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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Well, now that I got all the time in the world, is there anyway I can step it up and get even faster results? Has anyone done P90X 2 times a day? Any other suggestions?

favorite workout so far is Legs & Back. Burns so good and it seems my pain tolerance in my legs are higher than arms upper body, so I can push myself even further. Also looking forward to taking creatine after phase 1. Supposedly it will improve explosion and reps. My weakest link right now is my core. Still hanging in there for A.R.X. but goddamn I hate it. It burns so bad and I get the shakes and want to puke. Hardest parts for me is V-Ups and those V-Ups on the side. Side abs and lower abs are mush compared to upper abs.

Love the last excersise of A.R.X. Hurts/Burns so good

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Have any of you gotten compliments irl after doing this for a while?

Also, I received no confirmation email for the shipping...did I do something wrong?


Well, now that I got all the time in the world, is there anyway I can step it up and get even faster results? Has anyone done P90X 2 times a day? Any other suggestions?

favorite workout so far is Legs & Back. Burns so good and it seems my pain tolerance in my legs are higher than arms upper body, so I can push myself even further. Also looking forward to taking creatine after phase 1. Supposedly it will improve explosion and reps. My weakest link right now is my core. Still hanging in there for A.R.X. but goddamn I hate it. It burns so bad and I get the shakes and want to puke. Hardest parts for me is V-Ups and those V-Ups on the side. Side abs and lower abs are mush compared to upper abs.

Love the last excersise of A.R.X. Hurts/Burns so good

You'll run the risk of over training which can lead to quitting the program.


You'll run the risk of over training which can lead to quitting the program.

Overtraining like straining myself so I don't enjoy it no more and quit, or train too much that it leads to injury and I have to stop?

If the weather was better I would go out for a run, but it's snowing here, so that's not an option.


Overtraining like straining myself so I don't enjoy it no more and quit, or train too much that it leads to injury and I have to stop?

If the weather was better I would go out for a run, but it's snowing here, so that's not an option.

More so your second example.

I'm not going to tell you not to do it, just be careful about it if you do. I tried it a while ago and stopped not too long after because I was getting too tired. In my case I wasn't really seeing better results either, so it was unnecessary for me.

If you ultimately decide to go for it you should think about upping your food intake to help your body recover and to give your muscles a better chance of growing.


After thinking about it, I think I'm just going to stick to the program and concentrate more on my foodintake. Limit carbs as best as I can till I can afford protein powder in about a week and a half. Diet will get me there faster as far as lean muscles go. Will focus more on bulking in phase 3.
My current routine is doing the p90x2 strength schedule 5 day straight. For the 6th day, I'm going to try P90X yoga tonight (the first 45 minutes) than Kenpo. Gotta keep the variety going
I feel like a wimp doing p90 while I see all these p90x graduates lol

Don't think like that. I've done a few rounds and still can't do as well as the guys on the video...but compared to myself when I first started? I'm a bad ass. Just go at your own pace and be amazed at how much stronger and in better shape you are at day 90 compared to day 1
I feel like a wimp doing p90 while I see all these p90x graduates lol

Don't feel that way, it's not about who does the most reps or whatever, it's about changing your life and being fit and healthy. If p90 is where you're at, then p90 is where you're at.

Compete with yourself, not others :)


Thanks for the encouragement guys. Just a little self-deprecating humor for my first post in the thread.

Currently 5'6" and about 145lbs. Just trying to lose 5-10lbs and an inch or two off the waist so I don't have to buy new pants. lol Used to have super high metabolism so I never really had to watch what I ate. That went bye bye once I hit my 30s. I think P90 will work well for me as I'm not looking to get super ripped just slim down the fat and gut bit. A little too self-conscious to post body pics of myself on the net but will continue to lurk and pop in now and then if I need advice. :)
I feel like a wimp doing p90 while I see all these p90x graduates lol

Hey, I started with p90 a little more than a year ago. Really glad I did, it prepped me for p90x in so many ways. It's just a matter of time when you realize you are ready to move on to p90x, insanity, or whatever

And if you want I am always up to post pics of when I first started doing p90. :)


Used to have super high metabolism so I never really had to watch what I ate. That went bye bye once I hit my 30s.

Hah! This is exactly what happened to me. I'm turning 34 in a couple of months but once I hit 32 I started gaining weight even though I didn't eat more or less than I used to? It just slowly started building up, so now I have to pick and chose what to eat. It's a good thing though as you get more aware, and you realise just how little food you ACTUALLY need.

X Stretch today and that wraps up week 2. Will get on the scale tomorrow morning to see where I'm at. I can definitely feel that my stomach has shrunk.

Also, I think I'm getting sick? I coughed like crazy when I woke up this morning and my throat is a little sore. Getting sick sucks as you get weak and I don't have time for that. Any advice? Lot's of tea and c-vitamin?


Finally started this week!

First question arises: I wont have the time for yogaX tomorrow as scheduled. Is it okay two swap todays shoulders and arms with tomorrows yogaX?


Finally started this week!

First question arises: I wont have the time for yogaX tomorrow as scheduled. Is it okay two swap todays shoulders and arms with tomorrows yogaX?

It's a matter of personal preference really, but I'd add an extra rest day tomorrow (or today) and continue with YogaX on Friday, otherwise you'd have two resistance workouts (Arms&Shoulders and Legs&Back) on consecutive days. Not to mention ARX. Shoulders&Arms + ARX is roughly the same length as YogaX if you consider the time it takes to change weights + possible pauses.

Another –maybe the best option– might be to only do the first 45 minutes (or however much time you have) of Yoga tomorrow, you'll be toast after them anyway. :D


Well, now that I got all the time in the world, is there anyway I can step it up and get even faster results? Has anyone done P90X 2 times a day? Any other suggestions?

My first time through I added walking/running on Saturdays and occasional weeknights after week 5 as that is when my body started adjusting and things became easier.

By week 9 I was doing P90X in the morning and doing Cardio Interval or Kenpo Cardio (P90X+) every other evening with walking/running on the other nights. Never got injured but did get burned out as that is a lot of time used.

Currently I do my morning stuff and then do an occasional walk/run at nights and a big run on weekends (10 miles). I would say if you do get to that point, give your body a few hours rest in between programs.


It's a matter of personal preference really, but I'd add an extra rest day tomorrow (or today) and continue with YogaX on Friday, otherwise you'd have two resistance workouts (Arms&Shoulders and Legs&Back) on consecutive days. Not to mention ARX. Shoulders&Arms + ARX is roughly the same length as YogaX if you consider the time it takes to change weights + possible pauses.

Another –maybe the best option– might be to only do the first 45 minutes (or however much time you have) of Yoga tomorrow, you'll be toast after them anyway. :D

Alright thanks!


Finished my third day of P90 last night...ugh sore as hell this morning in the shoulders, abs, and these muscles I never knew I had LOL

I'm assuming you're generally supposed to soldier through this even if that means doing less reps rather versus taking a day off outside of the regular rest day on the calendar provided? Or if my muscles are completely toast should I squeeze in a day off for a little recovery?

And by toast I mean being able to do 10 pushups in a rep versus like less than 5 with diminishing returns after that? haha


Planning to start P90X next Saturday, and just did the fitness test today. Here is my prior to Day 1 results:

Pull ups: 2
Vertical leap: 40 cm (~16 inches)
Push ups: 13
Toe Touch: +9 cm (+3.6 inches)
Wall squat: 1:05 mins
Bicep curls: 11 reps / 9 kg (20 lbs)
In & out: 27
Resting heart rate: 58
Max heart rate: 175
After 1min: 127
2min: 109
3min: 99
4min: 95

I am:
25 year old
175 cm tall (~5'9")
68 kg (~150 lbs)

My upper body sucks compared to my legs, I play football (soccer) regularly and used to run 5 km every other day in the past couple years.

I'm really excited to start, hopefully I'll finally get rid of this small bump around my gut and waist and maybe get some lean definition on my upper body.


Finished my third day of P90 last night...ugh sore as hell this morning in the shoulders, abs, and these muscles I never knew I had LOL

I'm assuming you're generally supposed to soldier through this even if that means doing less reps rather versus taking a day off outside of the regular rest day on the calendar provided? Or if my muscles are completely toast should I squeeze in a day off for a little recovery?

And by toast I mean being able to do 10 pushups in a rep versus like less than 5 with diminishing returns after that? haha
Never take an extra day off unless you're injured. Soreness is very normal, and after a couple of weeks that feeling will fade away.

And I think you'll be surprised about how well you'll do even with a moderate amount of soreness. The workout schedule does a pretty good job of making sure you're not overemphasizing one particular muscle group on consecutive days.

Keep it up! Congrats on getting started!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Looking for some protein powder and bar recs. I've been using Lean1 and Clif Builder Bars. What do people use?


Looking for some protein powder and bar recs. I've been using Lean1 and Clif Builder Bars. What do people use?
I use Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein and Creatine Powder. I take one scoop of each in a Blender Bottle after my workouts.

As for bars, Quest Bars are the best IMO. Excellent nutritional profile (very low in non-fiber carbs, high in protein, low in calories) and I think they taste very good too.

Best flavors IMO:

1. Cinnamon Roll
2. Apple Pie
3. Strawberry Cheesecake
4. Chocolate Peanut Butter
5. Vanilla Almond Crunch
Thanks guys. Going to try Muscle Milk and some Quest bars.

I used to do the protein bars, but I found they were getting kinda expensive. I added another egg in my breakfast. When that wasn't enough (was getting hungry early) I added 1/4 cup of oatmeal. Of course, if you're just looking for pure protein boost, the latter won't help, but things like wheat germ + greek yogurt might be up your alley too


I hate having to wait for equipment at the gym during peak hours but, man, if there's something that makes it worth going at those times is the amount of hot women in there.

I was foam rolling my leg and this hottie started doing squats and jumping on a plyo box in front of me. So good.


got on the scale this morning and I've lost another kg ~2,2lbs.

Week 3 starts today and I've upped the weights a little for chest & back and will give it my all this week as it's the last before recovery week.

When phase 1 is over I will measure bodyfat and weight and take new photos.

And yes, going to a gym is worth it just to give your eyes a workout. So many yoga pants, women bent over on stairclimbers.... but having to wait for equipment to free up is a pain.


Ugh I started gaining back my muffin top once i started eating a lot of delicious carbs. Why must carbs be so delicious?!


Killer workout today. I really destroyed my arms. I'm frustrated though because I can't do a single non-assisted pullup to save my life. Maybe I can't figure out the motion? I don't know.

I feel I'm getting weaker because of the flu? that's creeping up. I don't have time for that bullshit. If it goes way downhill and I can't do my best what do you suggest? Soldier through with limited strenght, maybe I can sweat the flu out? Or wait till I'm back at 100% and pick up where I left off?


Killer workout today. I really destroyed my arms. I'm frustrated though because I can't do a single non-assisted pullup to save my life. Maybe I can't figure out the motion? I don't know.

I feel I'm getting weaker because of the flu? that's creeping up. I don't have time for that bullshit. If it goes way downhill and I can't do my best what do you suggest? Soldier through with limited strenght, maybe I can sweat the flu out? Or wait till I'm back at 100% and pick up where I left off?
I think you should rest:


Plyometrics made me realise I out of shape I am, a year ago I'd have ploughed through this shit for 1 hour straight. Now...not so much, my muscles hurt like hell.


Guys I think I have a crush on Dreya.



Feel a lot better today. Not coughing as much and I don't feel fatigued. Guess it was only a scare. My back and traps are a little sore after I upped the intensity yesterday, which is nice, as I wasn't sore at all during week 2.

I would like some advice about how to get better at pullups. Should I do chair assisted pullups or should I do negative pullups?

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
I've been getting results by moving the chair further away every session.


Hang out with Steve.
On vacation so I have missed a couple Les Mills Combat workouts, but I have been keeping up with the burpee challenge. Today was Day 42. We are now in the realm of starting to sweat.

Body Beast awaits my return, starting April 1.


My dead carcass just finished my 6th day of P90 and dragged itself to my first rest day. Yay for milestones haha

Any recommendations for an all in one resistance band? I've seen a few that look like you can adjust the lb. resistance? I also think the one I have right now is too short for me to do some of the p90 exercises where you have to raise the bands over your head with good form.


Just got the box in the mail.

Do I really need a full set of weights?

This is what I got:
1 standard pullupbar
2 sets of adjustable dumbbells
1 yoga mat
1 yoga block

cost me about 900dkk ~$156

1 set of dumbbells is set to 6,5kg ~14lbs
other set is set to 9,5kg ~20lbs

works great in a workout like shoulder&arms as some excersises are harder and require a lower weight.
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