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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
So out of shape. Not overweight, but Synergistics is going to make me sore tomorrow.

They don't waste time. But it's good. No long, repetitive warmups and exercises. They also don't hold your hand.

Newbies be cautious during warmup. Some of them could result in injury or a pulled muscle I think. In the first workout, the hopping quad double pull seems dangerous if you're completely unfit.


Guys, I'm starting to lose motivation. I don't know what to do.....

Today was supposed to be Legs & Back in the first week of phase 2, but I procrastinated to the point that now I can't do it because I'm going somewhere tonight.

I feel absolutely horrible about it and, kinda shitty. I keep thinking I can't do it and won't get the results I want because I'm eating too much/eating too little/eating the wrong things. I dunno. I'm having a weird day :\

I hope tomorrow is better. I guess I'll be a day behind. Or I can double up tomorrow or something. Or skip the formal rest day. (I guess it would have to be both)



Guys, I'm starting to lose motivation. I don't know what to do.....

Today was supposed to be Legs & Back in the first week of phase 2, but I procrastinated to the point that now I can't do it because I'm going somewhere tonight.

I feel absolutely horrible about it and, kinda shitty. I keep thinking I can't do it and won't get the results I want because I'm eating too much/eating too little/eating the wrong things. I dunno. I'm having a weird day :

I hope tomorrow is better. I guess I'll be a day behind. Or I can double up tomorrow or something. Or skip the formal rest day. (I guess it would have to be both)

I skipped a day (or two) each week all the time when doing T25 but I would always make it up on the weekends. I just considered the skip days as my rest days. I think as long as you don't get too far behind that you can't make it up on rest days, you will be fine.

Btw, I am finished T25 Alpha and Beta now!

Lost 10 pounds total and clothes fit better but I still want to lose 15 more. I think the new year will bring Gamma or something else, but until then I'm just going to do a random mix of T25 workouts.


Hang out with Steve.
There are a few things you can do to help you stay on schedule .

First is consistency. If you can identify a time where you can ALWAYS work out, arrange your schedule and priorities around that. For me, that's early in the morning. I try to start around 5am weekdays. It's before the rest of the household is awake, so I can get it done with before I have to get my son out of bed & ready for school, for example.

Second is accountability. Join a group that's also doing the same workout routine, and post daily about that day's workout. Go into detail about how you struggled, where you progressed, and how you felt before and after, and encourage others as they do the same. You can do that here, on the teambeachbody.com message boards, or other social sites such as Facebook. I run a couple closed Facebook groups for just this purpose -- message me if you're interested in joining.

Finally, you need to identify your motivation. Think hard about why you are working out, and be specific. Do you have certain goals? General health? Is there somebody you want to be healthy and fit for? If you can identify something that's important to you, you can remind yourself of it whenever you feel yourself flagging. It's also good to have short term goals -- training for a 5k/10k/Tough Mudder, losing 10lbs before the summer, getting in shape for your wedding, etc, but be prepared to set similar goals in the future so you don't just "stop!"


Today was supposed to be Legs & Back in the first week of phase 2, but I procrastinated to the point that now I can't do it because I'm going somewhere tonight.

I know how you feel. I had ONE measly workout left of Body Beast but I had to work late and decided to do it the next day. Then I had a massive headache. Then I was invited to dinner and it was a dear friend whom I wouldn't be seeing for several months so I couldn't say no. Then I had a hangover. Eventually it made no sense to do that one workout a week after I was supposed to it, so I decided to consider the whole program done and take the 3 weeks off I had promised myself. I even managed to convince myself it was only shoulders anyway.

Problem is now I'm thinking it will be Christmas anyway so why not wait until early January? And then there's the fact that as much as I "enjoyed" - so to speak - BB, I really don't want to go back to it immediately. I was hoping to get X3 in time but that won't be possible anyway (can't believe in 2013 they aren't selling this digitally... I can't be the only one who hates swapping the DVDs anyway).

First is consistency. If you can identify a time where you can ALWAYS work out, arrange your schedule and priorities around that. For me, that's early in the morning. I try to start around 5am weekdays.

Jesus Christ almighty. At what time do you go to bed anyway? Working out before 7am would definitely eliminate any chance of something coming up to prevent me from working out, but I can barely get my brain to function before 9am, let alone my body. Besides, I never injured myself as often as I did when I tried 7am yoga for about 6 months a couple of years ago.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
If you miss a day, or even a week when out on the holidays, just pick right up where you left off. It's about long term consistency, not the 90 day thing they market.


Hang out with Steve.
I've always been something of a morning person, but now and then a pre-workout drink really helps with those early morning workouts. I don't drink one before heavy resistance days (I.e. Body Beast), mostly I reserve them for intense cardio workouts.

I usually try to be asleep by 9:30, sometimes earlier :)


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
X3 Yoga was pretty standard/compact.

And the soreness + mind fog begins. Going to sleep 10 hours tonight. I think phase 1 will be a cakewalk on week 3.

Steve, you know sleep is important. It gives you 10% extra XP.


If you've done 2 rounds of Insanity you'll probably find at least the Alpha phase of T25 a bit too easy. I mean you can push yourself, and Total Body Circuit is tough regardless of your level of fitness, but some of the others you'll probably just be bored with. Beta is better, and Gamma is the real deal. In fact you might just want to skip the base T25 pack and go straight for Gamma. You can get the Gamma DVDs at this link, $59.95US + S&H. It's a good suite of 4 workouts to add to your rotation and introduces resistance training lacking from Insanity (outside of the bonus workouts). You'll want dumbbells or resistance bands too.

thx, I'll start with T25 today.
I'll start with Alpha, the last time I worked out was in August, so I'm pretty out of shape, let's see how it goes.
I can always switch back to Insanity if I feel I'm not getting pushed enough. (That's why I love Insanity)
But frankly I don't think 1st month of Insanity and T25 makes a difference, sure T25 is shorter but also lacks the warmup/pauses, so the real workout is about the same.
thx, I'll start with T25 today.
I'll start with Alpha, the last time I worked out was in August, so I'm pretty out of shape, let's see how it goes.
I can always switch back to Insanity if I feel I'm not getting pushed enough. (That's why I love Insanity)
But frankly I don't think 1st month of Insanity and T25 makes a difference, sure T25 is shorter but also lacks the warmup/pauses, so the real workout is about the same.

I feel the insanity workouts are much harder. On the other hand I also took it much easier because of that difficulty so I felt I got the same out of T25. This is because you can just go flat out for the whole thing.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Any new moves compared to X1 / X2?

I'm only 3 workouts in, and not everything from the last 2 are baked into my mind. But much of it seems familiar. I think the 30 minute organization and compound exercises is what they're going for. It seems effective; my total fitness has decayed because I've been "maintaining" with Base/Back, Chest/Back, SHouldersArms, Ab RipperX2. So day 4 I'm sore, particularly around the legs, glutes, and lower back, which probably are the least fit from my maintenance routine.

30 minute workouts are a big selling point to me. I could use the entire program as a maintenance routine.


Hang out with Steve.
Steve, you know sleep is important. It gives you 10% extra XP.

Of course :) I always try to be Well Rested!

I'm thinking of doing Doubles, if I can get it to match up with the Classic schedule I could do one workout early and then the one that matches Classic when my wife comes downstairs (she works out with me but we usually start about 5:30).


Hey thanks for the encouraging words, guys. I definitely do need to join a group or something online. I was using this thread as an outlet but it's not quite active enough to help keep me accountable and what not, so I'm going to do that tonight somehow. Any suggestions? Was thinking Beachbody's website.....but then I am only borrowing these discs so I don't know if I need proof of purchase or something.

Also, here's what I have decided to do: for phase 1, I had a "test week" before I did the full 4 week phase, so I really spent 5 weeks in phase 1. I'm thinking that since my fist week of ohase 2 was so wishy-washy, I could do the same thing here.

So, instead or resting today since I screwed that up, I'm going to do the Cardio X routine and then tomorrow I'm going to take a deep dive into phase 2--again--. Then depending on how the next 2 weeks go, I'll either go into the recovery week or do a repeat of the 3rd week.

I don't necessarily need to be fit in 90 days, after all. If it ends up being P115X I'm fine with that.

Loving the X3 impressions, btw. Very interested in it.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
For mostly wanting to just lose weight and get lean for now, which program is recommended?

Losing fat is primarily diet. Exercise can help, but you fundamentally have to change what you eat for life in order to get and stay lean. I skimmed over the P90X3 diet, and it seems very good. It basically recommends eating produce/nuts/meat/nuts and using hunger as a guide without necessarily understanding the science and reasoning why. For that watch this video and review references to support it here.

Personally I like P90X3 the most so far. It's simple, short, but seems good for beginners and maintenance alike. If you're completely out of shape, you could grind through P90X3 4 times before you master it.

The clarify regarding diet: It's the primary factor because the types of foods you eat impact how accurate your brain's body fat homeostatis setpoint is. In some people, modern junk food and fast food increases the setpoint dramatically such that you'll be hungry until you're say 30% body fat. While calories in-calories out is generally true, it's not sustainable because you burn 500 calories of body fat and your hypothalamus will orchestrate another 500 of surplus calories via increased hunger and reduced metabolism. It's just like body temperature and the flu. Junk food/fast food is the virus.


Hang out with Steve.
My P90X3 copy arrived! Read through the fitness guide & skimmed the nutrition guide (will study it more later, my wife & I plan to follow it). The baseball hat is nice!

One thing that struck me is that there's actually a lot more yoga in this than in the previous two -- many of the workouts incorporate a variety of yoga vinyasas, poses and stretches. This is a good thing!

Looks like a great program. Looking forward to starting after Christmas!


Really interested in the nutrition part. I never did P90 and Tony mentioned that the nutrition is similar to that one.


I'd love to see the programs available for digital download on Amazon and/or iTunes!

It's unbelieavable they didn't plan for this in 2013. It's especially bad for people who have to order them from overseas, pay ridiculous shipping charges and wait several weeks - I wouldn't be surprised if digital download actually reduced piracy in their case.

When I finally get X3, I'll look into ripping the DVDs and putting them on a pen drive. I don't think I can deal with all the DVDs any longer, especially when mixing and matching the different programs.


Hang out with Steve.
since i'ts on amazon now

gonna spam it on FB to see if someone will buy for me lol. kinda like it from beachbody since it does monthly plan. (could just use the amazon store card or just pay upfront)

dat one day delivery for $3.99 thanks to prime.

Yeah, but you won't get the awesome P90X3 hat & bonus workout if you order through Amazon.


Don't understand why they don't do digital downloads for people who don't care about all the extras and just want the workout videos. What is this...2004?


Got mine a couple days ago and already have my meal plan mapped out.

I watched about 4-5 of the routines and noted a real lack of biceps/triceps exercises. In fact, in the 4-5 I watched, there were only 2 biceps exercises total. Maybe I just haven't watched the ones with those exercises? Lots of push and pull ups, not so much curls.


Hang out with Steve.
Got mine a couple days ago and already have my meal plan mapped out.

I watched about 4-5 of the routines and noted a real lack of biceps/triceps exercises. In fact, in the 4-5 I watched, there were only 2 biceps exercises total. Maybe I just haven't watched the ones with those exercises? Lots of push and pull ups, not so much curls.

I read through the fitness guide, it lists all the moves for all the workouts, and there are definitely rocketman triceps kickbacks as well as a variety of biceps moves. Plus, chin-ups will work your biceps, and some push-up variants will work your triceps, and there are a lot of other compound moves that'll hit them that aren't specifically targeting them. For example chaturanga in yoga will definitely hit your biceps.
It's unbelieavable they didn't plan for this in 2013. It's especially bad for people who have to order them from overseas, pay ridiculous shipping charges and wait several weeks - I wouldn't be surprised if digital download actually reduced piracy in their case.

When I finally get X3, I'll look into ripping the DVDs and putting them on a pen drive. I don't think I can deal with all the DVDs any longer, especially when mixing and matching the different programs.

Yeah it sucks that the first thing to do is rip all the DVDs to my server. Supposedly. My set arrives friday, with every other DVD or blu ray I can watch immediately while it ships. Hate the wait when not going through amazon prime.


I read through the fitness guide, it lists all the moves for all the workouts, and there are definitely rocketman triceps kickbacks as well as a variety of biceps moves. Plus, chin-ups will work your biceps, and some push-up variants will work your triceps, and there are a lot of other compound moves that'll hit them that aren't specifically targeting them. For example chaturanga in yoga will definitely hit your biceps.

Yeah, since there is no once-per-week dedicated "arms" routine like in P90x1, maybe you hit the bi/triceps a little every few days.


Was really hoping X3 would be less pull-up intensive. I simply have no way of doing them. Bands don't do squat for me and I'm not about to buy one of the monstrous $300 pull up bar things. The doorway ones don't fit in any of my door frames either.

I'm sure gonna look strange when this is all done by basically not working out my back :p


Was really hoping X3 would be less pull-up intensive. I simply have no way of doing them. Bands don't do squat for me and I'm not about to buy one of the monstrous $300 pull up bar things. The doorway ones don't fit in any of my door frames either.

I'm sure gonna look strange when this is all done by basically not working out my back :p
Get one of the ones that are basically just a bar instead of the P90X type. They install in all door frames.

Something like this: http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0016BNDXI/?tag=neogaf0e-20


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Yeah it sucks that the first thing to do is rip all the DVDs to my server. Supposedly. My set arrives friday, with every other DVD or blu ray I can watch immediately while it ships. Hate the wait when not going through amazon prime.

Same. Even when ripping it's amazing how horribly slow DVD disk IO is. It's like today's floppy disk.

USB 3.0 can go up to 600 MB/s with much lower latency. If only they could make it cheap.

Done with week 1. Very fitnessy. I'm going to start week 2 around Sunday after Xmas. I'm thinking phase 2 will be more weight oriented.
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