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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

There's really nothing in there that a general understanding wouldn't have covered already anyway (plus there's aspects to it that I wouldn't generally agree with anyway, especially with more recent science on the subject).

If you know absolutely nothing about nutrition then it would probably be best to stick to what they say though.


Mike Sisson doesn't even agree with the nutrition plan that he supposedly help formulate for p90x.
But I guess we have to take it with a grain of salt, everyone is trying to sell their own stuff.


Hang out with Steve.
Mike Sisson doesn't even agree with the nutrition plan that he supposedly help formulate for p90x.
But I guess we have to take it with a grain of salt, everyone is trying to sell their own stuff.

Considering how much the nutrition plans changed from P90X through to P90X3, I wouldn't say they're trying to "sell" anything with them. Mark Sisson had some input into the original P90X plan, and helped design a couple of Beachbody's earlier supplements, but that was before he created his Primal business.

The reason they include the nutrition plans is because nutrition is key to getting results, and they want to provide ALL the tools people need to get themselves into shape. It's up to each individual to decide which of those tools they use, and to what extent -- but Beachbody provides them.
I'm guessing he means it wont give you what you need. Besides, fuck brown rice, the benefits of it are overhyped. Basmati and wild rice for life.


Hang out with Steve.
What do I need then :(

Just eat good stuff -- whole, fresh vegetables and lots of them; high quality naturally raised meat if you can get it, fruits in limited amounts (preferring berries to large fruits like apples & oranges), and drastically reduce foods high in carbohydrates (anything made with grain, anything made with sugar). And keep your portions reasonable.

I recommend completely eliminating all sweetened drinks (including those using artificial sweeteners) from your diet. Get used to drinking unsweetened beverages -- water, coffee, tea, milk if your stomach can handle it. But mostly water.

You should also go through your cupboards & fridge and get rid of all the junk -- chips, crackers, cookies, desserts of all kinds, candy, etc. Just remove it from temptation.

The nutrition plans for Beachbody workouts vary, but they all emphasize whole, healthy foods. There's a lot of variety and a lot of great food to eat. You won't be starved and you won't get bored. The only reason people say things like "just eat grilled chicken and brown rice" is because it's brain-dead simple. You don't need to be that boring.
I still have a bowl of shitty cereal and a cup of coffee with fat free creamer and sugar in the mornings because, fuck, if im eating lean the rest of the day then let a man have an ok breakfast.

Also, what the fuck eccentric upper? I felt so good with The Challenge but Eccentric Upper is just meant to make you feel like a piece of garbage no matter how decent you think your upper body is. I did it Monday and I'm still feeling it on Wednesday.


Hunky Nostradamus
Just eat good stuff -- whole, fresh vegetables and lots of them; high quality naturally raised meat if you can get it, fruits in limited amounts (preferring berries to large fruits like apples & oranges), and drastically reduce foods high in carbohydrates (anything made with grain, anything made with sugar). And keep your portions reasonable.

I recommend completely eliminating all sweetened drinks (including those using artificial sweeteners) from your diet. Get used to drinking unsweetened beverages -- water, coffee, tea, milk if your stomach can handle it. But mostly water.

You should also go through your cupboards & fridge and get rid of all the junk -- chips, crackers, cookies, desserts of all kinds, candy, etc. Just remove it from temptation.

The nutrition plans for Beachbody workouts vary, but they all emphasize whole, healthy foods. There's a lot of variety and a lot of great food to eat. You won't be starved and you won't get bored. The only reason people say things like "just eat grilled chicken and brown rice" is because it's brain-dead simple. You don't need to be that boring.

Okay that sounds doable. Thanks! I generally try to eat healthy most days anyway, I exclusively drink water (outside of the once every 4 months soft drink), never eat candy or desserts (too sweet blech), etc. So I think I'm good there.

I got my DVDs in the mail today but I still need to get a pull up bar before I start. (a pull up bar and some dumbells is all I need right?)

Anyone have any experience with this one?

I'm not sure if it'd work with my door though. Here's what my doorframe looks like:



Okay, so I just finished the third T-25 Alpha workout: Total Body Circuit.

Um yeah....

The first two days: Alpha Cardio and Speed 1.0 were very doable. My calves were killing me, but otherwise, they were good workouts.

But man...T.B.C. has my number - all those plank, pike, and spider moves. It's like taking my least favorite (more like most challenging!) moves from X3's Accelerator and rolling them into one giant pile of misery.


Hang out with Steve.
Okay, so I just finished the third T-25 Alpha workout: Total Body Circuit.

Um yeah....

The first two days: Alpha Cardio and Speed 1.0 were very doable. My calves were killing me, but otherwise, they were good workouts.

But man...T.B.C. has my number - all those plank, pike, and spider moves. It's like taking my least favorite (more like most challenging!) moves from X3's Accelerator and rolling them into one giant pile of misery.

Total Body Circuit is right up there with the hardest of T25's workouts. Even including Gamma phase workouts.
x3 ab ripper's certainly different

it took some getting used to dolphin jumps, and sphinx crunches are pretty hard

is x3 AR the most effective out of the three?

edit: in the end, it felt like it worked the core more than x1 AR, which felt like it was more of a leg workout :p
Tony Horton calls them "Groiners" -- from plank, you bring your foot up so that it is even with your hand, alternating sides. In TBC you do those and you also do push-ups while your leg is forward (Tony calls these "Lunge Push-ups").

That doesn't sound like much fun.

edit: in the end, it felt like it worked the core more than x1 AR, which felt like it was more of a leg workout :p

Glad it's not just me. Parts of X1's AR make my thighs ache.
x3 ab ripper's certainly different

it took some getting used to dolphin jumps, and sphinx crunches are pretty hard

is x3 AR the most effective out of the three?

edit: in the end, it felt like it worked the core more than x1 AR, which felt like it was more of a leg workout :p

Yeah, but that section from Fifer Scissors all the way to V up Roll ups is self inflicted violence against your abdominal area. And that first time that you can do the whole fifer scissors section without taking a break makes you feel like the king of the world, haha.
Yeah, but that section from Fifer Scissors all the way to V up Roll ups is self inflicted violence against your abdominal area. And that first time that you can do the whole fifer scissors section without taking a break makes you feel like the king of the world, haha.

i can't do fifer scissors no matter how hard i try. the lower back of my spine always feels like i'm going to die when i try to do more than 2 lol.
I managed to do the whole thing for the first time ever yesterday. Never managed all of the scissors and all of mason twist in a single session before now.

Still suck at bicycles though.


Oh my gooooood only one week of P90X left other than the recovery week....which is like, super tempting to skip.

I just want to do insanity already! I'm getting bored to tears with P90X.

I'm eating a LOT of food right now. I didn't actually intend to do my P90X-as-bulking and Insanity-as-cutting but it's certainly looking like it's going to be that way :p

Oh, and I hve t done Ab Ripper for like two weeks. I got so tired of it. I suppose I should do it tonight though :(
i guess i should learn to chew my food. pretty sure it's because i chew twice and swallow none of the good stuff is working with the body lulz.


Doesn't sound like you're bringing it. :p

Haha, I do when I am doing a workout! Especially the resistance days. I've just been getting bored and spicing it up a little bit. Instead of Plyo, I went for a 5 mile run this week. That's the first time I've done something other than Plyo in 6 months! I've earned it, dammit! Haha.

No excuses for Ab ripper, though.....but I just did it! Now for Yoga :\

I'm actually pretty happy with my results for my second round, though. I seriously feel like after a few weeks of Insanity, I'll look just about how I want to. But I'm going to do the whole thing. Unless I decided to do the P90X/Insanity Hybrid. It's either full Insanity or the Hybrid. Can't decide!!!
Total Body Circuit for Alpha of T25 is way more difficult than any of the Alpha workouts.

Core Cardio (done right) and Rip'T Circuit for Beta are close and I'd be hard pressed to say if they're harder.

Will be on Gamma soon.

While shorter and less "intense" than Insanity, the T25 workouts a lot more intelligently put together to get you maximum results.


You know, maybe I should do T25 instead of Insanity. I feel like it will be better for minimizing muscle loss because I guess it has some weight training in it?

Ahh! Don't know what to do!


Hang out with Steve.
You know, maybe I should do T25 instead of Insanity. I feel like it will be better for minimizing muscle loss because I guess it has some weight training in it?

Ahh! Don't know what to do!

It does, although not until the Beta phase. The Gamma phase, which you buy separately, is the "real" strength training part of T25.

Personally, I think P90X3 is the best all-around fitness workout Beachbody has produced. You get strength, flexibility, balance, cardio and core work all wrapped up into one 90 day program. It's hard to beat for functional fitness.


Hmm.... It's tempting to go P90X3, but I really want an emphasis on fat loss...I just don't want to lose the muscle I've worked so hard to put on in the past 6 months.

So maybe the Hybrid is the best route for me to go. I've also beenseriously considering doing Insanity AND P90X at the same time, but only doing the resistance workouts for P90X. So basically, I'd be doing full Insanity with 3 days a week doing a second workout of P90X. One before work and one after. As long as I eat enough, I think I'd be okay. I sleep very well and don't have a life, so I could do it lol.
It does, although not until the Beta phase. The Gamma phase, which you buy separately, is the "real" strength training part of T25.

Personally, I think P90X3 is the best all-around fitness workout Beachbody has produced. You get strength, flexibility, balance, cardio and core work all wrapped up into one 90 day program. It's hard to beat for functional fitness.

Think I can get through P90X3 with Tony Horton's annoyance without punching neighborhood babies?
about to go into my first transition week for X3 but i think i need to buy some stuff which i should have had in the beginning. i need a heart rate monitor/calorie tracker. any suggestions?

also i ended up downloading the calorie tracker /myfitnesspal because it seems i'm not getting enough calories a day.to even lose weight. the X3 guide's plan mention 3,000 calorie for my size and lifestyle lol but always thought that was a lot but i'm going to try that amount at least for 2 weeks.

how much money you guys spend a week on food?


about to go into my first transition week for X3 but i think i need to buy some stuff which i should have had in the beginning. i need a heart rate monitor/calorie tracker. any suggestions?

also i ended up downloading the calorie tracker /myfitnesspal because it seems i'm not getting enough calories a day.to even lose weight. the X3 guide's plan mention 3,000 calorie for my size and lifestyle lol but always thought that was a lot but i'm going to try that amount at least for 2 weeks.

how much money you guys spend a week on food?

Too much, ugh. Actually, I usually somehow manage to eat on $50 a week give or take, not including a few Chipotle trips every week.

As far as heart rate monitors....I really need one, too. I'm looking for the best I can find for sub $99 if such a thing even exists. I haven't done any research and that's the main reason I haven't gotten one yet. It would indeed be nice to know how many calories I burn in a workout, though.


I cut corners whenever I can and go shopping at the cheapest grocery stores (Walmart). I also eat a ton of eggs, which are cheap and good for you. I also mainly just get chicken (or fiah or some other on sale meat) and veggies for dinners. Filler foods for snacks are Greek yogurt, nuts, fruits. I also eat protein bars and shakes.

It's the most boring diet ever but it works when I manage to actually eat enough :p

Also Chipotle. I love Chipotle.

God Enel

guys, i need a fucking nutrition plan to shred body fat. and it has to be tight. but i do not know how to put this shit together properly. any recommendations/help/links/whatever would be really really nice. i have to mention that i do NOT want to lose weight. i'm currently at about 72kg (158.73285600000003 lbs) and my height is 1.79m (5.8727034120679 feet).
In the last two weeks my eating habits have been horrible (beer, mcdonalds and cookies)

I finished p90x3 doubles and am currently doing the elite workout (though i hurt my right foot and stopped for about 4 days, the 1st time in 3.5 months.. starting with workout on thursday again).

Thanks in advance.
Might be worth trying the fitness thread, especially as many of them are cutting at the moment.

Why don't you want to lose weight btw? Do you need to be in a particular weight category for something? If not, what you actually want to do is lose fat and not muscle (which is pretty much what we're all trying to do).


Hang out with Steve.
guys, i need a fucking nutrition plan to shred body fat. and it has to be tight. but i do not know how to put this shit together properly. any recommendations/help/links/whatever would be really really nice. i have to mention that i do NOT want to lose weight. i'm currently at about 72kg (158.73285600000003 lbs) and my height is 1.79m (5.8727034120679 feet).
In the last two weeks my eating habits have been horrible (beer, mcdonalds and cookies)

I finished p90x3 doubles and am currently doing the elite workout (though i hurt my right foot and stopped for about 4 days, the 1st time in 3.5 months.. starting with workout on thursday again).

Thanks in advance.

You have to trick your body into burning fat for energy, and that means going VERY low carb, like 50-75g carbs on average per day. The bulk of your calories should come from protein and high quality fat (i.e. the less-processed, the better, so saturated animal fats, butter, extra-virgin olive or avocado oil, coconut oil). You should also bias the carbs you DO consume towards the morning.

You might also consider intermittent fasting, such as a 24 hour dinner-to-dinner fast once a week, 2-3 times per month.

Until you reach your goal, you'll need to stop consuming foods high in carbs -- yeah, you can moderate, but this is a short term thing, only a few months, and you can slowly introduce them back in later, so for now it's best to just eliminate as much as you can. But for right now that means no baked goods at all, no pasta, extremely cutting back on sugar & alcohol. Again, check the labels on everything and track what you eat using MyFitnessPal or something similar. You really only care about carbs -- 50-75g average per day.

This'll knock out the fat. But remember to eat a lot of good high quality meat and tons of colorful vegetables. You'll still be working out so you don't want your metabolism to crash. The good news is protein and fat are more satisfying, so you won't get hungry as quickly as you would eating a high-carb meal.

Mark Sisson's "The Primal Blueprint" is an excellent guide for doing exactly what you want. Check out his blog, http://www.marksdailyapple.com for more info.

God Enel

Might be worth trying the fitness thread, especially as many of them are cutting at the moment.

Why don't you want to lose weight btw? Do you need to be in a particular weight category for something? If not, what you actually want to do is lose fat and not muscle (which is pretty much what we're all trying to do).

Thanks for the tips guys. Steve I will respond to your post in the coming days as I am in really busy at the moment.

I don't mind losing weight to be honest. I'm at 72kg now and I think it's okay?! I'm not fat just a little bit body fat around my belly that's bothering me.
And yeah that's what I meant: I want to lose bodyfat instead of muscle. Isn't that what I said in the first post? If not I'm sorry.

Btw. What the fuck is intermittent dinner to dinner 24 fasting?

The real problem is to put a working nutrition plan together. That's the root of all evil. :( I already browsed the web and there is sooo much information about dieting plans 4 week shred plan etc. I just don't know where to start..


Hang out with Steve.
That means that you eat dinner, and don't eat again until dinner the next day. Fasting. It's intermittent because you don't do it very often, maybe 2-3 times per month. When I was doing it, I did it on Fridays.


Ugh, today was supposed to be Plyo day. I don't actually feel very good today. Like, I might be getting sick but I'm not 100% sure. My throat is a little soar and I have a headache and feel a general malaise.

This probably means I should not exercise, should I? :(

Depending on how I feel tomorrow, maybe I'll sneak both routines in. I don't want to exercise and pay for it if I'm truly getting sick.

On the bright side, in 6 months of P90X this is the first time I've felt ill.

But boy....I feel like a complete piece of poop for not doing anything today. I'm sitting on my ass doing nothing and I don't like it :
just attempted to do isometrix. lets just say i failed at most of the balance moves. for someone who is right handed i couldn't even balance on that side
gotta stop wanking with the left hand

God Enel

That means that you eat dinner, and don't eat again until dinner the next day. Fasting. It's intermittent because you don't do it very often, maybe 2-3 times per month. When I was doing it, I did it on Fridays.

whats the purpose of this? if i'm not going to eat for 24 hours? what are the benefits?

do you have some nice page to see some nutrition plans to do stuff like that? shouldn't i just go full keto? and aren't in vegetables "a lot of" carbs? im so lost on this subject it isn't even funny.


whats the purpose of this? if i'm not going to eat for 24 hours? what are the benefits?

do you have some nice page to see some nutrition plans to do stuff like that? shouldn't i just go full keto? and aren't in vegetables "a lot of" carbs? im so lost on this subject it isn't even funny.

I'm not sure about intermittent fasting, but the key thing to understand is that eating simple carbs (bread, pasta, cereal, candy, things with sugar, etc.) will spike your blood sugar, and thus your insulin. Insulin is a major contributing factor to fat-gain, as it converts that extra sugar to fat because it's toxic to the body. If you eat complex carbs (veggies, roots, tubers, NOT potatoes), then those break down much more slowly and thus don't require such a huge spike in insulin (thus, fat storage) to bring down your blood sugar.

A moderate, steady blood sugar level is the main objective. All foods raise blood sugar, but the rapid spikes and essentially unending high levels of simple carbs people eat (let's face it, our body wants that stuff because it's so easy to use for quick bursts of energy) is what makes us fat.

Like Steve already pointed out, a good place to start would be theprimalblueprint.com

And like you, I was just as confused when I decided to take my health seriously. It will come by asking questions and doing research, in promise :) . The amount of misinformation out there is crazy. It's why we're all fat! :p
Did accelerator for first time. Was good at keeping up with them until plank circle. Don't have a 6' x '6 area Lol I wonder if doing a quarter turnn will be just as effective

God Enel

Did accelerator for first time. Was good at keeping up with them until plank circle. Don't have a 6' x '6 area Lol I wonder if doing a quarter turnn will be just as effective

have the same problem as my room is about as big as a prison cell. a quarter down is okay.. a full turn would obviously be better. :/

Now i'm reading a lot of literature (more like web pages..) about nutrition. and there are plenty opinions.. every diet has it's pro's and cons.

When i'm at home i will first calculate my basal metabolic rate (BMR) and daily kilocalorie requirements with the harris-benedict-equation. and if i am right, i have to undercut my calories by like 300-500? is that correct?
what would you guys say about the ratio of carbs,protein,fats? there's so much on this topic, I really don't know what to think about it..Some say low fat, some say low carb, i say fuck this shit, i want proper information.... btw. 50% protein, 30% fats, 20% carbs is that okay or wrong? too much carbs, too much/little protein?

That's what I have "learned" (or not) so far.
Btw. the harris.benedict-equation is from 1919 according to wikipedia. is it still accurate?

And Steve what about the intermittent fasting 24h dinner stuff? what do I achieve with it? i'm really curious.
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