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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

man of science

Neo Member
I finally moved up to P90 3-4 on Tuesday and it kicked my ass. So many more squats and lunges! I'm doing the entire Sculpt routine but on Sweat days I'm only doing the stretch, yoga and ab workouts.


I seem to have hit a weight loss barrier. I'm in week 4 (not recovery, doing an extra week because I missed a few workouts) and I'm really getting good workouts in now that I'm used to the routines. I feel much stronger than when I started but the pounds aren't coming off anymore (and I've got some to lose). I had lost about 8 pounds in the first 3 weeks but I have been holding steady over the past week.
When you guys finish a round of P90X, do you just start another one?

Or do you switch to another workout? Or take a break for a while?

C'mon frog boy!

I'm in the middle of my first p90x round now. I'm planning on jumping to another workout routine probably bout 4 days a week for a month or two before jumping into another round of p90x.

Did plyo x yesterday and yea that guy in the back is bonkers.
I seem to have hit a weight loss barrier. I'm in week 4 (not recovery, doing an extra week because I missed a few workouts) and I'm really getting good workouts in now that I'm used to the routines. I feel much stronger than when I started but the pounds aren't coming off anymore (and I've got some to lose). I had lost about 8 pounds in the first 3 weeks but I have been holding steady over the past week.
How's your diet?


How's your diet?
Same as it was the first few weeks. I've been pretty good with low-carb. I've been stopped up a lot though so I think that might be part of it. Also, I need to drink more water. I've been feeling a little dehydrated in the mornings. Lastly, I've been skipping my between meal snacks lately because I've been busy at work so my metabolism isn't as active as it should be.

I'm not discouraged because I know I'm getting stronger. It's more annoying than anything.
I finally moved up to P90 3-4 on Tuesday and it kicked my ass. So many more squats and lunges! I'm doing the entire Sculpt routine but on Sweat days I'm only doing the stretch, yoga and ab workouts.

Those squats were killers! Especially the set of five in round 2

Cardio was pretty intense with the additional round, especially the knee ups
Wanted to post yesterday since protein powder was being talked about, but time got away from me.

Anyway, be really careful with the cheaper powders. A lot of them are PACKED with cholesterol. Unfortunately, you need to move quite a bit up the price curve before you get to the ones that aren't working against you just as much as they're working for you...

My 2 cents, anyway. I learned this lesson the hard way. And it may not apply to all the cheap powders, so...
I feel much stronger than when I started but the pounds aren't coming off anymore (and I've got some to lose). I had lost about 8 pounds in the first 3 weeks but I have been holding steady over the past week.

Everybody sing! La la, muscle weighs more than fat, tra la la la la. :)

Just bustin' on ya. But seriously, it ain't the weight. It's how you're carrying it.
Everybody sing! La la, muscle weighs more than fat, tra la la la la. :)

Just bustin' on ya. But seriously, it ain't the weight. It's how you're carrying it.

Thanks on the note about the powder and on this one top. I started out doing p90 first so the majority of my weight loss occurred then. I think I'm gonna be at a stable 152lbs since thats the number for 3 weeks now
What is everyone doing after X2? I think I'm going to do P90X again but switch in X2 Yoga. Thoughts?

Asylum. After that im just gonna do my own routine mixing the exercises i liked from P90X and P90X2.

I seem to have hit a weight loss barrier. I'm in week 4 (not recovery, doing an extra week because I missed a few workouts) and I'm really getting good workouts in now that I'm used to the routines. I feel much stronger than when I started but the pounds aren't coming off anymore (and I've got some to lose). I had lost about 8 pounds in the first 3 weeks but I have been holding steady over the past week.

Make sure you're eating at least the specified amount of calories for your weight range. Eat less and your body will go into starvation mode and hoard your body fat.

As mentioned muscle weighs more than fat. I stayed the same weight for a while but visually looked thinner because of the muscle.

Ill Saint

What is everyone doing after X2? I think I'm going to do P90X again but switch in X2 Yoga. Thoughts?

Gonna come up with some kind of hybrid P90X / P90X2 plan. Best of both worlds. The foam rolling and core stability work is too important to ditch by just going back to P90X.


Everybody sing! La la, muscle weighs more than fat, tra la la la la. :)

Just bustin' on ya. But seriously, it ain't the weight. It's how you're carrying it.

Yeah that's what my wife was telling me this morning too. I guess I just expected it to start happening at a lower weight.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Nother one of those days. Time to try out some Kenpo :D

edit: While I can see that this isn't as intense a workout as the others, I did sweat quite a lot. I think adding a pair of arm/leg weights to keep the intensity up when necessary would be good. I think I'll keep it in.

Of the 6, Yoga was seriously the one that made me sweat the most. I gotta swap in the one from X2.


Rest day then on to phase 3 tomorrow. Will be happy to finish this round. Will most likely start up a Insanity/P90X hybrid sometime in April.


so finally made it, finished P90X... thank god. Starting getting tedious towards the end. Lost 25lbs. I'm 6'8 dropped from 282 to 257 as of today. My goal is 240 so more then halfway there. I've never been under 260 since i think i was like 13 (im 32)

I've been done for about 4 days and took a few days fully off. It did do one thing for me which is what i was hoping it would do. I feel like a slob when i dont do anything for multiple days in a row.

I can't do the time investment of P90X again over the summer. Going to start doing a modified Insanity pretty soon. Did P90X get me ready for it or am i going to be dying?


Week 1 of Phase 2 completed (6 weeks total). Almost seems like the original X routines gets more out of you then these do, doesn't seem as intense. Perhaps I just need to bring up the intensity. Still making progress on my weight loss and I hope that this phase will help develop and define muscle.

I caved over the weekend and had something I probably shouldn't have. For those that get tempted and hungry over descriptions, like myself, I'll spoiler it:
It was a bacon cheeseburger with homemade fries on it and a special hot ranch-type sauce. So good. I did however get a salad with it instead of more french fries :p

What is everyone doing after X2? I think I'm going to do P90X again but switch in X2 Yoga. Thoughts?

I'm going to try and come up with a P90X/X2/Insnaity hybrid. Replace Yoga X with Yoga X2. Drop in Pure Cardio (or other) in place of Kenpo X. Maybe Plyocide over Plyometrics.

so finally made it, finished P90X... thank god. Starting getting tedious towards the end. Lost 25lbs. I'm 6'8 dropped from 282 to 257 as of today. My goal is 240 so more then halfway there. I've never been under 260 since i think i was like 13 (im 32)

I can't do the time investment of P90X again over the summer. Going to start doing a modified Insanity pretty soon. Did P90X get me ready for it or am i going to be dying?

Awesome work, great job on pushing through.

I think Insanity, like any exercise routine, will impact people in different ways. After finishing P90X the first time, it was rough and took quite an adjustment as the routine, to me, was too high paced and high intensity for me to quickly adjust to. You may have an easier time with it, but I would suggest skimming through some of the videos and try out the Fit Test video and see where you are at. It definitely becomes manageable as you continue to go through it. Insanity is definitely a calorie burner though :p
so finally made it, finished P90X... thank god. Starting getting tedious towards the end. Lost 25lbs. I'm 6'8 dropped from 282 to 257 as of today. My goal is 240 so more then halfway there. I've never been under 260 since i think i was like 13 (im 32)

I've been done for about 4 days and took a few days fully off. It did do one thing for me which is what i was hoping it would do. I feel like a slob when i dont do anything for multiple days in a row.

I can't do the time investment of P90X again over the summer. Going to start doing a modified Insanity pretty soon. Did P90X get me ready for it or am i going to be dying?



Awesome work, great job on pushing through.

I think Insanity, like any exercise routine, will impact people in different ways. After finishing P90X the first time, it was rough and took quite an adjustment as the routine, to me, was too high paced and high intensity for me to quickly adjust to. You may have an easier time with it, but I would suggest skimming through some of the videos and try out the Fit Test video and see where you are at. It definitely becomes manageable as you continue to go through it. Insanity is definitely a calorie burner though :p


i did watch a few of them. Watching them makes me think i'm going to die for the first. week or two at least. I can blast through Plyo, but i dont want to keep doing Plyo but like calorie burning mixed in with slight muscle building need something new and closer to the time of Insanity. I can actually do them in the morning.

OG Kush


i did watch a few of them. Watching them makes me think i'm going to die for the first. week or two at least. I can blast through Plyo, but i dont want to keep doing Plyo but like calorie burning mixed in with slight muscle building need something new and closer to the time of Insanity. I can actually do them in the morning.

Yep the first couple weeks will be tough. Then you get the hang of it... and then its shaken up all over again for the 2nd. Again, the first week of 2nd month will be tough, but then you eventually get used to it. The "runners high" afterwards feels amazing though.
Finished my first day of p90x.

Wow. I feel wrecked. And I thought I was in somewhat decent shape.

Like, the last 10 minutes were brutal, and AB Ripper X was just hnnnnnnnggggg. I had trouble just getting my shirt off to take a shower after the workout. Still, feels good man. I guess tomorrow the real fun begins with plyometrics? Any tips to prevent my death?
Finished my first day of p90x.

Wow. I feel wrecked. And I thought I was in somewhat decent shape.

Like, the last 10 minutes were brutal, and AB Ripper X was just hnnnnnnnggggg. I had trouble just getting my shirt off to take a shower after the workout. Still, feels good man. I guess tomorrow the real fun begins with plyometrics? Any tips to prevent my death?

Take breaks as you need. Warm up is real important because plyo is heavy on lower body. LOTS of squats. Breathe! :)


I'm now officially a P90X grad :D It's been quite the ride lol Pics, stats and fit test results coming up soon.

oh and I'm ready to "dig deep" tomorrow ;)


The Cryptarch's Bane
Finished my first day of p90x.

Wow. I feel wrecked. And I thought I was in somewhat decent shape.

Like, the last 10 minutes were brutal, and AB Ripper X was just hnnnnnnnggggg. I had trouble just getting my shirt off to take a shower after the workout. Still, feels good man. I guess tomorrow the real fun begins with plyometrics? Any tips to prevent my death?
Welcome! Had my first rest day today. You'll keep getting wrecked and being amazed. Tips for plyometrics- you NEED a mat unless you're doing it on thick carpet. Prepare for basically your whole body to be sore after that one- take a long shower. If you have any questions everybody here has been really helpful... and keep posting in here, it helps.


Fit test results:-

-Resting Heart Rate:
before: didn't have a HRM --- after: 60

before: 14 ---- after: 81

before: 3 ---- after: 12

-Toe Touch:
before: -4in ---- after: +6.5in

-Vertical Leap:
before: 9in ---- after: 17.5in

-Wall Squat:
before: 55 seconds ---- after: 5 minutes and 3 seconds

-Bicep Curls (20lb):
before: 8 reps ---- after: 21 reps

-In & Outs:
before 25 ---- after: 114

-Weight: lost 5 pounds overall

-Waist: from 31in to 28in

-Bodyfat: from 22% to 15%


Fit test results:-

-Resting Heart Rate:
before: didn't have a HRM --- after: 60

before: 14 ---- after: 81

before: 3 ---- after: 12

-Toe Touch:
before: -4in ---- after: +6.5in

-Vertical Leap:
before: 9in ---- after: 17.5in

-Wall Squat:
before: 55 seconds ---- after: 5 minutes and 3 seconds

-Bicep Curls (20lb):
before: 8 reps ---- after: 21 reps

-In & Outs:
before 25 ---- after: 114

-Weight: lost 5 pounds overall

-Waist: from 31in to 28in

-Bodyfat: from 22% to 15%
81 push ups without stopping? Impressive!
Finished my first day of p90x.

Wow. I feel wrecked. And I thought I was in somewhat decent shape.

Like, the last 10 minutes were brutal, and AB Ripper X was just hnnnnnnnggggg. I had trouble just getting my shirt off to take a shower after the workout. Still, feels good man. I guess tomorrow the real fun begins with plyometrics? Any tips to prevent my death?

Good job.

Make sure you post after plyo too.


thanks everyone :)

here's me sucking my gut in :p

and here's me today

I look bigger even though I've lost a lot of fat.
Fit test results:-

-Resting Heart Rate:
before: didn't have a HRM --- after: 60

before: 14 ---- after: 81

before: 3 ---- after: 12

-Toe Touch:
before: -4in ---- after: +6.5in

-Vertical Leap:
before: 9in ---- after: 17.5in

-Wall Squat:
before: 55 seconds ---- after: 5 minutes and 3 seconds

-Bicep Curls (20lb):
before: 8 reps ---- after: 21 reps

-In & Outs:
before 25 ---- after: 114

-Weight: lost 5 pounds overall

-Waist: from 31in to 28in

-Bodyfat: from 22% to 15%

81 pushup but only 12 pull ups? Were you going deep with the pushups?

OG Kush

Yes. Unless your idea of good is bodybuilder massive.

I know you can get a decent chest with it, but I'm talking NICE chest if you know what I mean. Not anything massive, just nice. I feel as most of my push ups are in the reps of atleast 20 (on the harder ones), it would be even better to supplement with some lower rep chest exercises such as bench press, dumbell press/fly etc. One of the things I feel p90x is lacking in.
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