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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Finished P90X3 last week.

Saw pretty good results with the program, though I felt the program was way more heavily cardio and leg oriented than P90X, so muscle gains were significantly less, though they are still there. Started another round of P90X3 yesterday and will go through it again. I have very low body fat everywhere but my stomach and can't seem to burn it off. It's much less than it was 3 months ago, but I figure another 90 days will melt it off (hopefully!).

God Enel

Finished P90X3 last week.

Saw pretty good results with the program, though I felt the program was way more heavily cardio and leg oriented than P90X, so muscle gains were significantly less, though they are still there. Started another round of P90X3 yesterday and will go through it again. I have very low body fat everywhere but my stomach and can't seem to burn it off. It's much less than it was 3 months ago, but I figure another 90 days will melt it off (hopefully!).

Have the same problem with the stomach. Though i habe to admit that my diet is a shithole :(

Cannot motivate myself to eat healthy. What to do?
So for you folks doing p90X3: Do you really need to tape the floor for Agility X? I'm not too fond of taping the floor every week just for this exercise : /

For yoga X3 i found myself doing the full routine and then following up with the abs section of the P90x2 routine. I like that they shorten the videos but I wish they had based yoga X3 more on Yoga X2 than Yoga X1. I'd rather be killing myself doing 6 straight warrior 1s than doing tree poses.


So for you folks doing p90X3: Do you really need to tape the floor for Agility X? I'm not too fond of taping the floor every week just for this exercise : /

Nope, never. I guess taping the floor would make it harder to (unintentionally) cheat, but I still felt like I got enough out of it the few times I did Agility X.


Hang out with Steve.
Have the same problem with the stomach. Though i habe to admit that my diet is a shithole :(

Cannot motivate myself to eat healthy. What to do?

You need to find the motivation. While that's really, really hard to do, that is what it all comes down to. A good start is to get rid of all the junk food in your house & replace it with healthy things, bring your lunches to work/school, and make your meals at home instead of ordering out or going out. It's OK to cheat occasionally, as long as you do the right thing most of the time.

But it's hard. Even harder than committing to working out. And it's something I struggle with as well, so don't feel bad :)

So for you folks doing p90X3: Do you really need to tape the floor for Agility X? I'm not too fond of taping the floor every week just for this exercise : /

For yoga X3 i found myself doing the full routine and then following up with the abs section of the P90x2 routine. I like that they shorten the videos but I wish they had based yoga X3 more on Yoga X2 than Yoga X1. I'd rather be killing myself doing 6 straight warrior 1s than doing tree poses.

I don't think it's absolutely necessary to put the tape down. The idea is to try to hit the targets, so if you have some other way of marking them, or if you can picture where they'd be consistently, that'd be fine.

Yep, X3 Yoga is too short. It's a good one but it's too short. You could always chapter-skip back when they get to the balance poses and do another round of sun salutations.
In an effort to get into better shape for my upcoming wedding in July, I've decided to start Insanity. Last year I made it through six weeks of P90X before falling off the wagon, and I liked that program, but I decided to give Insanity a go because it's only 60 days instead of 90.

After doing the fit test yesterday I felt like I was going to die, but that was nothing compared to Cardio Circuit. I might not be able to move tomorrow! The program may be 30 days shorter but I have a feeling it really makes you work for it!


Have the same problem with the stomach. Though i habe to admit that my diet is a shithole :(

Cannot motivate myself to eat healthy. What to do?

Once you are fully engaged with your routine, I think having one cheat day a week is fine. Even then, be sure that you've all but met your weight loss goals, etc. It works for me, and I've been working on these Beachbody programs for the better part of two years. It's a good psychological boost too knowing that you can indulge a little without throwing it all away.

For instance, I was in California on business last week, and while my diet wasn't that bad, I did drink more alcohol than I normally do. My exercise routine fell off for a few days, but on each day, I walked between 5-10 miles, so that made up some lost ground. I weighed myself when I got back and had neither gained nor lost weight.

I've been there, and yes, it's hard as hell. Hang in there my friend.


In an effort to get into better shape for my upcoming wedding in July, I've decided to start Insanity. Last year I made it through six weeks of P90X before falling off the wagon, and I liked that program, but I decided to give Insanity a go because it's only 60 days instead of 90.

After doing the fit test yesterday I felt like I was going to die, but that was nothing compared to Cardio Circuit. I might not be able to move tomorrow! The program may be 30 days shorter but I have a feeling it really makes you work for it!

It's totally worth it honestly. You'll only get better if you stick to it. I remember doing my first fit test and knocking out on my bed from how tired I was. Just make sure you stick to it and you'll end up enjoying it!


Hang out with Steve.
In an effort to get into better shape for my upcoming wedding in July, I've decided to start Insanity. Last year I made it through six weeks of P90X before falling off the wagon, and I liked that program, but I decided to give Insanity a go because it's only 60 days instead of 90.

After doing the fit test yesterday I felt like I was going to die, but that was nothing compared to Cardio Circuit. I might not be able to move tomorrow! The program may be 30 days shorter but I have a feeling it really makes you work for it!

Insanity is tough! But you can get through it. Some tips:

- don't pause the video! Insanity is based on interval training. You are supposed to keep your heart rate up, and if you pause for too long your heart rate will drop too much.
- that said, you can stop a move early if you need a break -- just be ready to start the next move when the crew does. Watch the timer bar on the screen & be ready to go again.
- don't try to keep up! Go at your own pace, and slowly work your way up to the speed they're going in the video. Don't worry if you don't get there -- this is your fitness journey, not a competition!
- modify! They don't show you modifications in Insanity videos, but pretty much every move can be modified. You can go lower impact by stepping instead of jumping. You can reduce the range of motion. And of course you can go slower. Just be sure to try to stay in good form.

Good luck and if you have any questions you know where to ask :)


Hang out with Steve.
So I was thinking... You (SteveMeister) must be in amazing shape given how many of the Beachbody workouts you've done!

Heh well, I'm ok, I need to do a little better on food because I still have a little belly fat, but I feel pretty good otherwise. 3-4 years ago I was 210lbs with a 44" waist (5'11" tall), right now I'm about 169 with a 32" waist. At 49 in the best shape of my life, by far!

I've been doing Beachbody workouts for about 27 months. About 2 years before that, I started on a strict ultra low carb primal diet, but with not much exercise, and went from 210 to 149 in about 5 months. Went into maintenance mode on the diet and added irregular exercise and bounced back to a healthier 165, but then crunch time hit at work and too many free pizzas and donuts drove my weight up to 188 or so, and that's when I started with Power 90 in January of 2012.

But yeah, lots of Beachbody workouts :)
I must say I tend not to do the diet aspects as I've got a diet that works for me and I can hit the macros I think work for my body fairly easily (well, with the assistance of some protein drinks anyway).

"belly fat" or not, you can't really fault a 32" waist at 49!
Help me out here: is there really no resistance in the first block of P90x3? I haven't finished the first week but from what I can gather only the Challenge seems to be a resistance exercise with everything else seeming to me mostly core and cardio.


Hang out with Steve.
I admit I haven't done it yet but the impressions i've read elsewhere suggest light weights for CVX. I guess I'll see for myself when I get into it.

Yeah, start light -- adding weight to cardio moves makes a bigger difference than you'd think! You can always move up to a heavier weight if it's too easy for you.


Hang out with Steve.
So, last year a friend of mine & fellow Beachbody coach decided to commit to a full year of Body Beast. He did four rounds, ate right, and here are his results:


Hard work, commitment, and eating right are a potent combination! (Again, this isn't me, it's a friend :))

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I recently moved into an apartment on the second floor. Goodbye indoor cardio. :(


Hang out with Steve.
I recently moved into an apartment on the second floor. Goodbye indoor cardio. :(

Land like a cat!

You might want to look into getting thick foam puzzle mat floor tiles, maybe 4'x8'. Couple that with cushioned shoes and making sure you land toe-ball-heel-bend knees to absorb the impact, and you should be OK.

I have half-inch foam puzzle mat flooring in my exercise area, sitting on top of carpet, and it works pretty well; though it's in the basement of my house so I don't have any downstairs neighbors to worry about. For your purposes you might want something thicker, 3/4" or 1".


Almost finished with week 6 of body beast lean schedule. I gotta be honest...while I'm seeing some nice gains and all around progress on my body I'm starting to feel beat up and over trained. 6 days, 1 day off on the bulk schedule is rough. I'm taking in 3500 cals a day and still barely gaining any weight. I'm going to keep pushing through because the results have been great.

Edit: Fuck Bulk Legs.


Almost finished with week 6 of body beast lean schedule. I gotta be honest...while I'm seeing some nice gains and all around progress on my body I'm starting to feel beat up and over trained. 6 days, 1 day off on the bulk schedule is rough. I'm taking in 3500 cals a day and still barely gaining any weight. I'm going to keep pushing through because the results have been great.

Edit: Fuck Bulk Legs.

That's how I felt as well, I even quit Body Beast once in phase 3 because it felt like my body couldn't keep up (I didn't get enough sleep either). In my case, it was probably a case of overestimating my capacity by using dumbells that were too heavy as well.


As an Insanity grad, I was curious to try out Asylum, and to see how it compares. A girl I work with loaned me the first few discs, and I tried the Speed and Agility disc yesterday.

...Holy crap. I take care of myself, lift 3x per week, and do boxing twice a week for 2 hours. This had me wiped. I took a nap after I showered. I will definitely do more of it; probably won't do a straight run, because it would interfere with my other stuff, but I can probably do it three times a week or something. Good stuff.


Hang out with Steve.
Shadybiz, Asylum is ridiculous :) even Shaun T says "this shit is bananas!"

I finished up the P90X3 Elite Block this morning with Dynamix. Tomorrow I start P90X3 Doubles!
Got my first week of p90x3 done with. Even though i was a pro at p90x I still was gettnig my butt kicked by x3. The only days I felt that I had nailed perfectly were the Challenge and Yoga, which shouldn't really be surprising because they're the two videos that have most of their roots in x1 exercises. The rest of the days found me having to take either one or two breaks just to be able to catch my breath.

Gonna do the whole x3 thing with the only change being that I might add ab ripper x to the Yoga days as a I feel like im not getting enough of a burn there. Looking forward to getting crushed again today : )


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Completed day 2 of block 3. Agility X. My legs definitely atrophied a bit over the last 1.5 months. My upper body is nearly intact so onward.


Shadybiz, Asylum is ridiculous :) even Shaun T says "this shit is bananas!"

I finished up the P90X3 Elite Block this morning with Dynamix. Tomorrow I start P90X3 Doubles!

Very nice on the P90X3 progression!

Yeah, I'm definitely going to keep at the Asylum; will probably just order myself the set sometime this week, instead of borrowing hers forever. Apparently I need it, so why not?


Hang out with Steve.
Very nice on the P90X3 progression!

Yeah, I'm definitely going to keep at the Asylum; will probably just order myself the set sometime this week, instead of borrowing hers forever. Apparently I need it, so why not?

If you get it through a coach (like me) you get a bonus workout.
Asylum Base Kit: http://bit.ly/1lze6BF
Asylum Volume 2 Base Kit: http://bit.ly/1eZKWgR
Asylum 1 & 2 Combo: http://bit.ly/1hbSU57

Started my 1st day of Insanity today, was tough but the breaks seem to be in just about the right places.


This is me now, can't wait to see the results!

Good luck! Just stick with it & eat right and you'll do great!


Been doing Insanity since April and on Saturday decided to go for a run, now my legs are really sore o_O
I thought Insanity already covered each and every muscle group there is.
Sadly you can actually negatively affect your ability to run / cycle / swim by doing many of these programs. After doing a round I have to then do a round of specific cycling training to regain as much of my cycling specific fitness as possible.

After the next round I think I'm just going to do a more mixed routine over a longer period of time.


Hang out with Steve.
Messed around with Pilates and yoga x3. Liked yoga although I think it should be 45 mins. Pilates was just different lol

Pilates occurs very seldom in the Classic schedule. It wasn't until I did the Elite Block, where you do it every week, that I finally felt I was able to get a handle on it. I really like it -- except for a couple moves it's not all that challenging, but the combination of core work with the very precise breathing patterns really feels effective.
Onto Beta month of T25. Much better and more intense than Alpha.

Been doing 3, five 5 heavy bag arounds 4 days a week after the work out to add on also.

I like the 25min part of it. Makes it go by fast.

Compared to Insanity it feels more efficient and "modern." Insanity beats you up, esp the 2nd month and hour long grinds really become taxing after a while.

I'm seeing great results from T25 esp on the upper body but I do believe the heavy bag work is contributing a lot to that.


Hi guys!

I'm in recovery week of phase 2 of P90X and it's killing me! Not because it's hard, but because I don't think I'm being active enough!

My new worry is that I'm going to lose muscle all the time! I want to lose the belly fat, but I keep eating to gain muscle mass, but then I think that keeps my belly fat even though I'm sneaking in more cardio than is called for.....what should I be doing here? Lol

Anyway, I'm finally seeing results in this second round of P90X and it has me so effing happy. For the first time, some friends of mine noticed my "Captain America" arms (yeah effing, right, lol...they're totally joking with that comment but at least I'm no longer "Skeletor") so that's something!

Now, with phase 3 right around the corner (can I cut my recovery week short?!?! lol), I'm pondering what I want to do next. I have Insanity that I got from the same friend that gave me P90X, but if my goal is to gain muscle and lose fat (overall increasing my weight....I'm 5'10" 168 right now, and I'd like to be 180 with muscle rather than fat) so I'm thinking Insanity isn't the way to go. Should I do the hybrid P90X/Insanity after this or just normal Insanity? I was also considering P90X3.....if I can somehow come up with the money.

My goal is to basically look like Jeremy from P90X3. I'm obsessed with his physique. And honestly, I'm probably somewhere in between these two photos of him.

Edit: with a bit more belly fat


When I see pictures like that, I always wonder how much of a role the lighting plays. Not entirely a case of different lighting of course, but it probably helps.

It probably does, but even on the videos and such, it is still the physique I aspire to have :p



Getting ready to enter the beast phase of body beast and I can faintly see the finish line. Trying to decide if I want to do another round or do p90x3 mass schedule. On one hand I know body beast is better at building muscle, which is primarily my goal. On the other hand though I feel like a change up and a break from sagi would be nice. Has anyone done or doing the x3 mass schedule? It must not be that popular because I can't find many results online with it yet.


Hang out with Steve.
Getting ready to enter the beast phase of body beast and I can faintly see the finish line. Trying to decide if I want to do another round or do p90x3 mass schedule. On one hand I know body beast is better at building muscle, which is primarily my goal. On the other hand though I feel like a change up and a break from sagi would be nice. Has anyone done or doing the x3 mass schedule? It must not be that popular because I can't find many results online with it yet.

Thinking of doing it after Doubles. Assuming everyone started with Classic, there hasn't been enough time since launch for someone to have also done a complete run of Mass! But I'll ask around in Coach land & see if I can get some feedback.


Man, I really heavily modified my recovery week (read: switched a lot of workouts around and overall didn't do much....I skipped one day of yoga and one of kenpo....)

So, I was thinking of starting Phase 3 tomorrow, which would be a day early. Am I recovered enough/okay to do this? I feel fine, and I seriously just want to jump into Phase 3 tomorrow regardless......just wanted GAF's thoughts.


Hang out with Steve.
Yesterday: The Challenge. Chose 9 pull-ups and 25 push-ups as my targets. Reached the goals on all sets (unassisted/power stands), added a pull-up or two here & there, and towards the end I threw in an extra 4-5 assisted pull-ups. For the Burnout I chose narrow grip pull-ups and normal width push-ups, got in 14 sets. So, a really good workout.

This morning I had CVX followed by Dynamix on the Doubles schedule. I used an 8lbs medicine ball for most of the workout, though I dropped to a 5lb dumbbell for a couple of the moves. Tough workout. And man, Dynamix was rough after all of this! I did ok, but talk about a flop sweat. The plank section was difficult as my chest & shoulders were sore from yesterday's workout and fatigued from CVX.

P90X3 doubles is no joke!


Gonna start up P90x3 doubles tomorrow. Also have the strawberry shakeology for the first time. I like it, but the chocolate and vanilla are better.
Starting T25 tommorow morning, I an 5'8 and about 200 lbs and in as bad of shape as you could imagine with the majority of my weight being in my belly.. Doing a whole lot of cooking tonight so I will eat right this week.

I need to get my body right for my sake and for the sake of my wife and kids, any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated!!


Starting T25 tommorow morning, I an 5'8 and about 200 lbs and in as bad of shape as you could imagine with the majority of my weight being in my belly.. Doing a whole lot of cooking tonight so I will eat right this week.

I need to get my body right for my sake and for the sake of my wife and kids, any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated!!
I was almost your stats a couple years ago, 5'6" ~180lbs, now down to 133 and toned though still working off some stubborn belly fat.

The most important thing is to stick with it and not give up. Maybe you'll miss a day because you couldn't workout due to your schedule, don't beat yourself up over it. Hit it hard the next day. Try hard to stick to your diet or at least be mindful of what you eat and don't be hard on yourself if every now and then you go get some relatively unhealthy food. Don't pay too much attention to numbers on the scale. Weigh yourself once a week first thing in the morning. Your weight will fluctuate and as you build muscle, you'll gain weight. Don't worry about that, because as you build muscle you'll start shredding fat really quickly.

It will be tough at first and you'll be sore, tired and hungry, but every week when your clothes are getting looser and you start liking the way you look in the mirror, it will be worth it. And once you get there, you'll want to keep improving and never stop. :]
Did the first T-25 workout this morning.......I am way out of shape!! Felt like I got hit by a truck for about an hour after the workout but I feel good now and I am looking forward to tomorrows workout!!
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