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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Hang out with Steve.
Which would be better for mass gaining: Body Beast or P90X3 MASS?

Body Beast with really heavy weights, all the supplements, and following the meal plan. P90X3 will build muscle and strength but it's more about all-around functional fitness, while Body Beast is all about building muscle.

And you'll want to do multiple rounds.


Hang out with Steve.
And that's P90X3 Classic *DONE*.

Tomorrow I start the Elite Block. The schedule is 3 weeks of:

Complex Upper + X3 Ab Ripper
Complex Lower
X3 Yoga
Complex Upper + X3 Ab Ripper
Complex Lower
Pilates X

Then there's an "Elite Week" that's similar to the recovery weeks in the P90X3 schedules.

After that, my plan is to do P90X3 Doubles.
I know it's not much, but today's the first time I've managed to get through Plyo in P90X without having to take breaks on top of the water breaks. I must admit, it nearly broke me to do it, but I'm happy to have not had to take another 20 minutes on how long it should have taken me!


Hang out with Steve.
Nice job Psychotext!

It's day 3 of the X3 Elite Block, and I am SORE. Mostly shoulders, lats and glutes. Yesterday after Complex Lower I was in a full-on flop sweat. You'd think I'd just done a month two Insanity workout. This stuff's intense! Yoga in a few minutes is gonna feel so good...


Junior Member
Half-way through the first recovery week of P90X3. I'm loving the shit out of this program! I love Tony Horton so much. First time I did CVX, I fell over laughing during the cool down when he goes on the "I'm gonna go to the gym, cause that's the right thing to do! Whops, forgot my locker, so now I have to pay 3$ for that. [..] and you don't know if you're sore or bored or injured". So good.

I also opened my eyes during Isometrix. Hahaha.


Well, this past week was a recovery week (P90X) for me and I slacked big time. I didn't do any of the yoga, but I did the Core stuff. I also went running one day. Didn't really watch what I ate. Failure on my part.

Today is supposed to be my first day of Phase 2, and I've got to admit: I'm not feeling motivated at all. In fact, I don't even know what to do. I made the mistake of looking at my pictures I took before I did my first round of this back in NOVEMBER and compared them to the pictures I took yesterday. I look exactly the same, I really can't believe I put this much effort into this and I look the same.

I mean, this has been the hardest thing I've ever done physically, and I'm just not seeing any results. I'm at the point where I'm like "why bother?" I don't like exercising, all I want to do is sit and do nothing, and it takes me so long to do the workouts because of all the breaks I need to take, and then I just make food (which is awful because I'm the worst cook ever) and then go to bed. It's all I get to do, and it is truly starting to feel like it's for nothing.

Just needed to rant. Doesn't help that I don't have any friends trying to exercise either. I have no one to talk to about this :(
I mean, this has been the hardest thing I've ever done physically, and I'm just not seeing any results.

Are you not even getting any better at the exercises / using more weight? The looks aspect will come, for some it takes longer than others (I don't think the extreme before / after shots help in this regard).


Are you not even getting any better at the exercises / using more weight? The looks aspect will come, for some it takes longer than others (I don't think the extreme before / after shots help in this regard).

I've been noticing improvements in my reps and weight, yeah. I guess I just should have had my expectations in check. I'm just coming to the realization now that those extreme before/after shots in just 90 days will probably take me like.....9 months. I need to accept that, I guess. I believe that they can be achieved, but they're also under the guidance of Tony Horton himself, along with a carefully and precisely laid out diet catered to your needs. I'm doing all that blindly for the most part. Hell, I know I'm still getting the form wrong on a lot of moves, and I probably will never know which ones unless I professional is watching me.

I still just don't feel like exercising today. So here's what I think I'm going to do: I'm going to cook up a storm tonight, and hopefully have a ton of food for the whole week. So starting tomorrow I'm going to begin Phase 2 and just try to stick with it as best I can.
Good. Don't beat yourself up over it, and stick with it.

If nothing else you'll eventually feel like you have a much better handle on a lot of the moves and you'll know that at least you're getting fitter / stronger.


I wish it had the Max Insanity workouts. Still need to try it out, I just glimpsed at the available workouts.
Late to the reply, but I'm with ya on that one. I'm sad they'll never put up the rest of the workouts. Xbox fitness is just too amazing for me to go back to doing it without Kinect.


Hang out with Steve.
5 days into week one of the P90X3 Elite Block. SO. SORE. Holy crap. Glutes, hips, quads, hamstrings, shoulders, lats, triceps, core.

This stuff is the real deal.

God Enel

Starting today with p90x3 doubles month 3. I think it will be okay as there is always a "real" exercise and a "recovery" (isometrix, pilates, dynamix) one, except monday.


It's this time of the year again, gonna start another run of Insanity.
Kind of excited because I stocked up on equipment and I now know the drill and I also now know what works best for me in terms of the nutrition plan so I don't have to skip it.

That yoga mat should come in real handy. I always slipped on the floor and it made it really hard to keep the form.
Alright. After attempting to start T25 over the holidays and getting the flu for damn near a month, I'm finally back in it.

On week 4 on Alpha. My favorite and the hardest workout is the Total Body Circuit.

One thing I added to the mix after the 1st week was three, 5min rounds of boxing on my 150lb heavy bag 4 days out of the week.

This has actually worked out really well and compliments the heavy leg focused workout of Alpha.

The thing I enjoyed about Insanity was the number of people on the screen. Having only 4 is a bit of a bummer. Oh and the fit tests. Those were fun!

Fidelis Hodie

Infidelis Cras
T25-er checking in. Been doing it with my two roommates every day without skipping a workout. We just finished alpha phase! I'm at 198 now (from 216), have essentially cut out the crap in my diet and alcohol. Have never, ever felt better.

Beta phase start today. I have no idea what to expect but we are super excited.

God Enel

Guys I fall in love with p90x3 (and the mmx chick, she's amazing). Was never so satisfied with a program. i'm waking up at 4:00 in the morning to do a round and when i'm home i'm doing the second workout of the doubles program.
Tomorrow is Dynamix and The Challenge.
This will be my second time going through P90X. I must admit that I'm still not doing most of the advanced moves but I'd quite like to try something different next.

Should I just go for P90X2 or is it worth trying one of the others in the OP instead? I'm pretty happy with an hour to an hour an a half a day, though ideally the weekend needs to be something cardio related, as I'll need to swap it for mountain biking (I usually go out on the weekend for 4-6 hours of riding).


Just entered the Bulk Block (Week 4) of the lean body beast plan. Bulk:Legs was one of the hardest beachbody workouts I've ever done. Felt like I was going to puke/passout several times during the workout. I had to sit completely still for 20-30 minutes after the workout to keep from dropping.

So. Many. Squats.


Just started month 2 of insanity....man that was hard :S

Today was my second day of month 2. Good god, I'm beat. As silly as it sounds, I didn't even realize the workouts had increased in length until I saw the time after going hard for like 20 minutes on day 1 of month 2.

God Enel

Just entered the Bulk Block (Week 4) of the lean body beast plan. Bulk:Legs was one of the hardest beachbody workouts I've ever done. Felt like I was going to puke/passout several times during the workout. I had to sit completely still for 20-30 minutes after the workout to keep from dropping.

So. Many. Squats.


The legs workouts are the hardest shit ever. they completely destroy you. but even on them you get better and better.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
I'm so glad that this horrible winter is finally coming to an end. Working out today with the sun still shining brightly in the afternoon, in a room that wasn't freezing cold... it just makes such a difference in my energy levels. SAD sucks.


I plan on starting p90x really soon but I was wondering if its worth buying the ulimate package or should i go with the basic package?
I'd probably just go with the discs. I didn't end up using anything extra, and if you think you'll need them then it's easy enough to get them separately.


I'm thinking of having my Fit Club do an Asylum workout. Not sure which one, we won't have agility ladders.

The strength and back to core (one of my faves) workouts don't use the ladder. And even the ones that do use it can be done without it, if they focus on getting the right form and trying to be precise in their use of space. The only issue's you might run into will be with the vertical and lateral jumps in Vertical Plyo where the ladder is used to measure the distance of the jump. I'd go with strength. It's a great muscle building and cardio workout.


Hang out with Steve.
The strength and back to core (one of my faves) workouts don't use the ladder. And even the ones that do use it can be done without it, if they focus on getting the right form and trying to be precise in their use of space. The only issue's you might run into will be with the vertical and lateral jumps in Vertical Plyo where the ladder is used to measure the distance of the jump. I'd go with strength. It's a great muscle building and cardio workout.

Thanks, I'll screen it this weekend. Been a while since I did it :)


Anyone have a good alternative for an excercise mat for p90x3?

The beachbody one it's a little bit on the expensive side


Hang out with Steve.
Anyone have a good alternative for an excercise mat for p90x3?

The beachbody one it's a little bit on the expensive side

I just use a yoga mat.

That said I do have 1/2" foam puzzle mats in a 12x12' configuration for my workout space. I use the yoga mat on top for Pilates, yoga and X3 Ab Ripper.


I think today I'm going to do an Insanity workout instead of Kenpo X, because I hate Kenpo X. It's mundane to me and doesn't ever work me really hard.

I'm going to do Cardio Power & Resistance in about 20 minutes. I have never done an Insanity workout before, so I'm a little scared, but hell, I need some change. My motivation is just deteriorating away so I need to try something....
I think today I'm going to do an Insanity workout instead of Kenpo X, because I hate Kenpo X. It's mundane to me and doesn't ever work me really hard.

I'm going to do Cardio Power & Resistance in about 20 minutes. I have never done an Insanity workout before, so I'm a little scared, but hell, I need some change. My motivation is just deteriorating away so I need to try something....

You'll be fine Cardio Power and resistance is not as intense as some other Insanity workouts. I bet you still get more of a burn than with Kempo X.


I'm halfway through and posting during a break I needed to extend, haha.

This is intense stuff. Definitely better than Kempo for me. I can't imagine workouts harder than this, lol. Guess I'm still pretty out of shape :p

Music is better and time goes way faster than any P90X routine though. I needed this change.

Edit: And now I'm done! Holy F#!@ that was crazy hard. I would say I even gave it a 50% effort (and still felt like I did more than in Kenpo) because I had to skip some moves because I felt so dizzy, and then I also didn't give it my all during the resistance moves because I'm actually going straight to Chest, Shoulders & Trieps tomorrow and I didn't want to wear down any of those muscle groups. I'm skipping my rest day because of how my schedule is for next week (will be busy all day Wednesday) and last week I rested on Wednesday, too, because of my schedule. I hope that's not screwing me up too much, but I kinda want to do this every week instead of Kenpo. Might even do another one instead of Plyo.

I have the Hybrid schedule, and I wanted to do Insanity after P90X, but is it crazy talk to morph my second run-through of P90X into the X/Insanity Hybrid schedule? I'm smack in the middle of Phase 2 P90X.


Hang out with Steve.
I have the Hybrid schedule, and I wanted to do Insanity after P90X, but is it crazy talk to morph my second run-through of P90X into the X/Insanity Hybrid schedule? I'm smack in the middle of Phase 2 P90X.

If it's your first time, I'd do Insanity standalone first. Then you can move to the hybrid. Insanity is only 2 months, so I wouldn't worry about strength losses. You can always add in some of Tony Horton's 5 minute strength workouts, check his YouTube channel,

so i uh stopped doing p90x3 in january. way to stick to it. going to start over sometimes this month but gotta redo my schedule. feeling overweight at the moment. lol

You can do it! It's only 30 minutes a day :)


Cool, thanks, Steve.

Today I decided to take my measurements since the I started Round 2 (weight, waist, biceps, all that stuff)....I wanted to do it once per phase, but I forgot to do it the beginning of Phase 2.

Aaannnndddd I've gained no sizes. This coupled with my pictures waaaaay back from November looking exactly the same as I do today makes me wonder if I'm some human anomaly that can't become physically fit :p

What do you think guys? Should I just give up here? :\ Only semi-serious.....but MAN what a motivation KILLER....and I already don't have much motivation. Nothing makes me want to work out more than working my ass off for 4 months and seeing no changes....not. I honestly can't say I've seen a change. I'll have to post my pictures here someday.

Maybe I should try a new strategy? Eat as much as I possibly can every day and not care about fat gain? I feel like there's not chemistry happening so I'm not not sure what to do. Maybe I should be removing cardio completely and just use the weight training routines as a "bulk" and then afterwards just "cut" with Insanity? Not sure how to feel right now.


Okay, I won't do this again until I finish at the end of May.

But what about 4.5 months? My pic I took in November still perfectly represents what I look like now :
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