I want to start this program too, but I don't find the info I'm looking for in the OP. I don't want to loose weight as I'm skinny by nature and I have a good condition already, I go jogging and mountainbike multiple times a week. I just want to grow some muscles, especially the upper body. What program should I start with?
I want to start this program too, but I don't find the info I'm looking for in the OP. I don't want to loose weight as I'm skinny by nature and I have a good condition already, I go jogging and mountainbike multiple times a week. I just want to grow some muscles, especially the upper body. What program should I start with?
I want to start this program too, but I don't find the info I'm looking for in the OP. I don't want to loose weight as I'm skinny by nature and I have a good condition already, I go jogging and mountainbike multiple times a week. I just want to grow some muscles, especially the upper body. What program should I start with?
So is it that necessary to do all of the exercises watching the DVDs? There's really no way for me to do pullups in my apartment.
Sec0nd said:Edit: Nice progress sp3ctr3!
SteveMeister said:Nice work, sp3ctr3 and Bark252!
SteeloDMZ said:The belly practically melted away. Great job sp3ctr3.
Hawkian said:edit: Awesome results sp3ctr3! Gotta feel good.
Nub said:Originally Posted by SteveMeister:
Nice work, sp3ctr3 and Bark252!
Also, this.
Snkfanatic said:Excellent work dude!
sp3ctr3, keep up the good work!
So is it that necessary to do all of the exercises watching the DVDs? There's really no way for me to do pullups in my apartment.
I still suck at pullups and doing assisted ones doesn't help a great deal. It pisses me off to no end. Normal pullup, I can do 1½ but assisted feels so damn easy. I tried putting the chair so far away I can barely reach it with my toes, but then it just doesn't feel like I'm working out the correct muscles.... so frustrating. I'm considering buying a set of bands to tie to the pullup bar, so I can strap my foot in for some assistance in the pullup. In this way I will hang beneath the bar like a regular pullup. That should work right??
A general rule of thumb to go by when eating out is to ask for "more (x), less (starch)". So, for a dish with rice and chicken, or pasta and vegetables, etc. get less of the starchy, carb-filled component. And eat brown rice or whole wheat pasta whenever possible. But ultimately, it's not really a big deal in moderation.Ok so I've been invited to a Chinese/Vietnamese restaurant tomorrow, anything in particular I should avoid in regards to my workout(Insanity)?
I already looked at the menu and I have no idea what all that stuff is, I just don't want to kill my form completely with that dinner.
Day two of Insanity down and I think I'll be having nightmares about basketball drills......
Don't stress too much about it. If you have been working hard, and will keep working hard, a rare "cheat meal" won't screw your progress.
Try to eat dishes that have chicken and vegetables, and don't eat too much rice or noodles.
A general rule of thumb to go by when eating out is to ask for "more (x), less (starch)". So, for a dish with rice and chicken, or pasta and vegetables, etc. get less of the starchy, carb-filled component. And eat brown rice or whole wheat pasta whenever possible. But ultimately, it's not really a big deal in moderation.
Haven't worked out in so long, so finally I'm going to start power 90 this week (supposedly its better to start with power 90 rather than p90x).
I'll have to get some dumbbells and a pull-up bar as well. Will these work? I'm 5'8, 170lbs, skinny but with a "big" belly for my size.
If you are completely out of shape, P90 will help you ease into P90X. For P90 you don't need pull-up bar just yet. Just dumbells and a yoga mat
Thanks guys, it really does feel great. I've posted it a couple a times before and I'm posting it again. When I stare at myself everyday I can't see any change, but when you compare the pictures it really hits you.
I'm on my second month for Insanity. Did the third fitness test with small to moderate improvements over the last time which is great. Having to do the Max Interval Plyo afterwards is not though... I couldn't even do the warm up properly because I went all out on the fitness test. I still played the whole program through but found myself just did a few repetitions of each exercise and then lying on the floor watching the people in the video do the stuff.
My quads are sore and my butt hurts. I am afraid of this second month...
is starting strength still considered decent or has peoples changed their minds now? wanting to put some on muscle on after losing most of it last year when i got pretty ill. or is 90x okay for muscle gain too? got a gym accessible so equipment shouldnt be a problem.
is starting strength still considered decent or has peoples changed their minds now? wanting to put some on muscle on after losing most of it last year when i got pretty ill. or is 90x okay for muscle gain too? got a gym accessible so equipment shouldnt be a problem.
Well, I'm on week 3 and we haven't missed a workout. Our diet is on point too. Unforunately, I weighed myself this morning and I've only lost less than a pound.
I'm going to keep at it, but it's hard not to be discouraged. I'm thinking that two weeks is probably way too soon to start seeing significant results.
Well, I'm on week 3 and we haven't missed a workout. Our diet is on point too. Unforunately, I weighed myself this morning and I've only lost less than a pound.
I'm going to keep at it, but it's hard not to be discouraged. I'm thinking that two weeks is probably way too soon to start seeing significant results.
Keep at it. A lot people experience crazy results around day 60.
Also, now that you know the correct form of the moves, try to ramp up the intensity a little.
Are you talking about insanity?
I'm starting week 3 as well. I don't know about my weight since I don't have a scale, but I don't see a difference as well. I just tell myself that it's too soon, and according to a lot of people, results usually shows up during month two
two big Yoga milestones today. I actually managed to maintain Crane alongside the crew, and I also got up into Wheel successfully. Feels good.
Nah, P90X. I think you're better off not having a scale.It's too easy to use the scale as the most important measuring stick.
Awesome! I did finally get Crane, but Wheel always eluded me.
Yep. Don't bother with ANY measurements -- weight or otherwise -- any more often than about every 30 days, or when the program tells you to take your measurements.
is starting strength still considered decent or has peoples changed their minds now? wanting to put some on muscle on after losing most of it last year when i got pretty ill. or is 90x okay for muscle gain too? got a gym accessible so equipment shouldnt be a problem.
Just to put this into perspective:
I started with P90X. Granted I was always quite sporty (Competitive Fast Pitch Softball, Skiing and Tennis when I was younger) but I have been diagnosed with MS a few years ago.
Two years after the diagnosis I was sick and tired of not having full control over my body (balance issues and non existing strength).
I started with P90X but super light weights and modificiations to fit my strength.
ANY program can be modified to your needs...
I am now a double P90X graduate, Insanity and Asylum Graduate, started P90X and am currently doing a proper Gym routine with lifting quite heavy (25kg deadlifts and improving).
When I started P90X I couldn't do normal push-ups and was at 20+ consecutive Push-ups after the three month.
No pull-ups and ended up with 3 unassisted pull-ups after the first three month
Oh and no balance issues any more and great flexibility.
NiceJust to put this into perspective:
I started with P90X. Granted I was always quite sporty (Competitive Fast Pitch Softball, Skiing and Tennis when I was younger) but I have been diagnosed with MS a few years ago.
Two years after the diagnosis I was sick and tired of not having full control over my body (balance issues and non existing strength).
I started with P90X but super light weights and modificiations to fit my strength.
ANY program can be modified to your needs...
I am now a double P90X graduate, Insanity and Asylum Graduate, started P90X and am currently doing a proper Gym routine with lifting quite heavy (25kg deadlifts and improving).
When I started P90X I couldn't do normal push-ups and was at 20+ consecutive Push-ups after the three month.
No pull-ups and ended up with 3 unassisted pull-ups after the first three month
Oh and no balance issues any more and great flexibility.
I just started insanity and couldn't walk after the fit test, my legs were like jelly haha. Felt really sick and light headed too, feels good.
Body Beast grads! Which program are you doing now? I'm a month away from finishing my second round and considering p90x again. Kiiind of missing Tony and the gang. Also I was hoping to hear more about p90x3 around this time.
Thinking about doing one of these but I'm not sure what I should go for. My goals are mostly to lose like 10 pounds and get my cardio back up to something reasonable. Toning and any strength gains are a welcome bonus.
Insanity sounds like it is probably the program for me but I figured I'd ask here before I committed to anything.
Have you guys seen these slack line photos Tony has been uploading? Looks insane.
Yep, Insanity. Focus T25 is coming in July some time, but for now I'd recommend Insanity.
I'd asked a few weeks ago if folks were interested in joining an Insanity Challenge Group, but I didn't get much of a response. Basically it'll be a group of folks all doing Insanity at the same time, and you'll post daily about your workouts (either here or in a Facebook group). You'll also do the Beachbody Challenge, submitting before & after photos and logging workouts in the Super Gym which can qualify you to win prizes.
If anyone wants to get involved in one of these let me know.
I will absolutely be running Focus T25 group(s) once it's out.