sp3ctr3, you might enjoy reading a couple books by Gary Taubes, " Good Calories, Bad Calories" and "Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It". These books go into detail about how our bodies process macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and protein) and how where a calorie comes from dictates how the body processes it. And then how that processing can lead to issues with excess. They also talk about how the conventional thinking that led to the USDA food pyramid in US dietary recommendations was formed and how bias, flawed studies, lobbies and bad science led to them. Sounds like the first book in particular might be right up your alley.
Another great book is Mark Sisson's "The Primal Blueprint", and the companion blog at marksdailyapple.com. The book is brief and entertaining and has some good advice in it, and the blog is a treasure trove of nutritional info. Whether you end up choosing to follow a Primal or Paleo lifestyle is up to you.
For me, I try to keep my carb intake around 150g per day on average. I tend to start building fat again if I sustain amounts above that for too long. That basically means no soda, no fruit juice, no sweetened drinks, very limited amounts of bread, no chips or crackers of any kind, and extremely limited dessert foods (as in rarely eaten and small portions). I eat lots of meat, lots of vegetables, a small amount of fruit (tending more towards berries, which have more nutrients and less sugar per serving than fruits like apples, oranges and bananas), minimal starchy vegetables (potatoes).