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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Thanks. I figure this first week is to figure things out and learn the motions. Finished Shoulder and Arms just now. luckily I had 2 sets of adjustable dumbbells. 4,5kg / 10lbs and 6,5kg / 14,1/3lbs. Did do 9kg / 20lbs on the first set of shoulder raises and was fine but changed them to 6,5kg for the rest. My neck is burning...

Nice to feel sore all over for a change. Poor hammies. I'm not going to do a lot of sitting today as it hurts too much getting up again :p

Ab Ripper X can get the F out. GODDAMN, it's so hard. Did better on fifer scissors today as I found a little trick to help me finish the set. I found that if I place a hand on the leg thats up, not pulling it, just supporting it, I can hold it and finish strong. Still tough though but it's nice to be able to do it properly.

breakfeast time. I will be having a solid breakfeast and I look forward to dive right in. 1 slice of whole grain dark bread, 2 tall glasses of milk, 2 fried eggs, 10 slices of cucumber and a cup of coffe, black.

  • 2 eggs(290kcal,16g protein)
  • 1 whole grain,dark bread(95kcal,3,5g protein)
  • 50g cucumber(5kcal,0g protein)
  • skimmed milk 500ml(200kcal,17g protein)
  • coffee, black(8kcal,0g protein)
  • 1 apple(50kcal,0g protein)
  • Total:(648kcal, 36,5g protein)

Have a nice day


Fifer scissors has always been hard for me, even to this day. I've come to love the pain though since I have no choice lol.

first month or so is rough but your body will start adapting and you'll really be able to push yourself for phases 2 and 3.


Finally worked though Body Beast after a starting and restarting the thing. Glad I'm finished with it. I liked the workouts but the lack of personality everywhere else made it almost a chore. Ended up gaining about 15 pounds, I'd imagine that 10 of that is muscle.

Starting up P90X1 here in about a 1/2 hour. Gonna lean up a bit before summer.


Yoga X done. It was real nice but damn hard. Was good to stretch all those sore muscles.
Some of those poses were hard to keep and it was extra hard as it was the first time and I had to look at the screen while doing it.

Half Moon poses. At this point my legs were wasted so they were impossible to do, but atleast I tried. Open Scissors, which actually was fifer scissoers, Tony said you could put your hand on your buttocks for support, just like I figured out yesterady :D

Last 10 minutes with the relaxing and all was really nice. I feel really good and relaxed right now and almost no part of my body hurt? Guess it was a nice stretch.

Being as stiff as I am, I'm so glad that I bought a Yoga block. I can highly recommend it if you're stiff and don't stretch regularly. Without a yoga block I don't think I could have done the first 20-30mins.

LIES! GODDAMN my chest hurts.


Gaf I've had a sports background (played football...soccer for Americans) but over the past 2 years I haven't been playing much or at all since I haven't been playing for any team. Right now I am very unhappy with my body as I'm starting to gain a small belly and in general not looking very fit. I did manage to burn a lot of fat last Christmas when I went snowboarding but I'm still unhappy.

I'm not looking to become ripped, what I want instead is an athletic body, and since I don't play anymore I have no idea what to do to get it back. I've heard that P90x program is more dedicated towards toning muscles while something like Shaun T's Insanity is more sports focused is geared towards burning calories. Which one would you recommend to me if getting into shape is what I want ?

I must mention that I am still quite slim and fit (just over 6 foot tall with 32 inch waist), just a bit out of shape.


Gaf I've had a sports background (played football...soccer for Americans) but over the past 2 years I haven't been playing much or at all since I haven't been playing for any team. Right now I am very unhappy with my body as I'm starting to gain a small belly and in general not looking very fit. I did manage to burn a lot of fat last Christmas when I went snowboarding but I'm still unhappy.

I'm not looking to become ripped, what I want instead is an athletic body, and since I don't play anymore I have no idea what to do to get it back. I've heard that P90x program is more dedicated towards toning muscles while something like Shaun T's Insanity is more sports focused is geared towards burning calories. Which one would you recommend to me if getting into shape is what I want ?

I must mention that I am still quite slim and fit (just over 6 foot tall with 32 inch waist), just a bit out of shape.

I think that what you are looking for is this:


With P90X2, you'll get excellent strength routines to tone your body and develop lean muscle mass and also performance (sports based) routines that will make you a total badass.

Check some videos of the workouts:


X2 is the complete package.
Finally worked though Body Beast after a starting and restarting the thing. Glad I'm finished with it. I liked the workouts but the lack of personality everywhere else made it almost a chore. Ended up gaining about 15 pounds, I'd imagine that 10 of that is muscle.

Starting up P90X1 here in about a 1/2 hour. Gonna lean up a bit before summer.

Damn son, 10lbs is impressive. Good work.


Alright GAF. I've been wanting to do this for awhile now and have always put it off because it seemed like such a big undertaking. I'm ok with the working out part, but the food part is what always discouraged me. At the same time, I didn't want to do it if I wasn't going to commit wholly to both the diet and the workout.

Well, I weighed myself earlier this week and for the first time in my life, I am over 190 pounds. I'm 5'10". Pants are starting to become a problem, and I'm starting to get a noticeable gut when I wear shirts. I've always been fairly slender, so this was kind of a wake up call for me.

I am starting this shit tomorrow. I've read up on what equipment I need, and I'm going out to buy the first week's worth of groceries tonight. I'll check in periodically to report my progress.

Just a few questions. Are the protein bars and recovery drinks a necessary part of the diet? For those who have done it, how highly recommended do they come? Bands or dumbbells? Are there any other suggestions or pointers anyone can give? I'm sure this gets asked all the time, but I don't have time to search through the thread right now.

Thanks guys. Wish me luck.


Good luck man.

I'd totally recommend protein bars and shakes. They are not absolutely necessary, but they can give you easy, quick and tasty 60g+ of protein, which you are going to need a lot of. The best protein bars I've had are the Supreme Protein ones; just delicious. Clif Builder Bars are good since they are semi-organic and Pure Proteon Bars are low on sugar. As for shakes, my favorite brand right now is Muscle Milk. Awesome flavor and mixes really well with milk or water. Syntha 6 is a good option too.

As for bands vs. dumbbells, if you can get different sets of weights (or bowlflex dumbbells), go that route.


Alright GAF. I've been wanting to do this for awhile now and have always put it off because it seemed like such a big undertaking. I'm ok with the working out part, but the food part is what always discouraged me. At the same time, I didn't want to do it if I wasn't going to commit wholly to both the diet and the workout.

Well, I weighed myself earlier this week and for the first time in my life, I am over 190 pounds. I'm 5'10". Pants are starting to become a problem, and I'm starting to get a noticeable gut when I wear shirts. I've always been fairly slender, so this was kind of a wake up call for me.

I am starting this shit tomorrow. I've read up on what equipment I need, and I'm going out to buy the first week's worth of groceries tonight. I'll check in periodically to report my progress.

Just a few questions. Are the protein bars and recovery drinks a necessary part of the diet? For those who have done it, how highly recommended do they come? Bands or dumbbells? Are there any other suggestions or pointers anyone can give? I'm sure this gets asked all the time, but I don't have time to search through the thread right now.

Thanks guys. Wish me luck.

Welcome aboard. I just started last week myself. I would recommend dumbbells over bands. I tried bands before and I think it feels weird with it being real easy in the start of the motion and then gets hard at the end of the motion.

Extra protein is important to keep the muscle mass when losing weight. Protein also ups the motabolism. In the GAF fitness thread they recommend 0,7g for each pound you weigh. You can get that if you eat a lot of lean meat like fish or chicken. Also protein bars are nice when you get a craving for candy like I do.

Oh, I also recommend a yoga block. If you're not stretching regularly you will need it. I'm glad I invested in one.
I think that what you are looking for is this:


With P90X2, you'll get excellent strength routines to tone your body and develop lean muscle mass and also performance (sports based) routines that will make you a total badass.

Check some videos of the workouts:


X2 is the complete package.

I see some stuff on the videos and I wonder how would someone be able to do most of that? like if they know the position of their body is correct or they can't have pull up bars in their apartment or something...how would someone manage just curious.


Hang out with Steve.
I see some stuff on the videos and I wonder how would someone be able to do most of that? like if they know the position of their body is correct or they can't have pull up bars in their apartment or something...how would someone manage just curious.

Well the best advice is to watch the workouts before you do them the first time. Tony will explain them, and you can watch how he and the others in the video do them. Often the other people will do variations. With pull-ups and chin-ups, for example, there's always someone using resistance bands, and often someone using a bar with either a chair or Chin-Up Max for assistance.

It'll sometimes take a couple actual workout sessions before you get it, but the main thing is to focus on form first, and reps or pace later. You don't have to keep up with the people in the video, especially not at the start.

Starting to get my TBB coaching off the ground. Check your inboxes soon.


was on week 6, got sick for 5 days, and now i just did chest shoulders and tri, everything feels 100 pounds heavier.. :(

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
I'm in the same boat. Slept horribly last night and I know it is gonna be an internal struggle to make myself when I get off work.


I drank my way through the weekend and am paying for it big time. I have to bring it, I know, my body and I are just fighting right now.


back & legs today. Just finished and WOW that was a great workout. Probably the easiest for me so far. Going in I thought theres no way my hamsrings are ready for more squats, but as they got warmed up and we got into it, they loosened up and took the beating. At the end of it I was totally spent..... then Ab Ripper X..... FFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU

I believe I hit every motion correct today as I REALLY felt the burn. Frog Situps almost made me puke....

Looking forward to Kenpo X tomorrow as I believe that's the karate moves :p Also looking forward to a shower, hot cup of coffee and a 336kcal 25g protein XL Protein Bar :D


Had my first day today and it was quite some fun.

However I am not as sore as I expected, or rather barely at all. Sweat like crazy and I think I drank like 1,5L water before/throughout the workout.

Need to prepare my equipment a little better (my resistance tubs were a little too easy), also since I feared round 2 would break me I went a little easier overall. I think I will do more reps for some stuff the next time. Diamonds and Dive-Bombers were the hardest excercises for me.

Still had a lot of fun and I am looking forward to more this week.


Had my first day today and it was quite some fun.

However I am not as sore as I expected, or rather barely at all. Sweat like crazy and I think I drank like 1,5L water before/throughout the workout.
If today was your first day then you might not feel the soreness till tomorrow.


on my first day I was a little sore in my back when I went to bed. It was gone the next day, but the chest was VERY sore. Still a little sore. Thank god it's 3 days till chest & back.

These protein bars are amazing. I bought some chocolate/banana flavoured and liked them so I went to buy more today but they were sold out. Got some chocolate/peanut flavoured instead. They taste almost. exactly. like. a. snickers bar? I can't believe it. Sure it's different when you bite down on it and chew on it, but the taste is almost the same. It was DAMN good and hits the spot when you like chocolate like I do.

Hit just below 1800 calories today and about 125g of protein. When I'm done with Phase 1 I will add a protein drink and creatine.
So I took the Insanity fit test this past Saturday. I nearly passed out. Good times. The first proper workout was on Sunday and wasn't...TOO bad. I knew it was going to be tough so I really paced myself. Day 3 is tonight. It's good to be excited about working out again.


Man I hate legs days. Squats, lunges with weight, straight leg deadlifts... Kill me why dontcha.

It feels awesome afterwards though :p

I also tried those new Clif Energy Shots. Really good gummy bear replacements, lol.


Neo Member
Yea, I figured that out yesterday. "Pick a number" I was like wtf does he mean? At the end of the workout,.. OOOOOOOOOH!

Just finished Plyo. In the start I was thinking, Wow nice change of pace from yesterday, I can actually keep up and it isn't that hard. Then came the squats.....

halfway through my legs were burning real bad. Thanks Pam for those modified versions. It's a miracle if I can walk tomorrow. Heismans was my favorite. It was like an extra break. Hated those touch the ground jump squats.

I had to switch the jump knee tuck and rockstar with regular squats. Did the first set of jump knee tuck and the neighbour downstairs started banging on the ceiling.

Also, yesterday when I went to bed my back was already pretty sore. This morning it was gone. But now my chest and abs are sore like hell. Bought some protein bars today and I will enjoy one in a minute.

Shoulders and arms tomorrow and I will be doing that right when I get out of bed.

If your back is getting sore you might want to do some extra cat stretches at the end of every workout. Since I have been doing that my back does not get as sore as it used to. After every workout and Ab Ripper X I usually do 5 cat stretches and then sit in Child's Pose for a little while.

Kenpo X is pretty easy so I started throwing in Cardio X or Stretch X after depending on how much energy/time I have.

Since I'm on Week 7 I am glad I will not have to do Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps again for a couple weeks. Probably my least favorite workout. On to Plyo today and looking forward to the recovery week. GLHF.



Alright GAF. I've been wanting to do this for awhile now and have always put it off because it seemed like such a big undertaking. I'm ok with the working out part, but the food part is what always discouraged me. At the same time, I didn't want to do it if I wasn't going to commit wholly to both the diet and the workout.

Well, I weighed myself earlier this week and for the first time in my life, I am over 190 pounds. I'm 5'10". Pants are starting to become a problem, and I'm starting to get a noticeable gut when I wear shirts. I've always been fairly slender, so this was kind of a wake up call for me.

I am starting this shit tomorrow. I've read up on what equipment I need, and I'm going out to buy the first week's worth of groceries tonight. I'll check in periodically to report my progress.

Just a few questions. Are the protein bars and recovery drinks a necessary part of the diet? For those who have done it, how highly recommended do they come? Bands or dumbbells? Are there any other suggestions or pointers anyone can give? I'm sure this gets asked all the time, but I don't have time to search through the thread right now.

Thanks guys. Wish me luck.

as Spect3r said, go dumbbells.

I have a pull up bar that hangs on my door ($20) and a set of 5s, 10s, 15s, and 20s. That is all you need.

Good Luck!


When it comes to equipment, such as the pull-up bar, is it essential to have the official P90x one with all the bells and whistles, or will any old pull-up bar do. I'm asking as the official stuff is really expensive over here.


If today was your first day then you might not feel the soreness till tomorrow.

Sadly not at all. Just watched the Plyometrics video ... I think this will burn! Well on to Plyo!

When it comes to equipment, such as the pull-up bar, is it essential to have the official P90x one with all the bells and whistles, or will any old pull-up bar do. I'm asking as the official stuff is really expensive over here.

Not like I am an expert, but I don't see why you would need an official one ... there are enough that resemble the P90x one and are a lot cheaper (guess look out for reviews on build quality though).


Junior Member
When it comes to equipment, such as the pull-up bar, is it essential to have the official P90x one with all the bells and whistles, or will any old pull-up bar do. I'm asking as the official stuff is really expensive over here.

You don't need the official one. You just need some bells and whistles. All P90X ever has you do is front and reverse grip, narrow normal and wide pull-ups, so a pull-up bar where you can do a pull-up with your hands over, inline with your elbows is a pull-up bar that's enough.

(Note, I don't know about P90X2)


you should be able to find an equivalent of this for 30$

Note that the half-circles on this won't be used with P90X, but I guess they're normal construction for wide-fly support.


You don't need the official one. You just need some bells and whistles. All P90X ever has you do is front and reverse grip, narrow normal and wide pull-ups, so a pull-up bar where you can do a pull-up with your hands over, inline with your elbows is a pull-up bar that's enough.

(Note, I don't know about P90X2)


you should be able to find an equivalent of this for 30$

Note that the half-circles on this won't be used with P90X, but I guess they're normal construction for wide-fly support.

Okay thanks. So this will be fine?


Junior Member
Okay thanks. So this will be fine?

No, because that will only give you standard width (which are the outer-most part of that one) and narrow width. I think all that can give you a wide-fly pull-up has those half-circles, to support the weight.

EDIT: these are the three positions you need


Did Ply, and well ... damn I went all Niagara falls throughout the workout. I am amazed that I even got through it. Had to do 2-3 small breaks towards the end to catch some breath. Overall it was pretty crazy but also tons of fun.

I had to switch the jump knee tuck and rockstar with regular squats. Did the first set of jump knee tuck and the neighbour downstairs started banging on the ceiling.

Yeah, I had to go back a little bit as well, didn't people from downstairs coming up. Kind of sucks because those exercises are pretty good :D.


Just finished Kenpo X. Lot's of fun, the most fun so far, and not very hard. The warm-up was the hardest part,.... goddamn warrior stance!

Well, I kept up with Tony and crew on all excersises and got my heartrate up and produced a lot of sweat. Felt good. I got Stretch X tomorrow to finish week 1. It's been tough, but not as tough as I expected. Will definitely keep pressing play and bring it.

Time for a tall glass of skimmed milk and a maxim xl rich chocolate flavored protein bar. My favorite part of the day :D Damn, I've begun to drink a lot of milk.

What do you guys drink? I drink milk to every meal, coffee in the morning and about 1,5liters of water during the day and almost 1 liter of water during workout. AND IM ALWAYS THIRSTY?

Also, I bought a cheap pullup bar that lets me do close and normal grip. No superwide, but I don't need that.
Oddly I didn't drink any significant quantity of liquid when I did P90X. Just my usual coffees, a bottle of squash for the workout and about 500ml of chocolate milkshake for after.


Hang out with Steve.
Here's my drinking "schedule" during the week. Bear in mind that I work out first thing in the morning, starting at about 5AM.
4:40am: Muscle Pharm "Assault" pre-workout drink
~5-6am: 24oz water during a workout
6:30: Shakeology (made with ice & about 1/2-1/3 cup whole milk, sometimes with a little water added)
Over the next hour or so: 24oz coffee with a dash of half & half
11:30: 16oz water with lunch.
12:30: 12oz black coffee
Through the afternoon: another 16-32oz water.
With dinner: 6-8oz whole milk
I should probably drink more water.


anyone doing p90x/insanity hybrid? so basically im replacing the p90x cardio (plyo, kenpo) with insanity max cardio program which is extremely intense


here's my drinking 'schedule':
6am 500ml skimmed milk
8am 2 cups of coffee
9am 250ml water
10am 250ml water
12am 250ml skimmed milk
1pm 250ml water
2pm 250ml water
6pm 500ml skimmed milk
8pm 1500ml water (workout)
9pm 250ml skimmed milk

and when I wake up the next day I'm really thirsty.

Found a picture of my pullup bar.


rediscovered and old site I used to go to, to keep track of my food intake. This is the sum of what I consumed yesterday.

kcal protein carbs fat
1.724 128g 200g 47g

1724kcal is a nice deficit when I need between 2100-2500 to maintain. 128g protein is a ok, but I want a little more for phase 2 and 200g carbs sound like a little too much?

Is it ok or whats going on? I only have experience with calories and protein. Know nothing about carbs or fat, but someone on here said less than 100g carbs a day.

Here's the list of what I ate/drank:
75g big slice of wholegrain dark bread
10g butter
13g slice of cheese
3 cups of coffee
85g 1 medium size banana
250ml skimmed milk

20g carrots
20g corn
20g salad
20g peas
50g slice of whole grain dark bread
55g 1 egg
20g shrimp
250ml skimmed milk
85g 1 medium size banana

40g potato
50g broccoli
160g carrots
150g grilled chicken breast
500ml skimmed milk

After Workout:
250ml skimmed milk
82g Maxim XL Protein Bar


rediscovered and old site I used to go to, to keep track of my food intake. This is the sum of what I consumed yesterday.

kcal protein carbs fat
1.724 128g 200g 47g

1724kcal is a nice deficit when I need between 2100-2500 to maintain. 128g protein is a ok, but I want a little more for phase 2 and 200g carbs sound like a little too much?

Is it ok or whats going on? I only have experience with calories and protein. Know nothing about carbs or fat, but someone on here said less than 100g carbs a day.

Here's the list of what I ate/drank:
75g big slice of wholegrain dark bread
10g butter
13g slice of cheese
3 cups of coffee
85g 1 medium size banana
250ml skimmed milk

20g carrots
20g corn
20g salad
20g peas
50g slice of whole grain dark bread
55g 1 egg
20g shrimp
250ml skimmed milk
85g 1 medium size banana

40g potato
50g broccoli
160g carrots
150g grilled chicken breast
500ml skimmed milk

After Workout:
250ml skimmed milk
82g Maxim XL Protein Bar

WTF, how do you people eat/drink that much (fluids like SteveMeister). I am eating a little bit more than half of that and get about 140g proteins. I am not able to eat more (172cm 68kg right now) and I am doing P90X and my muscles grow like crazy and my belly gets more flat everyday.

I don't understand. :| Well and I eat about 30-50 carbs every day (exception Saturday, refuel day for me)
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