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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


Hang out with Steve.
For me it's a week off while I go on vacation!
I'll do some workouts while I'm away, and when I get back I'll be jumping right into P90X3 Mass Block 2.


Good job staying motivated. It can be difficult to stick with it when your feeling under the weather. Stay at it, just make sure to get plenty of rest. Cheers

Appreciate the encouragement! Little brother visiting and we did an 11 mile hike (Old Rag for any VA/DC folks that may know it) in the rain today. Super taxing. Still had the cold. Maybe not the best idea but at the moment feel like I powered through the worst of it. Will try to do an upper body workout tomorrow too.
Okay. So I'm about to follow the nutrition guide and was wondering does the calories include calories burn? Or do I have eat more than what is give. Because 2400 was high bit if I have to eat more then lol
I was going to eat enough so when I do work out it burns it back down to my bmr


Still on the tail end of being sick, but did chest shoulders triceps tonight. Was tough and my numbers weren't great (last time I did it was August 4th) but I'm glad I showed up per usual. Tomorrow probably going to be a distance run day instead of a plyo day, which I think I might be kind of relieved by.

While this is technically the start of week 11 for me, I've decided to call it week 10 since my week 9 and actual week 10 suffered in different ways. So week 10 of the goal 52 is now in progress.


Started Focus T25 yesterday and here's my starting measurements
weight: 81,6kg
fat %: 24
chest: 98cm
waist: 101cm

I might take some starting pictures today.

Cardio on day one with lots of squat-like movement. My poor hamstrings....


Didn't skip the transition week. I really like the routines in transition because they give me the opportunity to stretch for days in a row.

I did mix in a cardio routine from the P90 Master series during transition just because I needed it. I had had one of "those days" and needed something completely different.


Couldn't do plyo today, so I did a distance run, first in a while. Managed 7 miles without stopping (big deal for me, as I'm not much of a runner and mostly dislike it) with a time of 1:13:58 (climb of 430 feet, which I have no idea if that's a lot or a little).


Started Focus T25 yesterday and here's my starting measurements
weight: 81,6kg
fat %: 24
chest: 98cm
waist: 101cm

I might take some starting pictures today.

Cardio on day one with lots of squat-like movement. My poor hamstrings....

Here we go. This was me redoing P90X Phase 3 in June 2013

and this is me now...



Yea, it's been about 13 months since i worked out regularly. New job with long commute, and new girlfriend who lived a 15min drive away. Couldn't find time for it and was good at finding excuses to skip it.

I hope Focus T25 is fun, so I can keep doing it. Also moved in with the new girlfriend so now I'm closer to work and dont have to drive back and forth between my place and hers.


Lol, yea sorry. In my mind I thought i have seen June of this year. That would have been wierd. But in more than one year anything can happen. Sorry once again for misreading. :)


Speed 1.0... that lady on the left in the yellow shorts. YEA, bend forward and stretch those glutes baby. Oh damn she's hot!!

Anyways, I finished week 1 of Focus T25. I like it so far. Good variety of moves and you get the heartrate up big time.


So I woke up Friday morning, walked the dog and found my right foot was in a lot of pain when I walked, but completely fine if I was sitting or even touching parts of it trying to locate the pain. That persisted more or less through the day and still is bothering me, but I hadn't worked out Thursday or Friday so I forced myself through legs and back today, but carefully. Didn't really have an issue with it and feels okay now, but it's kind of weird. After doing the worst possible thing for an injury (looking it up online) I think I might have a stress fracture from the seven mile run I did on Tuesday. Going to take it easy for the most part... might try yoga tomorrow to close out this week's worth of exercise.

Changed my mind on saying that weeks 9 and 10 weren't good enough to count as a whole week, so considering this the end of week 11 of my current 52 week goal of 5+ solid workouts a week (tomorrow's workout will be #5).

Edit: Oh yeah, the part I wanted to share was that I was able to do (with the pull-up assist) 86 combined pull/chin ups tonight. Pretty happy with that!


Hang out with Steve.
Back to reality after a week off at Disney World. I actually lost a couple pounds, not sure how that happened. I did a set of 50 push-ups most mornings, along with some squats & lunges, plus lots of walking in the parks & trying to wrangle a 6-year-old.

While I was gone my replacement PiYo disk arrived, so tomorrow in addition to starting Block 2 of P90X3 Mass, I'll be starting PiYo again (although I'm starting with day two, it don't need to do the tutorial again).


Yeah, I start week 8 today!

Glad to hear it! Keep writing down your last week numbers and trying to meet or beat your numbers whenever you think you're able. It can feel like slow going, but long term you'll get results if you really push yourself.

Along the same lines, took some shots to compare where I'm at versus where I was at a similar point in the program the first go round. Only had day 60 and day 90 photos from the first time, and I'm somewhere in the middle of the two currently. Wasn't really pleased with how I look, despite feeling certainly much stronger than day 1 and also a good deal less fat/bulky looking. But it's close enough to my progress the first time, so that gives me some encouragement to keep the course to meet that day 180 marker once again and hopefully be back to somewhere I'll feel somewhat proud of (and then continue on to day 365). Taking a different path in terms of the workouts I can do than the first time, which is unfortunate, but I think simply working out hard and eating right for half a year is going to do wonders for the health even if it's not program perfect.
i missed yesterday's workout because i went out to eat. good food though. but i'm back. start third week of p90x3. usually i get bored by second week but we'll see how things go ;P


Hang out with Steve.
I hadn't looked at my SuperGym schedule -- but as it turns out I had two days left in my recovery week. So yesterday was X3 Yoga, and today Dynamix. Which is good, I really needed to ease back into things after a week off :)

So Wednesday I'll be starting P90X3 Block 2 and PiYo.


Hunky Nostradamus
I need to find something to do in place of Core Synergistics. I just...can't. I hate it too much - it's too weird, like a mix of yoga, plyo, and chest, shoulders, triceps. It's the least enjoyable program by far for me and I don't even feel like I'm getting a good workout when I go (struggle) through it. Bleh.


Finished Body Beast last week and didn't know what to do, so I just... started over from the beginning. But I'm mixing it up a bit with bulk and build kind of when I feel like it and throwing some cardio in there as well.


Here we go. This was me redoing P90X Phase 3 in June 2013
and this is me now...

I'm the same way brother, my weight fluctuates a lot depending on my diet and workout schedule. I go down hill quickly when I fall off the wagon. The flip side is that once you start working out and eating right again you see the weight loss and muscle definition come back more quickly because your body has kind of "been there, done that".

I've found that I can at least maintain where I'm at by doing sporadic workouts here and there if I know there is going to be a lengthy period of time that I can't commit to an everyday workout routine. Even just finding time to squeeze in Ab Ripper X (15 minutes) occasionally helps keep your core solid and from getting too soft. Just staying motivated is the real key.


I started week 9 of P90X3. Yay! Decelerator this morning was fun. Brutal, but fun. And wow, those Crane Cracker Push-ups.... I fell on my face a few times. Can't wait to do it again next week though. I'll be prepared for it.
I wish P90X didn't focus on thighs so damn much. Plyometrics and legs/back has like 40 moves that target thighs and 2 that target calves. I don't get the obsession this program has with lunges and squats. And the stretches are supposed to be for your hamstrings, but I never feel any pain there; it's all in my thighs.


Hunky Nostradamus
I wish P90X didn't focus on thighs so damn much. Plyometrics and legs/back has like 40 moves that target thighs and 2 that target calves. I don't get the obsession this program has with lunges and squats. And the stretches are supposed to be for your hamstrings, but I never feel any pain there; it's all in my thighs.

preeeeeech! all those lunges and squats kill me. I wish both plyo and l&b were more balanced


Guys, I haven't posted in about a month! But I just wanted to say that I'm going to be entering phase 2 of P90X3 this weekend.

There were many times when I wanted to come here and talk about the workouts (mainly to complain), but I held off because I wanted to keep giving the program a shot.

So far....I'm not liking it nearly as much as the original P90X or Insanity. It feels entirely too easy, with the exception of a few workouts. I'm doing the Mass Schedule, and I've only come to enjoy The Challenge and Incinerator. The rest I've done.....Agility X, Yoga X3, Pilates X....they're pretty terrible, imo. The first time I did Pilates XI was furious that I wasted 30 minutes of my time (felt like I did nothing) and immediately tried CVX right after, which I like a lot better. I still do X3 Yoga, but I have replaced Agility X with an Insanity workout now.

So basically, I'm not sure how I feel about the program yet. I'm going to follow through with it, but I'm constantly finding myself doing extra workouts outside of P90X3. We'll see how Phase 2 and 3 go though :)


I definitely think ill do X2 after this. No biggie. I'm going to try to get the most out of X3 since I'm already in the middle of it and do as much as I can to make the workouts intense.

It's nice having 30 minute workouts, but sometimes they just feel a bit too rushed and easy.

Also, I did Isometrix today. Doing The Warrior later. Cracked up during the whole "you can't see what I'm doing!" so of course I looked and laughed. Damn you, Tony! :p


So what do you guys do for your recovery drinks? I can't afford the official one and/or to keep it stocked, so I just make my own. What do you guys think? Here's what it typically looks like (plus or minus a few things I may or may not have in stock), but I'm getting a little tired of it:

2-3 scoops whey
bunch of kale and/or spinach
1 banana
1-2 scoops plain greek yogurt
1 scoop almond butter (or PB, etc.)
almond milk

Sometimes it'll be less, sometimes I'll have other things I throw in (recently been throwing in baby carrots and raspberries that I bought)

I'm curious what you guys are doing :)


Hang out with Steve.
Since I get up so early to workout, I start out with some E&E about 15 minutes before I begin my workout.

Right now, I'm also drinking an intra-workout drink, which is a blend of Creatine and SciVation Xtend. I do my P90X3 Mass workout, then drink the intra-workout drink, then do my PiYo workout.

For recovery, I have my morning Shakeology, which I mix with ice, whole raw milk, fruit (nearly always including a banana), and a raw egg or two. Sometimes when I was doing P90X3 Doubles I'd add in a scoop of Beachbody Results & Recovery, but I haven't done that in a while. I'll also add in some coconut oil, and almond butter depending on the recipe. This morning I had Chocolate Shakeology with banana, pear, milk, ice, an egg, and a LOT of cinnamon. This is also my breakfast.


Hang out with Steve.
I've never consumed any recovery formula for all the times I've done T25, any negative effects?

Nope. Recovery drinks are meant to promote muscle growth and reduce soreness. They are absolutely not required, especially if you're not doing heavy weight training. That's why I don't focus much on them.
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