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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

I added Ab Ripper to my p90x3 yoga day since that day felt pretty weak and now im trying to see what other day I think it would fit well into. If The Challange didn't immediately follow yoga X3 I feel like that would be the right day to add it. Hmm. Maybe CVX?
My motivation is shot to shit. My results so far are unquestionably good; with my body shape changing significantly... the problem is that I just don't know why I'm doing it. I could get better cardiovascular fitness by sticking to the cycling training that I've been doing the last couple of years, and I'm not single so it's not like looking buff is going to help me pull some hotties!

Wouldn't be so bad, but my missus has told me on numerous occasions that she prefers me scrawny so I'm going in completely the wrong direction for her. She doesn't work out at all any more (we did P90X together a couple of years back) either so it's very much feeling like a hell of a lot of effort for nothing.

Day 1 P90X3 Classic.

Starting Weight: 237lbs
Height: 5'11"
Age: 29 in May

Dude, not sure how used to this program you might be but fair warning: It's going to be REAL hard for a while. I exercise regularly over the years and even then, P90X3 is a killer. Take your time, pause when you need to, watch how they do the moves and do your best to emulate them. The videos have a modified version of just about every exercise there is so I'd recommend that you stick with that for a while.

Also, the diet is really, really important. Read the nutrition guide and try your best to follow it. I know you didn't ask for advice but just keep at it and don't lose motivation if at first it feels too hard! I couldn't do pullups my whole life and now I crank them out like there's no tomorrow.
Dude, not sure how used to this program you might be but fair warning: It's going to be REAL hard for a while. I exercise regularly over the years and even then, P90X3 is a killer. Take your time, pause when you need to, watch how they do the moves and do your best to emulate them. The videos have a modified version of just about every exercise there is so I'd recommend that you stick with that for a while.

Also, the diet is really, really important. Read the nutrition guide and try your best to follow it. I know you didn't ask for advice but just keep at it and don't lose motivation if at first it feels too hard! I couldn't do pullups my whole life and now I crank them out like there's no tomorrow.

oh i know. but i'm that out of shape. i did p90x3 around january. around the same weight. got down 8 lbs then. but had other things that made me stop. when i did Total Synergistic was thinking i wouldn't be able to do it but surprisingly i was able to keep up. only thing i couldn't do was the whole boat plow. i did the boat but i couldn't plow lol.


My motivation is shot to shit. My results so far are unquestionably good; with my body shape changing significantly... the problem is that I just don't know why I'm doing it. I could get better cardiovascular fitness by sticking to the cycling training that I've been doing the last couple of years, and I'm not single so it's not like looking buff is going to help me pull some hotties!

Wouldn't be so bad, but my missus has told me on numerous occasions that she prefers me scrawny so I'm going in completely the wrong direction for her. She doesn't work out at all any more (we did P90X together a couple of years back) either so it's very much feeling like a hell of a lot of effort for nothing.

Time to rethink some things. Do cycling for your health and try to find fun ways to stay active. If you have no reason or desire to workout like this then stop. Once this stuff becomes a chore its best to find other ways to get it done. Just eat as healthy as you can and stay active.
I've never found any of it particularly fun to be honest. I'd genuinely love to be one of those people that gets some sort of buzz out of working out.

What I might do after this round is only do P90(X/2/3) stuff three days a week and and cycling on the other two. I'm not going to do anything like Plyo next time around though, because I really, really hate it (I don't mind the weights too much).


Hang out with Steve.
I've never found any of it particularly fun to be honest. I'd genuinely love to be one of those people that gets some sort of buzz out of working out.

What I might do after this round is only do P90(X/2/3) stuff three days a week and and cycling on the other two. I'm not going to do anything like Plyo next time around though, because I really, really hate it (I don't mind the weights too much).

It may be time for you to transition to a "Starting Strength" type of lifting program, or maybe Body Beast if you want to stay in the Beachbody family. Something with more of an emphasis on building strength and muscle. Throw in yoga once a week or so and your cycling and you'd have a pretty good regimen.


Hang out with Steve.
This month's special at Beachbody is the P90X3 Challenge Pack. Only $180 gets you the P90X3 Base Package (normally $119.85) and Shakeology in the flavor of your choice (normally $129.85), with free shipping. It's about a $95 savings and a great deal.

i did X3 yoga yesterday and i got to the plow part of the exercise. i remember i couldn't do Boat Plow from the earlier exercise but was surprised to see i was able to do it. i was Plowing myself and it felt good.


Hang out with Steve.
i did X3 yoga yesterday and i got to the plow part of the exercise. i remember i couldn't do Boat Plow from the earlier exercise but was surprised to see i was able to do it. i was Plowing myself and it felt good.

Nice! I'm *almost* to the point where I can touch my toes to the ground in plow. I think it's more a confidence thing than a flexibility thing at this point. I had Yoga this morning, too.

Today at my Fit Club at work we're doing full-bore Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit. I've been working them up to it. We've been doing mostly T25 workouts, but for the past 3 weeks I had them do Insanity Fast & Furious. I'm going to cycle them through all the month 1 workouts, and then try to get into Month 2. Ultimate goal is Max Interval Sports Training, and *maybe* something from Asylum.
i was Plowing myself and it felt good.

I see what you did there.

Nice! I'm *almost* to the point where I can touch my toes to the ground in plow. I think it's more a confidence thing than a flexibility thing at this point. I had Yoga this morning, too.

I can do that, though it feels like a bastard to breathe (I think I have too much fat crushing my lungs). I'm pretty flexible all told.


Hang out with Steve.
struggling with CVX with 12 pound dumbbells. gotta find the 10 pound and just work my way up as time goes by lol.

I can do the whole thing with an 8lb med ball, but some of the moves are rough even with that. Remember Tony says 12lbs is the max :)

That said, some of the moves I could definitely do with a much higher weight, so it's useful to have multiples available.
I can do the whole thing with an 8lb med ball, but some of the moves are rough even with that. Remember Tony says 12lbs is the max :)

That said, some of the moves I could definitely do with a much higher weight, so it's useful to have multiples available.

yeah. but i started and didn't want to stop to look for a lighter weight lol. but i have 10 and an 8 so i'll try 8 next week and see how that goes.

EDIT: so looking at the classic schedule for p90x. i accidentally did warrior instead challenge the other day. i'll just do challenge today to balance things out for this week.


Yeah, go for it!

Meant to say thanks! I did!

It may be time for you to transition to a "Starting Strength" type of lifting program, or maybe Body Beast if you want to stay in the Beachbody family. Something with more of an emphasis on building strength and muscle. Throw in yoga once a week or so and your cycling and you'd have a pretty good regimen.

Ugh....this is something I'm dreading, to be totally honest. I thought I could achieve all my fitness goals through P90X/2/3, but I'm starting to realize that if I want to build muscle size, I'm going to have to get a gym membership, which is the stuff that makes up my nightmares. Body Beast is very tempting, but I don't have nearly enough equipment for that. I think I would need to get a bench as well as a barbell with weights, wouldn't I? That stuff really adds up in cost in addition to the weights I keep periodically buying (I mean, two 40lbs=$80)

Also, something I'm doing right now is not worrying about how much I eat, as long as I eat enough. I'm trying to GAIN here, so I don't want to sacrifice any potential lean muscle growth. So I'm just eating. A lot. But a lot of healthy stuff with one cheat day a week. This MIGHT be preventing me from getting the six-pack I know is there, but I'm confident that once I quit P90X and switch to Insanity, I'll be able to achieve that.

Basically, I'm doing a sort of bulk/cut with P90X being a bulking and Insanity being the cut. That will essentially be 6 months of bulking through my two rounds of P90X (although I'm confident I wasn't eating enough daily for my first two months, which was my own bad)

4 weeks left until Insanity!

EDIT: If I should not be doing this, let me know....I can't think of a reason it would be bad but you guys might....


Hang out with Steve.
You can do body beast with dumbbells and a stability ball -- the workouts all have someone using those. An EZ curl bar with plates and a bench is better, but not absolutely required. And of course Body Beast comes with a full meal plan, so you have that to follow. So in that sense there's an advantage over a gym and your own schedule. You can get great results with body beast, but it may take multiple rounds and you definitely want to follow the meal plan.


Thinking about T25. It seems best suited for me to be able to start somewhere.

Im 5'9"
222 pounds
And probably in the worst shape possible
Thinking about T25. It seems best suited for me to be able to start somewhere.

Im 5'9"
222 pounds
And probably in the worst shape possible

Just got done with the first week and my situation is very similar to yours. I started at 203 and I am very out of shape. I did all the workouts this week and was VERY on point with my diet and when I took my stats Saturday I weighed at 198 with inches lost as well. I am getting a little bit better at the workouts day by day as well.

The modifier they do every video has helped me as well. I would recommend T25 to anyone, especially someone like me who is very out of shape and needs a shorter workout right now.


Just got done with the first week and my situation is very similar to yours. I started at 203 and I am very out of shape. I did all the workouts this week and was VERY on point with my diet and when I took my stats Saturday I weighed at 198 with inches lost as well. I am getting a little bit better at the workouts day by day as well.

The modifier they do every video has helped me as well. I would recommend T25 to anyone, especially someone like me who is very out of shape and needs a shorter workout right now.

I was going to ask about the modifier and if people had used it.


I'm just a few days away from completing P90X3. T-25 is next!

It will be my first non-T.H. workout, because I've always stuck to the P90-(something) line.
Week 2 - Couldn't do boat plow unless it's the plow from yoga. but everything else was easy to do once i knew what was going on.(P90X3 Total Synergistic)


I've never done it before and 30 minutes of just stretches just doesn't seem too productive. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and I'll try it this one time but be prepared to hear me whine about it tomorrow.

I found Dynamix to be surprisingly exhausting, always had to take a shower afterwards. Liked it, it's dynamic stretching, so it feels more like a workout compared to the stretching in previous P90X programs.


Hang out with Steve.
I found Dynamix to be surprisingly exhausting, always had to take a shower afterwards. Liked it, it's dynamic stretching, so it feels more like a workout compared to the stretching in previous P90X programs.

The plank series is tough -- you're in plank for nearly two minutes (groiners, pigeons, lunge pushups), twice. Then the very end (side banana/superman/side banana) is tough as well.

But you haven't "done" Dynamics until you've done it after another workout -- it's after Agility X and CVX in block 1 of the Doubles program. Much harder -- and much more rewarding!


Getting that itch to move on to something different. Two rounds of p90X is finally getting a bit boring for me.

I want to do Insanity after this but I think I might still want to put on muscle. P90X3 might be good.... Hmmmm....
Getting that itch to move on to something different. Two rounds of p90X is finally getting a bit boring for me.

I want to do Insanity after this but I think I might still want to put on muscle. P90X3 might be good.... Hmmmm....

My wife was in your situation and did Insanity:asylum, intense cardio but also incorporates strength training. Watching her do it made me tired!!
Fuck man, this transition week is no joke. Outside of Dynamix, this week as been just as intense as the previous ones. I was a sweaty zombie of a mess after Accelerator.


Hang out with Steve.
Any rumours of Body Beast 2? I wonderful how successful the first one was, but seems pretty popular though.

I haven't heard any. That said, it would make a lot of sense for Beachbody to release one, especially if they backed off the "bro" tone of Body Beast. I know a lot of women who love the program despite that, and toning it down would make the program that much more inclusive.

Fuck man, this transition week is no joke. Outside of Dynamix, this week as been just as intense as the previous ones. I was a sweaty zombie of a mess after Accelerator.

Yep -- they don't call it a "recovery week" for good reason! Isometrics is tough too!


Congrats! Be sure to send Deadly Cyclone a pm so he can add you to the grads list!


PM Sent!

X3 was great, and in fact, it was excellent, because it truly is the excuse killer. 30 minutes goes by pretty fast, and as a family guy, I was able to work this in with ease.

The killer for me was Accelerator. The persistent plank moves were a little much for the joints in my hands and oddly, the center of my right forearm. It was strange, because the day after any Accelerator night, my right forearm felt like it had suffered repetitive strain.


Hang out with Steve.
Great news! Beachbody has dropped the price of the P90X3 Elite workouts disk from $89.85 to $59.85. http://bit.ly/1bzWl2k

The Elite Block is a four-week block you do after a round of P90X3, and includes 3 new workouts: Complex Upper, Complex Lower, and X3 Ab Ripper. If you've done P90X2, Complex Upper & Lower will be somewhat familiar to you, as they are similar to the PAP Upper and Lower workouts from X2.
So, um, I have a newfound respect for Pilates after last night. That move where you put your leg behind you and move it five times, hah, i must've looked like a flapping drunken whale trying to do that.

I'd never thought id say this but im looking forward to CVX tonight after two straight days of getting my core killed.


Hunky Nostradamus
How important are the fitness guide and the nutrition plan booklets that come with P90X? I was going to buy the dvds used and it doesn't include the books.


Nutrition is absolutely essential for a transformation.
I didn't follow mine while doing p90x and my transformation was solid but not spectacular. Lots of people swear by it though.
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