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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!

i finished week 1 of p90x classic. quite enjoyed it. thought it wouldn't manage the full week.

time for week 2. let's see some improvements over week 1!
I was getting a little bored with the Alpha workouts in T25 at week 5, so I decided to start beta phase early - I am very happy with the decision. I think beta offers a lot more variety, and it's nice incorporating the resistance stuff on top of the bodyweight exercises.


If I switch to P90X2 after Insanity, can I skip Phase1 or is it recommended to stick with it.
I think Insanity left me with a pretty solid foundation?


If I switch to P90X2 after Insanity, can I skip Phase1 or is it recommended to stick with it.
I think Insanity left me with a pretty solid foundation?

Definitely stick with it. Very different from Insanity and it focuses on building things like your balance, which you'll need for some of the later workouts.

They're great workouts in and of themselves too, so I think you'll still get a lot out of them.


Just no tricep kickbacks, thats the crystal light of tricep workouts

Yes....I agree. They just aren't that great and I pretty much feel like they do nothing. So I just own it during chair dips : D

Guys, I have three weeks left of my Insanity/P90X3 hybrid schedule. I'm so excited to end it and start P90X3 :) . I might even end it early. 9 months of P90X is starting to drive me a little insane (not Insanity, lol....I really like Insanity for the cardio).


Body Beast feels like cheating. It's so much easier than P90X even when I'm pushing myself to failure on the weights.

Whaaaat? Really? I can't believe that. That's really disappointing if so. I was going to try and do Body Beast after P90X3 to build more muscle after.
You'll almost certainly build muscle, but weights vs cardio / weights is so much easier. The only one that's felt like it's taken it out of me so far was legs and that was only by virtue of the fact that my heart rate was considerably higher than on the other days.


So I am starting Body Beast on 9/01 and have a couple questions:

- When I calculate my calorie intake, it comes out to 2,820. Should I round up to 3,000, or down to 2,800? The book says to round up, but in my case, I am so much closer to 2,800 than 3,000 I think rounding down would make more sense.

- Am I supposed to take the Fuel Shot on rest days? Since it seems to be Body Beast’s equivalent of the P90X Recovery Drink, I am not sure when I would take it on rest days if so.
Might as well just use one of the online calculators.


I'd still personally adjust as required though. If you're not gaining enough weight, add more calories. If too much, reduce. For what it's worth I reckon the "calories burned in body beast" number there is WAY too high, but that's just vs what I'm seeing on my Polar.

Can't help you on the other. I'm not doing the nutrition aspect (I'm on Leangains).


You'll almost certainly build muscle, but weights vs cardio / weights is so much easier. The only one that's felt like it's taken it out of me so far was legs and that was only by virtue of the fact that my heart rate was considerably higher than on the other days.

Oh okay. So you're saying that P90X is harder because it incorporates cardio and Body Beast does not? I'd just throw some cardio routines in then. Maybe like doing an Insansity workout a couple times per week along with it or something?
Pretty much I guess. Some of the P90X routines would make me feel utterly wrecked at the end of them, so far there's been nothing in Body Beast that does the same. Don't get me wrong, the muscles I'm targeting feel thoroughly wiped out, but it feels like just the muscles, rather than me as a whole.

So like I said, cheating! I wouldn't suggest adding random cardio though. Cardio is the natural enemy of gainz. I'm going to put a little HIIT in here and there though.


I've been doing cardio like crazy lately, all while doing P90X/ Insansity. I'm just tying to burn tons of calories.

I actually don't know what I'm doing at all tbh lol. I do think I've lost some muscle mass though. Or maybe not. I can't actually tell. I just like doing Insanity workouts.
I lost quite a bit of muscle on P90X, I think I was trying to cut too quickly on top of everything else.

On the subject of Body Beast, should have kept my mouth shut. Beast: Total Body just completely kicked my arse. Going to step back on the weights next time as it's totally relentless. I'm fucked now and I've still got to do abs. :O


Weight lifting just wipes you out in a completely different way, especially once you're actually pushing yourself. I don't know what the Body Beast routine is like, but I squatted 200 pounds yesterday (hip joint below knee joint) for 5 sets of 5 reps and god damn. I went from "I'm not hungry" to "Oh god I can't wait to eat" pretty quickly, and that was just the start of my routine. I slept so good!
Doesn't really happen to me unless I have to do things quickly. My muscles get fatigued, but I rarely feel wiped out, even after pushing for new PBs.


Ugh, I just weighed myself for the first time in over 60 days.

Big mistake. I lost 6 pounds....but I don't know if it was fat or muscle that I lost. I can't get an accurate body fat % reading EVER, so I have no idea what this means. I'm either doing everything totally wrong or....totally right, lol.

I was about 170 when I started this P90X/Insanity hybrid schedule, and now I'm 164. Can you really lose 6 pounds of muscle mass in under 3 months WHILE you're working all your muscle groups in various workouts? I eat a lot of protein. Maybe I really am shedding the fat and just not gaining muscle? Can anyone clarify the science on this for me? I'm honestly not sure. I can't tell by visuals because I think I look the same as I did in my beginning pictures of this hybrid round. I'm okay with the "size" of my muscles right now, I just want to define it even more by getting rid of the fat. Overall, I'm not sure how I feel about things at this moment : (

Honestly, this is the first day I've felt discouraged in over 3 months. Sometimes I just feel like I don't know what I'm doing. I try to make the wisest food choices....workout once (sometimes twice) a day, and I know I look decent--I'm no longer a twig, but my specific goals just don't seem to be coming into focus.

I'm going to be leaning on P90X3 for a breakthrough here, I think, whenever I start it.
You'll almost certainly be losing muscle whilst you're losing fat... but I really doubt it's all muscle. That would be highly unlikely. If you're trying to retain every scrap of muscle though, don't, as you'll just get disheartened. Short of olympic level training / coaching / eating you're not going to be able to do it.

Sounds like for peace of mind you'd be best off paying for a pro to do a fat reading on you (at least a caliper test) and then seeing how it compares in a few months.


I might consider doing that, or at least ask an experienced friend to help me out with my measurements. I have a caliper but my measurements are never accurate, I know that for a fact, ha.

Here's a question, though: Once you lose muscle, does it become THAT much harder to gain it back? Let's assume I am losing muscle as well as fat. My reps and what I'm able to do in the routines hasn't decreased (number of pushups, the weight/rep number of curls, etc.). They've either stayed the same or gone up, yet I've lost weight.
As far as I'm aware, it's the opposite (it should be easier to gain muscle back). Assuming you haven't got significantly older in the process anyway.
my titties are shrinking each week. much faster than the love handles though. gotta kick up the lower body workout. i kinda wish the fat didn't go to the side. i would have been okay if it just went to the front lol.


Hang out with Steve.
my titties are shrinking each week. much faster than the love handles though. gotta kick up the lower body workout. i kinda wish the fat didn't go to the side. i would have been okay if it just went to the front lol.

Unfortunately there's no way to do spot-reduction of fat, short of liposuction/surgery. Focusing exercise on an area of your body will strengthen & build muscle there, but not do anything about the fat there. You've got to burn it off. And love handles are really, really hard to get rid of.


Hunky Nostradamus
Unfortunately there's no way to do spot-reduction of fat, short of liposuction/surgery. Focusing exercise on an area of your body will strengthen & build muscle there, but not do anything about the fat there. You've got to burn it off. And love handles are really, really hard to get rid of.

How do you get rid of them?


How do you get rid of them?

Lower your body fat percentage via hard work and strict diet. Depending on how your body stores fat (varies from person to person) you may lose fat in one spot faster than another. Usually places like love handles are among the last few places folks lose body fat, so you have to get to usually pretty low percentages to see that happen.


Hunky Nostradamus
Lower your body fat percentage via hard work and strict diet. Depending on how your body stores fat (varies from person to person) you may lose fat in one spot faster than another. Usually places like love handles are among the last few places folks lose body fat, so you have to get to usually pretty low percentages to see that happen.

I don't like dietary restrictions or hard work. Can I just use scissors instead?


Hunky Nostradamus
I'm officially 30 days into P90X! Wahoo!

Unfortunately, I haven't really gained any improvements (I've taken before/after shots and they look the same. Measurements are also the same. wop wop) besides increased flexibility (which is something!).

It's weird though because before I took the "after" shots and took my 30 day measurements, I was convinced that my arms were bigger, my gut was smaller, and my pants felt looser than before. But pictures/tape measures don't lie.

I have to admit that I'm feeling disappointed even though I know I probably shouldn't because I've been taking it relatively easy for my first month. The first two weeks I only used 5lb weights (to be fair, it was all I had on hand) and I had/have to skip a bunch of exercises (push ups, pull ups, like 10 different yoga moves, etc. because I was/am so weak. Speaking of that, I'm not sure why I can't do any push ups...maybe there's something wrong with my arms :() so it's not like I have anyone else to blame but myself.

Plus, I still have 60 days to go and hopefully as it goes on I'll become stronger and maybe I'll be able to do more of the exercises which should help me see better progress.

Plus plus, I can always do another 90 day round if I'm not happy with my results.


I'm officially 30 days into P90X! Wahoo!

Unfortunately, I haven't really gained any improvements (I've taken before/after shots and they look the same. Measurements are also the same. wop wop) besides increased flexibility (which is something!).

It's weird though because before I took the "after" shots and took my 30 day measurements, I was convinced that my arms were bigger, my gut was smaller, and my pants felt looser than before. But pictures/tape measures don't lie.

I have to admit that I'm feeling disappointed even though I know I probably shouldn't because I've been taking it relatively easy for my first month. The first two weeks I only used 5lb weights (to be fair, it was all I had on hand) and I had/have to skip a bunch of exercises (push ups, pull ups, like 10 different yoga moves, etc. because I was/am so weak. Speaking of that, I'm not sure why I can't do any push ups...maybe there's something wrong with my arms :() so it's not like I have anyone else to blame but myself.

Plus, I still have 60 days to go and hopefully as it goes on I'll become stronger and maybe I'll be able to do more of the exercises which should help me see better progress.

Plus plus, I can always do another 90 day round if I'm not happy with my results.

Just giving you my experience, not to discourage you, but I'm just now finishing up my third round of P90X and it wasn't until the beginning of this round that I starting truly getting the results I wanted. Obviously, it depends on your goals, but I was a scraggly skeleton and now I think I look pretty decent, lol. But I hit it really hard as much as I could each day. Just do that, and there's no way you won't see results.

Also, eat enough of the right stuff. That was my biggest issue with my first run-through but I didn't know it until is was all done with my first round, so in a way my first round was sort-of a waste :


Okay, guys. I've decided on what I want to do; I'm going to start P90X3 tomorrow. My sister just got it in the mail and she's going to give me copies of the videos and I'm incredibly excited. Plus, I just don't want to do my last two weeks of my Hybrid P90X/Insanity. Besides, I think it's actually working against what I'm aiming to do.

So, I know Steve and--I think--some others here have done some pretty extensive write-ups and reviews on P90X3, but I've mostly ignored them all until just now. I'm going to go back and read them later tonight when I have more time, but is there anything I should know right off the bat?

Here are my concerns:

1. It's not going to be intense enough (ease my mind here; even Tony said the barrier to entry was lowered from X1/2)......
2. The moves are 10x more complicated than in P90X1 (therefore I worry about my form and the effectiveness....I've always struggled with complicated moves).....

That's pretty much it. Am I thinking this through too much?

Additional questions regarding nutrition:

I like the simplification of the nutrition guide. To meet my goals, I need to eat 2700 calories a day.

1. This is for days I do a workout, right? It's assuming I burn a certain amount of calories per workout (I think 600), correct?
2. If I used a heart rate monitor, can I adjust what I eat based on how many calories I burn during a workout if I know how many calories I burn without a workout? For example, on days I don't work out, I burn roughly 2100 calories. I believe they're assuming each workout burns 600 calories. Let's now say I do a workout where I only burn 300 calories based on the HRM/intensity. Should I lower what I eat from 2700 to 2400 calories?
3. Never really thought of this before but.....would this calculation include the calories consumed from a recovery drink? I've always counted it....that's good, right?

Other than this stuff, I'm super excited and especially stoked about the 30 minutes! I'm sure it'll be more like 45 for me, but that's better than the 1.75 hours it usually took me to complete the resistance workouts of X1. If this workout is truly as effective as X1 in half the time, that's pretty impressive.
I tend to base what I eat on what I burn. Just makes sense to me that way. A lot of people just assume they burn X per workout and go that way, obviously that's a lot more simple.

...and yeah, you include the calories from your recovery drink in your overall consumed calories. Can't think why you wouldn't.


Hunky Nostradamus
^ most people see results in the final 30 days

keep up the good work!

Okay! :3

Just giving you my experience, not to discourage you, but I'm just now finishing up my third round of P90X and it wasn't until the beginning of this round that I starting truly getting the results I wanted. Obviously, it depends on your goals, but I was a scraggly skeleton and now I think I look pretty decent, lol. But I hit it really hard as much as I could each day. Just do that, and there's no way you won't see results.

Also, eat enough of the right stuff. That was my biggest issue with my first run-through but I didn't know it until is was all done with my first round, so in a way my first round was sort-of a waste :

That's a bit reassuring, thanks. I'm a scraggly skeleton too (except for my belly and slight moobs)!

What types of things should I be eating? I've been trying to eat as much protein as possible (eggs, meat, etc.) and veggies and healthy things like that. I avoid excess sugar/fat as well. I think I'm doing a pretty good job on that front.


Finished week 8 and gave myself a cheat day with a bunch of delicious food. Already getting comments at work about how I must be working out so that feels good. All my numbers are up a lot and I'm down 2 inches around the waist. Really feel like coming back to the program after having done it (and X2) has helped a lot in terms of bringing better form and intensity to things along with better diet. Current goal is 52 weeks, with two weeks off for Christmas and a vacation at some point.
When I do Ab Ripper X, about 75% of the time I feel like I'm using my lower back instead of my abs. It really does not feel good, and I'm worried it might be dangerous for my back. Has anyone experienced this and found a way to fix it? I'm guessing it's because my back is compensating for my ab muscles. Anyway, it makes doing ab workouts extra painful.
When I do Ab Ripper X, about 75% of the time I feel like I'm using my lower back instead of my abs. It really does not feel good, and I'm worried it might be dangerous for my back. Has anyone experienced this and found a way to fix it? I'm guessing it's because my back is compensating for my ab muscles. Anyway, it makes doing ab workouts extra painful.
Try 8 minute ab. YouTube it. I have the back issue too.
So I was thinking of diving head first into P90, only to see that it's not available anymore as far as I can tell. P90X from the little I've read about it intimidates me at the moment, simply because of how out of shape I am (5'6" 205 lb). Not sure that I'd be able to do it.

Probably asked a bunch here, but any suggestions now?


Hang out with Steve.
So I was thinking of diving head first into P90, only to see that it's not available anymore as far as I can tell. P90X from the little I've read about it intimidates me at the moment, simply because of how out of shape I am (5'6" 205 lb). Not sure that I'd be able to do it.

Probably asked a bunch here, but any suggestions now?

There's a new P90 being released soon. Last I heard they were hoping for a September launch. It should be a much better program than the old Power90.


So I just did Total Synergistics.....

Couple fears of mine might have been confirmed....

First...it seems....rather easy. Total Syn doesn't even seem in the same league as Chest & Back, the first workout of P90X. I'm hoping that the fact that it's synergistic rather than isolated exercises only makes it SEEM easier rather than the fact that it IS easier, lol. Am I wrong here?

Second, a few of the moves were incredibly confusing and awkward. I know it's because I'm just starting but.....Side Rise Punch, much? I watched that segment probably 6 times before I tried it and....uh, I still don't think I did it right haha.

Hope you guys are ready for these daily reports for the next week :p
There's a new P90 being released soon. Last I heard they were hoping for a September launch. It should be a much better program than the old Power90.

Ahh ok thanks! Well I guess I'll just start getting back into working out everyday to prep so that I'm not completely out of shape when it hits. Tired of clothes not fitting.


Do we have anyone here who has done P90X3 Mass Schedule? Just wondering how it is. I'm thinking about doing that even though I haven't done the Classic Schedule. I know it's not recommended, blah blah, but I'm still seriously considering. I have guess I have until Day 4, though, as that's when the schedule starts to vary.

Edit: Also, is Total Synergistic essentially the new Legs & Back routine? If so, I feel a little better about it because that means I can expect way more chest moves in future routines :p


Started X1 phase 3 today (considering starting X2 but saw X2 core is more "jumpy" than I can do in the apartment), which meant chest & back. I was able to double and in some cases triple nearly every move based on my end of phase 1 numbers from about a month ago. Even compared my numbers to the last chest & back worksheet I had from 2012 when I was probably at or close to my peak, and I was beating or at least close in most cases which I'm really pleased with.


Hang out with Steve.
Do we have anyone here who has done P90X3 Mass Schedule? Just wondering how it is. I'm thinking about doing that even though I haven't done the Classic Schedule. I know it's not recommended, blah blah, but I'm still seriously considering. I have guess I have until Day 4, though, as that's when the schedule starts to vary.

Edit: Also, is Total Synergistic essentially the new Legs & Back routine? If so, I feel a little better about it because that means I can expect way more chest moves in future routines :p

I'm starting week 3 of Mass tomorrow. Basically it's less cardio. Phase 1 has been Total Synergistics, Agility X, X3 Yoga, The Challenge, Pilates X, Incinerator, Dynamix/rest.

It definitely hits your upper body more. It's a good mix. Phase 2 is even more focused, you're doing Eccentric Upper & Lower twice a week each.

I'm supposed to be doing PiYo concurrently, but my disc is defective so I'm going to start over once the replacement arrives. It's only 60 days so I have some overlap.

Total Synergistics hits everything, it's not just legs & back.
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