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Beachbody Workouts |OT| Gaf Does P90/X/X2, Insanity/Asylum, T-25 and More!


My trick to learn Crow was to stand a yoga block on its end right below my forehead. At first I'd use it as a third balance point, but as I gained confidence in the move I'd hold my forehead above the block, and eventually I stopped needing it.
But I can't seem to get my feet up off ground.


But I can't seem to get my feet up off ground.

I would put myself in the position and try to lift as much of my foot as possible off the ground until it's just your toes. Gradually put less and less weight on them. I can barely do it, but I keep one single big toe on the ground and lift it up and down trying to get my balance. It's tricky, but sometimes I'm able to it for 5 seconds or so.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Last night was my first P90-X session, and man had I forgotten how tough Ab Ripper X is. I can do plenty of sit ups, crunches, toe touches and various other ab/core exercises, but Ab Ripper shows you just how weak you really are.

I don't know how much any of you care, but here's my log. I write it as follows:
[Exercise name]: [number] + [extra above goal/after short rest]
If I didn't reach my goal, it will be
[Exercise name]: [number]([goal])
I didn't realize there would be so many variations of just a few exercises, so I didn't write down down the exact names of some exercises, but did write what they were a variation of. All pull ups were done with a door anchor and resistance band.

Chest & Back
Push Ups: 25+5
Pull UPs: 20+10
Push Ups: 20+2
Pull Ups, reverse grip: 20+10
Push Ups, wide: 20+2, 12 with leg raised
Pull Ups, narrow grip: 35
Decline Push Ups: 16+4
Heavy Pants, 10lbs: 30
Diamond Push Ups: 9(10)+4
Lawnmower, 5lbs: 25 each side
Dive Bomber: 5+3
Back Flys, 10lbs 12+13
I was doing the back flys exactly the way he tells the guy in the video not to do them, so I did some more after that.
Back Flys, corrected, 10lbs: 20
Pull Ups: 18
Push Ups: 20
Was not feeling good at all at this point, I was really queasy (I will not be eating pizza before P90-X in the future.) I drank a lot of water and took a long break at this point.
Pull Ups: 25
Push Ups: 10
Pull Ups: 20
Push Ups, wide: 17
The grease from the aforementioned pizza had risen up my throat at this point, so I had to vomit it up. I took another short break and drank more water.
Heavy Pants, 10lbs: 15
Short rest
Decline push ups: 7
Lawnmower: 25 with the right arm at 5lbs, 20 with the left at 10lbs
Diamond pushups: 10 I'm amazed I did these, my arms were at failure and I had a hard time just getting into position. My goal after I fell down the third time was just to do one, I didn't want to let any exercise pass without getting at least one in. Somehow once I started I was able to keep doing them.
Back Flys, 10lbs: 31
Dive Bombers: 10+5

Ab Ripper X completed, with 20 Mason Twists.

I see that I need heavier weights and a stronger resistance bands.


Chest & Back is probably the most variation-of-the-same-exercises heavy routine, at least I think. Hopefully it didn't bore you, but I think it's (fairly) safe to say that the others have more variety.

C&B is hard though. Good luck with P90X! This thread is a super good resource and has been great for me :)


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
rest, congrats. good results there. you're probably sore as hell today. :p
I'm actually more sore today from Ab Ripper than I was yesterday. I've got a bit of soreness in my tricepses and the edges of my pecs, but my upper body was basically able to absorb everything in stride. I don't know how I'm going to do on Ab Ripper tonight though, since yesterday was my rest day and I still haven't recovered. I'm considering pushing it back, but I might just lose a day of ab workout, which I don't want to do.

Plyometrics kicked my ass though. I only made it half way through. I tried to keep moving during the breaks, but slowly it turned into walking, and then shambling around. The last break I took I ended up sitting on the floor, and that's when I realized I was done for the day.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Plyo always destroyed me. Some of us get utterly killed by leg stuff, others not so much.

I had a sensation like nothing I've ever had before. Instead of the muscles in my legs feeling like the were propelling me, they started to feel like weights holding me down.


Hey guys

I'm halfway through t25 and have been sticking with the schedule with the exception of the Sunday stretch, did I screw myself over by missing those.

Edit: what do you guys do on extremely hot days? It's currently summer down here and I only have AC in the kitchen (no room for exercising) so the house tends to get really uncomfortable. Wednesday we're supposed to hit 36 degrees so inside it will be around 30 making it really hard to do any form of working out, is it best to just skip those days?


Hang out with Steve.
Hot days really don't come into play for me... I workout early in the morning, and my workout area is in my basement which is generally pretty cool. That said, I'd recommend trying to work out early in the morning if you can, before the heat gets too much. And either way, have plenty of water available & drink it throughout your workout.


So I've finished up the first week of Les Mills Pump, and here are my impressions so far. You start out with an instructional video called Pump Basics, where you learn about proper form for all the lifts along with the philosophy of Pump, which they call "the rep effect". This simply means low weight, high repetitions, which they claim leads to longer, leaner muscles. Sagi Kalev of Body Beast posted on Facebook recently that low weight, high rep is "the stupidest thing ever", but he's biased towards bodybuilding and he may be right as far as bodybuilding goes.

The first real workout is called Pump Challenge. It's about 25 minutes and feels very introductory in nature -- they walk you through each move, explaining proper form. There are different sections -- squats, chest & triceps (presses & triceps extensions -- they do these on the floor but I used my bench), deadlifts & rows, clean & press, lunges, and shoulders. Each "track" uses a different trainer, and they demo each move before you do it. Everything is in time with the music. You do each move at different tempos -- 4/4 count (up/down), 3/1, 2/2, and finally "singles". With lunges, they also do "bottom halfs", where it's basically 3 low pulses, then extension. They also have 3 recommended weights for each track (beginner, intermediate, advanced), and give you time to switch weights. There's always one trainer doing a modification. It's a workout that can be super easy or really tough, depending on the weights you use and your range of motion. You do this workout 3 times in the first week.

There's a 25 minute "Flow" workout, which is basically yoga. It's decent, probably a bit elementary compared to some of the P90X series yoga workouts, but it did have a couple twists on some familiar moves.

The last workout of the week was Hard Core Abs. Also around 25 minutes. It's not the hardest abs workout I've done from Beachbody, but it did actually have crunches in it and I definitely felt it afterwards.

They also schedule 45 minute walks on Flow and Hard Core Abs days.

Rest days are irregularly scheduled. The first two weeks include two rest days, afterwards there's one per week and it's not the same day every week. Today (Day 7) was a rest day, but I did PiYo: Sweat instead.

I definitely feel the workouts in my lats, back, legs and shoulders. So far, so good!


So I've made up my mind and am determined to wake up at 4am for the rest of the summer to work out, I fear that if I don't do that I'll get out of my routine and start skipping days because of the heat.


Hang out with Steve.
So I've made up my mind and am determined to wake up at 4am for the rest of the summer to work out, I fear that if I don't do that I'll get out of my routine and start skipping days because of the heat.

Early workouts are the only way I can be consistent. I find a pre-workout drink extremely helpful. Beachbody's E&E is good, though for the past couple months I've been using Optimum Nutrition 's Pre-, which I like a lot.
that's why i'm afraid to start any of beachbody's plyo esque workouts

i've heard of too many people getting shin splints and ankle injuries (god forbid sprained ankles - had one of those playing tennis--ouch!)


on day 4 of power 90 hybrid and enjoying it!

the other day i was doing t25 cardio. Can't tell if modifier that tanya does is doing anything. lol. But TBH its my shoes i wear daily + the way i do moves when working out (right side is fine)


I can't work out that early. It wrecks me.

Thankfully working out in the evening has never been a problem, schedule wise.

It wasn't too bad this morning, that said I'll probably fall asleep at 8pm tonight. I've got a fairly long commute and wake up at 5am so this really isn't that big of a change for me. I have to say that I felt a lot more awake afterwards.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
I couldn't manage Ab Ripper two nights ago, I still hadn't recovered (an still haven't fully.) I had Karate class yesterday, so I skipped P90 and will be doing my the yoga tonight. I'm not really sure how an extended workout week will work, or how I'll schedule rest days.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
After a few weeks you wont get the same sort of soreness.

That's what I'm hoping for and planning on. I'm going to see if soaking in a bath with Epsom salt will reduce the soreness and stiffness next time I do Ab Ripper though.


Sup y'all! Did a bit more than half of X1 chest and back today after three months off and bouncing back to heaviest I've been in a few years. Gonna aim for six months on at least and have a 10 mile run and another Tough Mudder between now and June. Aiming for a half marathon in the fall and want to be at 175 this time next year if I can.

Good luck to everyone starting off 2015!


I've dabbled with working out in the morning. But I find it very difficult. I ended up having to wake up about three hours earlier than usual because it takes me an hour with coffee to become fully functional and in shape to work out. Any tricks around this or something? I'd love to workout in the morning but I just can't ever seem to do it. I also always want to eat before I work out but I don't because I don't want cramps and I think it would be best to eat after.

Not sure what to do. I was actually planning on doing this tomorrow morning, actually. I'll try a pre-workout drink, but all I have is whey and almond milk. I guess I'll drink that and eat only HALF a banana? I'll try to wait 20 minutes after finishing that before starting. We'll see how it goes.
I've only ever been able to do it full fasted, but after a coffee. Maybe try a bulletproof coffee or something. That's supposed to have some kick to it.


I hate Insanity's Pure Cardio so much.



Hang out with Steve.
I've dabbled with working out in the morning. But I find it very difficult. I ended up having to wake up about three hours earlier than usual because it takes me an hour with coffee to become fully functional and in shape to work out. Any tricks around this or something? I'd love to workout in the morning but I just can't ever seem to do it. I also always want to eat before I work out but I don't because I don't want cramps and I think it would be best to eat after.

Not sure what to do. I was actually planning on doing this tomorrow morning, actually. I'll try a pre-workout drink, but all I have is whey and almond milk. I guess I'll drink that and eat only HALF a banana? I'll try to wait 20 minutes after finishing that before starting. We'll see how it goes.

I've only ever been able to do it full fasted, but after a coffee. Maybe try a bulletproof coffee or something. That's supposed to have some kick to it.

Bulletproof coffee may be too filling to act as a pre-workout drink.

I highly recommend a "real" pre-workout drink, like E&E. They generally have a blend of ingredients that you'd be hard-pressed to combine on your own. You could try drinking some coffee and taking a B-complex vitamin. I'm really liking Optimum Nutrition's PRE-. I've tried two flavors so far & like them both. They recommend two scoops, but I only use one and that's plenty for me. I don't know that PRE- is more or less effective than E&E, but at least you can get PRE- in multiple flavors so it doesn't get old like E&E with its lemon only.

I drink it 15-20 minutes prior to starting my workout as recommended, so you need to budget that bit of extra time (which means getting up even earlier, of course!)

I have worked out in the mornings without a pre-workout drink, but I never do as well. It may be psychosomatic, at least in part, but even if I just THINK it works, that's enough, right? :)
I don't do pre-workouts anyway. They're a great way of crashing about half way into your routine. Well, unless you do short ass sessions anyway. I guess they're brilliant for the insanity stuff.

Looking at the ingredients in Pre, I definitely wouldn't take two scoops of it, you'd end up with 3.2g of beta alanine which for most people would result in severe flushing / tingling / pins and needles. Quite unpleasant. (Also, I note on the back that the serving size is only one scoop anyway, so not sure who recommends two)


I usually wake up kind of late so working out in the mornings almost never happens for me. Also, if I do get up early, I find it hard to make time for it between breakfast and lunch. So I usually work out on an empty stomach the few times it does happen.
But it's a nice way of starting the day, and not having to think about working out in the evenings (like I usually do).


I'm currently doing T25 - just started Phase 2 this week. Did Rip't Circuit this morning. That was the most fun workout yet.

How's the new Insanity compared to T25? I did classic Insanity twice over the years and it's my favorite Beachbody program. I decided to go with T25 instead of it this time because I figured it's easier and I'm about 7 months after knee surgery. Insanity Max has me very intrigued however.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Tried Yoga X last night. After about 30 minutes of just doing the same couple of moves over and over and over I got bored and stopped. Is there a point I can skip to where there's more variety? Has anyone ever taken yoga classes, are they as monotonous as Yoga X is? Because if real yoga classes are better, I might take some classes and skip the Yoga X.


Hang out with Steve.
I don't do pre-workouts anyway. They're a great way of crashing about half way into your routine. Well, unless you do short ass sessions anyway. I guess they're brilliant for the insanity stuff.

Looking at the ingredients in Pre, I definitely wouldn't take two scoops of it, you'd end up with 3.2g of beta alanine which for most people would result in severe flushing / tingling / pins and needles. Quite unpleasant. (Also, I note on the back that the serving size is only one scoop anyway, so not sure who recommends two)

Yeah, I think E&E and Muscle Pharm Assault call for either one or two scoops. At least I feel like I remember that -- I never took more than one scoop of either!

Remember too that we're talking about them in the context of a fasted workout, first thing in the morning. I'm far more apt to crash midway through without a pre workout drink. On occasions where I do work out later in the day having at least had breakfast, I do not use a pre workout drink.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Tried Yoga X last night. After about 30 minutes of just doing the same couple of moves over and over and over I got bored and stopped. Is there a point I can skip to where there's more variety? Has anyone ever taken yoga classes, are they as monotonous as Yoga X is? Because if real yoga classes are better, I might take some classes and skip the Yoga X.
Obligatory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2-CLZLqo4A

Do it!

If you really can't make it through the whole thing (but you should), start about 15 minutes in after the stretches and sun salutations (since yoga really includes enough "stretching" anyway) and finish with Warrior 3 (and add on the yoga belly sequence). That cuts the whole thing down to about 45-50 minutes and has you doing the most dynamic moves in the routine. You should really do at least this section every week as suggested.

And yes, some "real" yoga can be just as repetitive as Yoga X if not more so. You could end up doing just sun salutations for an hour straight.


I do tabata intervals on a turbo trainer... and they're world endingly hard. I assume tabata anything is probably the same principal.

Would you recommend a turbo trainer to someone looking to do cardio at home? Last night it was snowy and freezing and I didn't want to make my way to the gym, and after looking up "turbo trainer" those seem kind of great (I've got a decent road bike that doesn't see much use). One link suggested they're very loud and not a good fit for apartment living, but I figure it's got to be a lot less annoying for downstairs neighbors than me stomping around.
Some of them are loud, some not so much... and yeah, I'd recommend them in a heartbeat (especially if you get it setup so that you can watch tv / films on longer routines). They're not particularly cheap though.

You might find some info of use here: http://www.dcrainmaker.com/2014/11/2014-winter-trainer-recommendations.html

There are lots of relatively cheap options available if you look around, though they might not be quite as good for the interval stuff as obviously you put down a fair bit of power in that short period.


Some of them are loud, some not so much... and yeah, I'd recommend them in a heartbeat (especially if you get it setup so that you can watch tv / films on longer routines). They're not particularly cheap though.

You might find some info of use here: http://www.dcrainmaker.com/2014/11/2014-winter-trainer-recommendations.html

There are lots of relatively cheap options available if you look around, though they might not be quite as good for the interval stuff as obviously you put down a fair bit of power in that short period.

Awesome, thank you for that link. I'm going to have to go in person to Performance Bike to talk to them about it because while there are some trainers (fluid-based resistance) that are advertised as "very quiet" the more reading I do suggests that nearly all trainers are pretty loud. I'd hate to drop a few hundred on one and find that I feel guilty using it at home, thus making it semi-worthless. Aside from that concern though, they sound great and am hopeful I can get one that works for me.
I had one that sounded like a jet engine. The one I have now is relatively quiet. Most are quieter than a vacuum cleaner in my experience. It's been years since I lived above / below someone so I don't know if that would be loud or not.

There are some comparisons on youtube.


Tried Yoga X last night. After about 30 minutes of just doing the same couple of moves over and over and over I got bored and stopped. Is there a point I can skip to where there's more variety? Has anyone ever taken yoga classes, are they as monotonous as Yoga X is? Because if real yoga classes are better, I might take some classes and skip the Yoga X.

I dunno, I think Yoga is pretty great actually. I was sceptical in the beginning but really warmed up to it after a few tries. Gotta set your mind to yoga mode!
But to be honest, I have a hard time going back to Yoga X after doing X2 Yoga. It's only about 1 hour and 7 mins long (compared to 1 h and 32 mins in Yoga X), and I find it moves at a faster pace in general which suits me much better.
The only downside is they don't explain the different poses as much, so it can be kind of hard to keep up unless you're familar with them beforehand.


All these years later I still chuckle at what a fucking moron that guy is.
Completed Legs and Back last night. I never realized that I don't currently have a solid bottomed chair. I was trying to do the balance lunges on a lawn chair, it as nearly a disaster. I don't have my rep counts with me now, but I pretty much just kept the pace that they were doing on screen. Anything augmented with weights I used two 5lb weights for.

No soreness after Ab Ripper this time. I took more breaks while doing it, stopped to stretch in the middle, stretched longer at the end, and drank some chocolate milk when I was done. I also took a hot shower immediately after to make sure my muscles relaxed. I've found that even with stretching I'm still tense after a lot of exercises. 26 Mason twists this time, I did them until I lost my balance. I also had a much easier time touching the ground than I have in the past.


It's kind of surprising that these programs include cardiovascular exercises that don't involve running or biking.

I'm extremely out of shape (shape-wise, and cardiovascular wise), so I'm kind of curious about this in-home training stuff.

However, the descriptions in the OP sound like parodies, "Get ripped IN 3 MINUTES WITH THIS NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN VIDEO. ABS SO RAW THEY'LL MAKE YOUR GRANDMA FAINT IN ECSTASY."
Just did first day of insanity OG (the fitness test) and I was surprised at how poorly I did. I am on my feet all day and bike a lot. I was ok till half way through then I was like omg there's more :/ My number are:


I suffered from asthma as a child and I was weezing during today's workout. I'm scared for tomorrow!

Btw I'm 5'8" 145lbs
It's kind of surprising that these programs include cardiovascular exercises that don't involve running or biking.

I'm extremely out of shape (shape-wise, and cardiovascular wise), so I'm kind of curious about this in-home training stuff.

However, the descriptions in the OP sound like parodies, "Get ripped IN 3 MINUTES WITH THIS NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN VIDEO. ABS SO RAW THEY'LL MAKE YOUR GRANDMA FAINT IN ECSTASY."

P90(X) was pretty much the first program to actually make you work... and holy shit does it make you work. Prior to it, home training used to be the vague callisthenic leotard flailing that we saw in the 80s in and 90s (or at least that I did, because I'm old).

Don't expect miracles, but consider giving it a try (P90 if you're not in good shape, unless there's a newer version that's better to start with, I've not been keeping up with it).


It's kind of surprising that these programs include cardiovascular exercises that don't involve running or biking.

I'm extremely out of shape (shape-wise, and cardiovascular wise), so I'm kind of curious about this in-home training stuff.

However, the descriptions in the OP sound like parodies, "Get ripped IN 3 MINUTES WITH THIS NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN VIDEO. ABS SO RAW THEY'LL MAKE YOUR GRANDMA FAINT IN ECSTASY."

When it all comes down to it, I don't think P90X etc is that different from any kind of reasonable workout one might get involved in. You work hard on a regular basis. You think about what you eat. There's no magic going on, no miracle solution (although I guess sometimes it might seem like that in commercials).
The ones I've tried, various P90X programs and Body Beast, work for me. It's entertaining, it's easy to follow and you can do it from home. It's a good way to get into a routine and get used to working out on a regular basis. And I think that's one of the most important things; to not just do it for a week or a month, but make it a part of your life, no matter what kind of workout you decide to stick with later on.


Just announced: Beachbody On Demand!

Coming this Spring. Watch streaming workouts on the device of your choice. More details to come.

So it finally happened. Kind of blows my mind that it took this long. Well... I guess it happened to some degree with X1 already, but this sounds like the real deal, so to speak.
Interested to see how much it'll cost, and I hope it's not US only (would be a big mistake IMO).
Also, that's probably the first time I've ever heard Tony Horton curse. lol


Hang out with Steve.
So it finally happened. Kind of blows my mind that it took this long. Well... I guess it happened to some degree with X1 already, but this sounds like the real deal, so to speak.
Interested to see how much it'll cost, and I hope it's not US only (would be a big mistake IMO).
Also, that's probably the first time I've ever heard Tony Horton curse. lol

I saw one FB post saying you had to be a Club member ($2.99/week) but I don't know what if any costs would apply beyond that. I'll keep everyone up to date as I learn more.

And Tony curses occasionally on his YouTube channel :)
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