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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Hang out with Steve.
Nice fit test results, Nub!

Hey Beachbody is having a summer sale this week on a bunch of stuff. Go here to see what's on sale. If you're not already a Team Beachbody member, sign up here so I can be your coach :)

They've also got Les Mills Combat Challenge Packs on sale. A Challenge Pack includes the workout program and Shakeology on Home Direct automatic shipping (which eliminates shipping charges). The total cost of the LMC Challenge Pack is $140, which is $70 less than buying LMC and Shakeology separately. LMC is a fun program, especially if you like Kenpo in P90X. It's not as intense as Insanity, but it's a great cardio workout, and there are some strength and abs workouts. LMC helped strengthen my core and improved my balance, plus I learned how to properly do a number of kicks & learned a bit about various martial arts styles.


Was away on travel the past two weeks, but I'm back now and will be bringing it in a few hours once I get out of work. Four and a half months to get into good shape for Tough Mudder, and three and a half months to get ready for my first half marathon. Posting for accountability reasons!
Hey guys, a question--I started Insanity 4 weeks ago today, and a few days in I hurt my left wrist trying to do push-ups. My friends told me I could use dumb-bells as push-up bars or grips or whatever you would call them, and it worked to help spare my wrists some of the pain. But the truth is I'm still very slow and I have a hard time using them for things like the the in and out jumps. I'm getting nervous hearing about the push-up stuff in month two... I try to just do modified versions of those things or if all else fails, just push-ups or planks if my wrist can't handle any more pressure. Is this going to seriously impact my results? Is there something I can do that won't hurt my wrist but will allow me to not have nasty flabby arms when I'm done with my 60 days?

Also, Ramadan starts in the second week of July, and I'll be forced to change my workout. I don't want to take the whole month off and lose everything I've gained... I was thinking if I can do some kind of anaerobic exercise, or maybe yoga or something... I just need to do something that won't make me thirsty and dizzy. Any suggestions? Breaking fast is really late at night, I think around 9 or so, so it's not really an option to work out after I've eaten.


Hang out with Steve.
Hey guys, a question--I started Insanity 4 weeks ago today, and a few days in I hurt my left wrist trying to do push-ups. My friends told me I could use dumb-bells as push-up bars or grips or whatever you would call them, and it worked to help spare my wrists some of the pain. But the truth is I'm still very slow and I have a hard time using them for things like the the in and out jumps. I'm getting nervous hearing about the push-up stuff in month two... I try to just do modified versions of those things or if all else fails, just push-ups or planks if my wrist can't handle any more pressure. Is this going to seriously impact my results? Is there something I can do that won't hurt my wrist but will allow me to not have nasty flabby arms when I'm done with my 60 days?

So with push-ups, if you guide your elbows backward you're hitting your triceps, and if you guide them outwards you're hitting your chest. You might want to try doing them on your knees; reducing the weight may spare your wrists and you'll still get a lot out of it.

For the in & outs, ski abs & such -- I.e. moves in plank position -- the key is to make sure your arms are perpendicular to the floor, with your hands directly below your shoulders. If you're forward or backward the moves will be harder. Above all, form trumps speed! Make sure you're staying in proper form, and if you start losing it take a break (child's pose is excellent for this). Just take your time.

Since you injured your wrist, you might just want to take a week off to let it heal. You could do the recovery videos and omit any push-ups & plank work, and resume the regular schedule once your wrist is better.

Also, Ramadan starts in the second week of July, and I'll be forced to change my workout. I don't want to take the whole month off and lose everything I've gained... I was thinking if I can do some kind of anaerobic exercise, or maybe yoga or something... I just need to do something that won't make me thirsty and dizzy. Any suggestions? Breaking fast is really late at night, I think around 9 or so, so it's not really an option to work out after I've eaten.

I'd workout in the morning as early as you can. Yoga, Tai Chi, or even a set of body weight exercises might work well.


Throwing my hat in. Started today with Insanity's Fit Test.

Got off to a bad start, as I was half-way through, I was too far back and my foot hit our coffee-table and I slipped, hit my lower back against the table and sprained my ankle. But still went through the rest of it, at a much slower pace though. Will continue on tomorrow.

I'm currently at 220 lbs., want to lose at least 10 lbs., mainly from my big tummy. Wish me luck and that I don't fall again. Doh!


Hang out with Steve.
Throwing my hat in. Started today with Insanity's Fit Test.

Got off to a bad start, as I was half-way through, I was too far back and my foot hit our coffee-table and I slipped, hit my lower back against the table and sprained my ankle. But still went through the rest of it, at a much slower pace though. Will continue on tomorrow.

I'm currently at 220 lbs., want to lose at least 10 lbs., mainly from my big tummy. Wish me luck and that I don't fall again. Doh!

Congrats on getting started! Sorry about your ankle. Hope it's not too bad. As you go forward just make sure you go at your own pace & focus more on FORM rather than speed. Take the time you need to learn the moves & do them right, and take breaks if your form starts slipping.

Good luck & keep posting, we'll cheer you on !
Throwing my hat in. Started today with Insanity's Fit Test.

Got off to a bad start, as I was half-way through, I was too far back and my foot hit our coffee-table and I slipped, hit my lower back against the table and sprained my ankle. But still went through the rest of it, at a much slower pace though. Will continue on tomorrow.

I'm currently at 220 lbs., want to lose at least 10 lbs., mainly from my big tummy. Wish me luck and that I don't fall again. Doh!

Just to give you a heads up, don't get discouraged if you don't lose weight immediately. I didn't start losing weight on Insanity until the recovery week. I ended up losing 15 pounds overall during those last 5 weeks.


Finally got around to using my vest for a workout. I ran 2 miles in 15 minutes with the thing on, it's 30lbs. I'm definitely going to need to tweak how tight or loose I have it. Too loose and it hurts like crazy to run in, too tight and you can't breathe... Today I did the later. I. Could. Not. BREATHE. Maybe slightly looser and I'll be fine. I'll try it tomorrow. Also did four sets of 12 pull-ups and 4 sets of 30 push-ups and some squats. Those moves felt great.

I'm not doing anything BB related at the moment.. This move threw me off so much it's ridiculous, and I'm leaving for a week to France to visit family, so it makes no sense to try to start a program.
Call me a masochist but I love that targeted soreness from a workout.

Haha, I feel like one of the few people in the world who feels this way. It hurts of course, but it's like "hell yes, I worked hard." It's like.. you can feel the work you did. :)

So with push-ups, if you guide your elbows backward you're hitting your triceps, and if you guide them outwards you're hitting your chest. You might want to try doing them on your knees; reducing the weight may spare your wrists and you'll still get a lot out of it.

For the in & outs, ski abs & such -- I.e. moves in plank position -- the key is to make sure your arms are perpendicular to the floor, with your hands directly below your shoulders. If you're forward or backward the moves will be harder. Above all, form trumps speed! Make sure you're staying in proper form, and if you start losing it take a break (child's pose is excellent for this). Just take your time.

Since you injured your wrist, you might just want to take a week off to let it heal. You could do the recovery videos and omit any push-ups & plank work, and resume the regular schedule once your wrist is better.

I'd workout in the morning as early as you can. Yoga, Tai Chi, or even a set of body weight exercises might work well.

Thanks very much for the advice, I really appreciate it. :) I really don't want to get off schedule.. ;_; I honestly didn't realize putting hands forward makes it worse, it feels easier somehow. I'll have to try focusing on having them under my shoulders.
Insanity Fit Test - Part 3 (This time with pics!)

Switch Kicks - 111 ---> 120 ---> 136

Power Jacks - 35 ---> 39 ---> 47

Power Knees - Left 76 / Right 74 ---> Left 90 / Right 90 ---> Left 96 / Right 97

Power Jumps - 35 ---> 45 ---> 60

Globe Jumps - 10 ---> 11 ---> 12

Suicide Jumps - 14 ---> 17 ---> 21

Push Up Jacks - 19 ---> 24 ---> 32

Low Plank Oblique - 37 ---> 52 ---> 67

I don't think i'll be doing many more Power Knees in each workout, I don't see how it's possible. I'm already currently doing as many as I can, as fast as I can. I am excited I did almost 10 more pushup jacks than before though. Globe Jumps are still a bitch.

Pics: Hopefully you'll be able to tell (I definitely can) that my stomach is pretty much almost flat now. Started at around 180 (maybe 179, though I can't really remember), this morning weighed in at 170.4. I just decided to post 3 pics: Starting pic, end of week 2, and a pic of me after the first workout of month 2 (which was this morning). Link to the album - http://min.us/mkRQCYIuSMtml

Very nice progress, keep it up bud!


Also, Ramadan starts in the second week of July, and I'll be forced to change my workout. I don't want to take the whole month off and lose everything I've gained... I was thinking if I can do some kind of anaerobic exercise, or maybe yoga or something... I just need to do something that won't make me thirsty and dizzy. Any suggestions? Breaking fast is really late at night, I think around 9 or so, so it's not really an option to work out after I've eaten.
I'm sure you already know it, but don't workout when dehydrated from fasting. I tried doing X2 Base&Back just before breaking my fast last summer and I literaly passed out (and posted about it in this thread lol...). What I did is I broke my fast with a lot of liquid (water, coffee, whey, preworkout drink, anything really), worked out right away, then had my first meal. Really it's just like intermittent fasting but you can't drink during the day
Ha, well calculating my average monthly lunch expenses it's about $15 a week (for weekdays), so that's $60 a month. A far cry from $150. :p

Damn it :( Was hoping you spent much more on food. Well, I hope you find some suitable substitute for meal replacement shake. I always see some organic/vegan stuff at Whole Foods, I don't know how good they are though. Amazon has plenty too


Is there anyway Steve can hook you up with some Shakeology sample? Just wondering out loud.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
I'll cross post here:

Alright, thinking about doing the almond quest bars as a lunch replacement. Anyone do this? Good idea?

I'd do a few eggs + turkey bacon for breakfast, and snacks of almonds and string cheese during the day. Along with my main dinner at night (usually chicken+ veggies).

Sound like a decent plan?

Or do I do something more like the Met-Rx bars? For more calories? Trade off is more carbs too.


Met-RX cookie chip bar is friggin' delicious, but IIRC, it has tons of fat, carbs, and like 30g of sugar.

So, if you are skipping a meal to lose weight and instead you get a bar, you are making things worse.

Speaking of cookie, I'm at the airport right now eating a bag of chips ahoy just because I was starving. Feels bad man.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Met-RX cookie chip bar is friggin' delicious, but IIRC, it has tons of fat, carbs, and like 30g of sugar.

So, if you are skipping a meal to lose weight and instead you get a bar, you are making things worse.

Speaking of cookie, I'm at the airport right now eating a bag of chips ahoy just because I was starving. Feels bad man.

Ah, alright. Quest bars seem a lot better in that regard, maybe I should go with them?


Nice fit test results, Nub!

Great results Nub! Both on your body and your fit test scores.
Be strong during month 2!

Very nice progress, keep it up bud!
Thanks guys. I'm really looking forward to month 2, gonna be a nice challenge.

Speaking of cookie, I'm at the airport right now eating a bag of chips ahoy just because I was starving. Feels bad man.
It happens to the best of us.


Hang out with Steve.
I'll cross post here:

Alright, thinking about doing the almond quest bars as a lunch replacement. Anyone do this? Good idea?

I'd do a few eggs + turkey bacon for breakfast, and snacks of almonds and string cheese during the day. Along with my main dinner at night (usually chicken+ veggies).

Sound like a decent plan?

Or do I do something more like the Met-Rx bars? For more calories? Trade off is more carbs too.

Looking at the ingredients, the Quest bars look much healthier. The MET-Rx replacement bars have soy, HFCS, artificial flavors, canola oil, etc. Lots of stuff I wouldn't want to eat.


Quest bars are like 50% organic, but they also have a lot of sugar (20g). I personally don't like the flavor too. I'd go for the Pure Protein Bars: 4.5g fat, 18g carbs, 20g protein and 3g sugar.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Hmm, alright. Just looking for the best bar to replace lunch with during the week that won't break the bank when I order. I've heard a ton of good things about Quest which is why I went there first. Sugar isn't good though.

Just need to get enough calories out of it too. I think they have those Pure Protein ones at the grocery store, maybe I'll start with them.


Hang out with Steve.
Quest bars are like 50% organic, but they also have a lot of sugar (20g). I personally don't like the flavor too. I'd go for the Pure Protein Bars: 4.5g fat, 18g carbs, 20g protein and 3g sugar.

Well, to be fair to the Quest Bars, for the vanilla almond crunch flavor out of 22g carbs, 18g are dietary fiber from nuts and only 1g is sugar. This is from their website. MFP appears to have incorrect info.


I feel bad about myself.
Did Max Plyo today, but hardly dug deeper.
I still ended up drenched in sweat, but I know I didn't push myself to the limit, especialy at the start of the workout. I rested way too long, and just wanted it to end :p
On the bright side, I didn't quit in the middle like I wanted to!


That's the kind I was planning to get too. Has the most calories.
I think a Quest Bar plus a glass of skim milk would be a good meal replacement.

And there's very little sugar in Quest Bars. The sweetness comes from stevia/lo guan ho. My personal favorites are Apple Pie, Cinnamon Roll (although these can be very, very chewy) and Strawberry Cheesecake. Amazon also sells 12-bar variety packs so you can try all the flavors.

My current meal plan:

Breakfast: 3 eggs
Mid-morning: ON whey protein shake + creatine
Lunch: turkey wrap + almonds
Mid-afternoon: Quest bar
Pre-workout: teaspoon of peanut butter
Post-workout: ON whey protein shake + creatine
Dinner: Low-carb, high protein meal


Hang out with Steve.
My current Beast Phase meal plan (why not? :))

Pre-workout: Mix up some BCAAs into 10oz water, drink a couple oz
During workout: Drink the rest of the BCAAs over the course of the workout, along with water
Post-workout: Recovery Drink: 8oz water with 1 scoop Beachbody Fuel Shot, 1 scoop Beachbody Base Shake, 1 scoop creatine
Breakfast (30-45 minutes later): Shakeology made with whole milk, crushed ice, either 1tbs almond butter or 1tbs coconut oil, a handful of fresh blueberries and some other sort of fruit (today was 5 cherries, sometimes I'll put in 1/2-2/3 of a banana)
Lunch: Varies. We have a great cafeteria at work. I'll get some sort of meat, extra veggies, and sometimes a greek yogurt. Today I had a seafood wrap, veggies, and a small bowl of chili.
Snack: Don't always have one. Sometimes it's a protein shake, right now I have Carnivor beef protein isolate (chocolate) with milk, sometimes a greek yogurt.
Dinner: Also varies. Usually some meat & a bunch of veggies.

On my rest days I sometimes have the Shakeology for lunch, and I'll add 1 scoop of Base Shake for extra protein. Otherwise I skip the Fuel Shot & Creatine. Just started with BCAAs and the instructions say to sip at it throughout the day so we'll see how that goes.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
Thanks all. I ordered 12 of the Vanilla Almond Quest bars. We'll try it out for 2 weeks and see how it goes. I plan to do 2 eggs + turkey bacon for breakfast, quest + milk for lunch, almonds+string cheese for snack, and then dinner (usually chicken/veggies).

We'll see how that goes.
I think a Quest Bar plus a glass of skim milk would be a good meal replacement.

And there's very little sugar in Quest Bars. The sweetness comes from stevia/lo guan ho. My personal favorites are Apple Pie, Cinnamon Roll (although these can be very, very chewy) and Strawberry Cheesecake. Amazon also sells 12-bar variety packs so you can try all the flavors.

My current meal plan:

Breakfast: 3 eggs
Mid-morning: ON whey protein shake + creatine
Lunch: turkey wrap + almonds
Mid-afternoon: Quest bar
Pre-workout: teaspoon of peanut butter
Post-workout: ON whey protein shake + creatine
Dinner: Low-carb, high protein meal

I got the Quest varitey pack recently. Apple pie is so damn good.

Btw, you're not "bringing it " to the LEGO thread as of late ;)
I feel bad about myself.
Did Max Plyo today, but hardly dug deeper.
I still ended up drenched in sweat, but I know I didn't push myself to the limit, especialy at the start of the workout. I rested way too long, and just wanted it to end :p
On the bright side, I didn't quit in the middle like I wanted to!

Maybe I'm just not pushing myself hard enough. I'm sweaty and tired after insanity but I guess I don't feel like I've killed myself. I went really hard at the start of one exercise today and my heart wouldn't stop beating. Then I just felt like I couldn't do the rest of the exercises


Maybe I'm just not pushing myself hard enough. I'm sweaty and tired after insanity but I guess I don't feel like I've killed myself. I went really hard at the start of one exercise today and my heart wouldn't stop beating. Then I just felt like I couldn't do the rest of the exercises

Most of the time I feel dead, but not always. But maybe that's just because my shape sucks... After Max Circuit I lay on the floor with the rest of them like in the video :p
I cracks me up every time how Jeff gets up and... I don't remember her name is shocked.

For anyone doing Insanity, invest in a heart rate monitor. It's well worth it.

I doubt I'll do it for this round since I have 2 weeks left to go, but how does that work exactly? Shaun always saying check your heart rate, but even if I did, what should I see \ expect?
I doubt I'll do it for this round since I have 2 weeks left to go, but how does that work exactly? Shaun always saying check your heart rate, but even if I did, what should I see expect?

It monitors your heart rate so it helps you find the perfect intensity level during your workout. Not too high, not too low. Some also track the amount of calories you burn (although not totally accurate but gives you a good idea).
Most of the time I feel dead, but not always. But maybe that's just because my shape sucks... After Max Circuit I lay on the floor with the rest of them like in the video :p
I cracks me up every time how Jeff gets up and... I don't remember her name is shocked.

I doubt I'll do it for this round since I have 2 weeks left to go, but how does that work exactly? Shaun always saying check your heart rate, but even if I did, what should I see \ expect?

I'm not there yet but I've seen a photo of it and it terrifies me. My favorite thing right now is the moment in pure cardio when the black chick (I only remember Tanya, Chris, and Ariel's names--and Ariel only because she's so white and red-haired like the little Mermaid XD) says she wants to leave and Shaun T is like "yeah! keep pushing!" and then it hits him like two seconds later and he's like "you want to leave!? Go take a break!" It's like you can hear the record scratch in his head.

I use my fuelband to measure calories, but I don't have a heart rate monitor. I basically push myself as hard as I can, and if my heart feels like it's about to beat out of my chest I slow down a little until I get back to elevated and in workout zone but not "you're about to die pretty soon".


It monitors your heart rate so it helps you find the perfect intensity level during your workout. Not too high, not too low. Some also track the amount of calories you burn (although not totally accurate but gives you a good idea).

But how do you determine the heart rate which fits the intensity level? Is that supposed to be common knowledge?

BTW, I feel kinda bad for saying it, but I want it to end :(
It's no easy task to go 9 weeks in a row, working out every day at such intense levels, especialy when it's my first time working out in years.
I'm not gonna quit so close to the end, but I just want to be there.
Maybe that's why I had zero motivation today (although yesterday I was fine)
But how do you determine the heart rate which fits the intensity level? Is that supposed to be common knowledge?

BTW, I feel kinda bad for saying it, but I want it to end :(
It's no easy task to go 9 weeks in a row, working out every day at such intense levels, especialy when it's my first time working out in years.
I'm not gonna quit so close to the end, but I just want to be there.
Maybe that's why I had zero motivation today (although yesterday I was fine)

Here's a pretty good write up:

A tremendous benefit to using a heart rate monitor is that it helps you maintain the optimal heart rate target zone for your specific goal. In effect, the HRM is your pacer, telling you when to speed up or slow down. Higher-end models inform you via a digital display and/or an audible tone when you are above or below your desired zone.
Exercising in the right heart rate zone will help you optimize your performance. A fat-burning goal may require 40 to 80 minutes in one zone, for example, while an aerobic conditioning workout might mean 10 to 40 minutes in another.
The target zone is a percentage range based on your maximum heart rate (HRmax). Various algorithms have been developed to calculate an HRmax estimate, but the simplest of these is:
HRmax = 220 – your age.
The American Heart Association offers the chart below as a general guideline. (Note that some medications can affect your target rate zone.) However, it is always best to have a stress test under a physician's supervision to determine your actual HRmax.
Heart Rate Target Zone 50-85% Avg. Maximum Heart Rate 100%
Age Beats/minute Beats/minute
20 100–170 200
25 98–166 195
30 95–162 190
35 93–157 185
40 90–153 180
45 88–149 175
50 85–145 170
55 83–140 165
60 80–136 160
65 78–132 155
70 75–128 150
Bringing your maximum heart rate to different aerobic zones provides specific results:
● Endurance (60%–70%): Considered ideal for endurance and weight-loss programs. Develops cardiovascular and muscular efficiency. The body learns to use stored fat as fuel.
● Aerobic (70%–80%): Ideal for overall cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and weight management. The body burns mostly fat and carbohydrates in this zone.
● Anaerobic (80%–90%): Used for interval workouts or consistent speed. At this zone, your breathing will be heavy and your muscles tired. Enhances lung capacity and increases lactate tolerance.
● VO2 Max (90%–100%): Helps enhance speed in athletes (who exercise at this level only for short periods as muscles quickly go into oxygen debt). Exercising in this zone can strengthen your fast-twitch muscles and increase your speed.


What are some of your favorite high carb but low fat foods?

I've been doing IF for a little over 2 weeks and I just realized I'm supposed to be eating low fat but high carb on work out days. The opposite was always easy for me (getting my fats mostly from nuts, fish, extra virgin olive oil, etc) but I'm struggling with the high carb / low fat part.
What are some of your favorite high carb but low fat foods?

I've been doing IF for a little over 2 weeks and I just realized I'm supposed to be eating low fat but high carb on work out days. The opposite was always easy for me (getting my fats mostly from nuts, fish, extra virgin olive oil, etc) but I'm struggling with the high carb / low fat part.

brown rice, quinoa (extra points to quinoa), whole wheat/grain (I think) oatmeal, whole wheat pasta, beans, lentils

Personal favorites are quinoa and lentils, just amazing food.

Annnnnd I haven't been sleeping well. My body is breaking down. The last few days' workouts have been almost terrifying. Yoga was literally torture. I am dreading starting resistance workouts again. I will take all of these signs as it is time to take a break. No exercises today or tomorrow...


Today is day 90 of P90X. Can't believe I finally made it. Working out always seemed like such an impossible task to me but with something like P90X you always have time for it. Also the best results I've ever gotten in such short time.

Will be posting Day90 pictures tomorrow and the final numbers.

I was hoping to be more cut than this, but it's a nice start and I am way stronger than when I started. And no, I won't stop working out now or go back to my old ways of shitty diet :D

I'm taking a week off and then I will do Phase 3 again as I am very disappointed with my own disciplin/performance in this phase.


Hang out with Steve.
Congrats, Sp3ctr3! Don't worry that you're not exactly where you want to be yet. You can always improve. Fitness is a journey and you've done a great thing by sticking with it for this long.

Pulled a muscle in my arm somehow. Started hurting last night, extending it out in front of me hurts at the top of my bicep/bottom of the outside shoulder muscle. And this morning was supposed to be shoulders. So I'm taking a few days off. I have my Insanity Certification on Saturday & I want to make sure I'm right for it.


Was away on travel the past two weeks, but I'm back now and will be bringing it in a few hours once I get out of work. Four and a half months to get into good shape for Tough Mudder, and three and a half months to get ready for my first half marathon. Posting for accountability reasons!
I'm using insanity for the same purpose at the moment. I have until the middle of October and started a bit over a month ago. I'll start p90x after insanity and go from there. Excited and nervous as I've never done anything like it before.
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