to train :D


Do you think I will need protein powder/kreatin for after the workout? Or will a protein bar do? Or do you think I can skip the protein bar altogether if I take a after workout drink? I plan to workout in the evening around 8pm.

AFAIK it doesn't really matter when, during the day, you take creatine.


Do you think I will need protein powder/kreatin for after the workout? Or will a protein bar do? Or do you think I can skip the protein bar altogether if I take a after workout drink? I plan to workout in the evening around 8pm.
Personally I'm a fan of the "eat your protein" rule to help feel satiated. Regarding the when, I recommend reading this article and drawing your own conclusions.

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Week 2.

Chest and back was a little more brutal than the first time around, though that's just me being tired and a baby about it I think. For once I'm actually excited about getting to thursday and that yoga day. As much as I absolutely hated it my first time trying p90x, my mind knows I need its soothing brutality.

I remember when I couldn't do 30 standard push ups at all. Hell, I remember when my friend made me do as many as I could and . . I did 4. Tops. It's always nice to have perspective on it, especially when I'm killing myself that I'm doing that second set of diamond barely from my knees. >__< Do your best and forget the rest, I guess.
Btw, for those of you that bought P90x2 new (thanks Ebay!) were there worksheets for PAP lower and upper? The copy that I bought came with the workout books and some worksheets, but I noticed nothing for PAP stuff. I'm still in the second phase so its not biggy, but should I make some of my own when I get to phase 3?

Week 2.

Chest and back was a little more brutal than the first time around, though that's just me being tired and a baby about it I think. For once I'm actually excited about getting to thursday and that yoga day. As much as I absolutely hated it my first time trying p90x, my mind knows I need its soothing brutality.

I remember when I couldn't do 30 standard push ups at all. Hell, I remember when my friend made me do as many as I could and . . I did 4. Tops. It's always nice to have perspective on it, especially when I'm killing myself that I'm doing that second set of diamond barely from my knees. >__< Do your best and forget the rest, I guess.

If its week 2, it might just be that you're remembering the moves/pushing yourself harder. When was the last time you did P90X?

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
Btw, for those of you that bought P90x2 new (thanks Ebay!) were there worksheets for PAP lower and upper? The copy that I bought came with the workout books and some worksheets, but I noticed nothing for PAP stuff. I'm still in the second phase so its not biggy, but should I make some of my own when I get to phase 3?

If its week 2, it might just be that you're remembering the moves/pushing yourself harder. When was the last time you did P90X?

Last time I did it every day was December, right before christmas. Got a month in, then hit january and had been doing 2 days a week until it just eventually fell off. Realized I was being a lazy ass and got my roommate to do it with me.
Btw, for those of you that bought P90x2 new (thanks Ebay!) were there worksheets for PAP lower and upper? The copy that I bought came with the workout books and some worksheets, but I noticed nothing for PAP stuff. I'm still in the second phase so its not biggy, but should I make some of my own when I get to phase 3?

If its week 2, it might just be that you're remembering the moves/pushing yourself harder. When was the last time you did P90X?

There are no downloadable worksheets for PAP from Beachbody when I did it. To be honest, you won't need it, because the exercises are not based on your reps but your explosiveness, endurance, speed, intensity, and core engagement within limited sets of time. Rinse and repeat until it's over
i posted on the weight loss.

but anyways. started p90x again.

so far 3 weeks in.

starting weight was 234lbs. i'm 5'11. i'm pretty fat.

down 8lbs so far. hopefully i can actually finish the whole 90 days lol.
i posted on the weight loss.

but anyways. started p90x again.

so far 3 weeks in.

starting weight was 234lbs. i'm 5'11. i'm pretty fat.

down 8lbs so far. hopefully i can actually finish the whole 90 days lol.

Good work man. Just keep it up, especially when you think that you've stalled when it comes to weight loss. I bought one of those scales that does weight and body fat, and even when my weight stalled, it was satisifying to see the bf% drop. A year and a half ago I was at 23% and now I'm at about 10.5% thanks to P90X, P90X2, and Insanity.

It wasn't all a straight line though. It goes up and down, but, just keep at it.


I'm starting P90X today. Finally got all the equipment and I'm ready to go, really excited. Better put my basic starting measurements out there.

Height: 180cm / 5'11
Weight: 82kg / 180lbs
Fat % : 26%

Will post a picture tonight as my starting out point. Also by putting myself on the internet, I might stay driven/motivated to see this thing through.

Ok, I'm ready to start day 1, just took some pictures to get me started. Wish me luck :p


Ugh, posting pics of my lazy ass on the internet is a little intimidating...
New personal best today on Asylum Vol 2 fit test. I did 8 rounds. And it was an actual 8 rounds, not like that lying former soccer player who says he got 8. It was 7 dude. Everyone knows you didn't get 2 more rounds in the matter of 30 seconds.
I'm starting P90X today. Finally got all the equipment and I'm ready to go, really excited. Better put my basic starting measurements out there.

Height: 180cm / 5'11
Weight: 82kg / 180lbs
Fat % : 26%

Will post a picture tonight as my starting out point. Also by putting myself on the internet, I might stay driven/motivated to see this thing through.


Ugh, posting pics of my lazy ass on the internet is a little intimidating...

Great job starting! and thank you for posting your photos. It's a big step. If it helps, I can post pics of my fatty self :)

Harry Potter said:
New personal best today on Asylum Vol 2 fit test. I did 8 rounds. And it was an actual 8 rounds, not like that lying former soccer player who says he got 8. It was 7 dude. Everyone knows you didn't get 2 more rounds in the matter of 30 seconds.

lol a lying dude? That's hiliaious. Congrats, btw. What was the reason behind doing the fit test? like a before/after comparison?
lol a lying dude? That's hiliaious. Congrats, btw. What was the reason behind doing the fit test? like a before/after comparison?

Thanks, the fit test is to measure your improvement. You do it once a week. It's a series of moves using the agility ladder and you try to get as many rounds as you can. This fit test is a little different because if comes at the end of one of the workouts. So you're pretty blasted by then.
Thanks, the fit test is to measure your improvement. You do it once a week. It's a series of moves using the agility ladder and you try to get as many rounds as you can. This fit test is a little different because if comes at the end of one of the workouts. So you're pretty blasted by then.

that's pretty scary and awesome at the same time. It sounds worse than Ab Ripper coming at the end of the workouts, lols

This has been talked about before, but I seriously love that the workouts never get easier (with the probable exception of Kenpo). It's like my body knows when I get stronger so it adjusts my limits too.


Clothes are feeling tighter. Imma new a new shirt*


Tomorrow I think I'm gonna do P.A.P. Lower instead of Beast Cardio. I miss that workout.
I'm starting P90X today. Finally got all the equipment and I'm ready to go, really excited. Better put my basic starting measurements out there.

Ugh, posting pics of my lazy ass on the internet is a little intimidating...

Welcome to the program!

Taking those pics is a huge part of the process though, helps keep you accountable and shows you your progress. No worries man, we all started somewhere. Just remember, every day you work at it, you're closer than the day before!



Day 1 in the books. Here's my first couple of thought.

I didn't expect to sweat this much? Holy shi.. and I drank almost a liter of water in that 1 hour session. I didn't get till after what Tony was rambling about picking a number. Half way through round 2 my arms were mush. Don't try and keep pace with Tony. Set your own pace and do the reps you set out to do. Lesson learned.

I hated my own performance yesterday. My arms and legs are so goddamn weak. All those pushups killed my arms. And for some reason I did poor in Ab Ripper X because of my legs? And I'm so stiff... can't even straighten my legs completely which annoyed me. Hope X Stretch helps with that.

Worst excesise of the day was fiffer scissors. Must have been the hardest excesise I've ever done.

Did I feel the burn? You bet, but I would have liked to feel it more in my chest/back than my arms.

I'm ready for more. Today is Plyometrics. Have no idea what to expect.

Day 1 in the books. Here's my first couple of thought.

I didn't expect to sweat this much? Holy shi.. and I drank almost a liter of water in that 1 hour session. I didn't get till after what Tony was rambling about picking a number. Half way through round 2 my arms were mush. Don't try and keep pace with Tony. Set your own pace and do the reps you set out to do. Lesson learned.

I hated my own performance yesterday. My arms and legs are so goddamn weak. All those pushups killed my arms. And for some reason I did poor in Ab Ripper X because of my legs? And I'm so stiff... can't even straighten my legs completely which annoyed me. Hope X Stretch helps with that.

Worst excesise of the day was fiffer scissors. Must have been the hardest excesise I've ever done.

Did I feel the burn? You bet, but I would have liked to feel it more in my chest/back than my arms.

I'm ready for more. Today is Plyometrics. Have no idea what to expect.

The buckets of sweat are normal, especially when it's new. And yeah, Ab Ripper focuses on the core in general, but your legs do factor in. Good news is that your legs strengthen up relatively quickly, and you'll be able to focus that energy back to your core when they do.

Fifer Scissors were made by the devil. Never ever expect them to be easy....

And Plyo? There's no prepping you for Plyo. Bring extra water. ;)


Haven't been keeping up with as many posts as usual, but a friend and I are doing P90x before work every morning.

Today is day 48. I've dropped from 166 to 150, and have some great results so far. Forgot to take before photos, though. :\


Neo Member

Day 1 in the books. Here's my first couple of thought.

I didn't expect to sweat this much? Holy shi.. and I drank almost a liter of water in that 1 hour session. I didn't get till after what Tony was rambling about picking a number. Half way through round 2 my arms were mush. Don't try and keep pace with Tony. Set your own pace and do the reps you set out to do. Lesson learned.

I hated my own performance yesterday. My arms and legs are so goddamn weak. All those pushups killed my arms. And for some reason I did poor in Ab Ripper X because of my legs? And I'm so stiff... can't even straighten my legs completely which annoyed me. Hope X Stretch helps with that.

Worst excesise of the day was fiffer scissors. Must have been the hardest excesise I've ever done.

Did I feel the burn? You bet, but I would have liked to feel it more in my chest/back than my arms.

I'm ready for more. Today is Plyometrics. Have no idea what to expect.

Congrats. I am currently on Week 6 so I am not a pro or anything but I had a friend who gave me some pointers that might help you. For the first week you do it don't push yourself. Just try to get through all the exercises and concentrate on form so you will know what to do in the future. A good starting point is half or less of what they are doing in the videos. So if they do 20-30 pushups, I only started with 5 or 10. I just started to be able to get through the entire ab ripper x routine and fifer scissors still suck. JUST BREATHE PEOPLE NOW. By the end of that first week even though I did not push myself I was still physically wasted. Every week you do it though you get better. Good luck.

I still have trouble straightening my legs also but IT WILL COME WITH TIME. Every week you do Yoga X and Stretch X you will start to feel your muscles start to loosen up. My legs still shake like crazy during the end of Yoga X doing Warrior 3 and Half Moon and during Ab ripper x during Fifer Scissors. But that ZZZZZIIINNNGGGG IS WHAT WE LIKE TO SEE, THATS HOW YOU GET RESULTS. DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST.

Also I just found out German Potato Soup Meran, from chest and back did porn. I'll be in my bunk.


Neo Member
Week 2.

Chest and back was a little more brutal than the first time around, though that's just me being tired and a baby about it I think. For once I'm actually excited about getting to thursday and that yoga day. As much as I absolutely hated it my first time trying p90x, my mind knows I need its soothing brutality.

I remember when I couldn't do 30 standard push ups at all. Hell, I remember when my friend made me do as many as I could and . . I did 4. Tops. It's always nice to have perspective on it, especially when I'm killing myself that I'm doing that second set of diamond barely from my knees. >__< Do your best and forget the rest, I guess.

Yoga X is by far my favorite thing I have gotten out of p90x. I had never done any Yoga before and now I want to get a lot more into it. Once I finish this first 90 days I plan to take a month off and take some Yoga classes before starting another 90 days of p90x. Trying to have a 2 pack before I put myself into a Yoga class cause I will be a little intimidated if I am the only guy.
I'm starting Insanity soon and wondering if any Gaffers have any tips or advice? I've completed P90X and P90X2, but I know this is a totally different beast. Anyone here make it through the 60 days?
I'm starting Insanity soon and wondering if any Gaffers have any tips or advice? I've completed P90X and P90X2, but I know this is a totally different beast. Anyone here make it through the 60 days?

I've done a couple rounds. Push yourself but don't try to keep up with Shaun T and the others. Take a breaks when you need it. When Shaun tells you to use your core on certain moves, do it. It really does help with a lot of the moves. Make sure you're getting enough calories. You're gonna need them. You can't starve yourself while doing Insanity.
I've done a couple rounds. Push yourself but don't try to keep up with Shaun T and the others. Take a breaks when you need it. When Shaun tells you to use your core on certain moves, do it. It really does help with a lot of the moves. Make sure you're getting enough calories. You're gonna need them. You can't starve yourself while doing Insanity.

Thanks for the advice. I'm definitely going to be more on top of my food and calorie intake. I wasn't great about staying perfect with the diet during P90X. How were your results?
Thanks for the advice. I'm definitely going to be more on top of my food and calorie intake. I wasn't great about staying perfect with the diet during P90X. How were your results?

Good results. BF% went down but more noticeable was the improvement in endurance. I play in a rec basketball league and it really showed up on the court. Good luck!


Congrats. I am currently on Week 6 so I am not a pro or anything but I had a friend who gave me some pointers that might help you. For the first week you do it don't push yourself. Just try to get through all the exercises and concentrate on form so you will know what to do in the future. A good starting point is half or less of what they are doing in the videos. So if they do 20-30 pushups, I only started with 5 or 10. I just started to be able to get through the entire ab ripper x routine and fifer scissors still suck. JUST BREATHE PEOPLE NOW. By the end of that first week even though I did not push myself I was still physically wasted. Every week you do it though you get better. Good luck.

I still have trouble straightening my legs also but IT WILL COME WITH TIME. Every week you do Yoga X and Stretch X you will start to feel your muscles start to loosen up. My legs still shake like crazy during the end of Yoga X doing Warrior 3 and Half Moon and during Ab ripper x during Fifer Scissors. But that ZZZZZIIINNNGGGG IS WHAT WE LIKE TO SEE, THATS HOW YOU GET RESULTS. DO YOUR BEST AND FORGET THE REST.

Also I just found out German Potato Soup Meran, from chest and back did porn. I'll be in my bunk.

Yea, I figured that out yesterday. "Pick a number" I was like wtf does he mean? At the end of the workout,.. OOOOOOOOOH!

Just finished Plyo. In the start I was thinking, Wow nice change of pace from yesterday, I can actually keep up and it isn't that hard. Then came the squats.....

halfway through my legs were burning real bad. Thanks Pam for those modified versions. It's a miracle if I can walk tomorrow. Heismans was my favorite. It was like an extra break. Hated those touch the ground jump squats.

I had to switch the jump knee tuck and rockstar with regular squats. Did the first set of jump knee tuck and the neighbour downstairs started banging on the ceiling.

Also, yesterday when I went to bed my back was already pretty sore. This morning it was gone. But now my chest and abs are sore like hell. Bought some protein bars today and I will enjoy one in a minute.

Shoulders and arms tomorrow and I will be doing that right when I get out of bed.
Have any of you bought a used set of P90X DVDs from Amazon? Looks like I can save about $50, so I'd be down for that if doing so is legit.

Also, what do you do when you're done with the program, start over, upgrade to P90X 2, start going to the gym?


Nice a P90X thread!

Best workout program ever created imo.

I've gone through the program 3 times in the last 3 years. I'm starting my 4th cycle right now and plan I doing P90X2 when I am done. I can't wait for 2. I haven't heard much about it but I trust Tony Horton and if it's anything like P90X it's going to be amazing.

Have any of you bought a used set of P90X DVDs from Amazon? Looks like I can save about $50, so I'd be down for that if doing so is legit.

Also, what do you do when you're done with the program, start over, upgrade to P90X 2, start going to the gym?

Do it again, rest for a while and "maintain", do something else. These are all things I've done after completing a cycle.

If any one has any questions I will try to answer them. I posted a pic of my results in another thread. If there is demand/interest to see I'll re-post it.

Just keep pressing play and Do Your Best and Forget the Rest!


I'm starting P90X today. Finally got all the equipment and I'm ready to go, really excited. Better put my basic starting measurements out there.

Height: 180cm / 5'11
Weight: 82kg / 180lbs
Fat % : 26%

Will post a picture tonight as my starting out point. Also by putting myself on the internet, I might stay driven/motivated to see this thing through.

Ok, I'm ready to start day 1, just took some pictures to get me started. Wish me luck :p


Ugh, posting pics of my lazy ass on the internet is a little intimidating...

Dude! I love the balls you have! Badass to post your pics, keep you accountable. I'm subbing this thread now. I am genuinely excited for you.

If you work hard and eat right you are going to be BLOWN THE FUCK AWAY by how you look after 90 days.

Also, don't forget to sleep. 8 hours a night, your body is going to need rest.
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