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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

Lawd, P90X (lean) really does not prepare you for Insanity :lol
I did pretty decent in the fitness test (matching and in some cases exceeding what the other two trainers got on first try) but on the actual workouts I'm pretty much entirely fatigued from the halfway point onwards - I just hit a wall and then flop about lol The only move I can do well throughout is with press ups D;
Need to discover some ways to increase my energy prior to the workout to give me an extra boost.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I think Yoga X is my favorite P90X workout now (out of the consistent/weekly ones, at least). It hasn't been difficult for me for a while, but now that I'm getting noticeably stronger and more fit halfway through this current run, I can tangibly feel myself getting better and better at each pose every week, and it just feels damn good.

Lawd, P90X (lean) really does not prepare you for Insanity :lol
P90X Lean is weaksauce. The name is misleading — it should really be called P90X Lite.
I think Yoga X is my favorite P90X workout now (out of the consistent/weekly ones, at least). It hasn't been difficult for me for a while, but now that I'm getting noticeably stronger and more fit halfway through this current run, I can tangibly feel myself getting better and better at each pose every week, and it just feels damn good.

I must admit, now that I can do crane for a fair bit, it has turned me around on it.

Shoutouts to core synergistics being done twice in the recovery week too... damn that one gets me.
Anyone got any tips regarding floor switch kicks in max interval circuit? After 5-10 seconds my triceps are killing me. To overcome this I don't do the hopping, and I do it like the woman with the hat. Is this the way to go if I simply can't hop like they do?

Ya pretty much. Keep up with the rest of the gang as long as you can, then switch to the modified move when it gets too hard.
What's your weight, height, program and what do you eat?

6'1", 190-195lbs, and I'm doing Insanity. I should probably check in the morning, I've also been drinking TONS of water. I've had a gout attack for the last week so I haven't been going super hard on the workouts. I'm on my third week now.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'm going to challenge you and say sure you can. It's $4 dollar per meal, with all the nutritions and probiotics in the world. Every other meal that you buy on a daily basis costs more than that, and does not contribute to your health the way Shakeology does. Your health and well-being are worth investing in.

Annnd that's my soapbox

Ha, well calculating my average monthly lunch expenses it's about $15 a week (for weekdays), so that's $60 a month. A far cry from $150. :p


6'1", 190-195lbs, and I'm doing Insanity. I should probably check in the morning, I've also been drinking TONS of water. I've had a gout attack for the last week so I haven't been going super hard on the workouts. I'm on my third week now.

What do you usually eat? The answer about your results might be there. This has been mentioned many times but, great results depend mostly on nutrition. You can bust your ass working out, but if you aren't feeding your body the food it needs, your progress will be much, much slower.


6'1", 190-195lbs, and I'm doing Insanity. I should probably check in the morning, I've also been drinking TONS of water. I've had a gout attack for the last week so I haven't been going super hard on the workouts. I'm on my third week now.

A great help is to find a site or app where you can type in what you eat and how much. When I started P90X my goal was to shred fat. I was 5'11 and 185lbs and 26% FAT. I changed my diet to what I thought was healthy and a good calorie deficit, but when I punched in the number I was way wrong.

When shredding fat the calorie deficit is key. I got less than a week left of P90X and at day 60 I had shredded 8% bodyfat and 14-15lbs
6'1", 190-195lbs, and I'm doing Insanity. I should probably check in the morning, I've also been drinking TONS of water. I've had a gout attack for the last week so I haven't been going super hard on the workouts. I'm on my third week now.

Don't just look at the scale. Take body measurements as well.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Was on my feet all day in 90+ temps, volunteering for an event at work, hauling luggage and hustling from place to place. Six miles traveled according to my Fitbit. Then I got home and did Legs & Back and ARX. I'm dead.
Thoughts from the board....I jogged 10 miles with the gf this morning. I went at a pace that was very slow for me (trying to help her get ready for a marathon). Today is supposed tob e Chest & Back day. I had a big breakfast afterwards and feel pretty good. If we stopped running around 8:30 AM today, should I be concerned about doing Chest&Back around 2 or so?


The Cryptarch's Bane
Was on my feet all day in 90+ temps, volunteering for an event at work, hauling luggage and hustling from place to place. Six miles traveled according to my Fitbit. Then I got home and did Legs & Back and ARX. I'm dead.
Humidity down here is getting pretty oppressive.
I don't think so. Different body parts after all, and you say you feel pretty good.

I was able to do it without any major decreases in my numbers. In fact, I was able to crank out an extra 3 pull ups while my push ups stayed the same. I feel a lot more gassed than I did last time I did the work out which is probably to be expected


Neo Member
I have done 60 days and I must say you definitely get your money's worth. I went done a jean size and lost the belly.
Spoke a bit too soon. Ab Ripper X was MUCH harder. haha.

Still never tried Insanity or anything from it. is it a lot more cardio/

Yes, its pretty much mostly that in HIT form, although there are sections where you do chest (push ups) and tricep work (tricep dips).


Hang out with Steve.
Still never tried Insanity or anything from it. is it a lot more cardio/

Insanity is crazy hard but great. I did it last year, but I've been doing some Insanity workouts at my Fit Club at work.

Next Saturday I'm getting my Insanity Certification, I'll be able to teach Insanity classes :)



Hey guys, I was kinda bored so I went and make a header for the thread now that it has a new home. Thoughts?
Well guys, I've done it! I completed my first Spartan Race!


It's the first time I've ever done any type of physical competition, and I went in with the goal of simply being able to complete it. It took place in NY at the Tuxedo Ridge Ski Center, and was the Spartan Sprint.

The official description:

They aren't kidding about the slopes.

Most of the course felt vertical, really working out the quads and calves. The obstacles included the following punishments:

Dragging a cinder block up a hill via chain...then right back down.
Carrying 30-40lb sand bags up a steep incline, then running back down a slope with it.
Walls. Lots of walls. They get larger every time.
Rope climbing over mud.
Horizontal wall traversal.
Monkey bars.
Dragging a tractor tire that's anchored by a rope till there's no slack...then running back up and pulling it up via that rope.
Barbed wire mud crawl.
Walking across pegs.
More walls.

You get the idea..

I feel like I've come a long way since starting my fitness programs, courtesy of this thread right here. I wouldn't have been able to complete that race this same time last year, and that's a good feeling.

I was also introduced to a whole new level of fitness...some of the men and women involved in the race were straight up beasts, with someone actually finishing the race while me and most of the group were at the 25% mark. (Men's 7am Elite run)

I'm sore and battered, but nothing major. This race is the best thing I could have done for myself at this juncture...I now know I have to train harder for next time.

Thanks to everyone here who gave advise, encouragement, and information! It might sound dumb or cliche, but you guys helped instigate a lifechanger.

Time to train!


Hang out with Steve.
Insanity Pure Cardio is absolutely nuts...how the hell do you guys keep up in Asylum!?

*goes back to his free weights* =\

"Do your best & forget the rest!"

With Asylum, as with Insanity, you go at your pace. It's all really hard. I mean even the folks in the video collapse in heaps of sweat :)

The key with Insanity especially is to watch the timer bar. If you need to take a break, do so during the current exercise, so that you can dive right into the next move when it starts. You don't ever want to press pause. Eventually you'll get be able to keep going the entire time, and then you'll be able to start picking up the pace.

But even if you never do, as long as you keep going & don't pause you'll get a lot out of the program.
"Do your best & forget the rest!"

With Asylum, as with Insanity, you go at your pace. It's all really hard. I mean even the folks in the video collapse in heaps of sweat :)

The key with Insanity especially is to watch the timer bar. If you need to take a break, do so during the current exercise, so that you can dive right into the next move when it starts. You don't ever want to press pause. Eventually you'll get be able to keep going the entire time, and then you'll be able to start picking up the pace.

But even if you never do, as long as you keep going & don't pause you'll get a lot out of the program.

Yeah Steve you're absolutely on the money with this. I've been just hitting heavy weights within the past couple of weeks after graduating from P90X, but the cardio in Insanity is just...wow.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Thank god it's a recovery week. My shoulders are still destroyed from pull-ups on Legs & Back day plus lifting/hauling luggage for two days this weekend. Yoga will feel damn good.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Do it up, dawg. Cut out the second half, even — the first 50 minutes is the best part. During regular P90X weeks, I do the whole thing; but on recovery weeks (when it's in the schedule twice), I do the first part + yoga belly 7 + a twenty-minute stationary bike intervals routine, just to mix it up.


Insanity Fit Test - Part 3 (This time with pics!)

Switch Kicks - 111 ---> 120 ---> 136

Power Jacks - 35 ---> 39 ---> 47

Power Knees - Left 76 / Right 74 ---> Left 90 / Right 90 ---> Left 96 / Right 97

Power Jumps - 35 ---> 45 ---> 60

Globe Jumps - 10 ---> 11 ---> 12

Suicide Jumps - 14 ---> 17 ---> 21

Push Up Jacks - 19 ---> 24 ---> 32

Low Plank Oblique - 37 ---> 52 ---> 67

I don't think i'll be doing many more Power Knees in each workout, I don't see how it's possible. I'm already currently doing as many as I can, as fast as I can. I am excited I did almost 10 more pushup jacks than before though. Globe Jumps are still a bitch.

Pics: Hopefully you'll be able to tell (I definitely can) that my stomach is pretty much almost flat now. Started at around 180 (maybe 179, though I can't really remember), this morning weighed in at 170.4. I just decided to post 3 pics: Starting pic, end of week 2, and a pic of me after the first workout of month 2 (which was this morning). Link to the album - http://min.us/mkRQCYIuSMtml


Tomorrow I'll be out travelling for a month, so, likely, I will be out of equipment a lot of the time. I guess I'll have to modify the X schedule a bit. I'm also gonna start running at least 3 times a week. That's one of the thing that I'll be doing the most at bootcamp, so getting ready for it will be extremely useful.


Looking fit, Nub.

Thanks. I'm 21, and this is the best shape i've ever been in my entire life. I've never been one for fitness, and been pretty chunky my whole life. Feels really good. Just started Month 2 of Insanity so it can only get better from here too.
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