T25 Speed 3.0 is fun as shit.
Not really feeling any kind of soreness from my arms and shoulders routine from two days ago...but I did what I thought was the max weight I could handle without failing on, like, rep 4.
Any suggestions or is it okay that I'm not wallowing in pain?![]()
Not really feeling any kind of soreness from my arms and shoulders routine from two days ago...but I did what I thought was the max weight I could handle without failing on, like, rep 4.
Any suggestions or is it okay that I'm not wallowing in pain?![]()
Basically echoing Steve, but the early days/weeks are definitely the worst as far as soreness goes. You might get similarly sore if you switch to either a new phase or a new program and end up working out in ways your body isn't used to, but nothing compares to the first few days I've found.
Like Tony says, pick a weight that will let you go 8-10 reps for size or 12-15 for lean, and try to make it so the last three reps you do are difficult (obviously that isn't a catch all for everything but seems to generally be good advice).
I was actually a little confused by his comment on the 8-10/size 12-15/lean thing. 8-10/size would mean you need a heavier weight, right?
Also, what sucks is that weights are expensive and I bought a pair of 12s and a pair of 20s because I wasn't sure. The 12s are too light for a lot of exercises but perfect for others. Same with the 20s, except they're too heavy for some of them.
The problem lies, for me, that I think something smack between those would be best for me, but I don't want to buy more weights unless I'm going higher than 20. I'm thinking next week I should just try to use the 20s for everything and see how it goes.
(yes, I know I'm weak as hell stfu)
What makes me think I'm not working hard enough is that this is SUPPOSEDLY my first real week of P90X, but I did do a "practice week" two weeks ago where I was much more sore. Can the soreness still reduce in just one week of the workouts with a 2 week gap between them?
About to do Legs & Back. AKA: I continue to not know if the smallest bands I could find are doing anything for my back even as I stretch them out as far as I can without, like, breaking the door.
Wow, thanks man for all that advice. I can't tell you how much that helps me out. That goes for everyone else who has helped me, too. Hopefully I'll stop polluting the thread so much as time goes on, haha, but an outlet to voice even the tiniest concerns really helps me, and I hope other silent people are benefitting as well
Those Powerblocks look awesome. Possible a good Christmas gift to ask for
Regarding the bands, I think I might have to get something heavier. I just finished legs and back, and while I rocked it with my legs, I still feel like I'm not doing enough with the bands for my pull-ups. I have the shortest band I could find, and I sat back SO far that I was legitimately worried they were going to break. I think I'll take your advice and buy a second one to double it up.
Edit: Oh...and clicking knees. Is this a thing and should I be concerned? Doesn't hurt....my knees just....click for a lot of exercises.....
I've been slacking with my abs for a long while now so I decided to go back and do Ab Ripper X. I think I might be doing something wrong and I need some help. While I obviously felt it in my abs it felt more like a leg exercise. I couldn't finish a couple of moves because my legs were just too tired. I did some heavy squats yesterday but still, I think it shouldn't be such an issue right? What am I doing wrong? Also, my left hip is clicking with a lot of those exercises and it's really annoying.
Don't ever think you're polluting the thread! This thread exists so that we can all help each other out & offer encouragement
As far as weights go, I started out with a pair of BowFlex SelecTech 552s. These are pretty nice adjustable weights, very fast to change, and a traditional shape. The big drawback here is that they are VERY wide, and that hinders the form on some exercises.
I looked at PowerBlocks, but I didn't like the idea that my hands were surrounded. Also, they rattle a lot, and it's very fiddly to change weights in low increments (2.5lb or 5lb) because you have to insert or remove metal inserts. It's faster to change in heavier increments, though.
When I started Body Beast earlier this year, I ran into an issue because my BowFlex 552s only go up to 52.5lbs each, and I needed heavier weights for some exercises. So I bought a set of IronMaster QuickLock dumbbells. This is a very nice, heavy duty set that goes up to 75lbs per dumbbell. While it is easy to change weights, it's also much slower to do it than with the BowFlexes or PowerBlocks. But once you do they are *solid*. No clacking or rattling.
But even with two sets of adjustable weights I ran into another problem -- Body Beast changes weights VERY fast. You're doing progressive sets where you need 3 different weights, and sometimes super sets where you need even more because you're doing two or more different exercises.
So, now I wish I'd just bought individual pairs of fixed dumbbells instead. The nice thing about doing this is that you can buy the weights as you need them. You can also buy them used off CraigsList or at a used sporting goods store, and since they're basically just hunks of metal, you know they're not going to malfunction in any way.
I've recently begun buying individual dumbbells, and using my BowFlex and IronMaster sets for heavier weights. I'd bought a set of 3lbs, 5lbs and 8lbs for my wife, and in addition I more recently bought pairs of 1lbs, 2lbs, 10lbs, 12lbs and 15lbs. (The 1lb and 2lb are for weighted Supermans. Try them. They're a bitch.)
I plan to get 20lbs, 25lbs and 30lbs pairs as well in the near future.
So, I recommend getting individuals and building your collection up over time.
Alright, so today I found some pretty baller bands. They seem to give me the resistance I wanted in the first place. They're 70lb. bands, and they might be a little more than I can handle, but I figured if I were doing actual real pullups, I'd only be doing 3-4 of them anyway, so I'm really hoping these work out for me.
Kenpo was a little weird for me. Such a bizarre workout. I feel like it wasn't nearly intense enough for me and I was too worked up about doing the punches right, so if I wasn't feeling it, I substituted jumping jacks, lol.
Today is my rest day, and I'm SERIOUSLY considering skipping it and going straight into Chest & Back again. I say this because I don't feel sore in the slightest, and looking into my schedule for next week, next Saturday will be really difficult for me to do a workout, so if I can make that my rest day for next week, I'd be really happy.
I know the rest day is very important, but I think I was "doggin' it" this past week and think I'll be okay![]()
Well, damn, too late I guess, haha.
I went through with it and did Chest & Back. You replied after I had already done it
I know I probably shouldn't have, but I still feel like I made the right choice because next Friday and Saturday I might be too busy to do any kind of workouts, so I'll definitely get some rest there. But, I have good news:
I increased my reps in both rounds for every exercise!! (only by 2-4 reps though) It was intense, and I was operating without eating enough today as well, so I am happy happy happy with today's workout. The bands worked better for me as well, for sure. Next week will be interesting because increasing the number of pushups beyond what I did today seems nearly impossible. I feel like I definitely maxed myself out today.
And so because of that, my Ab Ripper routine was sub-par today. Definitely the worst I've done with Ab Ripper, but I was pretty much wasted at that point, so I'm going to give it a slide. Monday, however, I will strike back with a vengeance!
Aside from that, three weeks down on modified (gym cardio in place of plyo/kenpo) P90X! Feeling pretty good.
I still struggle with horrible lower back pain when doing ARX or ARX2 and am not sure how to compensate for that. I know I slouch a lot (and try not to) and generally seem to have a weak lower back (and a strong core) which I think is why I'm almost instantly in pain for ARX (the lay on the ground and lift your legs stuff gets me badly).
Any advice on what I should be doing outside of the program to help out with that? It's funny (or sad) because I don't fail on ARX or ARX2 due to having poor ab muscles, since I can never properly tax them due to lower back pain overwhelming me to the point I have to stop.
Aside from that, three weeks down on modified (gym cardio in place of plyo/kenpo) P90X! Feeling pretty good.
This reminds me a bit of my sister. She always told me she thought ab exercises in general didn't really seem that hard. After a few months she started feeling pain in her (IIRC) back. She went to a physiotherapist who told her she was doing ab exercises without actually exercising her abs (essentially, her body was 'cheating' and putting a lot of strain on her back instead).
But it sounds like your problem may be something different. Still, I guess it doesn't hurt to be extra careful about your form. In any case, I hope you get better. I know from experience back pains can be really painful and frustrating. :/
Thank you; I'm trying to focus on form more than my first time through X1 or X2 and am going light on weights where I know my form isn't great, and try to focus on posture when I'm not working out.
Might also invest in one of those lifting belts... not sure if it's designed for helping keep good form, but sounds like something to investigate after I hit submit reply.
Chest & back done strong tonight. Will start phase 2 next week (or maybe do a quasi-recovery week).
I would just do a hybrid of X2 and BB. For example Bulk arms and legs with plyocide and x2 yoga to regain that flexibility2 weeks to go with Body Beast and I honestly don't know where to go from there.
I'm very happy with my results but -
1. I can't imagine going for another round for a long while
2. I'm SICK and TIRED of eating like a family of four. Seriously, I dread meal times more than I dread the actual workouts.
3. It's f*cked up my flexibility considerably. This is going to sound ridiculous, but I can no longer get both of my legs behind my neck at once - only one at a time on a good day. It pisses me off after 14 years of yoga to be losing flexibility.
So what's a good maintenance plan considering I own both P90Xs and BB? I was thinking of going back to doing Ashtanga 3x a week and lifting 2x a week. Are the "total body" workouts enough to prevent muscle loss? Also, how long can one go without lifting weights before starting to lose muscle?
I'm officially a p90x graduate.![]()
You can make your own core workouts by only using ones where you are on all four limbs rather than on your back, for example, X2 Core is full of workouts like this or the one form PAP Upper where you balance on yourself on a stability ball with two feet for one minute.
If you have access to the gym, there should be like a equipments where you can either fully suspend yourself in the air (whether by hanging or using straps on your triceps) or pads where you can lift yourself up (like when you are doing dips, but not on a chair) - what people do then is they try to lift their legs as high as they can , up and down for 10 reps, then side to side for another 10 reps. Then repeat.
Example : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oei1GdP9aoY
You can do this on like a pull up bar too, say in a park. But my hands usually get too sore after lifting weights so I use the straps.
Every since I started really lifting weights, ab workouts isn't really that important for me. The key thing is to engage your core during the little that you do.
BM! Good to see you still active in here although I did read a previous post from you mentioning that you were doing gym workouts or some such... which is great!. You happier with your results these days?
That's all very good advice, and I will try to go through X1 ARX and X2 ARX to find the moves I think I can do without horrible pain. While I don't have access to a gym, my free standing pull up bar does have handles presumably for dips so I think I could do the move you're talking about on that... thank you!
Will be doing shoulders and arms tonight and then will follow up with some modified core exercises based on this.
Decided to actually record myself doing a band "pull up". I need to know if I'm doing these right because I know I'm pulling a lot of weight but I never feel the burn the way I do with other exercises. I also never really feel it in my back.....I think....I honestly can't tell if I'm doing more work in my back or in my shoulders. So here's my form. Let me know what you think.
It's not the best angle, but it's the best I could record.
Hey. Very happy with my results. Since I did the hard part with weight loss (cutting), showing results were easier once I started lifting heavy (relative to my weight)
I will say, because I have only been lifting, I notice loss of cardiovascular strength, flexibility, and core strength. Nevertheless, there some really cool stuff with weight lifting, which some are include on P90X and I'm assuming Body Beast.
But yea if we are taking about purely results... I'm convinced that it is almost unnecessary to do ab work on your back, especially if you are experiencing pain. Focus on your core and your diet. I really didn't start seeing my abs until I started lifting heavy, eating more, and do less ab workout.
But again, I have also lost strength in adapting to they schedule
Decided to actually record myself doing a band "pull up". I need to know if I'm doing these right because I know I'm pulling a lot of weight but I never feel the burn the way I do with other exercises. I also never really feel it in my back.....I think....I honestly can't tell if I'm doing more work in my back or in my shoulders. So here's my form. Let me know what you think.
It's not the best angle, but it's the best I could record.
Hey guys, what's a good pre workout formula? No xplode started hurting my stomach like a bitch and muscle pharm assault just gave me a small allergic reaction.
I'm sure others here can give you a better answer, but it does indeed look like you're pulling almost entirely with your arms. I think maybe if you sit down and get closer you might find it works your back more, but you'll have to play with it or watch the workout to see if they explain it better.
There are lots of different types of pull-ups that will work different muscles. You're doing something similar to narrow-grip pull-ups, which aren't going to hit your lats as much.
Try simulating wide-grip pull-ups. Imagine you're lying on your stomach. Starting with your arms extended, keep your elbows out to the sides as you pull the bands, with your palms facing forward, until your hands are below your chin. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and try pulling with your lats. Since you're pretending you're lying on your stomach, you won't be able you pull your elbows in "underneath" you like you're doing in the video, so you'll be focusing more on your back.
So my suspicions were correct. I will try what you said, but I'm thinking I need to find some possible exercises for my back that are done with free weights or something, because these bands just aren't cutting it. Maybe it's the height (I can't place them any higher), but if I can't get some kind of good workout with them, not sure what I'm gonna do...
Now I kinda feel like I've wasted my first 2 weeks of P90X :
Congratulations!!!! How does it feel? And how were your results???
PS, I'm working on my finishing up my second week! Got Legs/Back and ARX today, then Kenpo tomorrow and then that's a wrap for Week 2!
I still don't feel like I'm workin' it hard enough despite doing the most weight I can do. Is it bad that I don't expect much in the way of results when I'm all finished? Did anyone here finish the entire program and was disappointed with his or her results? Share if so!!
The Xbox Fitness is actually the only thing that makes me interested in the Xbox One. Really would like to try that someday. Do you know how it works with curls and exercises like that?
Guys, I'm honestly very confused right now in regards to food and what and how much I should be eating. I'm just going to list what I've been doing and you guys can tell me if I should or should not be doing it:
(refresher: I'm 5'10", 150lb, and my goal is to gain muscle weight and lose fat weight)
1. I aim for 100g of protein per day or more, even on rest days/cardio days.
2. I try to eat immediately after a workout. High protein, moderate fat, and low carb....this is what I'm most confused about. I keep reading I should carb it up after a workout. Should I?
3. I'm not actually tracking, but if I had to guess I'd say I'm eating about 1800-2500 calories per day depending. Not sure where I should be.
4. I eat a shit ton of eggs.
Anything outrageously wrong here?
Well, I can definitely recommend Xbox Fitness if you're into P90X. I did plyometrics this morning and I haven't felt this exhausted at the end of it in at least a couple of years. The score tracking and challenges definitely motivated me to keep up a quicker pace throughout the whole workout. The only thing that bummed me out is that the Kinect didn't pick up my movement of the leapfrog squats and I didn't earn any points on it. Not sure how fun it will be to use on the days involving pull-ups since I won't be on camera at all, but it's still a very well thought out application.
Trying to remember all the X1 and X2 workouts that require no equipment (or very little) so I know which workouts to bring home for the holidays. As I've skipped plyo for weeks I plan on making this week (and Xmas) focus on yoga, ploymetrics/plyocide, kenpo, and Insanity so I can workout at my family's place.
Am I missing any other good candidates for workouts that can be done without gear?
Core Synergistics would be a good one, as well as X2 Core if you have the medicine ball.
PAP Lower is also a good one.
Thanks! Had actually forgotten about core synergistics, probably because holy shit it's hard. That's a solid bunch of workouts to keep me busy when I'm gear-less (and yes, I have medicine balls I can bring with me easily).
So there is really only parts of the workouts on Kinect fitness? That's kinda bad![]()