Hang out with Steve.
Oh my freaking god - Tabata Strength..
I'm on the fence about getting Max: 30 next or not. I'm debating getting 21 Day Fix Extreme first, or even doing another round of Les Mills Pump (today is day 36/90).
Oh my freaking god - Tabata Strength..
Oh my freaking god - Tabata Strength..
Start on your knees my good man. Every exercise has a progression you can go through. Believe it or not, there's an easier one than on your knees too.
Also, do the chaturanga pose from yoga, or plank, and hold that pose as long as you can. I believe that has helped me in the past gain strength for push-ups when I find myself unable to actually do anymore (also good for the core muscles).
Time for legs & back week 3... I hate it, but I love it.
Been sick for a week, can't work out, can't do Karate. I missed a few days of P90-X before that because of work as well. I don't think I'm going to be better any time soon so I have a question: Will it be better for me to jump back in where I left off? Or should I just start my 90 days over? I'm enjoying the workouts, but I'm not sure how erasing my calendar progress would effect my morale. Does anyone have any experience on restarting a regimen?
It's about 10 days so far, and I don't think I'll be well enough to work out again for at least a few more days.if it's just a few days just redo that week over.
I personally don't put too much value in the 90 days aspect of the program and think that so long as you're simply doing any of the workouts with regularity you're doing yourself a great service. Start the week over and don't fret about missing a few days, because that'll happen to everyone.
I think the 90 days thing is just there to give people a clear goal and get started, but the ultimate goal is to never really stop. At least that's how I see it.![]()
I personally don't put too much value in the 90 days aspect of the program and think that so long as you're simply doing any of the workouts with regularity you're doing yourself a great service. Start the week over and don't fret about missing a few days, because that'll happen to everyone.
This is good to hear. I started P90x around a year ago and ended up quitting because I felt I was wasting my time by missing a work out here and there. I'm wanting to get started again and, I think you guys are right; I should try and not focus on it being a 90 day thing and start treating it like it's part of my life now.Yeah, I don't even follow a specific schedule anymore, I just keep going and try to mix up different muscle groups evenly every week. Been doing so for a few months now. Sure, I miss a couple of days every month for various reasons, but I just jump back into it (usually starting with the most fun workout). No big deal.
I think the 90 days thing is just there to give people a clear goal and get started, but the ultimate goal is to never really stop. At least that's how I see it.![]()
Love you beach buds.
I'm on week 4 and started the recovery week. I might be doing something wrong, because I feel more sore this morning (isometrix yesterday) than the next day of doing the challenge (pull ups and push ups)
Fuck Pilates.
ughh ;_;
I don't think you are doing anything wrong (amazing work with sticking with it btw!). It could be because you have better form and go deeper into the movements now and also that your muscles are used to a certain movement but others are still hard on you. It all depends on what you need most to work on. Sounds all totally normal to me
I am in Week three of Insanity Max 30 and while I was a bit sceptical at first and worried that it might be too tough to get into after quite a long of a hiatus of not working out and having very big trouble with energy I can positively say I am in love.
I loved the original insanity but I did it after a full round of P90X and I was going into it quite fit already. I also liked Asylum quite a bit but again, It was a follow up to the other two and I was pretty fit with good form. T25 on the other hand, I tried it after quite a break and just didn't like it much..not sure why.
So in comes Max because unfortunately I really do not have the time for P90X any more even though I think it's still the best overall health and fitness program to date. The first week was really tough..I always had issues with squats and lunges due to my anterior pelvic tilt and quite tight achillees which makes it hard for me to properly squat and led to incredibly weak legs during lunges.
As mentioned, I am now in week 3 and I have improved in heaps and bounds. I am squatting better than ever and I am improving really fast. I can even see starting definition in my tummy again after only 3 weeks. It's fucking crazy (pardon my french) and while I did it during Insanity as well I have never spit so many insults at Shaun while doing Max.
Tabata are also absolutely my fav. The whole 20 seconds on 10 seconds off really suits me and I absolutely adore the switch between lower body, upper body and abs. I actually switched to the Ab Maximizer schedule now because those new ab workouts are killer. Not only because they are tough but also because of how they are set up. Ie. I always had problems with high knee runs because I tend to cheat and lean back. Now you do them standing up and right after you do the same move in the floor which pretty much makes it impossible to cheat. Same with other exercises that you can easily do wrong form wise. While doing them in C position or sitting there is no way to NOT use the muscles you are supposed to use. (if that makes any sense at all..)
While high knee tucks where always my nemesis, I can now do them for almost the whole 20 seconds of their Tabata sequence and that is a HUGE success for me.
I really do recommend Max. My bf is doing it with me and he is incredibly out of shape and quite heavy. The fact though, that it's only 30 mins and that we do the videos with the modifier focus really helps me to still push as good as he can. Totally proud of him
Yes, very much. It looks so easy, easier than Yoga and yet it's probably the hardest freaking thing in P90X3..
Any advice on ways to improve at Yoga X3? I did my first round today and, along with having trouble holdings certain poses for long enough, so I just flat out could not do. Is there any way to work on this myself, or is it a safer idea to find someone to help? My main concern is not wanting to hurt myself while trying something pretty foreign to my previous workout routines.
Haha, I may give you a run for your money, but we'll see how my second week goes. I'm definitely feeling it in my legs from yesterday. Today I have to do The Challenge, so here's hoping I make it; shit looks brutal!Try your best, this is coming from someone who's inflexible and never done yoga before.
Are you doing the Classic or Lean plan?Dear friends, tomorrow I'm starting the second part of P90X3, so I decided to weigh myself, I couldn't believe the numbers, I gained 6 something pounds!
i've been following the diet plan to a T over the last month, no cheat meals, no junk food, soda, alcohol, other crap. Should I start cutting down on calories?? I'm in panic mode right now.
Haha, I may give you a run for your money, but we'll see how my second week goes. I'm definitely feeling it in my legs from yesterday. Today I have to do The Challenge, so here's hoping I make it; shit looks brutal!
Are you doing the Classic or Lean plan?
Hmm, this is exactly what I'm doing, so I'm curious to see how your progress is from here. I'm only on my first week, and I'm still trying to find when it's actually too painful for me to do another rep or when my body is just telling me to quit. Trying to be my own personal trainer is a new experience for me.Classic, I only stop doing a rep when my body fails, or when it's too painful to do another rep.
Should I start cutting down on calories?? I'm in panic mode right now.
Any advice on ways to improve at Yoga X3? I did my first round today and, along with having trouble holdings certain poses for long enough, so I just flat out could not do. Is there any way to work on this myself, or is it a safer idea to find someone to help? My main concern is not wanting to hurt myself while trying something pretty foreign to my previous workout routines.
Okay, cool. I just came in expected to sweat constantly, but that just didn't happen today. Definitely feeling it my arms, though.Not a great deal, just means that you're fitter than you are strong.
Thanks, this all really helpful. I may do that on my next round of it. Just clear an hour and work on my form and making sure I understand the moves. If I have any trouble beyond that, I can go from there.Just gotta keep on trying and experimenting. It helps to pause and just try some of the moves at your own pace, especially crow and plow. In x3 Tony moves on way too fast and doesn't really explain what to look for in terms of forms and injuries. In X1's long ass yoga (90 minutes) Tony did explain on a lot of moves on how to modify them.
key is breathing (in and out) and a peace of mind. Using a yoga block to start. The block will help you with your form and eventually you can play with your flexibility. And just get out when you can't do it anymore. Like you said this isnt about injuries. So just keep trying with the yoga block. Yoga block helps tons, especially with half moon.
If you have certain moved that are giving you trouble, I'd be interested to see if we can help. And personally given the way x3 yoga is structured, I say just enjoy the workout and take whatever progress you can get. It's a bit short and fast anyway.
Okay, cool. I just came in expected to sweat constantly, but that just didn't happen today. Definitely feeling it my arms, though.
Thanks, this all really helpful. I may do that on my next round of it. Just clear an hour and work on my form and making sure I understand the moves. If I have any trouble beyond that, I can go from there.
Plow was what gave me the most trouble. I couldn't even get myself into proper form without almost rolling backwards. Haha, glad I was on my own for that one.
Thanks for all the support!Yea plow was one of the moves that Tony said to be extra careful about in p90x. I took it real easy when I started. You will get better as your core is stronger and more flexible. It just takes more time. Be careful with your back and neck! If you need help in the beginning try do it against the wall to either have some something to prop or lean against. You sound like you are on the right track!!!
Question for SteveMeister when he's next around... (or anyone else if they know the answer)
What's the deal with weight progression in Body Beast (Or p90*) for that matter? I can't find anything in the instructions that details when you should increase the weights you're lifting, and by how much. For instance, a lot of programs say that once you can do the full range of sets of an exercise with good form, you should increase by xlbs. Then if you can't complete the next weight after X weeks you should deload.
I don't remember that it explicitly says that anywhere. I'll double check the guide when I get a chance.
How important is the little workout book that comes with the p90x set? I've been looking everywhere and it seems I've lost mine right before I was planning to start up.
Also do I need a pull-up bar right away or can I hold off on buying one for a few days/weeks?
Currently doing Insanity, seems to be working quite well, going to re-do this week though as i've only managed to do it 3 times so far.
Anyway, after Insanity I'm looking towards doing something like P90X not to 'bulk up' but to maybe get a bit more muscle after losing fat from Insanity. P90X3 is more appealing due to only 30 minute work outs compared to an hour or so for P90X. Anyone have any advice/comments on P90X or other similar workouts, i.e., would P90X give better results than P90X3 etc?
Thanks! I'll have to order one online since I lack any bands.Yeah, I don't think it does... which is bloody strange, as without progression, what's the point?
The book is easy enough to find online if you want to refer to it. As for the bar, if you have bands you can do without, but if not, you'll need it fairly quickly.
X3 is really well designed. Insanity does next to nothing for your upper body so p90x3 will show you really good results.
Hey, thanks for the post. yeah i was thinking that after insanity i kind of wanted to do something a bit more upper body focused (not focused i guess just with more a focus than insanity has). Looks like P90X3 may be the program i do next then.
edit: Anyone recommend a good pullup bar for X3? (I'm in the uk if it makes a difference) I want one that i can take up and down, just moved into a brand new build house fairly recently so would want one that won't mark.
Just finished my first "Exercise" if you could call it that. I skipped the pull-up exercises since I don't have a bar yet and even then I couldn't make it through half of the Chest&Back session. I decided to try Ab Ripper X since my arms hurt so bad and I didn't even last 5 minutes. Now I'm super dizzy and guzzling down bottle after bottle of water.
Should I just keep at it lightly or is this a sign I'm not someone who should be trying this type of program right now?
Just finished my first "Exercise" if you could call it that. I skipped the pull-up exercises since I don't have a bar yet and even then I couldn't make it through half of the Chest&Back session. I decided to try Ab Ripper X since my arms hurt so bad and I didn't even last 5 minutes. Now I'm super dizzy and guzzling down bottle after bottle of water.
Should I just keep at it lightly or is this a sign I'm not someone who should be trying this type of program right now?
Do you mean something besides water? About half an hour before I started I ate some Peanut Butter Muffins and had a glass of Orange Juice. I also took a water bottle with me and had to pause the DVD several times just to get some extra water breaks in besides the ones they give you.have you tried to drink something before the workout to give you that energy?
Do you mean something besides water? About half an hour before I started I ate some Peanut Butter Muffins and had a glass of Orange Juice. I also took a water bottle with me and had to pause the DVD several times just to get some extra water breaks in besides the ones they give you.
Almost anyone can do it, just comes down to how you modify the moves and pace yourself. If you feel like you're pushing yourself way too hard, maybe back off a bit? Keep in mind that if you're out of shape it's probably gonna be tough initially, but after the first week or so you'll get used to it.
what he said. ^
pace yourself and do what you can and back off if you feel like it's too much. after a week of doing this you will have the energy to make it through much longer.
Yeah, I also think that's partly a result of simply knowing what you're dealing with; it's always the hardest when you have no clue what you're up against. So after doing the workouts a couple of times, you'll know your current limits and will be better prepared to handle the workouts (and pace yourself accordingly).
Plyometric wrecked me the first time i did it.
Over a year ago when I did P90X for the first time, I was fine through main workout; tired, but fine. Then I did the Ab Ripper X portion and literally vomited afterwards. I thought it was because I was so out of shape (which I'm sure was part of the reason), but once I analyzed how shitty I had eaten throughout the day, I thought I'd try again with a better diet. Fucking night and day difference. Still hurt like hell, but was a good hurt and I made it through.Just finished my first "Exercise" if you could call it that. I skipped the pull-up exercises since I don't have a bar yet and even then I couldn't make it through half of the Chest&Back session. I decided to try Ab Ripper X since my arms hurt so bad and I didn't even last 5 minutes. Now I'm super dizzy and guzzling down bottle after bottle of water.
Should I just keep at it lightly or is this a sign I'm not someone who should be trying this type of program right now?