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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

1 more week of P90x2 yessssss

I have decided to move to Body Beast while doing Ab Ripper X, X2 Ab Ripper, Plyo X, Plyocide, Insanity Plyo Circuit squeezed in. After that I'm debating on doing P90x3, Insanity, or P90x/x2 hybrid. Can someone help me suggest what's my third move?


Botched the end of my first week. I did the workouts but they were rushed and I don't feel like I got the most out of them.

So I'm asking...is it BAD to repeat my first week and treat this previous week as a warm-up/practice week? So I'd essentially do 3.5 (lol) weeks of the not-recovery week of phase 1.

I just want to know if that's inherently bad or unhealthy to do. I don't mind dragging out this workout.

Also, for future reference, does anyone here NOT workout on a particular day if you're incredibly busy that day and just continue where you left off the next day rather than skip the workout of the day to remain on track? (if that makes sense)

Just trying to get a sense if these are No-Nos.

But I'm rather happy with how my workouts went other than my lack of time (should be remedied in the coming week, though).

Also....I'm worried my form is WAY off on some particular exercises. Not sure how to check myself, though...
So I'm asking...is it BAD to repeat my first week and treat this previous week as a warm-up/practice week? So I'd essentially don't 3.5 (lol) weeks of the not-recovery week of phase 1.

Really you can do whatever you want. It isn't a case that you will be perfectly fit the day the program ends. You'll either do it again or move onto something else, so a bad day here or there will not hurt anything.

Typically if I know I'm going to be busy I'll do a Sunday workout or double up the day before. Always easier to get ahead rather than catch up (because that can compound badly)

Also....I'm worried my form is WAY off on some particular exercises. Not sure how to check myself, though...

Kinect ;)


Hang out with Steve.
Botched the end of my first week. I did the workouts but they were rushed and I don't feel like I got the most out of them.

So I'm asking...is it BAD to repeat my first week and treat this previous week as a warm-up/practice week? So I'd essentially do 3.5 (lol) weeks of the not-recovery week of phase 1.

I just want to know if that's inherently bad or unhealthy to do. I don't mind dragging out this workout.

Also, for future reference, does anyone here NOT workout on a particular day if you're incredibly busy that day and just continue where you left off the next day rather than skip the workout of the day to remain on track? (if that makes sense)

Just trying to get a sense if these are No-Nos.

But I'm rather happy with how my workouts went other than my lack of time (should be remedied in the coming week, though).

Also....I'm worried my form is WAY off on some particular exercises. Not sure how to check myself, though...

It's perfectly fine to repeat a day or a week. For example if I'm sick for a few days I might just take a break & re-do that whole week the following week.

I don't think it's a good idea to skip a day because you're too busy -- that's a slippery slope IMO. Once you make an excuse for one day, you'll begin rationalizing other skipped workouts and soon enough you'll be out of it. The best thing to do is to MAKE time for your workouts -- you know when you're going to be busy, so plan ahead & schedule in time for that workout.

It's the main reason why I workout first thing in the morning. I can get my workout done before any of my other commitments start. I'd tried working out daily at the gym at my work, but meetings & deadlines get in the way of that. Evenings are tough for me, because I have a long commute and when we get home it's dinner, get my son ready for bed, by which time it's about 8:30. I can't workout on a full stomach, so the earliest I could start would probably be around 9:30 or so. Then I'm always wound up after my workouts, so I'd end up being up pretty late afterwards. I wouldn't be in bed before 11:30 or 12. And I'd still have to get up no later than 6 to get everything done & still get my son to school and my wife & I to work on time.

But, if I get up at 4:45-5:00AM, I can have my workout & cooldown completely finished before doing all the "regular" morning chores. Yeah, I miss out on late night TV, but I'd rather get the workout done :)

As far as form goes, one thing you could do is film yourself & post the videos, folks in here can help you out with that. Mirrors help, too. Next year I plan to install mirror walls in my gym at home. The best thing to do though is to have someone who knows what they're doing coach your form. That means money & time, though, so that's not really an option for a lot of people.


It's been a while since I jumped into this thread, feels kinda good to post here again since it means I'm doing something with myself...

I'm gonna start Insanity today for the 2nd time, after completing the program around mid june. I didn't stay in shape, so I guess it's gonna be hell all over again.

One thing I'll definitely change is my calorie intake. I'm around 167 cm and 58 kgs, and don't want to lose more weight, so IIRC I should eat around 2000 calories per day. I guess I'll increase some portions like anti-pasti and chicken breast, and at the same time I'll eat "healthy fats" like Tahini and almonds maybe?

Do you have any other recommendations for this kind of food?

Edit: Well, that was hard... I don't keep numbers so I don't know how I did today compared to the first fit test back in april, but I feel that it went better. I just remember that I wanted to puke and die on that first time, and while I laid on the floor after the test today, it wasn't as bad as before.


Great to have you back!!

Thanks man, great to be back! How's the coaching going?

I'm at the end of the last week of phase 2 (extended by one week) and now onto the second recovery week, sadly I haven't taken progress pictures but I will do a second round of P90X after this one (and then move onto X2), then I'll start tracking visual progress.

I have noticed changes in the mirror and of course in my performance, most important of all I feel great so all is going well :) I was fat when I started, still am but less and will continue to improve.

That's awesome to hear that you're feeling great... that's the main reason why we do any of this I think, whether it's a physical feeling great or an psychological feeling great. I'm a firm believer that if you're working hard and making constant improvements to your diet then you'll absolutely get to your goal. Takes a long while to shed fat but just keep at it and you'll get what you want assuredly.


Hang out with Steve.
Thanks man, great to be back! How's the coaching going?

Not bad, not bad. Slow time of the year. Things should pick up when P90X3 ships on 12/10 though.

My wife & I are about to wrap up our second round of Focus T25 Gamma Pure Strength. Here's what we're going to be starting next, this'll take us to the week of Christmas and we'll dive into P90X3 right afterward. We're doing Body Beast Bulk phase workouts MWF, ab routines from T25, Insanity, P90X and P90X2 on Tuesdays, and cardio routines from T25 and Insanity on Thursdays. We'll follow everything up with a recovery week featuring 3 days of Yoga.



Had no idea that P90X3 was so close! Time to do some research on that to see what it entails. Might do P90X into X3 since my X1 numbers are just horrible and I have a lot of strength/endurance/flexibility to build back up.

...just looked up X3... it's like T25 I guess? Built for those with less time? Still interested to try it but that wasn't what I was expecting. Any new gear required if you have all the stuff for X1 and X2?


Hang out with Steve.
Had no idea that P90X3 was so close! Time to do some research on that to see what it entails. Might do P90X into X3 since my X1 numbers are just horrible and I have a lot of strength/endurance/flexibility to build back up.

...just looked up X3... it's like T25 I guess? Built for those with less time? Still interested to try it but that wasn't what I was expecting. Any new gear required if you have all the stuff for X1 and X2?

I haven't heard what gear you need yet, other than "court shoes, not running shoes".

It's also not meant as a SEQUEL to P90X2 -- you'll be able to start it no matter your fitness level. They'll have someone doing modifications throughout, and there are multiple schedules (Lean, Classic, Doubles, etc) depending on your goals & fitness level.


Sounds great, I'll most certainly pick that up. Would really like to try T25 too but I don't have a good place to do cardio-centric workouts presently. With that said, a question: is there a way to get Beachbody workout videos legally on an iPad? There's an indoor basketball court at my place that I think I could sometimes do plyometrics/Insanity/whatever at, but would need a way to play the videos. Would even consider bringing in a laptop, which seems silly but I'll take what I can get.


I'm nearing the end of T25 Alpha phase. I'm pretty proud as it's my first time sticking with a program for more than a week. I've had a couple failed attempts at P90X over the years and I tried to do the 30 day shred with my wife once but there wasn't enough room in our workout area for the both of us.

Anyways, I haven't been in the greatest shape the last 3 years. Before then I used to play sports at least 4 nights a week so I never really needed to work out, but having a kid put a stop to that. Because I'm out of shape now, I'm not exactly "nailing it" for every T25 workout. I'm getting better but I still use the modifier option a few times a workout, except for maybe Speed 1.0.

Because I'm not "nailing it", would you guys recommend I do another round of the Alpha phase or is it ok to move on to Beta phase as scheduled?


The move to community really slowed this thread down, eh?

Porthos, I haven't tried T25 (yet!) but I think either option (continuing on to beta or restarting alpha) is a great option. So long as you're trying to improve and putting in the effort it shouldn't much matter which of the two options you take.

Excited to do shoulders and arms (X1) tonight. Chest & back (Monday evening) numbers for week 2 were terrible but I came away suitably exhausted and gave it my all, so I'm good with that. 30 minutes of elliptical (last night), even pushing myself, is no real substitute for plyometrics but I'm glad I'm out there breaking a sweat instead of just saying "can't do it".


Porthos, I haven't tried T25 (yet!) but I think either option (continuing on to beta or restarting alpha) is a great option. So long as you're trying to improve and putting in the effort it shouldn't much matter which of the two options you take.

Thanks, I think I will power on and go with Beta. I can always do Alpha and Beta again in the new year if I don't get Gamma or P90X3 for Christmas (they are on my list).

I can do most of the moves now without modifying but I have a really hard time keeping up with any lunge/squat moves with a 180° turn to another lunge/squat. They move so fast and if I try to keep up, my feet get stuck on my carpet and my form goes bad. With those I usually just go with Tania and walk the 180°. Also the upper body push-up stuff and the pike progressions are tough for me so I modify those as they get harder. My upper body strength really sucks so I'm hoping Beta helps with that.


Junior Member
I feel bad guys. I haven't really worked out after doing my four months of Insanity and half a month of T25 Alpha a few months ago. I think it should be pretty easy to get back in the swing of things though. I'll start up with T25 Alpha and go through to Gamma, that should hopefully help get me back in shape.

Has anyone tried Shakeology? What's the verdict? I want to try it. I know they have the 30 day guarantee and it would probably get me saving money since I'd use it as a meal replacement, so there's not anything really to lose if I pay for a month. Help, gaf!
Rib is nearly fixed... will hopefully be starting up P90X again next week.

Looking forward to it, which is probably a good sign that it's been too long since the agony of last time. :D


Hang out with Steve.
I feel bad guys. I haven't really worked out after doing my four months of Insanity and half a month of T25 Alpha a few months ago. I think it should be pretty easy to get back in the swing of things though. I'll start up with T25 Alpha and go through to Gamma, that should hopefully help get me back in shape.

Has anyone tried Shakeology? What's the verdict? I want to try it. I know they have the 30 day guarantee and it would probably get me saving money since I'd use it as a meal replacement, so there's not anything really to lose if I pay for a month. Help, gaf!

My wife & son & I have been drinking Shakeology since around March. We all love it. It's our breakfast.

Not too long ago, Beachbody introduced the Shakeology Taste Sampler. It's $19.95 + s&h and includes 5 servings in packets -- 2 Chocolate, 1 Vanilla, and 1 Greenberry. It also comes with some recipes to try.

I generally mix ours with various types of fresh fruit, nuts, milk or almond milk, and ice. There are a bunch of recipes out there. It's really great stuff, extremely healthy for you.
Body Beast question....

Lean Beast....is it just the routine without eating an insane amount of calories and more cardio? I was thinking about doing that program since I dont really want to be that brolic


Hang out with Steve.
Alright, thanks for the help in deciding Steve and Foote. Once P90x3 is out, could I start the series with that or should I go and do the first two before the third?

P90X3 isn't meant as a sequel to P90X2... they'll show modifications for some of the moves, and there are (I think) 4 different schedules you can follow depending on your level of fitness.

Body Beast question....

Lean Beast....is it just the routine without eating an insane amount of calories and more cardio? I was thinking about doing that program since I dont really want to be that brolic

That's exactly what it is. But I wouldn't worry about it -- you'd have to do Body Beast a few times in a row and follow the nutrition plan to a T to get REALLY big. I know someone who did -- he recently completed his third consecutive round and he's now HUGE. :)


Some moves you can expect to see in P90x3... Going to need a lot more room for pushups. :)

Also, on Shakeology. It's great everything about it is great. It is pricey though.

Yeah, it's seems expensive but when you use it as a meal substitute it ends up being not that bad. And if you get it shipped on Home Direct it's cheaper because shipping is free.

Also, if you become a Coach, you get 25% off and even with your monthly coaching fee you will still end up saving about $15/month. If you end up ordering multiple bags per month for family members, becoming a Coach is the way to go, simply to save money on the Shakeology.


Hey guys...

Thanks for all the advice. I'm not so sure about filming, but I can try the mirror thing. I'll have to go out and buy one, though. I'm starting the routine over today and I should be sticking to it 100% because I quit my second job....so that's out of the way now :p

New question that's really bothering me: I try to keep my diet simple and gravitate mostly towards the Paleo diet and eat mostly fish, lean meats, good fats, eggs, veggies, nuts, and fruit with occasional rice. I'm not 100% strict on it either, but that's what I try to do.

Anyway, I'm still very confused on how much I should be eating to gain muscle mass and how much protein and calories I should eat. I'm also confused on WHEN I should eat carbs and what kind. As a refresher, I weigh 145lbs. and I'm 5'10". Is 200 grams of protein too much or too little per day? I have read conflicting things online. Not sure what to do.

Also carbs......when is best to eat these? I try to go for complex carbs as much as possible. Post-workout is best, right?

I just need some tried-and-true rules of thumb that go hand-in-hand with P90X or something. I dunno.....

Anyway, off to restart Day 1 again and TRY to eat enough. So far today I've eaten 2 eggs and 2 pieces of bacon. Gonna do this routine, then eat a whey shake and some more eggs with sweet potatoes. Dinner tonight will be chicken and sweet potatoes.


Have you tried a website like myfitnesspal, Pyrokai? If you haven't, I suggest you give it a try.

My PS3 that I've had since 2006 broke today so I'm going to have to freestyle it until the cheepo bluray player I ordered from amazon comes in. 5 minutes into Speed 1.0 and it crapped out on me. I guess Susan was too hot for it to handle. The disc is stuck inside too. sooooo whenever I can bring myself to do it, I'm going to have to open up the system and get the disc out. Weekend went from pretty good to just good. After the Rams game is over I think I'll put on my weight vest and go for a run.


Yeah, I used to use MyFitnessPal back a few years ago when I was using it for weight loss only. I was about 70 pounds overweight then. When I went back to try and use it for a while more recently, though, I discovered it was pretty poor in regards to helping you do a calorie surplus and for muscle-building diets. I think I need about 2500 calories (maybe more) per day to gain weight and about 200 grams of protein. Those are my ballpark figures so that's what I'm going to aim for unless that sounds crazy wrong for a 145lb 5'10" male.

Just did Day 1 again. Overall, I think it went mildly better than my Day 1 during my test week a couple weeks ago. I paced myself better through the first half so that I didn't totally burn out for the second half, and overall I did better the second half than what I did the first time. So basically it evens out and/or is slightly better :p

Oh! I also just got Wii Fit U free trial. I'm going to buy the Fit Meter because I think it seems fun and because it will tell me exactly how many calories I'm burning throughout the day. I'm excited. Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus were key to my success when I was losing the 70 pounds I was referencing earlier, so I'm hoping I can make this P90X/Wii Fit U combo mimic that success with totally different goals.

You know, it's amazing how different my goals are now. Back then, it was incredibly difficult to not overeat and lose weight. And now, it's difficult for me to eat ENOUGH and gain weight. The wonders of changing the quality of your calories from junk food calories to whole food calories. At least for me. I can't believe I lost 70 pounds simply by monitoring my calorie intake and running/Wii Fit-ing and paying no attention to what I was actually eating.


I know it's not BB but has anybody tried Body Revolution? Thoughts on it? My wife really likes Jillian and I'm thinking it could be a good program for us to do together once I complete T25 (hopefully Gamma).

I still see P90X3 in my future too at some point too. I think 30 minute workouts are what I needed. Any longer and I just couldn't see myself keeping up with them as life is just too busy.


Uhh....guys.....it's not possible to get stretch marks after a single workout is it? I have these "claw" marks on my shoulder above my left armpit.....only on one side. Am I crazy here? I'm hoping I scratched myself and don't remember but I'm really weirded out be this. Do first signs of stretch marks look like scrathes? They haven't gone away either :(


Uhh....guys.....it's not possible to get stretch marks after a single workout is it? I have these "claw" marks on my shoulder above my left armpit.....only on one side. Am I crazy here? I'm hoping I scratched myself and don't remember but I'm really weirded out be this. Do first signs of stretch marks look like scrathes? They haven't gone away either :(

I don't think so? stretch marks appear over time and a lot of times the changes in skin have to be kinda dramatic in order to appear (going up/down in weight at a short interval of time, or several times), they usually begin with a pink color and turn white over time.

But, that's my personal experience, if someone knows better then correct me if I'm wrong.


Two weeks down of X1. Legs are mush after doing legs & back on Saturday and yoga on Sunday (modifying the schedule somewhat) but really pleased to have that soreness (and the hunger that comes from lifting multiple times a week and giving it your all) back.

Chest & back tonight and I think I'll actually put up some decent numbers tonight compared to my pathetic first couple weeks... just feeling stronger again.


I don't think so? stretch marks appear over time and a lot of times the changes in skin have to be kinda dramatic in order to appear (going up/down in weight at a short interval of time, or several times), they usually begin with a pink color and turn white over time.

But, that's my personal experience, if someone knows better then correct me if I'm wrong.

Well, the claw marks are basically gone, but there is definitely something there. Really weird. I guess time will tell!

Just finished Plyo X and now it's time for dinner. Chicken and sweet potatoes again with a protein shake :p


Hoof, chest and back crushed me. Did better than last week but did not put up the numbers I expected or wanted. But crushed is good!

Also good: seeing old (and new) posters in this thread. Hello!


Hang out with Steve.
Did Body Beast Bulk: Legs yesterday. Why hello DOMS, it's been a while. Gonna go do some foam rolling before today's T25 Beta: Dynamic Core...


Another victim of a bad sleep day: Last week I didn't do my recovery week because I was sick so I skipped it, yesterday I had Chest & Back but had not slept very well the day before that and waited until 10pm to do the workout, by half the workout I was all drained and sleepy so I decided to stop and repeat it today :( (I couldn't push myself too much yesterday so it should be ok using the same muscles today...).


Another victim of a bad sleep day: Last week I didn't do my recovery week because I was sick so I skipped it, yesterday I had Chest & Back but had not slept very well the day before that and waited until 10pm to do the workout, by half the workout I was all drained and sleepy so I decided to stop and repeat it today :( (I couldn't push myself too much yesterday so it should be ok using the same muscles today...).
Don't get discouraged. Just do your best and keep trucking.


I'm feeling the drain of sleep right now as well, actually, and I've been sleeping at least 7 hours. Not sure why I'm so tired. I just drank a cup of coffee and then I'm gonna wait about 45 minutes, workout, eat dinner, and go to bed.

Today's a big workout for me too: Arms and Shoulders. .......and friggin' Ab Ripper. I might just tack that on to tomorrow after Yoga. But I don't want to shift things around too much so early.


I'm feeling the drain of sleep right now as well, actually, and I've been sleeping at least 7 hours. Not sure why I'm so tired. I just drank a cup of coffee and then I'm gonna wait about 45 minutes, workout, eat dinner, and go to bed.

Today's a big workout for me too: Arms and Shoulders. .......and friggin' Ab Ripper. I might just tack that on to tomorrow after Yoga. But I don't want to shift things around too much so early.

I feel ya! its danger territory when you start to shift too much the schedule, today I took a nap after work (and I slept well yesterday too) so if you are still sleepy then you could try that to regain some energies.


If I nap, then I won't have time to prepare dinner :p

I totally did both routines today, though. Just finished up. I'm currently eating an entire mini rotisserie chicken now :p

I didn't do the Bonus Round portion of shoulders and arms though. I was totally drained. Maybe next week.


Junior Member
Right now I have Insanity and T25. I've completed Insanity like 3 times over and then did a month of T25 and stopped. I want to get back into exercising, how should my routine go? Does anyone have a custom one that I could do?

I have also been looking into body beast, it seems good from what I've read here. What kind of equipment would I need for it? If possible, I'd also like a workout schedule that incorporates BB. If there's no custom one I would be okay with going through each program one-by-one.

Right now I have Insanity and T25. I've completed Insanity like 3 times over and then did a month of T25 and stopped. I want to get back into exercising, how should my routine go? Does anyone have a custom one that I could do?

I have also been looking into body beast, it seems good from what I've read here. What kind of equipment would I need for it? If possible, I'd also like a workout schedule that incorporates BB. If there's no custom one I would be okay with going through each program one-by-one.


Right now im planning on doing the lean beast routine of BB and replacing beast cardio with either plyocide or max plyo/cardio circuit


Hang out with Steve.
Right now I have Insanity and T25. I've completed Insanity like 3 times over and then did a month of T25 and stopped. I want to get back into exercising, how should my routine go? Does anyone have a custom one that I could do?

I have also been looking into body beast, it seems good from what I've read here. What kind of equipment would I need for it? If possible, I'd also like a workout schedule that incorporates BB. If there's no custom one I would be okay with going through each program one-by-one.


You can take a look at my hybrid Body Beast/T25/Insanity schedule here.

In the schedule I do resistance workouts Monday, Wednesday and Friday; Ab workouts on Tuesday; cardio workouts on Thursday.

You could do Insanity and T25 workouts on Tuesdays & Thursdays instead, and replace the P90X/P90X2 workouts with T25/Insanity workouts when they come in. Note that there's an error in the image; I skipped the first Bulk: Shoulders from Body Beast so everything after that is off by one.


Great shoulders and arms X1 workout tonight. Beat just about all of my numbers by a healthy margin. Have started doing Pharm Assault (I guess it's the older formula?) pre-workout partially for the energy boost but also for pre-workout BCAAs and all the other shit in it that I don't really know about, followed by 2,000 mg of BCAAs (ON supplements) right after along with a protein shake, and only on week three of X1 I feel noticeably stronger.



What's a recovery week? Just a week off from working out, or should one stretch and do slow cardio and stuff?

Edit: Nevermind... I looked at my P90X schedules and I see it is a set of workouts still. I never made it far enough in to P90X to make it to a recovery week. :/. Also no recovery weeks in T25.

As a side note, I started Beta on Monday!
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