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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


So many typos in my last post, lol. This definitely seems like a totally different take on the program. I wonder how hard it really is. I want to survive for 30 straight minutes :p


Hunky Nostradamus
Oh nice. So it's just to keep going until you can't anymore? If you stop at 17 minutes, are you supposed to quit for the rest if the workout? And then try to increase your each day until you hit 30?

This looks awesome, ha.

That does sound awesome, ha. I would probably only last like 3 minutes though.

During plyometrics Tony says he has some recovery drink in his water. Do you believe him? Personally, I think he's lying.

What do you mean?


Been out of this thread for far too long but with summer over I figured it is time to get back in to some Beachbody. The 30 minute Insanity looks interesting.

Did T25 Delta ever come out? I was thinking of giving T25 another go around.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
I don't know why, but I also didn't believe Tony when he said he had some recovery drink in his bottle.

We'll never know...but in our hearts: we know damn well he's not drinking some semi-sweetend water to help during workouts. Shit would taste so bad.


I'm not big on doing strictly cardio, but I'm definitely curious about what the new Insanity is like; I always felt the original program was in need of edits. Even if I don't do it regularly, it'll be nice to have around for the occasional challenge.


My first Tough Mudder (and first real race, obstacle-focused or otherwise, pretty much ever) happens on Saturday. Haven't worked out much the last few weeks (thanks crippling Destiny addiction!) but I think nearly a full round of P90X has really helped me get ready, but the moment of truth is nearly upon me.

If I make it through in one piece, I'll be starting up either another round of P90X or some hybrid X1/X2/X3 workout program next week with the goal being to finish that up right before Christmas and marking a half year of proper exercise once again. Posting, as usual, for accountability purposes.


Any tips on measuring body fat? I'm getting pretty frustrated in the fact that my caliper sucks.

How are some people able to say "Oh, I lost 17 pounds of fat but gained 6 pounds of muscle"? That's what I want to know how to do! As accurately as possible. I know you can do the bath thing, but I have no idea how I would even ask a hospital to do it or something. Is there some place I can go to get these measurements without an insurance claim, reason to do so, or pay out the wazoo????


Question guys
Trying to slim down round the waist.
I got t25, Insanity and p90x

Should I start with T25 then P90x when im done.
Or insanity then p90x?


Been doing Body Beast, but gradually trying to add cardio to my workout schedule (at least once per week). Decided to throw in Triometrics from P90X3 today, still tough. But felt like I worked up more of sweat with CVX last week. Both are great workouts though.


Hang out with Steve.
Shaun T just posted on Facebook, that in Insanity Max: 30, the DVD has an option to show the modifier the entire time. Very nice!

Pyrokai, the key is really to pick one method & stick with it always. Whether that's calipers, a scale or some other home device, or a visit to a facility that uses some other method. Even if your number isn't exact, at least it will show you changes that you can keep track of. I have a FitBit Aria scale that does body fat percentage along with weight, and uses WiFi to connect to my FitBit account (I don't have FitBit band, though, just the scale).

VLEXP slimming down is going to be as much about what you eat as it is about what workout program you do. You can lose weight on any of those programs if you also follow the meal plan. P90X/X2/X3 is the most well-rounded of the workout programs, because it incorporates strength training, cardio, and flexibility. Insanity is tough, especially if you're out of shape. It's primarily cardio/endurance and you'll burn the most calories doing it. T25 is similar to Insanity but it has some strength training worked in and it's easier for beginners than Insanity.
P90 is out. $80 https://extranet.securefreedom.com/...ping/ShoppingCart.asp?Cat=Fitness Program|P90


PHASE A — Shapes the foundation:

Sculpt A (28 min.): Gets your body ready to get strong
Sweat A (25 min.): Melts that fat that's been holding you back
Ab Ripper A (8 min.): Adds power and definition to your core
PHASE B — Overpowers your limits:

Sculpt B (31 min.): Builds endurance and lean-muscle growth
Sweat B (32 min.): Cranks the calorie burn even higher
Ab Ripper B (14 min.): Carves slimmer, rock-hard abs
PHASE C — Completes the transformation:

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Simple Kitchen Nutrition Guide. No complicated shopping lists. No calorie counting. Just everything you'll need to put together 90 days of healthy meals you'll love to eat.
4-Step Power Plan. Do these four things on Day One, and you'll dramatically increase your chances of success. Think of them as Tony's Golden Rules for getting AMAZING results.
"How to Hit It" Tutorial. Get ready for a private introduction to P90 with Tony himself—including insider workout tips he usually only shares with his celebrity clients!

GIFT #1: Pro-Grade Resistance Band. Forget buying weights! You won't believe all the ways Tony sculpts your body by adding this easy-to-carry tool to your moves. Looks simple...but it's pure workout power!**
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GIFT #4: 24/7 Online Support. Imagine having a whole team of fitness experts available through your phone or tablet. Hit them up for answers or fitness tips...even join in on Tony's live chats!

P90X3® Dynamix. It's Tony's secret weapon for helping you increase your range of motion, flexibility, and stabilization—all vital for maximizing your total-body fitness results. A $19.95 value—FREE when you order P90 through your Coach or Team Beachbody®.

Does anyone have thoughts on or experience with doing two P90x routines in one day?

I want to go out tomorrow night, and that makes fitting in time for P90x very difficult. So would it be okay to do two routines today and take tomorrow off? The two routines are easy ones- Kenpo and Stretch.


Does anyone have thoughts on or experience with doing two P90x routines in one day?

I want to go out tomorrow night, and that makes fitting in time for P90x very difficult. So would it be okay to do two routines today and take tomorrow off? The two routines are easy ones- Kenpo and Stretch.

For those two routines, I'd say you're way fine to double up.


Steve, thanks for the body fat answer. I was consistently using a caliper, but I have gotten the same readings since day zero. I know it's changed though, lol. It's just a really cheap caliper.

This FitBit Aria, though....it's so strange you brought this up, because I just ordered a FitBit Flex yesterday! My employer made a business deal with them and all employees can buy up to two FitBits for like 60% off. I couldn't pass it up, so I bought two Flexes for $85 :) . Unfortunately, the Aria wasn't in the agreement. Steve, do you find you have good luck with it? How exactly...does it work? How can it tell you body fat percentage? I was told it uses an electric current to calculate it. That seems crazy! Is it pretty accurate?

I'm excited for my Flex, though. Once I get this, I'll have a more solid idea of how many calories I'm burning during the day and it'll be more fun to track my food intake. I know my BMR, but I think I burn more than that throughout the day. I move a lot, I just don't know how much. THEN! I'm going to FINALLY get a heart rate monitor and wear that during workouts so I know how much I'm burning while I exercise. If I add up the FitBit + HRM numbers, I should have a pretty clear idea of what I'm actually burning.

So....any recommendations on good HRM brands? I might have asked before a long time ago, but I can't remember...I'm sorry. I don't want anything top of the line, but I don't want a junk one either. A good, basic HRM is all I'm looking for. One with a strap.


Hang out with Steve.
Steve, thanks for the body fat answer. I was consistently using a caliper, but I have gotten the same readings since day zero. I know it's changed though, lol. It's just a really cheap caliper.

This FitBit Aria, though....it's so strange you brought this up, because I just ordered a FitBit Flex yesterday! My employer made a business deal with them and all employees can buy up to two FitBits for like 60% off. I couldn't pass it up, so I bought two Flexes for $85 :) . Unfortunately, the Aria wasn't in the agreement. Steve, do you find you have good luck with it? How exactly...does it work? How can it tell you body fat percentage? I was told it uses an electric current to calculate it. That seems crazy! Is it pretty accurate?

It's using electrical impedance. It's not 100% accurate, but it'll give you an idea of your BF%, and using it consistently you'll get an idea of change. The problem with calipers as you seem to have run into is that you're generally measuring in one place (in front of the sacroiliac), and that doesn't account for fat stored anywhere else. So if you don't have much fat there to begin with, then yeah, you're probably not going to see much variation over time!
Sadly, BIA is REALLY inaccurate. +/- 8% is a massive margin for body fat, and even over time it's not considered reliable for gauging fat loss (because of how much the readings vary, you need a very large swing before you can guarantee it'll show in the numbers).


Unrelated, Body Beast is starting to piss me off. At points it's crazy rushed, and to make it worse he'll often help the guy using the ez-curl so that he can switch plates even faster. Who the fuck is helping me switch faster at home you fucknugget? Should I hire someone so that I can get through it without having to pause / seek backwards all the time?



Sadly, BIA is REALLY inaccurate. +/- 8% is a massive margin for body fat, and even over time it's not considered reliable for gauging fat loss (because of how much the readings vary, you need a very large swing before you can guarantee it'll show in the numbers).


Unrelated, Body Beast is starting to piss me off. At points it's crazy rushed, and to make it worse he'll often help the guy using the ez-curl so that he can switch plates even faster. Who the fuck is helping me switch faster at home you fucknugget? Should I hire someone so that I can get through it without having to pause / seek backwards all the time?


I feel that way with almost all home workouts, lol. Constantly pausing it and stuff.


I hate that I'm saying this but....

I'm starting P90X over again today, lol. I decided not to do the last month of P90X3 and I'm going to do this with the Insanity workouts on cardio days. AND I'm doing it with a calorie surplus. AND I might throw in some random Pilates, Dynamix, etc. stuff from P90X3. The easier ones :)

So....I guess. I'm going to eat 3,000 calories per day with a 30p/40c/30f macro split. Obviously I'm going to try to do the strength exercises the best I can.

Sound bad or good? I want to see where this has me in a month or two.

Oh, and I'm using MyFitnessPal and my new FitBit that arrived today!!! I linked the two up. This should be interesting, haha. I set up my macros and calories intake in the MFP app to reflect my goals, and hopefully the FitBit will accurately track my activity with the exception of strength exercises, which I'll have to enter manually.
Ha... I'm bulking on 2k calories. God I wish I could go anywhere near 3k. :(

Edit - Actually, that's not quite true, it's 2k + calories burned from exercise. So that usually works out to be about 2,400. As for calorie burn listed by a heart rate monitor... it'll be better than the guesstimates from a website, but still usually far higher than you actually burned in my experience.

I did five hours of cycling today and my polar watch figured I'd burned about 3,000 calories... which is horseshit. By my reckoning even 2,000 would have been a push (It was a slow ride).

I really don't get why they do it, are people more likely to buy the apps / watches that tell them they've burned more calories?


Well, about 2,900-something is the figure that the P90X3 nutrition calculation thing gave me, so that's what I used, haha.

I decided that I'm just going to use MyFitnessPal to log my calorie intake, then view the calorie burn I get from my FitBit + Heart rate monitor (I'm buying one tomorrow! Yay!), and see how they compare.

What should I do if what I'm burning ends up being lower that the assumed average of the nutrition guide? I think they're assuming each workout is a 600 calorie burn, but that seems quite a bit high for some of them. I guess I'll find out what I'm actually burning in the coming days, right? I will definitely need help from you guys here soon trying to figure this out :(

I'm getting a little too technical here, I think, haha. But I really, really, really want to actually meet my goals.

Edit: Oh, I also just saw this article form Beachbody randomly. Perfect timing to read it if you're bulking and such.


Completed my first Tough Mudder today and a lot of my success there I attribute to this thread and P90X. Super challenging but I surprised myself and ended up feeling good about my performance. So thanks Beachbody GAF! Will attempt another next year and today made it clear there's still a whole lot more I can do to better myself physically, so I'll keep at it.


Hunky Nostradamus
Completed my first Tough Mudder today and a lot of my success there I attribute to this thread and P90X. Super challenging but I surprised myself and ended up feeling good about my performance. So thanks Beachbody GAF! Will attempt another next year and today made it clear there's still a whole lot more I can do to better myself physically, so I'll keep at it.

Fuck yeah! Congrats!


Unrelated, Body Beast is starting to piss me off. At points it's crazy rushed, and to make it worse he'll often help the guy using the ez-curl so that he can switch plates even faster. Who the fuck is helping me switch faster at home you fucknugget? Should I hire someone so that I can get through it without having to pause / seek backwards all the time?


I only use dumbbells but I've done Body Beast about 3 times now and become really good at removing or adding weight to the dumbbells. lol
Sometimes I just start a certain move 15-20 seconds before they do, to have the time to switch without taking a break. But I always found it weird how the length of each break you get between sets seem to vary a lot; sometimes you get 90 seconds, other times 30 or even less. I have yet to see any pattern in this.
It's making me want to back off on the weights a bit. Normally I'd push it to the limit, but I can't get that fatigued and still try and do it as fast as they want me to on a lot of things.

Dumbell wise I'm OK because I have about 13 different dumbells setup with different weights on ready to go.


Completed my first Tough Mudder today and a lot of my success there I attribute to this thread and P90X. Super challenging but I surprised myself and ended up feeling good about my performance. So thanks Beachbody GAF! Will attempt another next year and today made it clear there's still a whole lot more I can do to better myself physically, so I'll keep at it.
Congrats man, trying something indirectly related to your training and finding out you're awesome at it now is one of the best feelings.


Hang out with Steve.
Completed my first Tough Mudder today and a lot of my success there I attribute to this thread and P90X. Super challenging but I surprised myself and ended up feeling good about my performance. So thanks Beachbody GAF! Will attempt another next year and today made it clear there's still a whole lot more I can do to better myself physically, so I'll keep at it.

Awesome, congratulations!!

It's making me want to back off on the weights a bit. Normally I'd push it to the limit, but I can't get that fatigued and still try and do it as fast as they want me to on a lot of things.

Dumbell wise I'm OK because I have about 13 different dumbells setup with different weights on ready to go.

When I was doing Body Beast I ended up buying a second pair of adjustable dumbbells in addition to my BowFlex 552's. Partially because I needed heavier weights, but also because he just goes so fast between moves. I got a set of IronMaster Quick-Lock dumbbells, they go up to 75lbs.

And when I got my EZ curl bar from Beachbody, one of the boxes was torn open and one of the 25lb plates was missing, so I let customer service know and they ended up sending me an ENTIRE SET, second bar & all the plates.

So, with two pairs of adjustable dumbbells and two EZ curl bars & sets of plates, I was *almost* able to keep up. I still had to pause the video sometimes. Ideally for Body Beast you'll have a complete set of individual dumbbells, and just be really quick on the EZ curl bar changes.

But even then I think pausing is perfectly fine with Body Beast. It's not a heart rate driven workout. As long as you move at a reasonable pace & don't wait too long (just enough to change the weights & get yourself set), pausing isn't going to be detrimental to your Body Beast workout.

Starting Block 3 of P90X3 Mass on Wednesday, still paired with PiYo.
I think I might actually write in the pauses on the worksheet, so I know when not to freak out trying to get it done as quickly as possible.


Fuck yeah! Congrats!

Congrats man, trying something indirectly related to your training and finding out you're awesome at it now is one of the best feelings.

Awesome, congratulations!!

Thanks guys! For the congrats and mostly for all the advice and encouragement over the last couple years. Am presently so physically spent (softball sized bruise on my inner bicep and I think one of my toenails is going to fall off since it's black as can be... super pleasant) that I don't think I'll be back to working out until maybe Wednesday, but I'm looking forward to resuming the workouts. I think if I can get myself to the point I can do over 20 wide front pull-ups, unassisted, I'll be really happy. Presently fail at around the 9-10 range. That, plus working on plyometrics-type activities to help with sprinting and jumping I think will help me in the ways I'd like. Looking forward to it either way!
Took a week off and going start transition week between Block 2 and 3 of P90X3

I have to say the MMX workout is the easiest for me due to previous years of boxing and one in which I can easily out pace the instructors. That's a good feeling in these workouts! In terms of favorites, I've yet to come across any I don't like.

I've dedicated personal time to pull ups so I can now do 2 sets of 10 followed by a set of 6-8reps. My goal by the end is 4 sets of 12.

The girls doing Pilates X are so damn good you feel completely incompetent at it :(

Looking forward to Block 3 and then Elite block. Should be done in time for Insantiy to the Max or whatever it's called.
Starting Week 8 (recovery/transition) week of p90x3 i feel i started out good. may have fumbled with the diet. but either way i'll be doing another round of this or going back to T25 for that cardio. since it's shorter than doing insanity. hopefully the insanity 30 is out when i finish this too.


Ugh....I'm into my second week of my P90X/Insanity Hybrid Reboot (trademark pending) in which I was going to hit it hard and start my diet off super strong and all that...

And then I get sick. I feel like crap today and the past couple days. I'm already 2 days behind and I feel like I shouldn't work out today (I COULD do it....but I don't know if I SHOULD). Today is Yoga day, but I was going to do Total Synergistics from X3 as a shorter and easier substitute. Any thoughts on this?

Would you guys repeat this week? I'm basically still on track thanks to skipping my rest day last week--with the exception of skipping Plyo Cardio Circuit (which is okay because I'm a little overkill on the cardio anyway, ha...I'm trying to GAIN here!)
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