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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Hunky Nostradamus
Started X1 phase 3 today (considering starting X2 but saw X2 core is more "jumpy" than I can do in the apartment), which meant chest & back. I was able to double and in some cases triple nearly every move based on my end of phase 1 numbers from about a month ago. Even compared my numbers to the last chest & back worksheet I had from 2012 when I was probably at or close to my peak, and I was beating or at least close in most cases which I'm really pleased with.

Congrats! Keep up the good work!
Hi all. Been a while since I've been to the thread! Looking for some thoughts on something I asked about a while back, but I can't remember what people recommended.

I'm about a week and a half into P90X3 for the first time (classic schedule). I did my work out this morning (CVX) and ate my normal amount of macro nutrients. I got invited to play some pick up bball after work and burned 1200 calories. How many more calories should I eat? I'm not wanting to eat 1200 calories obviously!


Hunky Nostradamus
Thank you! Hoping you do the same! Keep working hard and aim to beat your previous numbers whenever you can even if it's by a tiny amount and you'll start seeing the strength gains you're seeking out I think.

Thanks! I'm doing just that but I've yet to see results. I'm gonna keep truckin' tho!


Had to YouTube pushup forms. Kew I was doing it wrong when I wasn't feeling it work my chest at all lol

Speaking of YouTube, I meant to mention that I ended up trying 8 minute abs over the weekend instead of ab ripper due to the back pain it gives me... worked out alright, so thanks for the heads up. Also has a pretty amazing soundtrack!


Legs and back week 9 complete. Skipped yoga yesterday and ran on plyo day so it's been a light week. That said, did 82 chin/pull ups (with the assist band) today. So physically spent.


Hunky Nostradamus
Does anyone here actually like to work out? It's become a real drag for me - today is week 6 of plyo and I'm just dreading it. Yesterday I skipped Ab Ripper X too. I'm just not feeling motivated or excited about this any more. Blah.
Does anyone here actually like to work out? It's become a real drag for me - today is week 6 of plyo and I'm just dreading it. Yesterday I skipped Ab Ripper X too. I'm just not feeling motivated or excited about this any more. Blah.

nope, but i push myself to do power 90 every day anyway

however, after 9 weeks, i can tell that i've made and am continuing to make progress (doubled my pushups, for example) and i feel better and sleep better


power 90's half the time of p90x, and i couldn't stand doing p90x anymore after a single round

maybe you need a shorter beachbody program?

apparently a new p90's right around the corner
Does anyone here actually like to work out? It's become a real drag for me - today is week 6 of plyo and I'm just dreading it. Yesterday I skipped Ab Ripper X too. I'm just not feeling motivated or excited about this any more. Blah.

I've always hated it, but I know lots of people that love it. Strange fuckers.

Full on weights programs are far less dread inducing for me than a hardcore cardio / weights mix though.


Hunky Nostradamus
power 90's half the time of p90x, and i couldn't stand doing p90x anymore after a single round

maybe you need a shorter beachbody program?

apparently a new p90's right around the corner

The main bummer for me is the length - most of the programs feel too long and I lose motivation half way through. I don't want to have to set aside 1 hour (90 min for yoga) every day./lazy Blech.

What's the difference between P90 and P90X? I always thought P90 was, like, the baby version of P90X.

Full on weights programs are far less dread inducing for me than a hardcore cardio / weights mix though.

Me too. I hate plyo/cardio but sort of enjoy the weight/band stuff.

Find a friend to work out with of course

At my house?


Hang out with Steve.
I enjoy tough workouts. I love trying my best, and I love how I feel afterwards. If I skip a day, I feel "wrong". I suppose a large part of it is having done Beachbody workouts 5-6 days per week for over 2 and a half years.

I also have a well defined motivation. I'm an older parent of a young child (I'm a couple months shy of 50, James is 6 and about to start first grade.) My motivation is my son -- I want to be around for him as long as I can. While I can't control everything, I can control taking care of myself. Regular exercise and proper diet are choices. This has the additional benefit of setting an example for my son. He's growing up seeing that exercise and a healthy lifestyle are normal.


Hunky Nostradamus
I enjoy tough workouts. I love trying my best, and I love how I feel afterwards. If I skip a day, I feel "wrong". I suppose a large part of it is having done Beachbody workouts 5-6 days per week for over 2 and a half years.

I also have a well defined motivation. I'm an older parent of a young child (I'm a couple months shy of 50, James is 6 and about to start first grade.) My motivation is my son -- I want to be around for him as long as I can. While I can't control everything, I can control taking care of myself. Regular exercise and proper diet are choices. This has the additional benefit of setting an example for my son. He's growing up seeing that exercise and a healthy lifestyle are normal.

Good on you then :)

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
So I have tried Google with this, and I am sure I am asking the wrong way. When buying resistance bands for the first time, how does one gauge where they will start and transition in terms of band weight?

How do I know if I am buying something that will be too easy or too difficult? I know the numbers are self explanatory, but I am confused mainly because most don't seem to go above a certain weight.


I've always hated it, but I know lots of people that love it. Strange fuckers.

Full on weights programs are far less dread inducing for me than a hardcore cardio / weights mix though.

I'm am the exact opposite here, lol. Weight/Resistance day is something I dread. Give me cardio any day, haha.


So I have tried Google with this, and I am sure I am asking the wrong way. When buying resistance bands for the first time, how does one gauge where they will start and transition in terms of band weight?

How do I know if I am buying something that will be too easy or too difficult? I know the numbers are self explanatory, but I am confused mainly because most don't seem to go above a certain weight.

Do you mean the numbers as far as the "pounds"? I think it depends on what you're doing, but I tend to equate it with what I would want on dumbbells. The highest resistance band I have is 80 lbs, and I only use that to mimic pull-ups when I need to. If you're able to do some real pull-ups, you can use your body weight as a guide, because most of us here are at least 150.

As far as the more complicated stuff, like using them as substitutes for weights, maybe you can try to see how many normal curls you can do (if you don't have weights, just try them out in Dick's or something when you go to buy the bands). If you're able to do, like, 8 curls with a 20 lb. weight, maybe you could start with lower "pound" band or equal, since you can always make a loop to increase the resistance.

This is probably totally wrong. I'm just trying to be helpful, lol. I'm sure others here would have better answers.


Haven't worked out the past three days and ate poorly. Going to call this last week a bust and work hard again starting tomorrow (beginning of week ten). Kind of mad at myself for getting lazy and eating badly, since it has a direct effect on my mood. Oh well.

Daft Bird

Hi workout GAF, how good are the Mossa workouts. I saw them on Xbox Fitness and did the Fight workout 1 and it felt like a decent cardio workout but I am a bit skeptical about how full body the workout is. So I am just wondering about the quality?


The main bummer for me is the length - most of the programs feel too long and I lose motivation half way through. I don't want to have to set aside 1 hour (90 min for yoga) every day./lazy Blech.

Me too. I hate plyo/cardio but sort of enjoy the weight/band stuff.

Reading this, almost sounds like you should be doing Body Beast instead. Workouts average around 35-40 mins, lots of weight/band stuff and very little cardio, no yoga and there's only one dedicated ab workout per week (and it's not that hard tbh). On top of that, if you're going with the mass schedule there aren't even any cardio workouts at all during the second phase (which lasts 6 weeks).
The downside with Body Beast is that Sagi is not nearly as funny and charismatic as Tony Horton, but at least the program is good.
I found the ab workout in Body Beast to be harder than the one in P90X. There's nothing in the P90X one I can't do, but a couple of the Body Beast ones that I really struggle with (especially that freaky torso twisting, thigh to floor thing).


Hang out with Steve.
Good on you then :)

There are a number of things you can do to help you get and stay motivated:

1. Determine your "why". Basically, why are you working out? What is it that made you decide to do it in the first place? How important is that to you? You want to find something that you can always go back to, when the workouts get tough and you find your motivation flagging, you can think about your underlying reason for all this and get back on track.

2. Set goals. Fitness is a journey, and something that we should always be working on, but every journey has its milestones. A simple goal might be "complete a 90 day workout program". It could be that there's a 10k or tough mudder you want to train for. Maybe you want to get in shape for a wedding, or for a vacation. You might set goals for weight lifted with a particular move, or finally being able to hold Crane for 60 seconds. Whatever goals you choose, write them down & keep track of your progress. And find more goals!

3. Accountability. This is something that helped me a lot. Find people who are also going through a workout program, and interact with them, online, at work, or at the gym. Post about each workout, how it went, what you thought about it, any progress you made or hurdles you have yet to overcome. Encourage and cheer each other on. You can do that in this thread, over at the teambeachbody.com forums, on Fitocracy, or on social media. I did several Beachbody workout programs with groups on the teambeachbody.com forums, and it really helped keep me on track. You never want to be the person who disappears from the group :)

4. Consistency. Don't skip workouts. Especially if you're having problems staying motivated. Put the excuses aside & push play. One thing that helps me is having no distractions. I get up early, before my wife & son, to work out. I'm usually finished & showered before they even wake up. My workout room also has a door, so I don't get interrupted by our cats or dog. If I decide I want to sleep in, it becomes increasingly difficult to tear myself away from TV, chores, hanging out with the family, etc. to take an hour or so to exercise. So find a chunk of the day that you can consistently devote to yourself & make use of it.

5. Measure your progress. But not too often. Your weight for example can fluctuate daily. Instead, I recommend taking all your measurements when you start a program, and at 30 day intervals after that. Most Beachbody workouts come with a cloth tape measure and instructions where to measure yourself. Do it! Measurements are a far better gauge of your fitness progress than weight. Body fat percentage is also an excellent gauge of progress. Don't worry about accuracy -- instead, make sure you ALWAYS use exactly the same method, whether that's a scale, calipers or some other means. You may not have your exact BF%, but at least you'll be able to track changes in it.

Above all, don't give up!
I must say that I hate that whole accountability / social fitness stuff. Maybe it's a "reserved Brit" sort of thing, but the cheerleading in the fitness thread is one of the reasons I rarely post there.

I wish I could do the consistency thing though. I'm self employed and if I need to work, I need to work. Do a 16 hour day and then try to fit in a workout as well... it's just not going to happen.


Hang out with Steve.
I must say that I hate that whole accountability / social fitness stuff. Maybe it's a "reserved Brit" sort of thing, but the cheerleading in the fitness thread is one of the reasons I rarely post there.

I wish I could do the consistency thing though. I'm self employed and if I need to work, I need to work. Do a 16 hour day and then try to fit in a workout as well... it's just not going to happen.

Well, that's why I listed a bunch of things to help. Not every one of them is for everyone :) Personally, the TBB.com forums group I was in really helped me stay on track. At this point I don't really need it anymore, but it did help as I was starting out. Now, I just post my workouts on FB and Twitter via the TBB.com Super Gym for my own accountability.

Regarding your 16 hour days, yeah, that is tough. Crunch time can be like that for me as well, though fortunately it's not a continuous state. You've done a bunch of these programs already. What you might try doing is, if you have shorter days during the week, try to do a couple of workouts, and on your longer days, take 5 minutes here & there to knock out a set of push-ups, burpees, squats, lunges, etc. Every little bit helps. I sometimes run down to the fitness center here at work and do a set of pull-ups or something. I find it helps to clear my head & get me focused again.

For me, consistency means working out at the same time every day... but for you, consistency may mean getting in 4 or 5 workouts a week, whenever you can do it.


Something I've never been able to do all my life is to touch my toes. Even after a few weeks of T25, although Shaun tells me I'll get there eventually I don't feel like improved at all there. It's one of my fitness goals so I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to see progress there?


Hang out with Steve.
Something I've never been able to do all my life is to touch my toes. Even after a few weeks of T25, although Shaun tells me I'll get there eventually I don't feel like improved at all there. It's one of my fitness goals so I'm wondering if there's anything I can do to see progress there?

Just keep at it. Here are a couple modifications you can do that can help you reach your goal:

1. Bend your knees slightly.
2. Move your feet further apart.

A good technique for increasing flexibility in Yoga is to hold the pose. As you inhale, relax the stretch slightly, and as you exhale, move into the stretch more. So as you're bent over trying to reach your toes, inhale & let your fingertips rise up a little, then as you exhale, try pushing your fingertips closer than they were before. You don't have to hold the pose -- stay in motion, extending the stretch in time with your breathing.

Here's a tutorial on how to do Uttanasana or forward bend. It may help you reach your goal.

Horse Detective

Why the long case?
Do you mean the numbers as far as the "pounds"? I think it depends on what you're doing, but I tend to equate it with what I would want on dumbbells. The highest resistance band I have is 80 lbs, and I only use that to mimic pull-ups when I need to. If you're able to do some real pull-ups, you can use your body weight as a guide, because most of us here are at least 150.

As far as the more complicated stuff, like using them as substitutes for weights, maybe you can try to see how many normal curls you can do (if you don't have weights, just try them out in Dick's or something when you go to buy the bands). If you're able to do, like, 8 curls with a 20 lb. weight, maybe you could start with lower "pound" band or equal, since you can always make a loop to increase the resistance.

This is probably totally wrong. I'm just trying to be helpful, lol. I'm sure others here would have better answers.

I'll try them. I just can't afford dumbells.
ran out of protein powder. had to quickly buy some off amazon and get it tomorrow. got no protein bar. may have to stop by and get some later today.

also i am restarting p90x3 LOL.i know. i switched so often at least i'm still working out lol.

also the cost of dieting is expensive as ever. don't even have chicken for this week. spent like $200 alone for this week


Decided to do Tempo Chest/Tris instead of Build Chest/Tris in Body Beast today. Now I remember why I've been avoiding the Tempo workouts lol
Really nice workout though.


Hunky Nostradamus
Reading this, almost sounds like you should be doing Body Beast instead. Workouts average around 35-40 mins, lots of weight/band stuff and very little cardio, no yoga and there's only one dedicated ab workout per week (and it's not that hard tbh). On top of that, if you're going with the mass schedule there aren't even any cardio workouts at all during the second phase (which lasts 6 weeks).
The downside with Body Beast is that Sagi is not nearly as funny and charismatic as Tony Horton, but at least the program is good.

I'll have to check that out later, but it sounds like maybe something I'd like. I'm going to try and finish out P90X (I'm about halfway through) but after that I'll definitely look into other BeachBody routines.

There are a number of things you can do to help you get and stay motivated:

1. Determine your "why". Basically, why are you working out? What is it that made you decide to do it in the first place? How important is that to you? You want to find something that you can always go back to, when the workouts get tough and you find your motivation flagging, you can think about your underlying reason for all this and get back on track.

2. Set goals. Fitness is a journey, and something that we should always be working on, but every journey has its milestones. A simple goal might be "complete a 90 day workout program". It could be that there's a 10k or tough mudder you want to train for. Maybe you want to get in shape for a wedding, or for a vacation. You might set goals for weight lifted with a particular move, or finally being able to hold Crane for 60 seconds. Whatever goals you choose, write them down & keep track of your progress. And find more goals!

3. Accountability. This is something that helped me a lot. Find people who are also going through a workout program, and interact with them, online, at work, or at the gym. Post about each workout, how it went, what you thought about it, any progress you made or hurdles you have yet to overcome. Encourage and cheer each other on. You can do that in this thread, over at the teambeachbody.com forums, on Fitocracy, or on social media. I did several Beachbody workout programs with groups on the teambeachbody.com forums, and it really helped keep me on track. You never want to be the person who disappears from the group :)

4. Consistency. Don't skip workouts. Especially if you're having problems staying motivated. Put the excuses aside & push play. One thing that helps me is having no distractions. I get up early, before my wife & son, to work out. I'm usually finished & showered before they even wake up. My workout room also has a door, so I don't get interrupted by our cats or dog. If I decide I want to sleep in, it becomes increasingly difficult to tear myself away from TV, chores, hanging out with the family, etc. to take an hour or so to exercise. So find a chunk of the day that you can consistently devote to yourself & make use of it.

5. Measure your progress. But not too often. Your weight for example can fluctuate daily. Instead, I recommend taking all your measurements when you start a program, and at 30 day intervals after that. Most Beachbody workouts come with a cloth tape measure and instructions where to measure yourself. Do it! Measurements are a far better gauge of your fitness progress than weight. Body fat percentage is also an excellent gauge of progress. Don't worry about accuracy -- instead, make sure you ALWAYS use exactly the same method, whether that's a scale, calipers or some other means. You may not have your exact BF%, but at least you'll be able to track changes in it.

Above all, don't give up!

You've certainly given me a lot of food for thought. Thanks!

Haven't worked out the past three days and ate poorly. Going to call this last week a bust and work hard again starting tomorrow (beginning of week ten). Kind of mad at myself for getting lazy and eating badly, since it has a direct effect on my mood. Oh well.

Don't beat yourself up - just get back on that horse and keep at it! Do your best and forget the rest! :D


Don't beat yourself up - just get back on that horse and keep at it! Do your best and forget the rest! :D

Thanks man! Last workout I think was last Thursday with a very successful legs and back routine. After that I ate cheeseburgers and ice cream for like four days. Oops. Got back into it tonight with clean eating and plyometrics. Could totally feel all that bad eating and my performance wasn't great (probably sat out three minutes total or so) but was glad I got back in there.

This started week 10 of my 52 week goal. Tough Mudder is a month and a week away so every little bit will help.


this is it!
I'm done moving into the new house, and done digging a gigantic hole in the backyard for the kids trampoline. My lower back is absolutely killing me right now...

Having my last binge for a while this saturday when we're having a housewarming party. Monday I will measure/weigh myself to get ready for Focus T25 that I will start monday as well.

I hope it's fun and keeps me motivated. I'm looking forward to the short workouts. I don't know if I will post pics this time but I will probably chime in once a week to share my progress.

I don't like how I look in the mirror. I want to atleast look good in a tshirt again.

Lose bodyfat. My goal is between 10-15% so it might take a few rounds before I reach that. I think my current % is 26.


Wow, Can't believe I never saw this thread before. I've done P90X 3 times, Insanity, RushFit, T25, and now on week 7 of P90X3. I'm really enjoying P90X3, the workouts are shorter (30 minutes) but plenty intense, it's my favorite so far... I have no goals, I'm just a workout junkie. I supplement with protein and kre-alkalyn, but I'm not real hardcore on dieting lol.


Hang out with Steve.
Wow, Can't believe I never saw this thread before. I've done P90X 3 times, Insanity, RushFit, T25, and now on week 7 of P90X3. I'm really enjoying P90X3, the workouts are shorter (30 minutes) but plenty intense, it's my favorite so far... I have no goals, I'm just a workout junkie. I supplement with protein and kre-alkalyn, but I'm not real hardcore on dieting lol.

Welcome! Be sure to PM Deadly Cyclone so he can add you to the "graduates" lists.

I love P90X3 too. I'm in the transition week after Phase 1 of my third cycle on P90X3. I did Classic, Doubles, and now I'm doing Mass. I'm supposed to be doing PiYo concurrently but my disk is damaged & I'm waiting for a replacement.


Welcome! Be sure to PM Deadly Cyclone so he can add you to the "graduates" lists.

I love P90X3 too. I'm in the transition week after Phase 1 of my third cycle on P90X3. I did Classic, Doubles, and now I'm doing Mass. I'm supposed to be doing PiYo concurrently but my disk is damaged & I'm waiting for a replacement.

Awesome, I'm looking forward to doing Mass once I finish Classic. And then I will probably be on the hunt for something else... possibly Body Beast.

PiYo yikes, more power to you, I really find that impressive. The yoga workouts are my least favorite of every beach body program and I hate them so much that I substitute those days with something cardio focused along with ab ripper. Although similar, I don't mind the pilates.
Alright I think I'll be focusing really hard on counting calories for next week. And try out the p90x3 nutrition guide. So I'll be busy this weekend. Also I've been doing good these few days. Got lots of emrgy and haven't had !much problem with keeping up. Balance is still off when on one leg but I can plow myself without trouble. So that's a plus
day 1 of week 10 done

can't believe it's almost over

i think once i'm done i'm going to stick with power 90 (phase 3-4) until the remake is released


So mid-afternoon I start feeling a sore throat coming on. But since I did not great last week and ate poorly Friday through Monday I was committed to doing something tonight, at least as much as my body would allow. Did probably 75% of chest & back with respectable numbers compared to my last effort, but called it when I just felt spent. Not sure if that was a wise decision but at the moment, glad I tried it.


So mid-afternoon I start feeling a sore throat coming on. But since I did not great last week and ate poorly Friday through Monday I was committed to doing something tonight, at least as much as my body would allow. Did probably 75% of chest & back with respectable numbers compared to my last effort, but called it when I just felt spent. Not sure if that was a wise decision but at the moment, glad I tried it.

Good job staying motivated. It can be difficult to stick with it when your feeling under the weather. Stay at it, just make sure to get plenty of rest. Cheers
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