I thought the current p90x workout is not that long. Usually it is around 15 Mins of warm up and cool down. I guess the exercise itself is usually around 40 Mins if you skip both.
Any familiar faces returning for X3?
Tony Horton.
The only thing I dislike about P90X is that you do mostly endurance exercises on chest/back and legs (max pushups, max pullups, etc.) days and progressive overload on biceps/triceps/shoulders days, effectively creating an imbalance over the long term.
Are P90X launches typically this soft? Doesn't show up to preorder or anything in places like Amazon.
I want to start now cartman.png.
Steve, is it my imagination or did I hear there will be a schedule for P90X3 that doesn't have any pull up exercises? You know anything about it?
P90X3 comes out today? Amazing. Must have. Is it at retail anywhere?
30 min workouts FTW.
Is this intended to be P90X lite, or can we expect to get the same results as P90X/2 in shorter sessions?
Also, how long does it take to ship directly from beach body? I bought on Amazon previously. I'm concerned I'm going to order it, they'll secretly backorder because tons of non-Amazon retailers show inventory that's not actually in stock, and then ship it out for December 24th when I'm out of town becuase fuck me that's why.
Trying to decide between Base and Deluxe... big price hike up and all I really care about is those Elite workouts.
Thanks for the links in any case Steve!
Edit: X3 ordered! Coach Steve confirmed!
Omg.....so I started Phase2 of P90X1 today. That was pretty rough for me. I thought I was getting good at push ups, too! I had to stop at the push up & clap stuff. I totally just pushed up once and did a clap and then when I landed I completely collapsed. I realizedi needed to stop then I totally overdid it earlier in the workout.
This is why I'm excited for X3. 30 minute optimized workouts where I can work hard for 30 minutes and be done will be GREAT. Even Tony said in recent interviews that the first 30 minutes are all that really matter.
I hope X3 impressions are good. X2 seemed to be less than stellar based on what I hear, so I'm hoping it's all fixed with X3.
Awesome! Which version did you go with? I got Deluxe. I'd been wanting to get a tub of E&E anyway, and I definitely want to do the Elite block after the first 90 days.
Remind me of what R&R is.... *blush* (not rest and relaxation....or is it?)
Also, does anyone else get by without using Shakeology? After I'm done with a workout, I go straight to dinner.
If you order from teambeachbody.com by the noon PST on December 15th you can still get it by 12/25.
P90X3 will be available by the end of the day (PST) today, December 10th!
Which should I get if I've never done P90X before?
Remind me of what R&R is.... *blush* (not rest and relaxation....or is it?)
Also, does anyone else get by without using Shakeology? After I'm done with a workout, I go straight to dinner.
My concern was getting it to me before I leave town. So I premium shipped that, hopefully I get it Friday.
Also, congrats, you're my coach!
Since this whole topic is in community, I am wondering wouldn't it be better for P90X3 to have a separate topis for it to gain more recognition. Because, otherwise new people will never find it, and in the end it's a new product.
How is T25?
I want to get back into the swing of things but after 2 rounds of Insanity I want something new for a change.
The only thing keeping me from buying it is that I'm vary about the 25m workouts, even though 30m fits my schedule better.
How about Asylum?
Since this whole topic is in community, I am wondering wouldn't it be better for P90X3 to have a separate topis for it to gain more recognition. Because, otherwise new people will never find it, and in the end it's a new product.
There's a P90X3 thread in off topic.
Got the Challenge Pack and the Elite DVD set. I have been wanting to try Shakeology for a while and this deal made it easier to make the plunge. Didn't really care about the R&R formula in the deluxe since I get that sent to me every month anyway.
Is anyone else planning on watching these DVDs first and getting the routine down in their head, or are you just jumping in cold?
Didn't even dawn on me until after I bought it, but any word on why there wasn't a Blu-ray option for X3? DVD is probably fine, but I liked having the option for X2 all the same.
Which package?P90X3
What Steve said![]()
Just a heads up if you ordered P90X3 yesterday - check your email for a confirmation number for your order. I've heard that there was so much demand yesterday that some orders didn't go through. So double check your email! Mine came from customerservice@teambeachbody.com and says Order Confirmation in the subject line.
LaneDS, I think yours might be one of them.
Hm, this caused me to look into this more. My friend who ordered X3 the same day but later in the day mentioned getting a shipment notification yesterday, whereas I didn't get one. I went back and looked at my order confirmation from two days ago and all it says is this:
Item# Product Price Ea Qty Total Price
FREE Free Player Membership 0.00 1 0.00
No mention of X3 at all... checking the website now to see if there are additional details.
Which package?