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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


I should be receiving my copy of Max30 today and will be doing the first video tonight. Will post impressions if anyone cares!
I should be receiving my copy of Max30 today and will be doing the first video tonight. Will post impressions if anyone cares!

hope it's not as hard as they make it to be. good luck. make sure to compare it to other workouts on toughness level if you can!


hope it's not as hard as they make it to be. good luck. make sure to compare it to other workouts on toughness level if you can!

I've done T25, Insanity (not Asylum), P90X3 and Body Beast (not really relevant I guess) so I can compare to those.
i know i'm going to sound dumb for never checking, but Optimum Nutrition's scoops of protein are 80 less calories than the Syntha-6 i was using for a while. Considering i was doing 2 scoops a day, i was packing 160 unnecessary extra calories a day because i didn't want to spend an extra $10 on the better stuff.

I guess that's one of the reasons people pay the premium.


I'm not sure. I do know it's only available (so far) through TeamBeachbody.com -- I'm guessing you already checked that? I'll check around & see if I can find out when it might be available for international shipping.

Yeah, that is the reason I asked if you would consider mailing overseas :)


I got the package. I'll be doing the first workout in a few hours, and I'll post back with results if I survive!




First of all, the nutrition/recipe guides that come with the package are really nice this time around, but I'll talk about them in a future post.

My Insanity Max 30 initial review:

For reference, I've done T25 4 times over the last year or so and Insanity once. I stopped doing these programs about 5 months ago and have been lifting since. So I'm not in top cardio shape. But I've been around the block. I'm about 6'1, 180lbs, 26 year old male.

Insanity Max 30 is structured as such: The workout is broken down into 5 minute blocks. The first block is a warmup, and there's a 2 minute after-video at the end for an accelerated cooldown. The rest of the blocks are similar in structure to Insanity. Sets of 2-3 moves that are repeated 3 times in a block, followed by a 30 second rest period.

The objective of the workouts is to break you. No joke. You're supposed to max out, and keep track of how long it takes you to max out. It is designed to be extremely difficult. To put it in context, I'm talking harder than T25 Speed 3.0 or the hardest Insanity workouts. Even the warmup is T25 gamma tier, I'd say. You're supposed to push as hard as you can, until the point where you can't go on, then note down how long it took you to get there, and try to beat it next time.

The first video is cardio challenge. Most of the moves will be familiar to Shaun T veterans. Almost every move is new, but they're mostly spins on moves you've seen before. Think back to T25 progressions, how moves get more complex throughout a session. These moves are like the next level in a progression from the harder T25 moves. Most of them were really great moves, focusing on moving everything and weren't overly complex or convoluted.

I'll post some max-out stats, spoilered in case you don't want to know.

The first batch of people in Shaun's group who max out do so around
eight minutes
Shaun T himself maxes out at
seventeen minutes
By about
23 minutes
, I think everyone was maxed out.

Personally, I maxed out at right before
10 minutes
. By around
15 minutes
, I was doing all moves in modifier mode, and I kinda lost it at
20 minutes
, but it came back to me at around
25 minutes
and I was able to push all the way to the end, albeit in modifier mode half of the time.

The DVD options include 3 audio tracks (loud music, normal, no music) and an option to add a 10 minute ab workout at the end.

Overall, I was very satisfied with this workout, but be warned: This is by far the most difficult Shaun T workout I've done. That being said, I haven't done any Insanity: Asylum.

If you guys have any questions let me know.


how do the moves compare to T-25?
that's what I hated the most, they were overly complicated (for my taste at least). by the time I got them down that section was already over.

That's also why I prefer Insanity, heisman, 1-2-3step, full body drill, plank punches.. no overly complicated moves you can hit it right away.


Hang out with Steve.
Nice write-up, nynt9! Sounds super intense!

I haven't ordered my own copy yet. Still enjoying PiYo, and since I picked up Les Mills Pump in the Black Friday sale, I'm going to do that next, and I'll get Max 30 after that.


First of all, the nutrition/recipe guides that come with the package are really nice this time around, but I'll talk about them in a future post.

My Insanity Max 30 initial review:

For reference, I've done T25 4 times over the last year or so and Insanity once. I stopped doing these programs about 5 months ago and have been lifting since. So I'm not in top cardio shape. But I've been around the block. I'm about 6'1, 180lbs, 26 year old male.

Insanity Max 30 is structured as such: The workout is broken down into 5 minute blocks. The first block is a warmup, and there's a 2 minute after-video at the end for an accelerated cooldown. The rest of the blocks are similar in structure to Insanity. Sets of 2-3 moves that are repeated 3 times in a block, followed by a 30 second rest period.

The objective of the workouts is to break you. No joke. You're supposed to max out, and keep track of how long it takes you to max out. It is designed to be extremely difficult. To put it in context, I'm talking harder than T25 Speed 3.0 or the hardest Insanity workouts. Even the warmup is T25 gamma tier, I'd say. You're supposed to push as hard as you can, until the point where you can't go on, then note down how long it took you to get there, and try to beat it next time.

The first video is cardio challenge. Most of the moves will be familiar to Shaun T veterans. Almost every move is new, but they're mostly spins on moves you've seen before. Think back to T25 progressions, how moves get more complex throughout a session. These moves are like the next level in a progression from the harder T25 moves. Most of them were really great moves, focusing on moving everything and weren't overly complex or convoluted.

I'll post some max-out stats, spoilered in case you don't want to know.

The first batch of people in Shaun's group who max out do so around
eight minutes
Shaun T himself maxes out at
seventeen minutes
By about
23 minutes
, I think everyone was maxed out.

Personally, I maxed out at right before
10 minutes
. By around
15 minutes
, I was doing all moves in modifier mode, and I kinda lost it at
20 minutes
, but it came back to me at around
25 minutes
and I was able to push all the way to the end, albeit in modifier mode half of the time.

The DVD options include 3 audio tracks (loud music, normal, no music) and an option to add a 10 minute ab workout at the end.

Overall, I was very satisfied with this workout, but be warned: This is by far the most difficult Shaun T workout I've done. That being said, I haven't done any Insanity: Asylum.

If you guys have any questions let me know.

Really awesome, thanks! :)
Love that it's a proper book again for the Nutrition. Always made me think that the eating part was an afterthought with the smaller booklet Shaun T's programs came after Insanity.


Hang out with Steve.
Really awesome, thanks! :)
Love that it's a proper book again for the Nutrition. Always made me think that the eating part was an afterthought with the smaller booklet Shaun T's programs came after Insanity.

Also, if you get the "deluxe" package it comes with color-coded food containers like 21 Day Fix does, which helps take the guesswork out of portion sizes and macro counting. Colors correspond to proteins, fats, veg, etc.

You can also buy the containers separately on teambeachbody.com.


Day 2 impressions!

This time it was Tabata Power. This is a total body/strength/plyo type of workout that's structured a bit differently from last time. The objective is still to max out, but this time the workout is structured into 7 blocks, with the first being a warmup and the last being a burnout. In between blocks there's a 30 second rest, and each block consists of about 3 groups of movements repeated twice. Every movement is done for 20 seconds, then you get a 10 second rest. These movements were more like Insanity movements, and overall the workout reminded me of that one Insanity video where you're supposed to take 0 breaks and go all the way in terms of intensity.

Block 1: Warmup
Block 2: Plyo/lunge city
Block 3: Pushups/plyo death valley
Block 4: jumps, jumps and more jumps
Block 5: C-sits and whatnot, your abs will die
Block 6: Tricep killer
Block 7: burnout

Overall I had less of a hard time with this one because I recover fast and I've been doing strength training. My legs and lower back were sore from yesterday, but not too bad. I maxed out at
25 minutes, which was halfway through triceps, because my triceps are pretty weak

The first day made me go "How the hell am I going to complete this cycle" but this one was more bearable, but still comparable to the harder moments of Insanity! But again, the constant breaks really help and the fact that you're supposed to do movements for 20 seconds only helps.


For me personally I think it's a really interesting idea, the maxing out part. But unless it's someone who's completely dedicated to the workout I can see them 'maxing out' way too early (out of convenience). But I guess it's a workout program recommended to people who are actually used to working out.


For me personally I think it's a really interesting idea, the maxing out part. But unless it's someone who's completely dedicated to the workout I can see them 'maxing out' way too early (out of convenience). But I guess it's a workout program recommended to people who are actually used to working out.

yeah, that was my concern as well. It's harder to achieve ideal results in my opinion. Especially since you only have a 30 Minute Window.


Well, I'm still pushing through the Body Beast workouts. I'm one week into phase 2. Bulk Back seemed a bit easy for me (as in I probably didn't do it right), but others are still really tough. Unfortunately, back is the absolute hardest for me see results for. I can't seem to work my back like I do other body parts for one reason or another. Either it's my form, I can't afford the proper weights yet, or whatever...

Also, I think my pull-up numbers have gone WAY down. I used to be able to do 12 or more, and now I'm doing 6-7 and unable to do more. I initially thought it was because I was doing those "pull-overs" beforehand in the Beast workout, but now I'm not so sure.....

I do wonder if I'm eating TOO much here. I've gained 9.5 pounds since I started Body Beast one month ago. I think it's been great for gains, but I honestly am wondering if I'm working out hard enough to be eating the way they want me to.

Anyone have any tweaks to the diet for Body Beast? They do a 25/50/25 split (I think) for proteins/carbs/fats.....which is like, not quite what I've seen "bulkers" doing in a different context (I've commonly seen 40/30/30 or 30/40/30). Not sure what to do here. The mess of a calculations pages in the Body Beast book is also overly complex, imo. First, I can't use it because I have absolutely no way of measuring my body fat (can't get accurate readings with the caliper). So really, I've been winging it more than I should be. In fact, I'd say I'm doing the eating portion blindly. I'm just eating as much as I possibly can (that isn't junk food) and I think it's probably still not enough.

How off base am I here? I'm starting to get discouraged. My form sucks for so many moves, I am frustrated with being unable to calculate my diet, I don't have a bench and using a stability ball is iffy for me on the results side of things, .......and I can barely figure out the difference between a deadlift and a squat (from back day and leg day videos respectively).
9.5lbs in a month is too much. You physically can't put on that much muscle (not even with steroids), so you're just putting on a bunch of fat.

1lb per week max, and that's arguably too much too.


Ugh. And here I was thinking I still wasn't eating enough.

They're like YOU GOTTA EAT LIKE A BEAST and blah blah.

If Sagi spent, like 30% of the down time talking about the moves, giving better instruction and explaining nuances, telling us what kind of weights, etc., as he did talking about BEING A BEAST and saying horrible awful things like MAN UP BE A MAN DONT YOU WANNA GET HUGE, the workout would be 100% better.

I forget which one it was, but I almost had to shut it down when he kept telling me to man up. I absolutely can't stand that.


Hang out with Steve.
Yeah, there's definitely a lot of bro in Body Beast. I think Beachbody had no idea women would be interested in the workout at all, so the marketing and content of Body Beast is skewed as a result. But as it turns out, it's a great program for men AND women, and is popular with both. If they do a Body Beast 2, I imagine everything about it will be more gender neutral, including Sagi's commentary.


I was really interested in body beast..and I mean REALLY..it came out during the time I went to the gym in the building I work and was reading "Starting Strength".

However, after I watched a few videos and heard/read reviews with him talking I seriously felt pissed off. Don't get me wrong, I have been working in all men team for almost all my life and am generally not fussed about stuff like this but constantly hearing "be a men" blablabla..REALLY got on my nerves and made me ultimately not buy the program..


@pyrokai how much is your body fat... before you started to bulk?

personally for me I like to clean bulk during the fall... and start cutting by mid February.
German Volume Training was a great way for me to get a little bit bigger... but more than that.. just a lot stronger.

This is my newest workout http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/kris-gethins-12-week-muscle-building-trainer.html
after my german volume training.... not looking forward to day43.... I hate leg day. =P


@pyrokai how much is your body fat... before you started to bulk?

Unfortunately, I do not know. It's the one metric I can never figure out. I use a caliper but every time I do it, I get a different measurement, lol. I need a better way of measuring somehow.

This is why I'm having a harder time with the diet for Body Beast because the calculations are based on your body fat percentage. So I was mentally winging it, haha. Overdid it, though :p

Anyone have a good resource on how to clean bulk? I think I am kinda dirty bulking :p

And YES, a Body Beast 2 with refinements and improved everything would be AWESOME. I wonder why they haven't done it yet....


Left to stay at my parent's house today for the next two weeks.

Spent over an hour packing up EVERY single piece of essential fitness equipment I possibly had in order to keep doing Body Beast.

Forgot the videos. I have no idea what to do right now. I am so incredibly upset. Seriously don't know how to feel right now.


Hang out with Steve.
Left to stay at my parent's house today for the next two weeks.

Spent over an hour packing up EVERY single piece of essential fitness equipment I possibly had in order to keep doing Body Beast.

Forgot the videos. I have no idea what to do right now. I am so incredibly upset. Seriously don't know how to feel right now.

Download the workout sheets, and just go by them. You'll be fine.
Day 2 impressions!

This time it was Tabata Power. This is a total body/strength/plyo type of workout that's structured a bit differently from last time. The objective is still to max out, but this time the workout is structured into 7 blocks, with the first being a warmup and the last being a burnout. In between blocks there's a 30 second rest, and each block consists of about 3 groups of movements repeated twice. Every movement is done for 20 seconds, then you get a 10 second rest. These movements were more like Insanity movements, and overall the workout reminded me of that one Insanity video where you're supposed to take 0 breaks and go all the way in terms of intensity.

Block 1: Warmup
Block 2: Plyo/lunge city
Block 3: Pushups/plyo death valley
Block 4: jumps, jumps and more jumps
Block 5: C-sits and whatnot, your abs will die
Block 6: Tricep killer
Block 7: burnout

Overall I had less of a hard time with this one because I recover fast and I've been doing strength training. My legs and lower back were sore from yesterday, but not too bad. I maxed out at
25 minutes, which was halfway through triceps, because my triceps are pretty weak

The first day made me go "How the hell am I going to complete this cycle" but this one was more bearable, but still comparable to the harder moments of Insanity! But again, the constant breaks really help and the fact that you're supposed to do movements for 20 seconds only helps.

Thanks for This! I'm really interested in how your body holds up to repeated burn out sessions.

Insanity while great was a bit poor for results becuase month two was overly punishing and now giving your muscles enough time to recover and grow.

The physique gains I've gottten from p90x3 are much better in just one round than 2 rounds of Insanity. Yeah it's a brutal workout but certainly not best ROI.

I'm hopeful Shaun T learned along the way. I found T25 to be a bit meh as Alpha was too easy and it was really just gamma that was fun and showed progress.


couldn't wait so started max30 today or at least the 1st workout, will repeat tomorrow and follow the proper schedule.

so far love it. haven't worked out since september, maxed out 7m in.
the only thing I'm not so sure about, is the warmup or the stretching, after the 1st workout it seems a little on the short side.

I compare it to Insanity where there was a proper warmup phase and proper stretching right afterwards before the actual workout and the cooldown had also more stretching.
Well maybe the other workouts focus more on that.


I was going to get a set of those resistance bands for a friend as a gift since I know he wants to try this. Anything I should know about them? The Black Mountain ones specifically: BMP Bands

Are they enough resistance for a guy? He's 6'1 are they long enough etc? Good quality? Anything else he might need to go with them?


My pull up bar wedge/tab was bent, while doing pull ups. Is there a way to fix this? I've been using pliers to bend it back, but it's not working.

I'm not sure if I can get a replacement, since it's been 2 years ago since I purchased it.
I was going to get a set of those resistance bands for a friend as a gift since I know he wants to try this. Anything I should know about them? The Black Mountain ones specifically: BMP Bands

Are they enough resistance for a guy? He's 6'1 are they long enough etc? Good quality? Anything else he might need to go with them?

Yeah, they work, and yeah, plenty of resistance, especially if you loop / half them.
Is it anyway possible to grab the NUTRITION TO THE MAX GUIDE and NO TIME TO COOK GUIDE on their own? Bought the regular Insanity work out earlier this year and I was thinking about starting it up again after being lazy these past months. Wanted to check out those two guides that came with the Insanity 30 since I lost the guides that came with the regular Insanity.
Been looking to get back in better shape as I have kinda let myself go over the past year. I have gone about 15-20 pounds over my desirable weight, so I picked up P90x off of Amazon thanks to the thread that was crated earlier. About 2 years ago I completed Insanity with my roommate in college and I was in the best shape I'd ever been in, so I am hoping that this can kick start me back into a healthy lifestyle. I'm really interested in the nutritional recommendations of P90x as I was reading online and it seems pretty restrictive, especially in the beginning, so I will have to determine how closely I can align with it. Either way, looking forward to it, and hopefully all goes well!


Hang out with Steve.
My pull up bar wedge/tab was bent, while doing pull ups. Is there a way to fix this? I've been using pliers to bend it back, but it's not working.

I'm not sure if I can get a replacement, since it's been 2 years ago since I purchased it.

Can you post a picture of it? The big problem you might have is that if you bend it back, it'll still be weakened and may even break under stress.

Is it anyway possible to grab the NUTRITION TO THE MAX GUIDE and NO TIME TO COOK GUIDE on their own? Bought the regular Insanity work out earlier this year and I was thinking about starting it up again after being lazy these past months. Wanted to check out those two guides that came with the Insanity 30 since I lost the guides that came with the regular Insanity.

Beachbody doesn't sell it, no. Since Max 30 just came out you might have a hard time buying a used copy, especially of just the guides, but you might try checking Craigslist or Ebay for it. My response below might be of use to you, as well.

Been looking to get back in better shape as I have kinda let myself go over the past year. I have gone about 15-20 pounds over my desirable weight, so I picked up P90x off of Amazon thanks to the thread that was crated earlier. About 2 years ago I completed Insanity with my roommate in college and I was in the best shape I'd ever been in, so I am hoping that this can kick start me back into a healthy lifestyle. I'm really interested in the nutritional recommendations of P90x as I was reading online and it seems pretty restrictive, especially in the beginning, so I will have to determine how closely I can align with it. Either way, looking forward to it, and hopefully all goes well!

Diet (as my own experience proves!) is key to fitness, so you should follow the meal plan, or find one online that you like. P90X's nutrition plan uses Michi's Ladder. You can find out more about that here: http://www.teambeachbody.com/en_US/eat-smart/michis-ladder/ or do a Google Search. This is basically a guideline telling you what foods are healthiest to eat. I also like the Primal diet, which is a (less dogmatic) version of Paleo. You can find out more about that at marksdailyapple.com. But at the end of the day, the real guidelines are, eat whole, minimally processed foods, and minimize your intake of refined carbs (sugar, white flour). So: lots & lots of colorful fresh veggies, a little bit of fruit (mostly berries; better bang for your caloric buck), and high quality protein, preferably naturally raised (i.e. free range poultry, grass-fed beef).

Today is my last day of PiYo. While my diet has been fairly poor (and really, it has been since I did P90X3 Bulk prior to this), I have to say that my strength gains in my lower half (including my core) in particular have been fantastic. My pushups, plank & downward dog are better, too. The key to getting the most out of PiYo is to strive for FULL range of motion in all moves, while maintaining proper form & alignment. So that means your back knee nearly touches the ground in lunges, your quads go parallel to the ground (or lower!) in squats and chair pose, and your chest brushes the ground in push-ups. And there are a LOT of each in PiYo.

I *highly* recommend it. The only thing it's lacking is much in the way of cardio, although there is some in Strength Intervals, and some of the workouts will have your heart pumping and drenched with sweat regardless. I will be rolling PiYo workouts in on rest days going forward.

Tomorrow I'll be starting Les Mills Pump. Now, off to my final "Drench" of PiYo (which should be interesting since I'm a bit under the weather)...


So, insanity is my favorite workout program ever. I'll live and die by it, and it did wonders for my body and health... But I'm looking to move on to something else. Is insanity max 30 worth getting? Is it a worthy successor to insanity?


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I got the package. I'll be doing the first workout in a few hours, and I'll post back with results if I survive!



Lol, that's an expensive guitar to be laying on the floor and setting stuff on.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Tomorrow I'll be starting Les Mills Pump. Now, off to my final "Drench" of PiYo (which should be interesting since I'm a bit under the weather)...
What are your impressions so far?

I have both Pump and Combat that I purchased during the Black Friday sale, and am not sure what to do first (eventually I'd like to do the hybrid schedule that's available). Even though you're just starting Pump, do you have a suggestion for which of the two might be better for me? It's been a while since I've started a new program and have gotten a bit lazy; I've long preferred to be active every day, at least riding my stationary bike, but I haven't been doing strenuous workouts. I know that both programs can certainly be modified, but I just wasn't sure if one would be better than the other for getting back into the swing of things.

Also, do you know of any alternate Pump calendars floating around? I really don't like the fact that the rest days are inconsistent, and am trying to avoid having to devise a schedule myself.


Starting P90X3 Doubles tomorrow. Can't figure out how I should eat. Anyone want to lend some advice?

Using the guide, I'm going to be using a plan to "lose weight" but I'm not sure how I should make it differ for doing Doubles. From the guide, I'm going to be following "Plan C", which is 2,100 calories. If I'm doing Doubles rather than Classic, how do I adjust that?

This is sorta where I get confused. And what if I end up going for a run or something in addition to the workouts? I'm never really sure how to adjust.......


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
So my P90-X DVDs arrived yesterday, it only took 2 days to ship them. I was really surprised to get them so soon, I don't even have my workout space set up yet.

I can't do a pullup so I'll need to get a door anchor to use with resistance bands. Every one of them that I've seen in stores is a cheap polymer web strap, is that as good as it gets for door anchors? Or should I still keep looking for something that doesn't look like it will break?

Also, once I've reached the point that I'm strong enough to do a pull up, does anyone have recommendations for pullup bars? My brother had one, but it didn't really fit snugly, and you couldn't use it to do things like the Corn Cob. Are there any that are adjustable?
restarted power 90 last night, on day 2. feels good to be back

going to do p90x2 ab ripper exclusively this time around

good luck to all of you with your new year's resolutions

I can't do a pullup so I'll need to get a door anchor to use with resistance bands. Every one of them that I've seen in stores is a cheap polymer web strap, is that as good as it gets for door anchors? Or should I still keep looking for something that doesn't look like it will break?

these door anchors have served me well for over a year: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B006O0Y84Y/?tag=neogaf0e-20


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Also, once I've reached the point that I'm strong enough to do a pull up, does anyone have recommendations for pullup bars? My brother had one, but it didn't really fit snugly, and you couldn't use it to do things like the Corn Cob. Are there any that are adjustable?
The Iron Gym pull-up bar has served me well for a couple of years and is really popular:



Hang out with Steve.
What are your impressions so far?

I have both Pump and Combat that I purchased during the Black Friday sale, and am not sure what to do first (eventually I'd like to do the hybrid schedule that's available). Even though you're just starting Pump, do you have a suggestion for which of the two might be better for me? It's been a while since I've started a new program and have gotten a bit lazy; I've long preferred to be active every day, at least riding my stationary bike, but I haven't been doing strenuous workouts. I know that both programs can certainly be modified, but I just wasn't sure if one would be better than the other for getting back into the swing of things.

Also, do you know of any alternate Pump calendars floating around? I really don't like the fact that the rest days are inconsistent, and am trying to avoid having to devise a schedule myself.

Do the hybrid. Combat by itself is kinda lame. I don't know about any alternate schedules with more consistent rest days -- you could try just moving them where you want instead of following the schedule exactly.

Impressions so far, I've only done 3 days, the second is a rest day and there're the same workout :) It's not bad -- for as light weights as they recommend I definitely feel it. And after doing PiYo and getting used to deep lunges and squats, suddenly adding weight makes a big difference! So far so good!

Starting P90X3 Doubles tomorrow. Can't figure out how I should eat. Anyone want to lend some advice?

Using the guide, I'm going to be using a plan to "lose weight" but I'm not sure how I should make it differ for doing Doubles. From the guide, I'm going to be following "Plan C", which is 2,100 calories. If I'm doing Doubles rather than Classic, how do I adjust that?

This is sorta where I get confused. And what if I end up going for a run or something in addition to the workouts? I'm never really sure how to adjust.......

It's tough... I think the best thing to do is wear a continuous heart rate monitor so you can somewhat accurately track calories burned during your workouts, and if you hit too much of a deficit on the day's food, add some calories in. But the danger is that you end up eating too much. Definitely a tough thing to figure out!


Starting P90X3 Doubles tomorrow. Can't figure out how I should eat. Anyone want to lend some advice?

Using the guide, I'm going to be using a plan to "lose weight" but I'm not sure how I should make it differ for doing Doubles. From the guide, I'm going to be following "Plan C", which is 2,100 calories. If I'm doing Doubles rather than Classic, how do I adjust that?

This is sorta where I get confused. And what if I end up going for a run or something in addition to the workouts? I'm never really sure how to adjust.......

Just curious. You are doing doubles? That tells me you must be really fit so why do you want to loose weight, too? And how much?


It's tough... I think the best thing to do is wear a continuous heart rate monitor so you can somewhat accurately track calories burned during your workouts, and if you hit too much of a deficit on the day's food, add some calories in. But the danger is that you end up eating too much. Definitely a tough thing to figure out!

When you say continuous, do you mean a 24/7 HRM? I have a new one I just got which straps around my chest that's probably good for workouts, and I have a Fitbit I can wear to track what I'm burning when I'm not exercising.

Here's what I'm thinking....tell me if this is dumb....sort of a makeshift eating plan:

Figure out my BMR and add calories burned from workouts to that number every day. With this total, eat less than I burn while keeping the appropriate macros that I'm looking for. (btw, if it weren't for the guide telling me exactly how many grams of each to eat, I wouldn't know the appropriate numbers for losing weight....a 40p/30c/30f percent split is what I think would do the trick for doing a workout like P90X, though. Maybe....)

Example (not my stats):
2,000 cal. BMR + 600 cal. workout burn (or other) + 200 cal. workout burn (or other) = 2,800 cal. burned.

Eat less than this to lose weight, right? So the question is....how much less is too much less?

Just curious. You are doing doubles? That tells me you must be really fit so why do you want to loose weight, too? And how much?

I wouldn't say I'm REALLY fit but I do feel like I'm almost where I want to be. I just did about 2 months of Body Beast (never finished it fully, but I feel like I accomplished what I wanted) and I have the muscle mass I've been wanting and working on for over a year. So now I'm looking for the best way to "cut" the fat. I overdid the eating in the past 2 months, so I gained more fat than I wanted. I figured X3 Doubles would be good for taking care of that. Just struggling with how I need to eat right now.

As far as how much? I'm thinking I would be happy with losing about 6-7 pounds. I just need to ensure it's fat I'm losing and not muscle, which is proving tricky to me, lol.


Hang out with Steve.
Continuous as in it monitors your heart rate all the time while you're wearing it, as opposed to one where you have to touch two contacts to get your heart rate. I mostly meant while exercising. Sounds like you have it covered.

If you want to burn fat, go leaner and lower carb. So protein > fat >= carbs.


Your ability to simplify my long-winded-whatever-my-posts-are and give a simple, helpful answer never ceases to amaze me :p


Edit: Decided to go for a 40p/24c/35f split for macros with a 2,250 calorie goal. Sound okay?
unsure if i can do much of T25 or anything involving jumping. my ankle seems to be hurting. so i work around it. may start up P90x3 and just modify some moves. can't start 2015 being lazy lol.


Hang out with Steve.
Your ability to simplify my long-winded-whatever-my-posts-are and give a simple, helpful answer never ceases to amaze me :p


Edit: Decided to go for a 40p/24c/35f split for macros with a 2,250 calorie goal. Sound okay?

No prob :) Ratios look good to me. Keep us posted how it's working!

unsure if i can do much of T25 or anything involving jumping. my ankle seems to be hurting. so i work around it. may start up P90x3 and just modify some moves. can't start 2015 being lazy lol.

If it's not TOO bad, you might try wrapping your ankle. I do that when I get a tweak. A stretchy Ace bandage or equivalent works great. Just follow the wrapping instructions they come with. But if it hurts a lot, stay off it.

So I'm doing P90X3 and I had Yoga today.....HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO CROW? I JUST CAN'T GET IT.

My trick to learn Crow was to stand a yoga block on its end right below my forehead. At first I'd use it as a third balance point, but as I gained confidence in the move I'd hold my forehead above the block, and eventually I stopped needing it.
unsure if i can do much of T25 or anything involving jumping. my ankle seems to be hurting. so i work around it. may start up P90x3 and just modify some moves. can't start 2015 being lazy lol.

that's why i'm afraid to start any of beachbody's plyo esque workouts

i've heard of too many people getting shin splints and ankle injuries (god forbid sprained ankles - had one of those playing tennis--ouch!)


on day 4 of power 90 hybrid and enjoying it!
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